Author Topic: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha  (Read 146302 times)

Dianne Harris

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Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2006, 08:54:34 pm »
Now here's one if you want to get serious about stopping the 'Q' sex workshops. There's even emails and phone numbers to contact them (as if that is likely to do any good)
They don't take place until June 2006, so there's lots of time to do something.

"Quodoshka Workshop
Now that my laptop is repaired, I can share some news with you. Over the past month, I received a couple very nice e-mails from Rob & Manuela at Sweet Medicine Lodge. They offer Quodoshka workshops, and the next one is coming up in early-June.
The following excerpts are from their brochure (Copyright material from Sweet Medicine Lodge). Please do not interpret this blog entry as a recommendation for or against their workshops. I have not met Rob & Manuela, and I have not attended any of their workshops. If any Tantra Grand Rapids members have studied with Rob & Manuela, please share your experiences with us.
Chuluaqui Quodoushka I & II
Sponsored by Sweet Medicine Lodge
Q I Friday June 2-Monday June 5, 2006
Q II Thursday June 8-Sunday June 11, 2006
Near Ann Arbor, Michigan
To Register Contact:
Manuela Lightning Horse
Rob & Manuela,,
About the teachers
Karen Krauss, Lightning Spirit (formerly known as Laughing Otter Woman)
Karen attended her first Quodoushka in 1984 and was so inspired by this sacred knowledge that she devoted herself to training in the shamanic tradition of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. Facilitating Quodoushka seminars since 1988, Karen is motivated by the inner truth that freedom within one's spiritual-sexuality sparks one's passion for life. With her alive and full of heart manner she guides others in the process of growing and changing in a natural way. She has facilitated seminars in the U.S. and Europe. You can reach her at
John Ardagh, Thunder Wolf
John Thunder Wolf began his shamanic training in the Sundance Path in 1985. From the moment he attended his first Quodoushka he knew he had found a way through the maze of human sexuality. He brings the experience of his rich and varied life as a musician, teacher, psychotherapist, father and husband. His way of teaching brings humor and care in helping others to heal their pain and find their naturalness within their sexuality.

Their site even allows you to post your own comments.  I posted a link to this forum and this topic. And even though they claim to check the comments first, they posted it!!! So I guess they are not too clever.

Karen Krauss is listed at the usual Deer Tribe Metis site.
John Ardagh, Thunder Wolf shows up on the website for the Institute of Contemporary Shamanic Studies in Toronto Canada ( ) which was already posted as a fraud site in the Fakes in Canada thread.
His picture is at  another Canadian fraud site:

Doesn't look too damned Indian to me. In fact none of the others on there (male or female) do!

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2006, 09:53:45 pm »
There is an article on the Online Wilkipedia Encyclopedia relating to Chuluaqui Quodoushka.


Also you can find subjects like Harley Reagan and a few other interesting topics by using the Search feature.
None of the Articles are too flattering about the subjects.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2006, 08:09:38 pm »
 I went with one of these medicine schools in New York state.  One of the ceremonies I had to do was to hang by a rope around my ankles upside down over a river. Somehow, I got talked into doing this thing naked bacause they were going to lower me into the water. I was told it was the proper way to do it. I felt pretty good about it at first but then a few things started to bug me.
After the cermony was over I started to feel a little foolish. Then embarrassed.
I later found out it wasn't a real ceremony at all.
Even worse, when I told someone else about it, he laughed and told me I had been tricked. That all they had done was taken a simple baptism ceremony and dressed it up to look like it was an Indian thing. I felt so stupid!
After that I stopped going to the school. I didn't want to tell anyone what I had done because I felt so taken in. I didn't want anyone else laughing at me.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2006, 10:07:31 pm »
This is exactly why I try to warn people about frauds! I get very angry when I see people taken advantage of the way you were.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2006, 10:41:45 pm »
My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing that with us. So many wonderful people are being hurt and even killed by these frauds.

I do have a question and if I offend you please forgive me,it is not my intention. I really want to understand so I can be of more help to others.

What drew you to this school and into this terrible thing that happened?? Are there other things that were said or "ceremonies" taught/done that can shed even more light on these Fakes out there.
Out of respect I ask these things???


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2006, 01:05:01 am »
 I went there because my boyfriend's sister had suggested it. I was trying to fit in and be friends with his family. She was studying there and she made it sound os neat.
I saw lots of stuff that actually seemed real. They had pipe ceremonies and ceremonies for healingand clearing the mind and  about shifting my energy. They had all sorts of stuff lithat looked like it was authentic stuff. They had books and made it almost like going to school. Kind of like I remember bible school was so it seemed ok.
We all dressed up. And we all were to buy our supplies and pay donations to pay for our course.
They had sweat lodges, but I didn't doi them because I was never very tolerant of heat. I wuld have thrown up.
They made is all seem like we were sisters and it felt very much like family. It was easy to stop going because by then even Julie had stopped going. I think she still wanted to go, but she had a big argument with some other girl that went there.
After I did the water ceremony thing, I just felt kind of weird. It was like they were no longer the people I had thought they were. Kmowing they had all seen me with nothing on made me feel stupid. Especially the guys. They seemed to be acting nicer than ever but I knew they just saw me  like I was easy..
 I went once or twice more but I didn't feel comfortable again so I stopped.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2006, 09:56:34 pm »
Wado Sarah for sharing that. You are a much wiser person now and I'm sorry you had to learn lessons that way. You now can be a watchman for all that get invovled in these frauds. Yes they make it seem so nice and the "feeling of family" is a major hook with these people.

You have a lot to give to this site for you have firsthand knowledge...I hope you will continue to share these things with all.Remember they took ADVANTAGE OF YOU SO TOSS IT ALL BACK ON THEM,SHAME AND ALL!!!.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2006, 08:41:23 pm »
Quote:"I later found out it wasn't a real ceremony at all.  
Even worse, when I told someone else about it, he laughed and told me I had been tricked. That all they had done was taken a simple baptism ceremony and dressed it up to look like it was an Indian thing. I felt so stupid! "

Not surprising really. A lot of cults do a baptism type ceremony.Cults often use stolen ideas to make their garbage seem normal. It's to make it sem ok when it's not. They take real ceremonies, in your case a baptiem and corrupt it by doing it the way you descibe to make it theirs.
Similarly they take bits of native ceremonies and corrup them too, getting the people to do what feels to them as though it's real, but in fact it's often all fake.
You were far too trusting however. May I ask, did you lose much money when you were with them?
It's a good thing you didn't do the Sweats, it's not uncommon for people to get hurt when people employ fake ceremonies. And sweats are one of the most dangerous when done improperly.
That you were able to see them for what they were is a good thing.
Was this group part of the Deer Tribe Metis? They are known for employing nudity in fake ceremonies and trying to employ sex to manuipulate their members.  They also do a 'sisterhood' which sounds a lot like what you were talking about making it seem like family. Again, groups within groups to make the cult stronger, and to hide itself in layers of deception.
My final thought is that you were very lucky, Your eyes were open enough to see through them. Many people refuse to see the truth and keep going back to these cults and make them a big part of their lives.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2006, 09:20:47 pm »
 Hi again

I thank you all for your kind words. I was so surprised to find out that I'm not alone in this. For the longest while I felt like I was the only person who could be so stupid. So dumb.
Finding out that it is all over the place makes me feel better. In some ways. But it makes me feel angry that other people are doing this to.

Someone asked abou the Deer Tribe?
Yes, I think it was part of it. Or at least it was on some stuff I read while I was there.
they did have a sisterhood group.
I didn't spend a lot of money because I only work parttime and i don't have a lot. I did waste money on things they told me were shamanic supplies i would need for some ceremonies.
Again not a lot because I just couldn't afford it.
Julie told me she quit because she had an argument with one of the other women there. But now she tells me she was getting hassled a lot by them. They were trying to get her to spend more time and stuff. And she didn't want to ,.  
I don;t think she was feeling too comfortable with it all like me. She just won't say and I won't ask again.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2006, 08:09:23 pm »
 I just finished reading the manual for the Chulukai-quodoushka or whatever you spell it.
I was given it through some friends.
What a load of bull-crap!
It is loaded with fake indian nonsense. I really thought it was funny when it basically said for one ceremony, If it doesn't work after 28 days try it again!
It even has instructions on how to masturbate. Both for men and women. All worded in Tonto speak. I was laughing so hard my sides were hurting.
I think if anyone believes this stuff is real ancient indian wisdom then there's no hope of saving them. They are too dumb to help.
Whoever wrote this manual up was a real joker. It is so stupid.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2006, 07:12:32 am »
"I think if anyone believes this stuff is real ancient indian wisdom then there's no hope of saving them. They are too dumb to help."

That's a lot of the reason these cults flourish. The people in them actually do believe it helps them. They cannot see that they are wasting their time with it. They don't understand that the ceremonies, the workshops the mumbo-jumbo they are being taught is pure garbage.
They cannot accept that they have been duped. If someone tells them it's fake or nonsense, they refuse to accept it.
You cannot blame them, you look at some of these web sites, some of the people on them represent themsleves as having studied the stuff for years. How on earth can they accept that what they have believed, studied, acted on, and spent money on for years was a complete and utter waste of time.
How completely devastating that would be.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #41 on: March 19, 2006, 04:42:51 pm »
I just finished reading the manual for the Chulukai-quodoushka or whatever you spell it.
 I was given it through some friends.
 What a load of bull-crap!
 It is loaded with fake indian nonsense. I really thought it was funny when it basically said for one ceremony, If it doesn't work after 28 days try it again!
 It even has instructions on how to masturbate. Both for men and women. All worded in Tonto speak. I was laughing so hard my sides were hurting.
I think if anyone believes this stuff is real ancient indian wisdom then there's no hope of saving them. They are too dumb to help.
 Whoever wrote this manual up was a real joker. It is so stupid.

Can you post the manual? Did you get it as an ebook or is it in the tradtional tree killer format(paper)?
I've heard so much about it that I'd really be interested in seeing it.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #42 on: March 19, 2006, 05:51:13 pm »
One of my friends said the manual was the sickest most perverted thing she ever read. And she is open minded and has done tantra.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #43 on: March 19, 2006, 10:36:35 pm »
One of my friends said the manual was the sickest most perverted thing she ever read. And she is open minded and has done tantra.

It's not all that bad but I can see how your friend might be grossed out by some of it.
There are a parts where they talk about how young men and woman upon reaching puberty are initiated sexually by a "fireperson". It reads a bit like a perverts reasoning for why sex with children is "ok". I can see how a potential molestor could grasp at this and go on to molest children after being in the "Q". In fact, I'd be surprised if they didn't as it implies it is good for the child.
I think what puzzled me the most was that it claims to be for relationships but the intimacy is all the "how to"
Example below gives the how to on masturbating your partner, then ends with "Kiss, caress, etc..." like that part of it is incidental to the experience.
I can see how this worshop relates to real sex about as much as porno movies relate to real sex.

It has sections on how to masturbate and using sex in ceremonies. It's mostly garbage though.
I will post a bit of it. I will have to type it in to do it. and I am certainly not going to type in the whole manual.

I will do a bit here and ther as I get chance or feel like making the effort.

Here's a quick example:
This is from female masturbation.

8. "Climbing Mt. Venus or Climbing the mountainside"
Without breaking contact, lie down beside the woman on her right side.
Roll the hand with fingers inside so the palm is facing up.
Maintain pressure on the Fire Trigger with the base of the hand on the clit (without moving the hand).
This connects the G-Spot and the clit so that they become as one unit.
The woman can then thrust against your hand.
Kiss, caress etc.

9. "Birthing The Feathered Winged Serpent"
The outside position remains the same as in step 8 and stay stationary.
The hand that is inside remains palm up as the fingers begin to pump the Fire Trigger
Again the amount of pressure varies from sister to sister.
If the woman puts her hand on the man's hand she can help maintain and control the pressure

10. "Creation"
If you are doing this woman to woman, lie together so there is full body contact, and your clits are touching.
If you are doing this man to woman, lie so that your cock's clit touches hers.
Clit to clit and ride it.
Slide inside at the right time!

As far as I can tell, it's just the same stuff you'd find in any How to Sex Manual, fancied up with words like "Fire Trigger" instead of G Spot.
"Anoint with oil" instead of use lube.

For the curious, the cock's clit is "the V at the base of the cock's head" according to the "Q" book.
I asked my hubby, he said it was called the "frenulum" and although it is filled with a lot of nerves it is not that big a deal for him.

This typed in a bit faster than I expected so I may post a bit more later. If anyone has this manual as an ebook (a few people have seen it online) then please save me the effort and post it or give me a link.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #44 on: March 19, 2006, 10:39:33 pm »

I should have thought of this before.
Is this ok what I am typing from the "Quodoushka" manual?
I just realised it is a bit offensive and I don't want to upset anoyne. So if this offends anyone please, please say so.