Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828247 times)

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1065 on: May 25, 2011, 02:54:45 am »
That would be the monopods: clams gastropods and snails.  They are very sacred, very evolved.

I guess you’re just not holy enough to have this important wisdom revealed to you  from the aliens.

Clams resonate with sham-ons as knowledgeable about all things spitchul as Kie$ha is because they wear their  anus and sex organs protruding from the side of their necks. They get around on one big foot where there chest and chin should be.

L Ron Hubbard also had some deep secret knowledge about clams that is about as believable and profound as Kie$ha’s teachings are.

Maybe Kie$ha got her sacred knowledge of the “one-footed” from $cientology?

I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1066 on: May 25, 2011, 04:24:33 am »
Hi Southwest!

Well, now! I actually did learn something from Kie$ha, I guess!!! ( Wink!)

Guess I was absent or like you said did not qualify for the special alien talk about the one legged. Ha-ha!

How interesting that shame ons are into the clams with external sex organs....

Thanks for the explanation and the links.

Second Sight


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1067 on: May 26, 2011, 12:27:46 am »
Interesting -- No two-legged --What a Shame!

"As a child, she spent long periods of time alone in the wilderness, where she lived with and learned from the four-legged, one-legged, winged-ones and swimmers, as well as the star and stone people. Her young life was marked by many unusual experiences and abilities that she did not understand. As a child, she had been taught by the ancestors, grandmothers past, and Mother Earth, and was known for her ability to sense and communicate with wild animals and to see and work with energy."

Oh well, only in Kiesha's world. ;D ;D ;D

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1068 on: May 26, 2011, 12:47:14 am »
That would be the monopods: clams gastropods and snails.  They are very sacred, very evolved.

Clams resonate with sham-ons as knowledgeable about all things spitchul as Kie$ha is because they wear their  anus and sex organs protruding from the side of their necks. They get around on one big foot where there chest and chin should be.

This "resonates" as very Monty Python-ish to me.  I can see this thing floating around the screen to their opening music...
Guess I too am definitely not evolved LOL.   

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1069 on: May 26, 2011, 03:58:20 am »

Now... I must search online for the one legged with the outer sex organs and one foot! What a visual.

Kiesha's World ... could make a good reality show for TV?

On the side note of her interview on Rainbow Visions -  Betsy and Kiesha agreed that they "knew the owner of this site was listening."

As if there are not other things to do on that day. Ha.

She also claimed she is renting her new home and makes little profit after travel expenses, she never left her family behind , blah, blah, blah.


Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1070 on: May 27, 2011, 05:22:55 pm »

Just noticed that Kiesha will be part of an Elders Board for the Topanga Film Festival in California. ( Events Page on here site)

She will speak along with someone known as Chief Golden Light Eagle.

Anyone know of him?

Might this be a location for passing out flyers about Kiesha ?

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1071 on: May 27, 2011, 07:46:20 pm »

Just noticed that Kiesha will be part of an Elders Board for the Topanga Film Festival in California. ( Events Page on here site)

She will speak along with someone known as Chief Golden Light Eagle.

Anyone know of him?

Might this be a location for passing out flyers about Kiesha ?


There is quite a bit about Chief Golden Light Eagle online as well as on YouTube where there are numerous Star knowledge vids -
if you can handle watching them... It's not even good entertainment, more like torture.

Chief Golden Light Eagle is mentioned here on NAFPS

Chief Golden Light Eagle   usually in full regalia here on YouTube.  
and yes, excruciatingly BAD video as previously mentioned on NAFPS.  He has apparently changed his name
""Standing Elk / Chief Golden Eagle has apparently changed his name to "Chief Golden Light Eagle"  
IMHO The name change did not help...

Here he is is with "bear cloud"
From the above StarKnowledge link it is stated:

"""Chief Golden Light Eagle is a member of the Ihunktowan Dakota Nation.  His blood line is Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and French.  He is one of seven Sundance Chiefs for the Yankton Sioux Ihunktowan Nakota Sungdeska Sapa  Tiospaye.  He co-authored four books titled, "MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN", "ANPAO WICAHPI WICOHAN", "IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN", and "CAN WAKAN WICOHAN".  The MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN manual was inducted into the Smithsonian Institution during a formal ceremony on September 26, 1999 and the manual was also donated to the A.R.E. Library on September 22, 2002."""""

Might as well add   This is the MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN manual mentioned above which was inducted into the Smithsonian Institution during a formal ceremony on September 26, 1999   It is available online as a .pdf file see

This is the link for the Topanga FIlm Festival...

These are the people to contact who are involved with the Film Festival:


« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 07:56:20 pm by Spiral Walk »

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1072 on: May 27, 2011, 09:45:47 pm »
There is still time to submit our film, Spirits for Sale....hrm.....  ;) ;D ;D


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1073 on: May 27, 2011, 11:55:39 pm »
Looks like Kiesha will be in good company -- birds of a feather. . . . :P :P :P

Offline Saga

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1074 on: May 30, 2011, 09:29:10 am »
Might as well add   This is the MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN manual mentioned above which was inducted into the Smithsonian Institution during a formal ceremony on September 26, 1999   It is available online as a .pdf file see

This is the link for the Topanga FIlm Festival...

These are the people to contact who are involved with the Film Festival:


Omg, I checked the start of the "manual"... What the hell has galactic federation, boddhisattvas etc, to do with native americans? :D I mean, if someone truly believe that this guy is for real and bringing forth some ancient knowledge, some insanity check is in order.

These things aren't more ancient than from 1970s, or maybe 1990s or even 2000, but ofc the thought pattern is the same as it has always been. :p I seriously need to cancel my internet connection before I kill myself reading that crap... more of the "believe in this and you will be better than anyone else and you will be saved, while others get what they deserve (death/hell/torture)". No wonder world is in this shape at the moment, people only care about "knowing more" or "being better" than others and not the real problems. But hey, why to help anyone that thinks different than you, that would be bad, it would mean that there still is diversity in the world and you can't go dancing around and everyone agrees with you. Why would anyone want to live in harmony with everyone else and just try to get along and accept that there are many kinds of people, when you can try to get the misfits thrown out or at least fantasize that they get killed, even those in the family, who are trying to tell you that you are, just possibly, going in the wrong way when you don't work for the world but against it.

Oh Sorry, I didn't read that much in the manual btw, only some headlines. :p Just poured in all the old frustration to people who just don't care, even tho they talk about things like love and nurture endlessly.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1075 on: May 30, 2011, 03:41:12 pm »
The claim about MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN being "inducted" into the Smithsonian is definitely suspect.  I see it over and over again posted in various sites that have advertisements for this guy, but when you check the Smithsonian's website....there's nothing.

It's an outrageous claim that is so vague that it's easy to convince someone it's true.  The biggest clue for me that it's probably bs is the use of the word "inducted".   The Smithsonian is not a Hall of Fame.  There is no award given for them adding something to the collection that has your name attached to it.  It's a museum, plain and simple.  I know all kinds of people who have donated items that appear in various collections with the Smithsonian....none of these items were "inducted."

Chief Golden Eagle Light/Standing Elk (he's got one more name he uses too..just can't think of it) is full of it.  In reading through it, what you really have is a mish mash of all sorts of religion/philosophies all together in one book being interpreted to fit his narrative.  Not a lot of real knowledge there.  We're talking Buddhism/Daoism/Christianity/Judaism/Hinduism/etc etc etc....just about anything that can be interpreted as "spiritual" along with tons of New Age philosophies all smashed together to try and look like they belong together.....he doesn't do a very good of it either, but it takes actual knowledge of these philosophies to be able to recognize it.  It's almost he introduces topics such as Krishna he attempts to introduce them in the first person as if Krishna is speaking directly to you....however Krishna doesn't seem to understand what they are talking least in the pen of this guy.  This info might be for beneficial in Standing Elk's/Golden Eagle's own thread, but it goes to show you who Crowther is attaching herself to now.  She tried using the names of real people and has been shot down embarrassingly it's time to attach to the fakes.....some people believe in them after all......


Offline JM

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1076 on: June 04, 2011, 01:03:30 pm »
Looks like she still is very busy....
Just saw this on a facebook page,  dont know if i can post their comments so heres the link, if you scroll down a bit.
She is in UK (Glastonbury ) on the 30th of this month and other places right now.
Not been here for a while, whats happened to the forum? I can only see a type like page not the headed forum that used to be here with the index?
Non  of this Keisha stuff surprises me that no ones actually taking note of the deception, as i watch things in our world happening and being ignored and the more resistance given the more power it seems they get in the way of back up and followers etc.
Kind regards

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1077 on: June 30, 2011, 07:29:50 am »
Some people have made their way to Glastonbury for a peaceful protest today.
Wishing everyone good luck and hope it turns out well!!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1078 on: July 15, 2011, 02:52:33 pm »
Her latest event promoted on Facebook, ceremony selling for 40-205 euros. German followed by Babelfish translation.

Bei ihrem ersten Besuch in Österreich wird die Schamanin und Weisheitsbewahrerin „Little Grandmother“ die Schlüssel zur Veränderung des individuellen Bewusstseins beschreiben. - Sie wird zeigen, wie ein Leben aus dem Herzen für die kommenden Zeiten möglich wird – beruhend auf den Unterweisungen, die sie direkt von den Vorfahren und Mutter Erde erhalten hat. Little Grandmother wird darüber sprechen, wie wir uns daran erinnern kö...nnen, wer wir wirklich sind, nämlich das „Große ICH BIN“, und wie eine Veränderung unserer Beziehung zu Mutter Erde, zu uns selbst und zueinander unsere gesamte Welt transformiert. Sie wird bestimmte Anwendungen und Techniken der Arbeit mit Erdenergien zeigen, zwecks Erhöhung der eigenen energetischen Schwingung, und Informationen übermitteln, die ihr speziell für die Menschen dieses Landes in dieser Zeit gegeben wurden.

Kurzworkshop/Vortrag: Freitag, 26. August 2011, 19.00 – 21.30 Uhr
Workshop: Samstag, 27. August 2011,
10.00 – 16.00 Uhr
Sonntag, 28. August 2011 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr

Beitrag: Freitag: Euro 40,--
Samstag/Sonntag: Euro 180,--

Vortrag und Workshop (mit Rabatt): Euro 205,-

Anmeldung: direkt auf http://littlegrandmother.n?et/ bzw. durch Bezahlung mittels PayPal anlittlegrandmother30@yaho?

Kurz nach Eingang der Zahlung erhalten Sie eine Anmeldebestätigung per e-mail inklusive weiterer Informationen. Bitte bestätigen Sie den Namen des Teilnehmers für jeden Event extra.

Informationen: Bitte schreiben Sie an Debbie:
beautyawakens@gmail.comKon?takt in Österreich, Karl:
Veranstaltungsort, Vortrag und Workshop:Hotel Zum Schwarzen Bären, Familie Pritz,Marktplatz 7
3644 Emmersdorf an der Donau/Melk, NÖ
Österreich Tel. (+43) 02752 712 49
Vortrag und Workshop werden auf Deutsch übersetzt!

Über Little Grandmother

Kiesha Crowther, auch bekannt als „Little Grandmother“, wurde im Alter von 30 Jahren durch einen Stammesältesten der amerikanischen Ureinwohner als Schamanin eingeweiht. Dabei wurde ihr auch gesagt, dass es ihre Aufgabe sei, eine Schamanin und Weisheitsbewahrerin des „Stammes der vielen Farben“ zu sein.

Als Kind verbrachte sie lange Zeit allein in der Wildnis, wo sie mit Vierbeinern, Einbeinern, den Geflügelten und Schwimmenden, sowie den Sternen- und Stein-Leuten lebte und von ihnen lernen durfte. Ihr junges Leben war gekennzeichnet durch viele ungewöhnliche Erfahrungen und Begabungen, die sie anfangs selbst nicht verstanden hat. Als Kind wurde sie von den Ahnen, ihren ehemaligen Großmüttern und Mutter Erde unterrichtet und gelehrt. Sie war bekannt für ihre Fähigkeit, die Tiere der Wildnis zu spüren und mit ihnen zu kommunizieren, Energien zu sehen und damit zu arbeiten.

Seitdem sie auf ihrem Weg als Schamanin und Weisheitsbewahrerin eingeweiht wurde, hat Kiesha damit begonnen, diese Lehren anderen mitzuteilen und Heilungszeremonien für Einzelne und Mutter Erde durchzuführen. Sie spürt ihre Verantwortung, die Weisheit der Erde und das Wissen der Ahnen zu tragen und in unsere gegenwärtigen Zeit zu kommunizieren. Zuletzt hat sie Videos ihrer Vorträge herausgegeben, welche über YouTube frei zugänglich sind und die bereits von Hunderttausenden Menschen weltweit gesehen wurden.

Ihre Arbeit als Weisheitsbewahrerin beinhaltet auch das Pflanzen von heiligen Kristallen an ganz bestimmten Orten rund um den Planeten, um die wertvollen Ley Lines von Mutter Erde zu erneuern und zu stärken.

Ihre kraftvolle Botschaft hebt hervor, wie das individuelle und planetare Bewusstsein verändert werden kann, wie man im Herzen in der richtigen Beziehung mit Mutter Erde lebt und sich daran erinnert, wer wir wirklich sind – nämlich DAS GROSSE ICH BIN.

Little Grandmother reist häufig, um Erdheilungs-Zeremonien in aller Welt durchzuführen. Sie hält Vorträge und Workshops in den USA und International.


With its first visit in Austria the Schamanin and Weisheitsbewahrerin will describe „Little Grandmother “the keys to the change of individual consciousness. - You will show, how a life becomes possible from the heart for the coming times - being based on the instructions, which direct it kept from the ancestors and mother earth. Little Grandmother about it will speak, as we remember kö… nnen, who we is real, „the large IS i.e. I “, and as a change of our relationship with mother earth, with us transforms and our entire world to each other. It will show certain applications and techniques of the work with earth energies, will convey for increase of the own energetic oscillation, and information, which were given it particularly for humans of this country in this time.

Kurzworkshop/lecture: Friday, 26 August 2011, 19,00 - 21,30 o'clock Workshop: Saturday, 27 August 2011, 10.00 - 16,00 o'clock Sunday, 28 August 2011 10,00 - 16,00 o'clock Contribution: Friday: Euro 40,-- Saturday/Sunday: Euro 180,-- Lecture and Workshop (with discount): Euro 205, -
Registration: directly on http://littlegrandmother.n et/and/or by payment by means of PayPal anlittlegrandmother30@yaho Shortly after entrance of the payment you receive a registration confirmation by email inclusive of further information. Please confirm to the names of the participant for each Event specially.
Information: Please write Debbie: beautyawakens@gmail.comKon clock in Austria, Karl: Place of event, lecture and Workshop: Hotel to the black bear, family Pritz, market place 7 3644 Emmersdorf at the Danube/milk, NÖ Austria Tel. (+43) 02752 712 49 Lecture and Workshop are translated on German!
Over Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther, also admits masteroldest of the American natives as „Little Grandmother “, at the age of 30 years by one as Schamanin was inaugurated. You were also said that it was their task to be a Schamanin and a Weisheitsbewahrerin „of the trunk of the many colors “. When child spent it long time alone in the wilderness, where it lived with Vierbeinern, Einbeinern, the winged ones and swimming, as well as the asterisking and the stone people and was allowed from them to learn. Their recent life was characterized by many unusual experiences and gifts, which it at first did not understand. As a child it was informed and taught of the ancestors, its former grandmothers and mother earth. It was admits for its ability to feel the animals of the wilderness and communicate with them to see energies and work thus.
Since then it on their way as Schamanin and Weisheitsbewahrerin was inaugurated, Kiesha began to communicate these teachings to others and to accomplish healing ceremonies for individual and mother earth. She feels her responsibility to carry the wisdom of the earth and the knowledge of the ancestors and into our present time communicate. It published last videos of its lectures, which are freely accessible over YouTube and which were seen world-wide already by hundredthousands of humans.
Their work as Weisheitsbewahrerin contains also a planting of holy crystals at completely determined places approximately around the planet, in order to renew the valuable Ley LINEs of mother earth and strengthen. Their strong message emphasizes, how the individual and planetary consciousness be changed can, as one lives in the heart in the correct relationship with mother earth and itself reminded of it, who we are real - the LARGE I IS. Little Grandmother travels frequently, in order to accomplish earth healing ceremonies in all world. It holds lectures and Workshops in the USA and international.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1079 on: July 16, 2011, 09:57:08 am »
I did another translation of the ad for the event in Austria.
While Crowther does not claim ndn in this text, she still claims to have been 'iniated' as a shame-on by one elder....


At her first visit in Austria, the shaman and keeper of wisdom „Little Grandmother“ will describe the keys to change individual consciousness. - She will show how a life from the heart will become possible for times coming - founded on the teachings she received directly from the ancestors and mother earth. Little Grandmother will speak about how we can remember who we really are, i.e. the „Great I AM“, and how a change in our relationship to mother earth, with ourselves and others will transform our entire world. She will demonstrate certain exercises and techniques of work with earth energies, in order to increase the own energetic vibrations, and will pass information which were given to hear in particular for the people of this country in these times.

About Little Grandmother

Keisha Crowther, also known as „Little Grandmother“, was initiated as a shaman at the age of 30 by a tribal elder of the American natives. She was also told then that it was her task to be a shaman and keeper of wisdom of the „tribe of many colours“.

As a child, she spent much time on her own in the woods where she lived with four-legged, one-legged, the winged ones and the swimming ones as well as the star and stone people and was allowed to learn from them. Her young life was marked by many exceptional experiences and talents which she did not understand herself initially. As a child, she was taught and instructed by her ancestors, her former grandmothers and mother earth. She was known for her talend to feel the animals of wildernis and communicate with them, to see energies and work with them.

Since she has been initiated on her path as a shaman and keeper of wisdom, Keisha started to pass these teachings to others and to do healing ceremonies for individuals and for mother earth. She senses her responsibility to carry the wisdom of earth and the knowledge of the ancestors and to communicate these in our present times. She has just published videos of her lectures which are accessible for free at YouTube and which already have been watched by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Her work as a keeper of wisdom also comprises planting sacred crystals at certain places around the planet in order to strengthen and renew the valuable ley lines of mother earth.

Her powerful message emphasizes how the individual and planetary consciousness can be changed, how one can live in a true relationship with mother earth in one's heart and remember who we really are – i.e. the GREAT I AM.

Little Grandmother travels frequently to do earth healing ceremonies all over the world. She does lectures and workshops in the USA and internationally.