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i still always much jail time would a native have done if placed in same predicament?

I bet they would get a life sentence. Depending on state - likely death penalty.

And their communities would be rousted and persecuted. Anyone who looked anything like them would be harassed. Possibly laws passed to take away religious freedoms.
Frauds / Re: Northern Chumash, Fred Collins
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 10, 2025, 02:51:41 pm »
and still many argue that these fake "tribes" are harmless
i still always much jail time would a native have done if placed in same predicament?
Frauds / Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Last post by Sandy S on January 10, 2025, 04:14:53 am »
she claims that the Maui fires are an "orchestrated deep state attack on humanity" and asserts that such attacks "happen with Satanic ritualized timing.

Every weather phenomenon is controlled."

choice phrases she uses to describe the Maui fires:

    "A planned atrocity"

    "Deep state attack"


    "Psychological war"

She also says that folks who discuss these Deep State tactics will be "silenced" because they "know what's really going on." She says, "We're all being oppressed, we're all being censored."

Predictably, she also calls the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic a "plandemic," and asserts that it, too, was a control mechanism of the Deep State. She calls the vaccines "bioweapons" and asserts that she and others were "persecuted" for not getting vaccinated.


Research Needed / Re: Edgar Villanueva - Decolonizing Wealth - Lumbee Tribe NC
« Last post by Advanced Smite on January 09, 2025, 06:20:47 pm »
I read Edgar Villanueva's book out of morbid curiosity and the naming story is bizarre. The quoted text below are excerpts from Decolonizing Wealth, Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance.

Around the time I left KBR, I got my Indian name. I wish I could tell you a romantic story about a vision quest where I became a man after spending a month building my own shelter sleeping under the stars, foraging and nearly starving, and having hallucinogenic experiences that revealed the true nature of things. But that's not how it happened.

No, it was a beige conference room in the Marriott in Denver. I had found a job, finally, in the direct aftermath of KBR, and was running the North Carolina American Indian Health Board, an organization that represented the six tribes around the state, working toward improved health in our communities, and the National Indian Health Board conference was taking place in Denver. At the conference was a sign-up sheet to meet with an Ojibwe medicine man.

Obviously, I signed up.

There was a line of people waiting their turn to go into the room and have a session with him and I was nervous. In my church, growing up, this kind of thing - shamans and the like - would have been condemned as heresy.

"What's going to happen in there?" I asked the woman waiting in line in front of me. I felt like I was on my way to see the Great and Powerful Oz.

Then Villanueva talks about the woman in front of him giving him a piece of her tobacco to present to the alleged medicine man. He discusses what the alleged medicine man is wearing and how they each sat in conference room chairs.

He asked me why I'd come. The truth was someone had suggested that if I were lucky, he might give me an Indian name, even though it's pretty unusual for someone from another tribe to give you a name. There are different traditions around naming. My tribe does not have a naming ceremony. You are just who you are, whatever your mama names you. I felt I'd be more legit with a real Indian name, but of course I wasn't going to express that to the medicine man.

Then Edgar Villanueva talks about the alleged medicine man saying he sees colors coming from Villanueva and "ancestors and spirits flying around the room."

And then he said it: "I want to give you an Indian name."

My moment had arrived. My prayers had been granted.

Niigaanii Beneshi.

It's in Ojibwe, from northern Minnesota.

"It means 'Leading Bird,'" he added, sparing me from having to find someone who speaks Ojibwe to translate it for me. "When birds are flying in the V formation, there's a bird that's leading the formation. That's you."

I thanked him and floated out of the room, feeling all spiritual and mysterious after the experience. Niigaanii Beneshi. Leading Bird.

There are a significant amount of problems with this story. Villanueva even acknowledges that "it's pretty unusual for someone from another tribe to give you a name." Yes, is unusual.
Frauds / Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Last post by Sandy S on January 08, 2025, 07:56:58 pm »
Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra continues to run a very slick operation.

Some reviews

If you're considering joining this group, you should know a few things. This group seems to target women who have experienced trauma. You'll be lured in with the idea of a group of supportive women in a feminist positive environment who can understand you and your traumas better than therapists and better than organized religion (they claim to not be religious, but "spiritual", until your involvement deepens). This is enticing, but by exposing yourself and your own personal traumas you are opening yourself up to manipulation: sharing personal secrets with others (and then praised for it) puts you in a position where you'll feel obligated to keep membership, and purchase product. This also encourages you to recruit others, as you're locked in and can't leave without risk of people exposing your deepest secrets (plus, you've found a "home" with like minded women).

Additionally, this group may push you into "remembering" trauma that didn't actually happen, which is an extremely strong method of psychological manipulation. It's caused some members of this group to disavow loved ones on false accusations of abuse

I've now heard directly from several survivors of Kaia Ra's cult who were higher ups, all the way down to people who've just attended her gatherings, to people who've only read the book. Kaia Ra is a terrifying girl boss and there's no doubt about that. I personally don't feel there is anything positive to be gained from being around her or her "transmissions". I've heard first hand from women who are now 100K+ in credit card debit because of her and girl bosses similar to her, convincing them to stay on the "dragon ride" and keep investing for the future payout that will never come.

Had someone pass me a copy of KR's training doc for "Angel Status" leaders and it is basically a how-to guide on psychological brainwashing and crafting the perfect dynamics for non-consensual cult indoctrination. I mean, some of these women actually believe her jewelry has magical powers because Kaia Ra is just that godlike.

I had a family member dabble with this woman and it was the darkest time in my whole life. She is a scam artist and will bleed you dry. I am so happy my family member got out of it. It was really, really bad. Please be aware and keep your eyes wide open.
I recognize that in no way does any member of Harmonic Wealth Global, Inc. provide legal, medical, or therapeutic advice, and it is my responsibility to secure such advisement.

I acknowledge and agree that I assume the risks associated with any and all activities and/or programs I participate in now or in the future.

The current active company is HARMONIC WEALTH GLOBAL, INC, in Nevada.

A prior name for Bersabeh Ray is Bersabeh Baghaee.

Lots of condolences expressed to Ray's family on Facebook.

Bersabeh refers to her husband as "our very own Ordained Minister" for the bible study course they recently offered.

Might take a year before we know if the company continues. If they keep up with annual reports and if Bersabeh takes the reins, their heinous scams could easily keep rolling.
We can keep an eye on his wife Bersabe Ray and their company Harmonic Wealth Global

James' brother Jon Ray appears to be a true believer.

Bersabe Ray says she is an “Integrative Intuitive Healer”.

The company runs lots of scams including Alchemy, Toltec, Emerald Tablets themes

Harmonic Wealth Course currently on sale for $997.00.

Cosmic Consciousness – Mystical Tarot Practically Defined and Demystified $10,503.00

I'll help keep an eye on how their scam businesses evolve.
What remains of his scam and abuse? AFAIK there is no cult around him like Harley Reagan, or successor where abuse is passed down like Redwolf Pope from Mala Pope.

If there's any kind of organization claiming descent or inspiration, the thread stays here. If it dies with him, it moves to Archives. Even as outright evil and callous as he was, killing and near deaths by the dozens, and then still having the greed and gall to continue abusing.
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