Author Topic: Tjalfe  (Read 3154 times)


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« on: May 09, 2011, 06:52:33 am »

My name is Andy, and I live in the North of England. I an 57, and have been actively on my path for 40 years. I have no Native American ancestry, and neither claim nor desire to claim any. Neither do I claim any other physical ancestry other than the one I have, and am most proud of. I do however feel a spiritual link to the NA tradition, and also the Siberian. My most prized possession is an eagle feather passed to me by my teacher on my leaving, who received it during her own initiation in the US. The physical and the spiritual are less easily definable fields than is often claimed.

My background is in magical ceremony and indigenous pagan ceremony and teachings that pre-date Christianity.

My particular path as it has developed is the exploration of our own archaic and indigenous system of working, and to attempt to rebuild that into an ancestor based tradition. The blueprint is still there, and it still survives in other realities. Others also are doing this work.

My own genetic lineage goes back centuries-14th century so far-in a family thread that follows animal and human healing and a close link to the land.

Be well!



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Re: Tjalfe
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 03:49:30 am »
You may wish to research Eagle Feathers and the possession thereof especially if not NA.

In the United States there are laws against a non NA having possession.

Here is a link to the US Fish and Wildlife regarding this: and it does say illegal to possess and here that is, in part:

"Feathers or parts of bald or golden eagles and other migratory birds may NOT be sold, purchased, bartered or traded. They may, however, be handed down to family members from generation to generation, or from one Native American to another for religious purposes. Native Americans may NOT give eagle feathers or parts to non-Native Americans as a gift."

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Tjalfe
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 05:59:52 am »
Hi Tjalfe

I am curious to know the name of your teacher, the one who gave you the eagle feather.