Author Topic: Clay Miller of Sedona  (Read 14059 times)

Offline freddier

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Clay Miller of Sedona
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:04:21 pm »
I'm interested in learing more about the sweat lodge, and I was told that some of our people used to practice it regularly a long time ago for certain reasons.

I was invited by a native friend from school to go and see this guy, Clay Miller up in Sedona.  The catch is, that it costs money to meet with the guy.

His website is here:

He seems kind of fake to me, and I don't want to get involved with someone wierd. So do you people here know anything about this guy?

From his site:

What I do is extremely difficult to describe. This has always been my most difficult experience to put into words: The Soul Journey is a kind of Shamanic Conscious Dreaming which I do for you. There are many paths to approach it from, and it is not a static thing, as Clay shifts, it shifts. The turquoise links in this page will take you down some of these paths.
Imagine if someone could dream the elemental presence of ancient pains and thoughts, bring them forth for you to see them, embrace them, and liberate them, a kind of poem of the soul's experience, woven with emotional images and sensory details. And then guide that soul back to its source. For some it is a healing of ancient pain, for others an initiation. Or it can be a confirmation of a seed one feels budding from within, now brought forth as the flower of knowing.What ever you carry within, that is what it is about. You may or may not know what that is. For some on their first visit it is about moving through a barrier of fear in their journey to the mystery. Then, next time they come back, we might have to spiral downward into a traumatic moment that echoes through lifetimes, a kind of time capsule . . . frozen, forgotten, and disowned. Soul retrieval is a component of what We are doing. But it is far more than that.

I perform the action of the gatherer of what has been lost, "The Forgotten ones". I give voice to what has not been allowed to speak, live the unlived, a Sounding Of The Soul . You, effortlessly, as a still pool of water, receive it as the void from which it was created, allowing the soul's energy-language of sound and image, of tone and color, of fire, air, earth, and water to move, so that it may cycle back into the earth. The old forgotten dreams of pain are lived and freed and a new dream of peace, harmony and beauty is set in motion. I, as the Soul Dreamer, plant a new DREAM that is born from within YOU. And you as the action of breathing, receiving, surrendering to the movement of your own truth come home to your song. I serve it up to you and then the choice rests with you . . . to LOVE or not to love, to become the whole world without "right or wrong", "bad or good" just Life and Energy. So this is an act of self-liberation, "Hanta Yo, Clearing The way", that brings you back into the CIRCLE dreaming of oneness, the Medicine Of One, experientially.

We are all part of the human web of life and the greater web. Just because you have pain there is nothing wrong with you. Think of it as a falling out of balance, harmony, and beauty. What you have fallen out of is your knowing. So receiving the gift is an act of remembrance. To remember that you are this Medicine Of One . I use music to support the journey. The session and introductory talk before the session are burned on a CD which you receive. This is for your continued use.

It has been my honor to serve many beautiful people. Many of whose journey through life had caused them to become blind to their own Beauty. And others who were about to make a bold step in their life and just needed more certain clarity. You can read some of their comments, if you like.

I don't need some guy to dream for me...I dream every night enough as it is.

Offline earthw7

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Clay Miller of Sedona
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 12:36:26 pm »
be careful you know not all tribes use the sweat lodge and as natives we dont pay to pray
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clay Miller of Sedona
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 02:29:40 pm »
A white guy doing Native ceremony for money in Sedona is a pretty obvious fraud. I doubt he'll stay under Research for long, just enough to gather information.

He might be Dutch. He peddles ceremony for sale on Dutch websites.

Someone wrote about their experience with him here.
"Answer 8 / 14 - Submitted 339 days ago...
nkjo   New User (1)
I had multiple healing sessions and tours with him while I lived in Sedona area. I've concluded that he is a fake and is an insensitive, insincere jerk. Why do I feel this way? I confided to him that at least once before I die, I wanted to experience intimacy with someone and feel like my existence, and needs matter.Such feelings have been impossible so far because of all the selfish insensitive jerks I've encountered. Clays response was "Your desires make you too needy. No man is ever going to want anything to do with you. You should just get a vibrator and watch porn"! Such pearls of wisdom and sensitivity from someone who presents himself as a sensitive healer. As far as I'm concerned, he's a fake and total jerk!"

Another one. A bizarre and not too bright a guy admits that Miller often fails and people want their money back. He instead blames the victims and looks forward to being ripped off again.
"WideOpen   Member Since: June 13, 2007Total Points: 241 (Level 1)Points earned this week: 0
I just returned from Arizona and had two sessions over two days with Clay... both were amazing experiences. The friend with me and I both feel that Clay is the "real deal."
Clay openly shared that some people get nothing from working with him and even ask for their money back... it depends on your expectations. If you want him to somehow "fix" you, then you are wasting your money. If you want experiences that touch the core of your being and you are open to whatever happens, I highly recommend spending time with him.
I look forward to going back... and soon."

So as con artist go, he's not very convincing except to the most dense.

And guess who that includes. A reality show asking us to feel sorry for the Duchess of York, Fergie.

I can't recall anything as cheesy as the stuff Miller pulls on that show. It's like an old Woody Allen movie making fun of pretentious yuppies, except it's supposed shamanism.
Basically he had her carry rocks, shout, and get on all fours, and somehow it was supposed to heal her. ::)

The Duchess & the Shaman: Soul Searching in the Desert (Episode 4)

Ashley Michael recaps the first half of Episode 4 of Finding Sarah. This episode is filmed entirely in Arizona. It’s all about fear and trust.
Sarah first goes to Sedona for a meeting with the shaman Clay Miller. A shaman is a spiritual leader who helps people connect with nature. This guy tries to get Sarah in touch with her truest, rawest emotions. By connecting to a gut emotion like anger, says the shaman, Sarah’s real nature can be free to emerge. Sarah sits with the shaman on a rug in his house, somewhere in the desert in Arizona. Judging from the decor of the house, the shaman seems to have a surprising passion for taxidermy....

The shaman and the duchess get into his truck, accompanied by the dog, and drive out even deeper into the Sonoran Desert than the man’s house. Who knows where they are? “In the middle of nowhere,” says the duchess.

He makes her carry a bag of big, heavy rocks. The rocks symbolize all the baggage she’s been carrying through her life. “See? You’ve been carrying that load your whole life,” he tells her with a smile and wink. She laughs, but uncomfortably....

He plants his feet about two feet apart, bends a little at the knees, and lets out a primal scream: “WHY?!” he asks the open desert.

Sarah is stunned, and now more uncomfortable than ever. “I’ve got to do that?”

He laughs at her....

Ferguson: “Can I just say it quietly?”

Miller is silent as he just looks at her.

Ferguson: “No? I have to shout it?”

....She screams the word ‘Mom’ and gets on all fours on the ground, but she couldn’t cry....