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Etcetera / Re: Jai Janini aka Jay Tavare
« Last post by milehighsalute on Today at 04:22:02 pm »
i cant find video now.....but a video was made about this notorious woman beater/disease spreader featuring women who were his victims and shown that he was homeless now.....not wino style homeless but couch surfing "hobosexual" style homeless

i am surprised we havent seen him more on here just due to his outright lying and abuse of women (yes there are many detailed police reports posted in case jainini finds this and threatens legal action like i seen he always does) as well as an alleged fake charity (so fan just hearsay so i say alleged)

also the women were talking to authorities about him KNOWINGLY entering intimate relationships and without informing them of incurable disease (herpes)

he may have had the video removed.....i saw it about a year and a half ago and i think it was made in 2020......i bring it up now because i was trying to find the video

there was a post here by michelle shining elk that should probably merge here
Research Needed / Re: Leah Yellowbird - Minnesota Artist
« Last post by Advanced Smite on Today at 04:04:13 pm »
TLDR; sorry the only thing that sticks out to me, and maybe this is a bit too nit picky.
Ojibwe is a far north, beyond Canada border, south of the border is Chippewa.
I mention this because I was screamed at by intermingling the two in discussion, by a Chippewa. Now on the other hand, my other relative used Chippewa (chippy) as a disparaging term, she was Ojibwe farther north than modern sources say. I can only imagine paddling canoes over that expansive waterway. That grandma considered herself and us, British Royals lol. When I think of her, I always giggle a bit thinking her school masters taught her she was now a British Royal subject. It’s always context when dealing with this.
I hope this helps anyone, it helped me typing it.

Respectfully, I disagree. I'm enrolled in a south of the border federally-recognized Chippewa/Ojibwe/Anishinaabe tribe. In the United States it is rare to hear an actual Ojibwe person identify as just "Chippewa" unless they are from Minnesota. Then they might say they are "Minnesota Chippewa." The reason is that multiple Minnesota reservations banded together as the "Minnesota Chippewa." See this link: It is common for someone to say they are "Minnesota Chippewa" followed by whether their family is Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Mille Lacs, or White Earth. Some may just say the specific band (i.e. Bois Forte, Leech Lake, etc.). Others may just say "Ojibwe" or "Anishinaabe" but should be able to name a band/tribe even if they aren't eligible for enrollment. It's a red flag if they say Chippewa/Ojibwe/Anishinaabe without ever identifying a specific band/tribe. Many proven fakes posted about on NAFPS seem to just say "Anishinaabe" without ever mentioning a specific band/tribe.

In Wisconsin and Michigan, Ojibwe tribe names include "Chippewa" like The Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa but, in my experience, no one says in conversation that they are just "Chippewa." Most often people identify the specific tribe (i.e. Bad River, Lac du Flambeau, Sault Ste Marie, etc.). If speaking generally, some may just say "Ojibwe" or "Anishinaabe" usually followed by the specific band/tribe (i.e. Bad River, Lac du Flambeau, Sault Ste Marie, etc.). Once again, it's a red flag if they can't identify a specific band/tribe even if they aren't eligible for enrollment.

I'm surprised an actual Chippewa/Ojibwe/Anishinaabe person would be upset with you for intermingling the terms. We're used to it. If speaking broadly, I refer to myself as "Ojibwe" because that is how my Native American parent identified themselves when speaking generally. I've never found it it be unusual in the United States.

You'll notice another commenter on this thread goes by "ojib22" although I'm not sure if they are from the United States or Canada. There are more Ojibwe NAFPS posters that could chime in on this topic. I'm speaking from my own experience and based on my own preference.
Etcetera / Re: Historical Context
« Last post by milehighsalute on Today at 02:44:59 pm »
washinton the father of our country

wore a wig and pancake make-up, high heels and panty hose......add his gold teeth and VIOLA!

truthfully he wasnt the father of our country......with all that bosom buddy/mrs doubtfire shit

naw.....he was more like the dysfunctional auntie of our country

and we need more people posting.....revive the board.....please bring friends.....ESPECIALLY native friends!!!
Etcetera / Re: UO Longhouse
« Last post by milehighsalute on Today at 02:40:26 pm »
I can't say much about Oregon,  but I have spent time on the Yakama Nation rez and they had longhouses similar to the first pic. The only one I actually remember going to was the Satus longhouse. I live in the Puget Sound area of Washington and a lot of tribes have built longhouses.  These are similar to some on Vancouver Island where they are called "Big Houses."

when i visited the tri-cities when one of my brothers lived there......i met some yakimas and walla wallas

craziest thunder and lightning i ever seen was over there......i might even say i was a bit scared
Etcetera / Re: UO Longhouse
« Last post by milehighsalute on Today at 02:37:47 pm »
Needs like button for posts, ;)
I’ve never had frybread, but do love mutton stew. I’m intolerant of wheat grains.
I’m overdue for real piki tho.

my people make piki bread...(or paper bread).........we dip it in red chili caribe

i havent had it for years and i rarely make it down to NM anymore maybe just once or twice a year now

we do have some pueblo families here and we are all friends so when someone goes back home they bring back horno bread and and feast cookies and prune pies and chiquo de horno....all that good pueblo goodies and they share if they have enough

Etcetera / Re: UO Longhouse
« Last post by Mirror on February 05, 2025, 11:59:05 pm »
I had a coffee table book of photos from Kinsley brothers, probably paid less than a dollar for it.
In it, there was at least one photo of an original longhouse made of bark torn from the giant trees of the day. Some of my best nuggets of the past were found this way. For example, in the 1850’s a congress declaration that the Moqui Tribe (aka Fremont people, Hopi, Anastazi) were not Indians. I wish I still had that book.
Etcetera / Historical Context
« Last post by Mirror on February 05, 2025, 11:38:24 pm »
I hope I’m not posting too much.
I saw something here the other day, and wanted to comment but hadn’t introduced myself yet.
Now I can’t find it.
Basically the post or discussion was about President George Washington likely liking Native People.
I did a deep dive years ago about early founding figures, and whatnot. It is a fact that George Washington’s Secretary was John Stagg Jr, who was descended from Stegge IIRC, John Jr had gone to England to get an education and also clean up his pedigree. English being British ;), probably wouldn’t let him keep his fathers name since it was and actual English sir name. So Stagg was conceived. He was in fact very native, all the women in his family in America were native.
Which brings me to George Washington, George is a sir name, so that makes him an American “bastid” meaning he was also of mixed ancestry without a doubt.
Know this, no puritans would have used anything other than proper Christian names. And not something they chose out of a book.
In those days, names meant something “not defined” but as title.
I haven’t dug into Washington, I’d bet it’s a native place name.
Be careful, because I’ve found where Europeans- native “slaves” brought back names to Europe.
I hope this is helpful
Research Needed / Re: Leah Yellowbird - Minnesota Artist
« Last post by Mirror on February 05, 2025, 11:13:45 pm »
TLDR; sorry the only thing that sticks out to me, and maybe this is a bit too nit picky.
Ojibwe is a far north, beyond Canada border, south of the border is Chippewa.
I mention this because I was screamed at by intermingling the two in discussion, by a Chippewa. Now on the other hand, my other relative used Chippewa (chippy) as a disparaging term, she was Ojibwe farther north than modern sources say. I can only imagine paddling canoes over that expansive waterway. That grandma considered herself and us, British Royals lol. When I think of her, I always giggle a bit thinking her school masters taught her she was now a British Royal subject. It’s always context when dealing with this.
I hope this helps anyone, it helped me typing it.
Member Introductions / Re: Mirror introduction
« Last post by Mirror on February 05, 2025, 10:55:37 pm »
Last time I was in the area, my old friends thought I was a freak for recognizing that all the squid on the beach at cowls (steamer lane) during winter was an actual food supply. ;)
I got a kick out of seeing the wharf in the news recently.
Etcetera / Re: UO Longhouse
« Last post by debbieredbear on February 05, 2025, 10:50:59 pm »
I can't say much about Oregon,  but I have spent time on the Yakama Nation rez and they had longhouses similar to the first pic. The only one I actually remember going to was the Satus longhouse. I live in the Puget Sound area of Washington and a lot of tribes have built longhouses.  These are similar to some on Vancouver Island where they are called "Big Houses."
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