General > Frauds

Tamarack Song

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This guy is a real winner.

Got his own do it yourself guide to ceremonies and sweats amongst other things.

Check out his photo gallery. The wilderness one, about the 3rd page are photos of an old white guy. So I googled him and found a photo that identified the person as "Tamarack Song" and here it is:

Oh my god, I thought this almost belonged int he humor section, some of the most laugh-out-loud twinkie writing I've seen in awhile.

I never thought much of the so called anarcho-primitivism movement, but apparently even they can be fooled into giving up their cash and calling it rebellion or enlightenment.

Song's real name is Dan Konen, according to the Red Road Collective.
"Mr. Konen claims that is Northern European ancestors lived in wigwams and had sweat lodges. He finds Native American culture indistinguishable from Swedish culture. From this, he asserts his right to teach Lakota spirituality to the wealthy for a substantial profit."

(We haven't heard from RRC for awhile have we? Anyone?)

And Song is endorsed by both Manataka and Brooke Edwards/Med Ego.

"He finds Native American culture indistinguishable from Swedish culture. "

Yep, that´s why I feel so much at home when I go to a rez! All those smorgasbords and rune stones!

I've gotten a request for information. A former member's blog devoted to critiques of Konen/Song is pretty useful.

And something new. Seems that Konen/Song is pulling a Castaneda, claiming that Nuage ceremonies can make you a warrior.

Another interesting link.


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