Author Topic: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows  (Read 121517 times)

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« on: January 31, 2008, 04:16:00 am »
[Admin Note:  NAFPS has been catching flack from the person discussed in this thread. She even put forth a claim of copyright infringement (the easiest way to frighten hosting companies). Thus I have removed all references to the offending "items" from the thread below - not because the claim had any validity, but rather to pacify the web host. Thanks for understanding if this affects one of your posts.]

I would like to know if anyone has ever investigated a person going only by the first name Amylee and pronouncing it (Amma-lee).

Sometimes she also refers to herself as “SheWho-Catches-the-Rainbows??? or
“Born and Guided to Honor the Harmony Between the Light & Shadow???
She is the owner of Her Native Roots Herbals.

Here’s her website:

She claims that everyone needs her special herbs to counteract all the toxic chemicals that are in the environment and claims that her potions strengthen your energy field.

In one of her pamphlets she states “Amylee is the last living Iroquis medicine woman of her maternal lineage of medicine womyn. Since she is the last one she asked and got permission from the Iroquois tribal elders to teach Iroquois medicine knowledge to non Iroquois womyn???

She claims to provide customers with “Ceremonially prepared??? herbs that will give them amazing long life by detoxifying their kidney, bladder, colon, lungs liver and skin.  She also offers an anti-plague potion.  She does workshops that scare people into believing that an world-wide mysterious disease is about to wipe out the human race and only she has the sacred Native American cure for it.  It looks suspiciously like fear-mongering to me.

In the past she has claimed to be Seneca, Mohawk and Iroquois, but these days she’s going with Haudensaunee.

She’s wildly popular with lesbian-feminists and frequently promotes herself as a medicine woman who is the 'last in her lineage??? of Iroquois Medicine Women' and sometimes claims to be of the Wolf Clan.  Part of her rituals involve the women gathering around a drum naked and howling like wolves.

She goes around the country teaching women how to be shamans and charges money for being their Spiritual Life Coach. 

She is the co-author of several books which include some known frauds.

"Menopause with Science and Soul" by Dr. Judith Boice which offers 'the complete Body, Mind,& Spirit Guide to Menopause.'  One of the other contributors of this book are Clarissa Pinkola Estes ("Women who run with the Wolves") and Vickie Noble ("Motherpeace Tarot"). (Strange bedfellows ey?)

She teaches a course on feminist spirituality at Kent State University where she promotes something called the Sisterhood of the Shields where you basically pay her for the opportunity to “birth??? a drum or some other sacred object that you play in a full moon drumming ritual that you also pay to attend. She also claims to be the founder of the American Indian Rights Association there.

Some of the ludicrous goods and services that she offers are:

vibrating metal ovals with healing powers

unique and guaranteed Intuitive Consultations via telephone

She has been quoted as an authority on Native American Spirituality in several books and journals.

KRCL Radio did a documentary in 1993 where she claimed to be an Iroquois Medicine woman talked about the planetary alignment during the Harmonic Convergence which would be responsible for bringing in the female principle for the next 900 years.

She must be an avid Art Bell listener because she claims to be working on a Native American cure for bird flu.
On Hunbatz Men’s website she is promoted as a Medicine Woman of the Haudensaunee - Iroquois.  (Men has been pretty thoroughly exposed as a fraud by Mayan Anthropologist Quetzel Castaneda)

Her contact information is given as:
AmyLee (330) 343-0124 (box 3).
 Native American Indian Resource Center, Inc.
PO Box 327
 (888) 275-3772
Native American Indian Resource Center, Inc
PO Box 668                                                     
Tuscarawas, OH 44682

I can’t find any documentation that she actually teachers at Kent State.  I did find the Non-Profit she’s associated with.  Their funding is $100K!  It looks like a 501 C3 fraud to me.  They claim that they need to generate a larger sum of money to acquire the adjoining forest acreage to further protect our private nature preserve.  So what’s a Seneca/Iroquois/Mohawk doing in Ohio?
I’m even more suspicious that this non-profit is being used to advertise her telephone intuitive consulting service here:

Does anybody know how to contact the Iroquois to see what they think of their heap big medicine womon(sic)?

« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 04:18:31 pm by Pat »
I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2008, 04:53:39 am »
I thought we had a thread on her, but a search only turned up mentions in posts about other people. She used to teach at Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel Gatherings in the eighties, and came up with that whole "Sisterhood of the Shields" thing after it was in a Lynn Andrews book, iirc. I spoke with some women who had asked her about it, and it sounded like that's what she was basing it on (the Andrews fiction).

There's a bit of info on her at the Wall of Shame site:

Here are the mentions I found in other threads:

Birdwoman began her spiritual path in 1969 after reading Don Juan, A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. She followed her spiritual path through nature based Native American studies, until in 1986, when she met Amylee, of Tippecanoe, Ohio, last granddaughter in a lineage of Iroquois Medicine Women. Birdwoman is an original Shield Sister, a rainbow coalition of women from around the world, who ceremony around the moon cycles and come together roughly once a year in Ceremony under Amylee’s teachings. Birdwoman is also a member of the Council of Shield Sisters.

They do mention studying with North American Pa'Ris'Ha, a Cherokee Elder.; Eagle Man, Oglala Sioux Elder; and Amylee, a Medicine Woman of the Oglala Sioux.

The "rainbow coalition of women from around the world", iirc, was a bunch of white, American women who paid money to join her group. If I'm remembering this correctly, a friend of mine told me that Amylee invited a white man she barely knew, who had no connection to any indigenous culture, to run the local group, and the only criteria for membership seemed to be financial.

My friend also thought Amylee was German, but I don't have any proof of that; it may have just been my friend's impression of her. I did note that she was rather young to be claiming to be an elder.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 05:18:17 am by Kathryn NicDh? na »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2008, 03:43:48 pm »
The RRC are the main ones who've taken her on. I'm amazed we haven't been asked about her before. A pretty ugly history.

"AMYLEE: (Real name unknown)
c/o Native American Indian Resource Center Inc.
Hawk Hollow Private Nature Reserve
Tippecanoe, OH 44699-9612

This individual has claimed to be Mohawk, Native Hawaiian, Iroquois and Ojibwa to several different members of the collective. She is most likely running a huge pyramid scam. Currently, she is operating an international, computerized scam based on the Indulgence system of the Middle Ages. Followers are asked to send her money so that she can personnally ask the creator for their 'intentions.' She charges outrageous sums for eager White Lesbians to visit her property and 'birth a drum.' Just like the 'intentions', once the drum is 'birthed', more and more money must be spent in order to birth more and more drums. Followers are promised that they will attain success and power, if they just spend enough money.

This group is the most like a cult that we have encountered. Members must accept the teachings without question. Anyone who displays any reticence is immediately confronted by the "wolf pack" until they become true believers again. Concerned friends or family members who question Amylee's right to teach are dealt with severely. The follower is strongly pressured to break all ties with any skeptics. Some members create over 1000 shields at a cost of $300.00 - $400.00 each. Women suffering from alcoholism are told that they must practice Amylee's version of 'Iroquois spirituality' (taught mainly in Michigan and Ohio). She justifies this saying that because the women were born in America, they should practice Native American Spirituality. It doesn't seem to be a problem for her that these women were not born in Iroquois territory, however. As long as the check/Mastercard clears, she is happy to sell them the cure for alcoholism. As additional reinforcement, her followers are stongly discouraged from examing their European roots.

Amylee frequenly insults or proper hereditary elders at her gathering. She states that they are "greedy, ignorant and racist for not 'sharing' their spirituality. She often ends her made up 'rituals' by singing"


What they found on another forum.

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 Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:05 pm   

Where have I heard that name somewhere before? Oh yeah, In association with Kent State I believe someone once said. Very interesting.

Oh yeah, now I remember where I've heard of her before:

Here's a few for you.

Try this google search: Amylee Medicine Woman


Amylee was born 1952, in Ohio. She studied both at State University of New York (1970-1980) and Kent State University (1970-1980), concurrently. She is the director of Indian Organizations, and donates and devotes time to Native and nature projects including a drug and crime rehabilitation facility for recovering Indian youth. She is the founder and director of American Indian Rights Association at Kent University.

Amy Lee, Iroquois elder, medicine woman and shield builder, has greatly influenced her subject matter. Veronica has been a member of Amy Lee's spiritual group for women since 1991.
Patricia Morris Cardona, MS, APRN, BC, graduated from the University of Michigan with a Masters Degree in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and a Clinical Specialist Certification as a therapist. Patricia studied alternative healing and spirituality with many teachers and sacred sites in the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, England and Ireland in order to enhance her natural abilities, which she uses to assist clients with their healing and growth. Patricia has studied with the following spiritual teachers: Swami Chetananda, a Kundalini Master; Chunyi Lin, A Qigong Master; Michael Silverman, a Heart/Mind Master; Hunbatz Men, a Mayan Elder Shaman; Don Alejandro, a Guatemalan, Mayan Elder; Master Nazul, a Mayan Elder; Anna Marie Vergara, a Mayan Fire Priestess; Willaru Huayta, a Peruvian Elder; Pa'Ris'Ha, a Cherokee Elder.; Eagle Man, Oglala Sioux Elder; and AmyLee, a Medicine Woman of the Haudensaunee - Iroquois . 

She sells Lakota Sweat Lodges and Medicine CardsJust like Amylee, she claims to be a member of the "Wolf Clan teaching lodge" (this is a big warning sign) She claims her stories were passed down by two Kiowa grandmothers: Cisi Laughing Crow and Berta Broken Bow. She assigns colors to the moons (i.e.) "Gives Praise Moon" gets the color purple. Strangely enough, she has created a twelve month moon cycle based on the Julian calender and is completely oblivious to the basic fact that tribal people realize that there are thirteen lunar months. She also promotes what she calls the twelve cycles of truth which are supposed to be Seneca teachings. She claims that the thirteen crystal skulls made popular by Art Bell listeners are part of traditional Native American teachings. She tells the reader to use animal bones to create Kachina dolls and ceremonial bone masks. ...
Hey, you volunteer wasn't the famous AmyLee. was it, G?
She heap big Medicine Woman of the Iroquois Tribe, ya know.
AmyLee (330) 343-0124 (box 3)
Native American Indian Resource Center, Inc. Email
PO Box 327 Website
Pataskala, OH 43062

Since 1978, Medicine Woman AmyLee has presented at Spiritualist Camps, Churches, Metaphysical bookstores, and Retreats.
AmyLee now offers incisive, unique and guaranteed Intuitive Consultations via telephone
The technology theme influenced the kinds of panels offered, with the plenary on Thursday reflecting the NWSA President, Annette van Dyke's interest in ecofeminsm. She teaches a course on feminist spirituality. The session was titled 'Life itself'. AmyLee, 'an Aboriginal American of Iroquois descent', 'last in her lineage of Medicine Women', teaches in Native American studies at Kent State University. She described the NWSA programme document as 'powerful', saying 'I stand in awe of each of you', 'all those representing their own facet of the crystal of truth'. There is 'so much power in this room that we could keep mountains from being moved unless they want to be moved'. She then discussed the matriarchy into which she was born, 'the great law of peace' which is her government and country.
Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni, PhD, CPIC
I've developed my natural healing gifts and intuitive skills by learning one-on-one and in small, private classes from a variety of Native Elders, Medicine Women & Men, Bodyworkers, Healers, and Spiritual Leaders.

Some of my teachers:
Susan Webb
Su Bibik

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2008, 03:45:49 pm »
From the same link, apparently she was laughed off of Maury Povich.


Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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 Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:47 pm   
followed the links from this page...

American Indian Sensual Enhancement Medicine Woman, AmyLee, left Maury Povich red and speechless, and his audience rolling in the aisles, when she shared Native American Indian "aphrodisiacs" at his invitation.

American Indian Sensual Enhancement

"We are designed to be sensual human beings, sexual if we so want, for our entire lives. Every culture and era have their taboos about who can do what and when and with whom and where. Thankfully, my people have "opted out" of that ongoing species debate. There are dozens of substances, natural and not, which can enhance the body's sensual receptivity, perception and satisfaction. The two categories of natural substances which my tradition celebrates as "aphrodisiacs" are (1)herbal "toys" which provide immediate stimulation and (2)herbal "power tools" which promote increased overall vitality. The toys are fun, but then we grow up - and have to face, like my Ancestor Trackers, that any dysfunction of any bodily system, is connected to another and another - and that tracking back to the source is the only intelligent way to re-balance all the other systems! And the bonus is - a healthy libido!
The Toy - Her Native Roots Deep Heat Oil - when experimented with by over 100 women, was demonstrated to enhance their sexual experience. They started with ONE DROP of Deep Heat, added to 10 DROPS of a neutral organic oil such as OLIVE. They applied it to a moderately sensitive area such as inner arm or neck or abdomen. Each woman was responsible for using her own body-wisdom and adding drops of Deep Heat until the warmth became pleasureable. They them repeated the experiment on their labia and clitoris. Each to her own - for some, one drop was plenty while others increased the Deep Heat over time. Their partners reported an increase in pleasureable sensations, and even stamina, as well. It works by increasing the bood flow to the area of contact.This increase in circulation is expereienced as heat, and if that heat is concentrated in one locale, the alternating hot/cool blood flow to and from surrounding areas intensifies the sensations. Hot toy!
As fun as herbal toys are - they are comparable to toy cars and are not the real thing - which would you rather drive! Herbal Power Tools which re-balance the distressed systems of the body co-create long-lasting satisfaction on all levels! If one's libido is off - a toy might provide a quick buzzz, but that missing libido is a sign - urging us to track it back to its source.... Fatigue? True Food gets nutrients into the bloodstream in 15 minutes! Body pain - Non-Narcotic Pain Relief Formula works on all types of pain! Digestion woes - Digestion Aid re-balances that system. Constipated? Colon Cleanse will take care of it! Hormones moaning? Female Re-Balancing Formula or Male Prostate Plus stands ready to assist. And HER NATIVE ROOTS SENSUAL ENHANCEMENT FORMULA provides herbal nutrients to flood the body where a deficiency has impaired sexual function. When the body is fed nutrition is can actually usse, to keep things running, to renew and replace dying cells, to remove those toxic by-products, then that body, back in balance, is bound to feel good! And a body that feels good, feels like touching and being touched!!"
* Neither the FDA nor AmyLee have evaluated's probably better that way. It's YOUR Life, YOUR Health, YOUR Body !
Handle with Care!
*Deep Heat Oil and all other herbal products mentioned may be viewed on this website under "Our Products.". Please take advantage of our extensive data-base to research the herbs in our formulae, to view their color photos and monographs, to cross- reference for any possible drug/supplement interactions. Knowledge -now THAT's the SUPREME POWER TOOL!

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2008, 03:49:11 pm »
Looks like Trish wrote up a warning on her that still gets reposted.


The ‘Crystal Skulls’ ‘Original Clan Mothers’ and ‘Shields’ scams are traceable back to Lyn V. Andrews (the Beverly Hills Shaman/Witch) who has no ties whatsoever to the Native American community, and her ‘Sisterhood of the Shields’ scam which she popularized through her books. Shortly after Andrew’s books became popular, an individual calling herself “Amylee??? created a pyramid scam around it in the late 80’s. She claimed membership in the Iroquois wolf clan and started charging women $300.00 for the privilege of “birthing??? a shield. Grandmother Twylah showed up shortly after this and incorporated the sheilds scam into her “teachings???. She and Mary Elizabeth Thunder are both involved in promoting the crystal skull teachings.

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 02:22:08 am »
then this applys some one needs to report them in that state

Hawk Hollow Private Nature Preserve
Tippecanoe, OH 44699   




This organization is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity .
This organization is not required to file an annual return with the IRS because its income is less than $25,000.
Contributions are deductible, as provided by law.

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2008, 04:20:50 am »
I got a list of Mohawk/Seneca tribal leaders and wrote/emailed them.

The first response I recieved was from Chief Paul Spicer
He gave me permission to post his response to my inquiries:

Ms. Garcia,
The person described in your email is not a member of the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma and I doubt seriously if she is a member of any Iroquois tribe. It is completely contrary to our ways to accept any form of payment for traditional medicine or prayer. I am wolf clan by birth (the only way you become a member of a clan) and highly offended that someone could claim to initiate anyone into one of our clans, ESPECIALLY if they were to charge for such a thing. The practices you describe her performing are laughable and come no where near our traditional ceremonies. I would advise anyone to steer clear of this obvious charlatan.
Paul Spicer, Chief
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma   

As more come in I'll post them.

Rose ;)
I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
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Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee's April Fools Prank? Watch Out for the Plague!!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2008, 03:42:15 pm »

I know some people love April fool’s day, but scaring people about Bird Flu and Nile virus is really sinking to new levels of unscrupulous marketing.

This was posted by Talon (AKA Amylee Swartz) on April 1st, so it may be a joke.  However since it was posted, Ms. Swartz is under obligation to follow the law. (Note the numerous spelling and grammatical errors)

*************begin post**************************

From: AmyLee & Her Native Roots <>
Date: Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 10:22 PM
Subject: Knock Knock

Knock Knock....
Who's there?
Bird Flu - may or may not be a hoax, a threat, a pandemic ready to explode. Regardless, if you read my chapter in the book, "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health"  you know I discourage fear-mongering and advocate preparedness. Why? Becoming prepared for the foreseeable worst-case scenario means you are assuredly prepared for everything else!
And just 'what else' is there? I won't list the real, documented, alarming host of mutated viral and bacteria(sic) strains that are running rampant around the globe. Just pick up any newspaper, any day, anywhere!
"30,000 school children quarantined in China due to outbreak - 14 dead - so far!"
"Staph infection deaths quadruple in  US hospitals"
"Anti-biotic resistent(sic) strain on rampage!"
"Flu virus mutates to dodge latest flu shots"
"Basketball Star stricken with elusive virus - contagions in the locker room!"
Dear Ones, whether or not Bird Flu is real, the Center for Disease Control continues to offer mega million dollar grants to those who can create a way to contain it, to protect the masses from high-speed pandemic spread, and to educate grass roots level agencies on local preparedness. 
The Good News? Getting your immune system built up, cleaning out your colon, liver, kidneys, bladder, lungs now, and keeping Anti-Plague and Immune Boost and Echinacea Blend and True Food on hand, are truly simple insurance - protecting you not only from the Big Bugs, but the already established mutating ones which are popping up everywhere from grocery stores to daycare to the office and public transportation, from restaurants to newstands(sic) to hotels and hospitals...and often your own Home Sweet Home!
I refuse to live a life in fear - especially when the options are so easy-at-hand! While I am chugging some Anti-Plague today (I just transported another injured Hawk, and there were mosquitos(sic) already in the air! West Nile Virus IS real! I've buried many, many animal victims!) I also want to once again encourage YOU to take stock - of your own immune system, colon, kidneys, liver, lungs, and your stock of emergency supplies.
To support you, I am offering a 10% Discount on ALL Her Native Roots Products ordered this month of April. Order now - relax sooner!
I got carried away, while thinking about you, and I made the 'coupon discount code' a little long - sorry. You will have to type in:
No One's Fool!  - complete with the exclamation point! That's how I feel about you - You take care of yourself. You matter to this world. You deserve the best herbs for your best health and healing. You're No One's Fool!
Knock Knock...Who's there?
Herbs who?
Technically, it's 'Herbs that, not Herbs who, keep you safe and strong, because you're No One's Fool!
- Happy, Healthy April!
AmyLee & Her Native Roots

Note the Orwellian “this is not fear-mongering??? tactic.  If this isn’t exploiting the fears of gullible consumers, I just don’t know what is.  This type of quackery is dangerous.  Herbs used in the wrong way can kill people
It’s very disturbing that part of Ms. Swartz’s advertising technique is to claim that her herbal potions are “stronger??? than others.  She also claims that every herb is harvested in an Indigenous way that doesn’t disturb the ecology of the land.  Since “Indigenous way??? usually means harvesting herbs that grow wild,  naturally, I doubt that she would be able to do this naturally while living in (What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas) Nevada.  Her site is international and has the little shopping carts on it indicating that this is definitely a FOR-PROFIT enterprise, not an Indigenous elder tending to her community.

Fortunately, a new law forces spammers like Amylee to reveal their real addresses.
Here’s her address:

TALON Inc., 3225 S McLeod Suite 100

LV, NV 89121

Tel: (888) ASK-ESSA

Forward to LV attorney general’s office

Please help me fight consumer fraud like this by notifying the Nevada Dept. of Justice. You can file a complaint on behalf of potential Nevada consumers who will be bilked of their hard earned dollars.
There should be enough information in this thread to get the Attny Gen’s attention about this one. Please be professional, polite and very specific about her claims and how you think she may be exploiting the public.

Their website is here:

Office of the Attorney General Nevada Department of Justice
Bureau of Consumer Protection
555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 3900
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Office of the Attorney General Nevada Department of Justice
Bureau of Consumer Protection
100 North Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89701
           Southern Nevada Fax: (702) 486-3283
           Northern Nevada Fax: (775) 684-1170

You can also contact the Nevada better business bureau.

If people could e-mail her and ask for her credentials for being an "Iroquois Medicine woman" and post those emails or send them to me, that would be helpful also.

Thank you all so much for all your assistance!

It's great to find an intelligent community of supportive Natives!!!


I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!


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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2008, 05:13:23 pm »
Is it ever possibe to notify Quack Watch concerning these people?

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2008, 09:22:08 pm »

Sorry..I take objection to your comment " is good to find an intelligent community of natives"

Inside or outside of this community/forum..we are no different from any other race.

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2008, 04:03:33 am »
What High school did you go to? Maybe you can sue.
I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2008, 04:10:49 am »
Is it ever possibe to notify Quack Watch concerning these people?

Excellent idea Frederica!

I have a link to them on my site, but I forgot all about them.  However, I remember they ask for a lot of specific information about exactly how the proposed quack is harming people, so it might take some time for me to get that together. 

For now, I need numbers to send a message to her that there are consequences for her quackery.

Please feel free to forward my message wherever you think I could get support.
The email was sent to a new cyber friend of mine and she gave me permission to post it.

The 'Medicine woman' is busy over at the wall of shame forum impersonating a member of Red Road Collective right now.

I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2008, 07:25:46 am »
What High school did you go to? Maybe you can sue.

I think it would have been better to explain what you (or whoever wrote it originally - you haven't made it clear) meant by an intelligent community of supportive Natives.

Or <Dr Cox from Scrubs voice>gosh, who knows, maybe even apologise for unintentionally giving offence with what looks like a racist slur.</Dr Cox from Scrubs voice>

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2008, 10:41:23 am » would have been good if you had not come back with a flippant remark but an intelligent one.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2008, 12:51:52 pm »
I just thought SWS meant it was nice to find an message board with intellegent people discussing Native issues ( SWS does introduce themselves as a Native person )

I guess it is easy to be misunderstood when there is no body language.

Sorry to further take this good thread off topic ...