Author Topic: Is this group for real? AIM PA  (Read 89222 times)


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #45 on: October 14, 2009, 02:52:34 am »
... OMG

THIS  should'nt be "dicussed" here.. right ?


Offline Redthunder1891

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #46 on: October 14, 2009, 07:43:59 pm »
Am wondering,if the autonomous american indian movement of lancaster/chester co.would contact the aim grand governing council for thier approval/review,wouldnt that be disrespectfull to thier original sponsor Mr,Whitekiller?This whole issue of grand governing council and autonomous ,why not just A.I.M. period like before,understand differences of opinion and personality clashes but isnt ones agenda the same as the others,obviously aim pa already has an approved sponsorship from one whom made all public info availible,why not a summitt or meeting between autonomous and grand gov.council on a national scale to bury the past and hash out the differences and combine as one group again,mending the original split,imagine the voice that could be heard and the energies created then,has this ever been attempted before,if not im wondering why,whats the barrier,thanks all for your time in this review

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2009, 05:29:21 am »
What kind of man gives his children names like Timberwolf, Golden Hawk, and Dancing Butterfly? And refers to them as "The Little Savages"?

Edit to add: I guess the same kind of man who would post this on another myspace:

Autonomous A.I.m. is sharpening the arrowheads!
Mood: Fry bread power!

This group expects to be taken seriously??
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 05:39:57 am by bls926 »

Trad Dancer

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2009, 09:53:45 pm »
1. I have to agree with Red Thunder,enough said!

2.I think it was said best when the question was,"Should things be discussed here?" especially when you are talking about someones kids and thier names,and for the record I know Gene,and his kids were name by a Cherokee not him,and furthermore thats none of anyones business here,Genes actions should not reflect on his kids.

3.bls,or whoever,i dont feel that my opinions are reflecting negativity on Autonomous AIM of Lancaster county,your opinions on that are "premature" for lack of a better word.

4.Whatever Autonomous AIM changes thier name to,its no concern of yours,they are legit,no matter how you look at it.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #49 on: October 18, 2009, 04:04:46 pm »
I'd like to ask for a final round of opinions on this thread. Should it be moved to Archives and marked Resolved No Longer a Matter of Concern?

As I noted earlier, the main concern from the beginning was over whether this chapter had in fact been authorized by someone who had the power to authorize it. That seems to be resolved.

There are some others concerns over individual behavior within the chapter (see the Hawk Goodfire thread as well), but nothing that comes anywhere close to being fraud or not being a legit chapter.

Also, the questions over someone alleging to be Peltier's son may be a different matter. Perhaps that should be given a separate thread yet again. Opinions?

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #50 on: October 18, 2009, 05:31:08 pm »
I really don't think anyone is claiming to be Leonard Peltier's son. Think it's just the way Whisler has their LPDOC myspace set up. He might want to change that, to save confusion in the future.

Refer to the post I made on October 9th.

still trying to find out who said he is peltiers son?
Gene "Thunderwolf"  Also say he is head of free Leonard movement.

I think I know how this story got started. Thunderwolf, as the head of the Leonard Peltier Support Group of PA, uses the name Leonard Peltier on their myspace instead of LPBSG PA or his own name, as the other Support Groups do. So, whenever he makes a comment or joins another group, it looks like Leonard Peltier is doing it.

Examples from

Sep 02
Leonard Peltier joined the groups Indigenous Live Chat Room and Saint Cloud American Indian Movement.

Aug 13
Leonard Peltier joined the group: Mafia Queen.

Since Peltier doesn't have access to a computer, some people may have thought this was his son. Instead, it's Thunderwolf misappropriating Leonard Peltier's identity.

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2009, 06:01:13 pm »
1. I have to agree with Red Thunder,enough said!

2.I think it was said best when the question was,"Should things be discussed here?" especially when you are talking about someones kids and thier names,and for the record I know Gene,and his kids were name by a Cherokee not him,and furthermore thats none of anyones business here,Genes actions should not reflect on his kids.

3.bls,or whoever,i dont feel that my opinions are reflecting negativity on Autonomous AIM of Lancaster county,your opinions on that are "premature" for lack of a better word.

4.Whatever Autonomous AIM changes thier name to,its no concern of yours,they are legit,no matter how you look at it.

It really wasn't the names Whisler gave his children, although they do scream bliss bunny. It was his calling them "The Little Savages". What kind of man refers to his children as savages?

Then there was the comment about "sharpening the arrowheads". What a stereotype.

There's more, but I'm not going to post it. Anyone who has gone to their myspaces has seen for themselves.

Too much pan-Indian, twinkie, bliss bunny garbage. Indians have serious problems. No one needs an AIM chapter who is all fluff.

Trad Dancer, it's not your opinions I have a problem with; it's your attitude. The last time I saw someone here on NAFPS criticizing what we were doing, condemning us for being hateful, they were a wannabe with a whole lot to hide. Come to think of it . . . Every time someone spouts off like you did with that much disrespect, they're trying to deflect. I'm surprised you haven't used the old worn-out "you don't act like any Indians I know" or "this isn't the Native way".

Why do I care what this AIM chapter is calling themselves? I spent half my life in Pennsylvania and still call it home. I have family in both counties.

Edit to add: There's also the problem of their affiliation with a group determined to be fraudulent by the Cherokee Task Force, SECCI. I don't know if the Task Force should have the last word in who is or isn't Cherokee, but I value their opinion.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 07:31:47 pm by bls926 »

Offline Redthunder1891

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2009, 06:26:16 pm »
I agree its time to close the thread as its been posted regarding support of aim-pa,also,the issue of peltiers son was simply somebodies misinterpritation and clearly disputed by "Gene".further,opinions are one thing but regarding a mans personal business as to his children is not our concern,none of us would like another instigating the same nor should one ad words and stretch out of context somebodies words or comments which seems to have occured often upon this thread,obviously this man right ,wrong or indifferent meant to be humourous and am frankly,surprised how much of an issue some try to make this as well as insulting anothers elders stating twinkie this and that,close the thread and move onto legitimate issues like saving the wolves,buffalo field campagn,or gravesite desecration,to much time indulging in hearsay and meaningless rhetoric.....contructive and positiveness in all things should be strived for,its possible to agree to disagree....atain this and youll be a happier person.......,Mitakuye Oyasin!

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2009, 03:03:18 am »
Mitakuye Oyasin!

   Ooooh lord.....The cry of the wannabe.

 Hey, if you guys are hooking up with Chinka. Take the advice I posted.  Support causes in a civilized manner. Don't act like vulgar animals, and don't get "militant". There's something known as "Homeland Security" now, and you'll do more harm to the causes your trying to help.

Offline Redthunder1891

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2009, 05:22:18 am »
[Al's note- Childish comment and personal attack removed. Consider yourself warned.]
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 01:26:45 pm by educatedindian »

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #55 on: October 19, 2009, 01:39:43 pm »
[Al's note- Childish comment and personal attack removed. Consider yourself warned.]

Oh darn, Al! I was fixing to reply to that. Something along the lines of life is more than powwows and frybread, beads and feathers, braids and shades. lol

Offline Redthunder1891

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #56 on: October 19, 2009, 02:03:50 pm »
[Spam removed] nothing better to do than promote the same discrimination and elite status quo that so many others work to abolish among society,personaly believe these folks should step back and evaluate themselves and cease these outward reflections of themselves and open their hearts and minds to a happier life,p.c.commandos that are content in their corners and eager to degrade others,i feel empathy for your ignorance and lack of understanding what it is to be a true human being,regardless of race or beliefs,to insult the phrase of WE ARE ALL RELATED an state this to be the cry of wannabes is downright frivilous and without any merit,you all should be ashamed of yourselves for such things,know many legit sundancers who cry this aloud as they suffer for the people,best i can do at this point is to pray [Insult removed],perhaps you should read some fools crow and his words or pete catches on these matters,doubt it will have much affect upon your little click but prefer to think positive,try a random act of kindness today and start a new begining,your attitudes and demeanor are directing you towards a downward spiral,[Insult removed] and am of the opinion this NAFPS site and majority of its commentators are a reincarnation of the same ole B.I.A.and their drama and tactics,consider me outta here,[Insult removed]...............Tunkasila knows your heart and thoughts,consider yourself warned!!!

[Al's note- Since s/he wants to be removed, we're happy to oblige.]
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 02:37:33 pm by educatedindian »

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #57 on: October 19, 2009, 02:10:47 pm »
Quoting all this because obviously someone overlooked it.
Pay special attention to what Al said.

American Indian Movement of Pennsylvania has now become Autonomous A.I.M. of PA. Negative comments about NAFPS and the discussion we're having here. We were called "close minded" and "egotistical". There's a "special shout out to TRAD DANCER" for her support.

Since Roy obviously wanted us all to know how he felt about this thread, I decided to copy his comments.

Oct 6 2009 6:58 AM

NAFPS FORUM.....from the back and forth rhetoric and unfounded allegations and much accumulated negativity,one can only assume as history has proven,that the NAFPS FORUM is comprised of mostly colonial mentality and european ideas,the sort of folks that took so much and imposed thier will on us in the first place,from me personaly to you NAFPS FORUM,...TAKE A HIKE AGITATORS,TAKE YOUR DISSENTION AND NEGATIVITY ELSEWHERE,obviously you folks aint skins or for any movement thats for people in a good way,bury your heads somewhere and think of your actions and remarks and ask creator to humble you some,perhaps then we can better get aquanted,ROY

They really should know what they're talking about before looking foolish. We have actual AIM members here at NAFPS, and we've worked with actual AIM chapters from the beginning, far longer than anyone at AIM PA. Plus many traditionalists, representatives of reserves, etc. How long have we been fighting the good fight? Literally 100 times longer than this chapter that's only been around for weeks...

The ironic thing is this thread is mostly dominated by concerns that the members of AIM PA are themselves being used, possibly being "approved" by someone who has no such power to approve their chapter.

But keep in mind these are mostly fairly young people, mostly well intentioned I think, but naive and unaware of how to do things the right way just yet. They're just starting to get their feet wet, and hopefully they'll mature enough to know the facts before shooting themselves in the foot again and smearing a group that does the same kind of work they hope to someday do.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 02:12:31 pm by bls926 »

Trad Dancer

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2009, 01:28:50 am »
I personally think whats going on here is that first everyone doubted AIM Pa,it gave everyone something to gossip about and it worked for a while but then when you found out they were legit,you looked like a bunch of idiots. So out of desperation to try and make yourselves look good again you decided to pick at Gene,Who i think we all can agree that besides the fact that he humorously and jokingly calls his kids "Little savages" is a respectable goodhearted guy.

So enclosing i must wonder who is the better people AIM or the people on this thread,you dont hear of AIM attacking anyones children and family,which isnt a smart thing to do,which shows the intellegnce level of everyone here besides Red Thunder and Corrine,they showed more intellegence and maturity here.One has to wonder,if they didnt know any of us and after looking at this thread,would have to wonder how can so many people trying to smash one guy,who they know nothing about,make themselves look so damn stupid and think that they are more intellegent that a simple..........Rodent.

Offline Wacipi

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2009, 01:58:19 am »
I am new here, but I follow this topic for a while. And, to be honest, it was quiet amusing to read all this.
First of all I have to admit that I know these people from A.I.M. PA. Well, not very close, but good enough.
Roy Robertson aka Redthunder 1891 aka The Real Crazy Horse.

That means, you had a conversation with the head man of "A.I.M. PA", not very surprising that he talked nice about this group.
Roy claims to be Lakotha, but his ancestry is more on the "italien" side. He is not a skin. His only connection to what he calls Oyate are some of his friends.
There is not one skin in this "group", but therefor white people playing Indian. They feel very empowered with this A.I.M. title, but as a Grandfather of mine said, they act like a bunch of Boy Scouts going wild.
This group is a disgrace for the real A.I.M. and what it is all about, as well as for the native People here in this part of the country.
 Best regards