General > Frauds

John Cali Claims to Channel Chief Joseph

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And he'll give you cheesy advice that sounds amazingly like a white Nuager of today.

The silliest article I found, What Color Is Your Mouse Pad?

Chief Joseph

Let us start today’s conversation with this: The answers are always within you. Always! The only reason you ever need resources and guidance outside yourselves is to remind you that you don’t need them. All you need is within you.

Many of you go through your lives looking for answers to life’s vexing questions and problems. And the answers often elude you.

To beat up on John a bit today (said humorously), he was feeling frustrated because the answer, the solution to his problem just kept eluding him. He was frustrated and fed up with the whole process, with the struggle....

The Universe responds instantly to your vibration of asking, to your wanting. And the answer is instantly on its way to you.

The next step is for you to simply get out of the way -- to let the Universe deliver to you what you’ve asked for. And it will.

We said all the answers are within you. It might not seem so in the way John’s problem was answered. But once he gave up his frustration and struggle, knowing the answer would come, it came!

He was guided to call his technical support people on a particular day, at a particular hour -- and he got a particular technician who came up with the answer.

Friends, you often get off course by trying to mentally figure out all the details of how you think your lives should flow. It’s fine to set your goals, to express your desires to the Universe -- you cannot avoid asking, wanting.

But once you’ve done that, you need to let go. Let go of your frustration, your doubt, your fear. In other words, get the hell out of the Universe’s way!

When you do that, the answer will come. It must come. And it may be in the form of a simple question like "What color is your mouse pad?"


Another...gem, High Noon at Walmart.

You don’t have to be particularly perceptive or observant to see what’s happening on your planet today. Explosions and eruptions of all kinds have become virtually daily events. You’re seeing the intense energies everywhere you look -- in other people, in animals, in plants, even in your Mother Earth.

If you are physically alive today, you are feeling the intensity, at some level. You may not be fully aware of it consciously, but you are feeling it. It’s having a powerful effect on all of you.

Now, this is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a very good thing. Those of you on a conscious spiritual path know you have no choice except to grow, to change, to evolve. That, friends, is what your physical and spiritual lives are all about -- growing, changing, evolving -- and creating. Even God is changing and growing.

The difference today, however, is -- at this point in linear time -- you have reached a place no one else has ever reached in your human history.

You have different names for what’s happening -- some call it ascension, some call it shifting to a higher dimension, some call it the beginning of the second coming, etc. But it doesn’t matter what you label it. What does matter is that you reach a place of peace and joy within yourselves -- no matter what’s happening in the world around you.

You cannot shift the tides of what’s coming, any more than you can shift the tides of the oceans.

What you can do is simply go with the flow. Many of you are consciously feeling the increasing intensities in your bodies, in your relationships, in almost every aspect of your lives. We realize much of this feels uncomfortable and even painful, at least some of the time.

But if you stay attuned, aligned with your higher selves, you will move through this time with relative ease. You will all get through this, one way or another.

And you don’t have to do it the hard way. You don’t have to shoot it out at high noon at Walmart. But that is how many humans are dealing with all the intensity they’re feeling. They don’t consciously understand what’s happening. And so they erupt and explode in often-unpredictable and violent ways.

All is well, friends. This is simply a time of accelerating growth for each of you individually, and for your entire planet.

Simply do whatever feels good for you. Nurture and love yourselves. Nurture and love your families and friends. Nurture and love every living creature.

This too shall pass. It is only a step on your journey back home to God.


Private Readings With Chief Joseph & John

What should I expect from a reading?

A private reading with Joseph is much like an easy, free-flowing conversation with a delightful old friend or loved one. Joseph will provide you with a different, higher perspective of your life, enabling you to more easily make the changes you've been wanting.

Joseph's sole mission is to empower you. Not by telling you what to do -- that would disempower you. But simply by offering you an expanded view of who you truly are. You will see your life’s potential more clearly from Joseph’s perspective. That higher perspective will make it far easier for you to make the best choices and to create the life of your dreams, to live your life with joy.

You should know neither Joseph nor I will tell your future. We’re not fortune tellers. You have yet to create your future, and only you can determine what it will be. Joseph, however, sees trends or probabilities, and will show you those.

If you would like more information about Joseph and me, you can read how it all started between us.

You can also hear about the experiences others have had with us.

How can I benefit from a reading?

Are you feeling stuck in your life? Are you searching and yearning for your passion? Are you confused about which way to turn, which path to follow?

When you see yourself nonjudgmentally from Joseph’s perspective, you’ll find it far easier to see yourself clearly, and with love. You will see you are neither "right" nor "wrong" -- you are just you.

And that’s the beauty and power of this process -- you begin to see who you really are. And you begin to know you are a beautiful being worthy of love and abundance.

This is a time of transition on Mother Earth. And it can be a difficult time for all humans, including lightworkers. The energies are intensifying. The old ways no longer work. You need not look beyond the newspaper headlines to see that.

This is where Joseph can help you. If you want to fully remember who you are, this is for you. If you want to re-claim your power, this is for you. If you want to live the rest of your life happily ever after, this is for you.

That’s what this is all about -- remembering who you are, re-claiming your power, and living your joy.
What sorts of questions can I ask?

You can ask any questions you want. These are the main areas many people find they have concerns about:

Relationships, including romantic ones

Money and abundance


 What does it cost?

For a typical 45- to 60-minute session, the cost is $97 (in US dollars). Most people coming to us prefer this typical-length session.

We do these sessions either by phone or by mail, your choice.

That means you either schedule a phone appointment with us and ask your questions "live." Or you email or snail mail us your questions before we do your reading. In that case, there's no need to make a phone appointment.

If you wish to order a typical reading by phone, go here. If you want a typical reading by mail, order it here.

We also offer abbreviated readings of about 20 minutes for $40 (in US dollars). You can order one of these here.

Whatever your choice, we'll snail mail you an audio tape recording of your reading.

What's next?

After we receive your order, we'll contact you with scheduling information, including a date and time.

He also sells dvds, special reports, and miracle healing.

He does have a discussion group.

And a blog where you can leave comments. Seems that no one ever has.


wwithout nlooking at  his website, I can say this is very offensive. I have a NEz Perce friend, and I bet she will be livid.

I thought I'd experienced nausea just reading about this, but I went to the blog.  Check out this gem:

Chief Joseph raised more than a few eyebrows in last week's newsletter with these comments:

"As bizarre as it may sound, we believe addictions are a good thing. Because they temporarily take you away from your pain and help you feel good. You will -- you must - - ultimately come to the point where you know you don't need anything or anyone outside yourselves to feel good.

"But, in the meanwhile, any light is better than the darkness."

This Cali guy is DANGEROUS.

I didn't get that far. That is sickening! And, considering what alcohol and drugs have done to many Native communities, the guy is disgusting. Makes me wonder if HE has an addiction and uses this alledged channeling as a justification to not get help.

Nah, I think its just to get money.


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