General => Research Needed => Topic started by: educatedindian on December 03, 2007, 08:49:55 pm

Title: James David Audlin/Chief Distant Eagle & Invisible Band of Free Cherokees
Post by: educatedindian on December 03, 2007, 08:49:55 pm
Got a request over at Indianz about him. It gets a little weird.

Writes about Cherotic Revolution.
The Cherotic (r)Evolutionary
A magazine about the edge.
Issues 1 through 7 available for $5 each...TC(r)#4 January 1994....Essays by...James David Audlin (Chief Distant Eagle)
TC(r)#5 May 1995... essays by... James D. Audlin (Chief Distant Eagle)

Vision Theater
by James D. Audlin & Frank Moore
No Tongue Will Live to Speak/No Ears Will Yearn to Hear is a play written by James D. Audlin (Chief Distant Eagle) and directed in 1994 by Frank Moore in Berkeley, California. Vision Theater is a book made up of the daily e-mail conversations between Frank and Jim...both as director and playwright and as two shamans...over the year-plus that it took Frank to produce/direct the play. It is an in-depth examination of the backstage process of doing a shamanistic drama (or any drama for that matter)...the tricks, the pitfalls, the dynamics...and how everyday life and the magically framed theater effect each other.
copyrighted 1994

The book (Vision Theater) is comprised of the e-mail conversations between Frank and James (aka Chief Distant Eagle) regarding a play James wrote and Frank directed called 'No Tongue Will Live to Speak/No Ears Will Yearn to Hear'. The play itself is about a tribe that is outside the 'civilized world'. One member leaves and returns with an anthropologist who only wants to document the tribe's activities and songs for a quick buck. The dilemma is that the tribe's material could be misused, but when the tribe disappears so will their history. The philosophy of life/death, nudity, sexuality, etc. is so different from what Western society is used to that Frank has a hard time casting the play, but eventually everything comes together and the results sound pretty amazing. Sure wish I'd been fortunate enough to witness this event back in '94; Mr. Peabody are you listening?" Bleeding Velvet Octopus #7, 1997
To Order, send check made payable to INTER-RELATIONS to:


Also friends with dubious group calling itself Lenape.

From: J.AUDLIN  James D. Audlin (Chief Distant Eagle) <Invisible Band>
 Subj: Lenape Call to Fast & Prayer
 O'siyo, brothers!
 The following general letter is from Robert Three Eagles Shrewsbury, the
 Chief of the United Lenape Nation. With his support, I am giving it to you,
 as also under my name for the Free Cherokees, for \Wotanging Ikche\.
 Our request for a three day prayer is for the gathering and unification of
 the Lenape people, all Native American people, and all good people of the
 world.... Wanishi (thanks) to all in this united prayer,
         The Nation Leaders of the United Lenape Nation
         P.O. Box 1198; Fredonia Arizona 86022
 Additional Note: I, Distant Eagle, Tribal Council Chief of the Free
 Cherokees, am distributing this letter from my brother Chief Three Eagles as
 being from me too, encouraging all Free Cherokees, all Cherokees of whatever
 tribal organization, all Native people, and all people of good heart of
 whatever ancestry, to join in this fast and prayer time. Wado (thanks)!

Passing on communiques from the Zapatistas on a list.

The 2004 Interfaith Gathering for Thanksgiving was held at Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church in the Town of Poughkeepsie. The Rev. Joseph LaMorte was host pastor. Chief Distant Eagle, Red Feather Band (a.k.a. Rev. James D. Audlin) brought the message which was focused on the children present.

When members of the Story Circle attended the National Storyteller Network Conference, they were impressed at the monies raised for disaster relief during a benefit storytelling session.

The Dutchess County Interfaith Story Circle decided to try the same thing here in Dutchess County.

On Sunday at 2 p.m., the group will present "Stories of Peace for Grownups." It will take place at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 67 Randolph Ave., Poughkeepsie.

Tickets are $10 and all proceeds will be donated to CARE for victims of Hurricane Katrina and the Pakistan earthquake....

Chief Distant Eagle will tell a story from the Iroquois Confederacy about the coming of the Peacemaker.

Circle Of Life: Traditional Teachings Of Native American Elders (Paperback)
by James David Audlin (Author),
From the Publisher
Circle of Life presents, in written form, traditional oral Native American sacred teachings involving spirituality, ceremonies, visions, healings, everyday life, and the warrior’s way from the Iroquois, Lakota and other traditions. The author, James David Audlin (Distant Eagle), has been receiving these teachings orally from elders since he was a youth. The wisdom includes Native American views on cosmology, ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, sociology, psychology, healing, dream interpretation and vision quests.

The intention of Circle of Life is to pass these teachings on "to the seventh generation." Audlin shows how the "Red Road" is available to everyone, regardless of religion or ethnicity, who is willing to follow its paths. These paths, however, are often not easy and require deep personal and spiritual commitment. Circle of Life can be used as a guide on this journey. As Audlin says in his introduction, "If this book serves any purpose, let it be to help us bring the Sacred Hoop of all the Nations back together again, so we and all that live may stand as one in silent awe before that Great Mystery."

About the Author
James David Audlin (Distant Eagle) was born in Alexandria Bay, New York. He received his B.A. from Eisenhower College and M.Div. from Andover Newton Theological School. He is an ordained clergyperson in the United Church of Christ, has taken precepts with Chogye Zen Buddhism, and has extensively studied the Native American spiritual tradition. He writes novels, stories, plays and poetry, and he plays several instruments, sings and composes music. He has also been a pastor, an adjunct instructor in world religions, a newspaper editor and a professional musician. Audlin lives in the Catskill Mountains region of New York state and has two children, Katharine and John.



As an anti gambling activist, the director of Coalition Against Gambling-New York

Sa:agon kwe kwe. I am Inon Thi À:kweks, the Rev. James David Audlin. I am the pastor of two churches located not far from the proposed Sullivan County casinos, and the former pastor of a church near the Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun casinos in Connecticut. I am also the author of a major forthcoming book on Native American culture. And I speak with the voice of many Iroquois people, including members of our traditional government, who oppose Native American casinos.

Photo of him doing a pretty strange wedding ceremony
Title: Re: James David Audlin/Chief Distant Eagle & Invisible Band of Free Cherokees
Post by: educatedindian on December 03, 2007, 08:53:58 pm
The Free Cherokee some of you probably remember as Duncan Sings Alone's bunch, based over in Europe. The Invisible Band?
The 'Cherokee' organizations you listed, including your upcoming information
about the 'Free Cherokee,' are groups which have sprung up from the fertile
imaginations of people hoping to cash in on the Cherokee name. They have no
legitimacy whatsoever, outside of the minds of their members and organizers.
Wilma Mankiller, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, has
issued letters to the governors of each state, hoping that they to do not
follow Georgia's example, and go against federal law to 'recognize' these
bogus groups.

The three federally recognized Cherokee tribes are:
* The Cherokee Nation, in Talequah, OK.
*Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, NC.
*United Keetowah band, in Talequah, OK.

To lend credence to or support any of the so-called 'Cherokee' organizations
on Ari's list, including the 'Free Cherokee,' which 'enrolls' anyone whom
they feel 'has an Indian heart,' is a direct slam in the face of all
legitimate Cherokee people.

The 'Free Cherokee' also recruits new members over the Genie information
service, where they unfortunately are the sole representation, if you could
call it that, of Native America. The 'Free Cherokee' group on Genie calls
itself the 'Invisible Band,' presumably because its 'enrollees' rarely see
each other, being an online group. They put out the 'NA News,' an
informational paper made up of a strange combination of the rantings of
various members of the 'Free Cherokee,' and postings gleaned from NativeNet,
FidoNet, and other online and offline sources.

This blend of truth and fantasy is extremely dangerous.

For more information, please contact the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma--they
have been protesting these groups vehemently, and will be happy to answer any
questions you or any other people may have regarding the legitimacy of such

Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma
P.O. Box 948
Tahlequah, OK 74465

Thank you,
Tracy Miller"
Title: Re: James David Audlin/Chief Distant Eagle & Invisible Band of Free Cherokees
Post by: TheRebel on December 03, 2007, 10:11:30 pm
 If anyone is interested.
Here is Robert Three Eagles  self promoting webpage:

"I have not gazed into the eyes of Agamemnon, but I may have gazed into the eyes of the formidable Watchers or Grigori spoken of in the book of Enoch or perhaps the hybrid sons and daughters of God-the giants-spoken of in the  Hebrew/Christian Bible.  Why are the Grigory on Native American soil?  What were Native American relationships with these giants?  How have these tall people affected mankind's destiny on Earth?  Why have every race recorded the presence of giants?"
Robert Three Eagles

Title: Re: James David Audlin/Chief Distant Eagle & Invisible Band of Free Cherokees
Post by: frederica on December 04, 2007, 01:34:29 am
Robert Three Eagles Shrewsbury is suppose to be Lenape. "Chief" of the United Lenape Nation. There is also a group in Elsinore UT that is "United Eastern Lenape Natiion" They look like a Theater Dance Troupe with a Koi Garden.  "Robert Three Eagles" is right on the Arizona/UT line. There is definately nothing Lenape about what they do.
Title: Re: James David Audlin/Chief Distant Eagle & Invisible Band of Free Cherokees
Post by: TheRebel on December 04, 2007, 02:47:40 am
Robert Three Eagles Shrewsbury is suppose to be Lenape. "Chief" of the United Lenape Nation. There is also a group in Elsinore UT that is "United Eastern Lenape Natiion" They look like a Theater Dance Troupe with a Koi Garden.  "Robert Three Eagles" is right on the Arizona/UT line. There is definately nothing Lenape about what they do.

You are correct in your point of view in my opinion. UELN is also based in Pa and parts of New York , break -offs from UELN is also ELN etc. From what I understand there is ELN and UELN divisions in California , And as you mentioned Utah and last but not least Colorado. Regardless of how it looks UELN is spreading, just a fancy little name that makes it less obvious.  As far as having or being involved or promoting looney tunes it is nothing new , matter of fact a lot of these groups promote and habor plastic shaman type's.
Wonderful is it not? 
Title: Re: James David Audlin/Chief Distant Eagle & Invisible Band of Free Cherokees
Post by: on December 09, 2007, 02:20:47 am
 ??? Free Cherokee???  :o Guess I need to get out more often