You know... It's really too bad this thread didn't stay more on topic. I think this thread, had it stayed on point, could have been a very valuable resource for everyone. Think about it. If not for the PODIAs who don't know any better, the frauds wouldn't exist.
I think that, instead of certain members at the beginning of this thread jumping right in and defending their supposed entitlement to NDN culture and demanding to be shown EVERYTHING right now, we should have made more of an effort to keep this tread on topic.
So, in and effort to do just that, I will throw in a bit of my own advice.
Earlier in this thread, we saw something that just shouldn't EVER be done. NEVER EVER demand to be taught about traditional things. It seems that people who have grown up in mainstream America have this sense of entitlement that they will vehemently defend. In this culture, we're taught we can "have it all" and "do anything we want." While the intended message was more along the lines of careers and levels of financial success, most PODIAs mistake this to mean they have a god-given right becuase they're 1/32nd Cherokee to practice the culture and that the Cherokee community has some obligation to teach them at their request. This is absolutely NOT the case and the more you "defend" your cherokee-ness and demand to be part of a community you never knew even existed until the 1990s when it became "cool" to be Indian, the more you'll push traditional people away.
Don't be pushy or demanding. Be receptive, open minded and just observe. There is a lot to be learned through observation and it takes NDNs a long time to warm up to non ndns. Mainly because so many times before, they have been fooled by someone who seems on the level, then takes everything they're taught and exploits it.
Be patient, shut your mouth and observe. Finding out you have a certain degree of minority heritage does not entitle you to strong-arm your way into their culture. For example.. I'm 1/16 black, but NEVER would I EVER claim to be a black woman. I would never pretend to know their struggle and I would never tell every black person I meet about my Black GGrandfather. Nor would I rock a daishiki or cornrows. It's not that I'm ashamed of this blood, I think it's actually kinda cool, but I wouldn't dream of trying to be part of their community just because I have a little bit of black ancestry.
Don't try to hard to over explain exactly where your NDN blood came from. Nobody needs a 5 generation run-down of your family history. Whenever you launch into one of these lengthy explanations, people start to wonder who you're trying to convince - them or YOURSELF! Don't talk about how your gggrandmother had high cheekbones and dark hair as if this is some kind of irrefutable proof of your indianness. If asked what your tribe is, be honest and tell the person you have some cherokee - or whatever tribe it is - blood and leave it at that. If they want details, they'll ask. If they do ask, don't get long-winded. Keep your answers short and to the point. Again, leave your familiy history out of it.
which brings me to another point... KNOW YOUR TRIBE!!!!!! Before you claim ANY heritage, do some fact-checking first. A lot of people claim Cherokee where there is none. There are several people on this board who probably know volumes more about genaology than me and I'm sure there are a few threads here you can reference. Make sure there was actually an ndn relative and confirm the tribe and if there is no evidence there, then consider that the story you heard has probably been handed down through a few generations and could have gone through some changes. for example: "people used to tell your GGGGrandma she looked NDN.. like a Cherokee" after a couple generations "I think she was Cherokee" couple more generations "She was Cherokee" ... etc.
I can't emphasize this one enough, I know it's been stated elsewhere, but I believe it warrants reiteration. If a supposed "medicine person" takes a particular interest in you, yet you haven't known them for very long, BE AFRAID.. be very afraid. Even FULL BLOODS have to earn the right to perform certain dances and ceremonies and this process can take a lifetime! If someone is willing to just hand this "knowledge" to you, then it's bogus and it probably won't be long till your newfound "cousin" or "grandfather" is asking you for a loan. NEVER EVER pay ANYONE for traditional knowledge or "lessons." This also goes for ceremonies.
Use your REAL name. Resist the urge to take on an NDN name just because you feel it "speaks to you." Naming is something that is taken very seriously by NDNs. Most get their names as babies and some tribes change that name with each stage of that person's life. Natives NEVER name themselves. Even if they do, especially with Cherokees, they're not gonna be names like "little white dove" or "rainbow warrior." Some REAL Cherokee names include Squirrel, Swimmer, Drywater, Dreadfulwater, Holmes, Holcomb, Mankiller, of course. Most Cherokees today have more Anglo sounding names like Barnes, Smith, Robertson, etc.
Also, keep in mind that when you take a name like "yellowbird" or "Red Elk" or even ManyGoats.. lol you may be using someone's real family name!!! You'll be taken a lot more seriously if you forgo using these types of names.. even on message boards!
Another poster touched on this and I'd like to expand on it a little. Women... If what appears to be a NDN man is chatting you up and coming on strong, the temptation can be there to let him snag you out. Resist this please. I've known several VERY good looking Native guys who systematically woo PODIAs and white women in an effort to either use them for sex or bilk them for cash. One d00d I knew had this woman taking him on expensive vacations, paying his tuition and even his CHILD SUPPORT!!!

They're well aware that non NDN women have the "long haired NDN warrior" fantasy and that they're willing to do just about anything to live out that fantasy. Keep your guard up.
If you're gonna go to powwows.. holy crap, I could write VOLUMES about this subject!!!
I'll try to keep it brief.
First, understand very few tribes have powwows as part of their traditions. Cherokees, for example, DO NOT powwow. Although, in recent years, the powwow has been added to the Cherokee National Holiday and many Cherokees today do dance powwow, I used to dance jingle a LOOOOONG time ago. It is not part of the traditional Cherokee way. When I grew up a little more, I stopped dancing powwow becuase I wanted to stay true to the traditions of my own tribe because our ways are threatened and need to be preserved in their true form. But that was a choice I made.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with PODIAs attending powwows. It's what they do when they're at them what concerns me..
If you're gonna check out a powwow, please resist the urge to try to "look NDN." Don't wear 15 lbs of turquoise, dye your hair black and rock an orange spray tan... just... don't. It may look fine while you're standing in the salon, but get next to a naturally brown native and it will only serve to emphasize how fake the hair and tan look. If you're pale as Casper the friendly ghost, then be pale. No shame in it. Do NOT wear fake buckskin or anything with fringe.
Just dress as you would for a day at the park. Tee shirts, jeans and sneakers are fine for spectators. As long as your outfit covers you up and isn't revealing or tight, you should be fine.
There are many websites which deal with powwow etiquitte, so I won't go too much into it here, but just be yourself and be respectful. Proper manners and having plenty of respect will never steer you wrong.
Understand that traditional native communities still hold fast to tradition, protocol and even gender roles. These things (especially the gender roles) may seem archaic to outsiders, but it is these very things which have sustained our communities and families for many generations and will continue to sustain us for generations to come.
If you have Native blood, take the time to verify and learn about it. Have patience and respect. Most of all, be open minded and willing to accept not just the interesting or mystical parts, but also the inconvenient parts like having to mind your mom and gramma at 38 years old. lol