Author Topic: hello  (Read 4788 times)

Offline justandreamer86

  • Posts: 4
« on: April 12, 2011, 05:39:22 pm »
I am just an young woman looking for answers.  I have been duped before by so called shamans, or so called native americans. that arent native at all but after looking further into what they are saying and doing, I just couldnt fanthom it so I googled and found this website. I Hope to find truth, and not the lies here!   I am not native, by any means, but I am very interested in getting accurate informationa bout all the native cultures, and this website seems to be more legitimate than any I have seen.  I also am trying to find info on some so called natives, practicing in my area.

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 08:23:44 pm »
Hello young woman
I would like to ask a few things please.
Where is you area?
What does it mean to practice?  ???
What are "so-called native" ? ???
Why do you want to learn our ways?

I am unsure of what a so-called native is but
I am Lakota and Dakota i live on reservation in the
Dakotas among my people. I can not be anything else
but what i was born. I find so many people want to learn
our ways and i have ask why?
As you can see what has happened when these people come
to learn our ways, they corrupt, change, and make things bad,
they charge money, they lie and nothing is real anymore.
So Why do you want to learn our ways?

In Spirit

Offline justandreamer86

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Re: hello
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 12:34:19 am »
I live in southern california. and the people here  who are  "native" are fake, you know this , bc their native culture, is mostly bunch of new age whatever.  I am trying to find real native americans, like yourself , maybe not of your tribe, bc i am pretty sure the Lakotas are not in california lol . I know all of your different beliefs are so very different. and the thing is the reason I want to learn, is bc I recently found out I am part navajo, but yet, I wrote to the navajo tribes, and no response!  I just want to know how i can learn more about the culture. How they live their lives, and any spiritual aspect of it, that I can hold true to myself. I have never found anythign that fit me, I read a lot of history books growing up, and always had respect for the native americans, and what I could learn, was fascinating. I do not want to make money , or write a book, or steal anyones ideas, I Just want to learn.  I have no hidden agenda, or anything. I am an stay at home mom, I dont have a ton of time to become an big famous person pretending to be some "native american medicine woman". or nothing like that . I just want to learn and appreciate more of the cultures, even here in california. as I have yet to find an real legitimate ceremony, or even been able to talk with native tribes here.  My problem is they all think bc I have this tendency to want to learn, that I am going to steal it all. I am not expecting to be handed the secret and the sacred, I just want to become friends and learn, if it takes me 20 years to be even able to experience and understand the culture, that is fine with me.  Maybe now you see where I am coming from. maybe not.  But I hope this explains myself well.


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Re: hello
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 02:58:06 am »
Hello Just, are you researching your family genealogy? Finding out about your own people is important. Knowing your actual family history will help immensely.

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 01:53:28 am »
There are many native people in California in fact have cousin that live out there.
So you are search for yourself if you have Dene blood then what you have to do is meet your family,
The Dene keep their clan and families very tight and if you belong to their people then it is
where you need to go. This is your journey not their so you have to go there.
The Dene/Navajo people's way are different and another tribe can not tell you how to do that.
Remember each tribes world view is different and Navajo/dene dont have sweat lodges nor do they
do what the plains tribes do so you need to go to them,
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2011, 01:58:00 am »
Too funny you wrote to the tribal government??? Why?

It would be the same to write to the president of US and ask about
culture it would go in the garbage or sent to a lower person who says
Oh no.

You can not learn anything or except us to write you back because you asked.
You have to go there personal address people in person and if they decide you
are ok then they will talk to you. By writing a letter it mean nothing
In Spirit

Offline Freija

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Re: hello
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2011, 09:17:52 am »
Too funny you wrote to the tribal government??? Why?

 ;D ;D ;D

Welcome justandreamer!
I think it´s good to learn more about Native cultures in order to learn how to stay respectful.  There will always be cultural clashes, it happens wherever you go in the world. However, I find that all Natives I´ve met (I am European) have been very understanding and kind about those "mistakes" (and probably got some good laughs, too!) as long as you have an honest wish to learn.

And since you have Diné ancestors, I can only agree with previous posters - focus on your own blood and try to find your family. Going to ceremonies belonging to other Nations would be like going to a German High Mass to look for your Greek ancestry. What would be the point?

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2011, 02:15:03 pm »
yes you are right if she came among her people she would be welcome
and if she came among any native people she would be welcomed
but she needs to go to her own family
In Spirit