Author Topic: James Twyman  (Read 43032 times)

Offline seedb

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James Twyman
« on: February 06, 2006, 05:38:48 am »

A Letter From James Twyman:

"We thought we were finished editing the documentary 'The Indigo Evolution' in
early December when we were invited to travel to the Hopi nation in Arizona to
interview the elders about the 'New Children 'and their important role in saving
the world. Until now the Hopis had been reluctant to reveal very much of their
wisdom, especially their ancient prophesy. Once we arrived and conducted the
interviews we were overjoyed to have the chance to add this to the film, just in
time to be included in the world wide premiere on January 17-19.

"This is information for the whole world, for all our children and every citizen
of planet Earth. In fact, I believe it is so important that we've included much
of the section on our website for you to view immediately. (Not included online
is the prophesy'll have to attend a screening of 'The Indigo
Evolution' to see that.)"

Go to to see the Hopi interview today, then attend a
screening of the entire film at a church or theater near you this weekend.


We've already trained over 400 Spiritual Peacemakers to work around the world,
and now our two year program has been "fast-tracked" so you can be ordained in
only three months. The new class begins on March 1, so check out the program
today at


Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2006, 06:58:15 pm »
Twyman's another of those self-appointed prophets, one of the people behind the nauseating 'indigo children' fad. The idea is that highly-evolved spiritual beings are increasingly incarnating these days in order to save us from ourselves, and you can tell who these kids are because they have trouble with authority, possess special healing powers and of course have indigo auras! It's guilt-free hothousing for newage parents, and at least as abusive as making your five-year old do calculus or play a violin for hours every day:

By laying these harebrained expectations on kids, the New Agers are building a whole generation of narcissists. I don't mean stuck-up egotists. We're talking about Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), in which the child never develops a genuine sense of self because he or she is too busy attempting to live out the fantasies of a delusional and psychologically abusive parent. This requirement to embody by proxy the parent's own grandiose "spiritual" dreams of power and glory almost invariably results in lasting damage to the child -- and often to the people that child will come into contact with as an adult.

A report on Twyman from a newage website:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2006, 02:16:04 am »
The film is pretty much just an ad for Twyman. LIke Barnaby pointed out, it's doing so much damage kids. Even other Nuagers and altmed people are disgusted.
"Where I fault the film is the sensationalization of the label "Indigo." The new children have been variously described as Indigos (because of the supposed color of their auras), Star Kids (because of their purported origination from other worlds), Crystal Children (because some say they are highly developed), and so forth -- none of these claims hold up as stated with research, whether via scientific observation or by studying mystical/esoteric traditions or through summarizing visionary revelations. The label "Indigo," plus the others, are now subject to serious challenge.
Professionals in the field of child development and education, parents, even the kids themselves, are having problems with the idea that certain character traits are the province of so-called "Indigos," when, in fact, the majority of today's children match those traits -- without evidencing anything like a purple aura, or being a hybrid from another planet, or possessing "god-like" wisdom.
...our youngest citizens truly have something important to say that is worth hearing.
Already, though, I'm seeing the opposite, the "bandwagon" approach to sales and marketing. Books extolling what a certain well-regarded psychic had to say about "Indigos," when that individual never said anything of the sort; music just for Indigos; Indigo camps, schools, literature, classes, toys, websites, business logos. The hype is deafening and it's just started. Far too many people, most of them well-meaning, are exploiting the very children we seek to celebrate. Claims that have been proven false are now accepted as gospel by an adoring public un-willing to question or verify. The affect this has on children is unfortunate.
We can learn something here from psychologists: there are so many learning disorders present today in the younger population that professionals no longer use labels to describe them -- the various disorders are simply called "quirks" and the youngsters who have them, "quirky kids." I suggest that we call those born since 1982, the "new" children. That's generic enough, and it covers the territory without going to extremes."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2006, 02:26:18 am »
The origins of this indigo nonsense. Check what exploiter Richard Boylan has to say:
The term Indigo Child was coined 17 years ago by Nancy Ann Tappe, a parapsychologist who developed a system for classifying people's personalities according to the hue of their auras, described in her 1982 book, Understanding Your Life Through Colors. According to her, auras have been entering and exiting Earth throughout history. For example, aura colors such as fuchsia and magenta disappeared from the gene pool 100 years ago (though she was recently shocked to find a fuchsia living in Palm Springs). It stood to reason that a new life color was about to make an appearance. was the 1999 book The Indigo Children, by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, that popularized the idea of the next generation. Carroll was an economics major who ran a technical audio business for 30 years until a visit to a psychic prompted a New Age midlife crisis. He found religion and started traveling around the world giving "self-help" seminars. Accompanying him was Tober, a practitioner of metaphysics and hands-on healing as well as a jazz singer who had toured with Benny Goodman and Fred Astaire. The genesis of the book came when they began noticing similar accounts of strange behavior in children from teachers, counselors and psychologists who attended their seminars. As they began to look into these occurrences, they found kids were indeed being born with an "unusual set of psychological attributes" and displaying "a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before." Using a collection of essays and interviews from experts in the field -- mostly counselors working in such New Age areas as Angel Therapy and alternative medicines -- the book focuses on raising an Indigo Child. Some of the main attributes they describe are a sense of "deserving to be here" and "knowing who they are," difficulty with authority, a dislike of activities that don't require creative thought and a feeling of royalty (and acting like it)....
Kevin Krull, an adjunct assistant professor who runs clinical research on cognitive deficits at Texas Children's Hospital, sees a potential danger in misdiagnosing kids as Indigo. Youngsters with ADD who are not treated, he says, can experience declines in IQ and academic performance, and they have an increased rate of drug use...."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2006, 02:27:25 am »
Pt 2
"The introduction to Carroll and Tober's book An Indigo Celebration, published last year, proclaims somewhat incredulously that readers of their first book "actually concluded that we were promoting the fact that these new children on Earth were space aliens!" A brief browse through their Indigo Children Web site certainly shows how people might have come to that conclusion.
There's a link to the sister site that gives a better idea of the kind of self-help seminars Tober and Carroll are conducting. The site contains transcripts of messages channeled through Carroll from a higher being named Kryon. Carroll is credited as one of only nine channels in the world working "in the service of Kryon." Each channeling begins with the greeting "This is Kryon of Magnetic Service," directed to his followers, whom he refers to as Lightworkers. The messages contain instructions for communicating with spirit, healing and reaching the next "level." Carroll is also the author of several Kryon books, including Don't Think Like a Human.
A competing but similar proponent of the idea of highly evolved children is Richard Boylan, a retired social worker and hypnotherapist who works with what he calls Star Kids. He thinks the proponents of Indigos are noticing the same phenomenon but have taken it a bit too far with the New Age stuff. Boylan instead believes parents are being abducted by aliens and having their DNA manipulated to create enhanced offspring capable of telekinesis and ESP. He's seen absolute proof, but as so often happens in these cases, it's been locked away in some secret government lab. He doesn't suggest doing DNA tests on any Star Kids because any irregularities are so subtle that they can be recognized only by an expert. And as so often happens in these cases, the expert is dead of cancer. (Or was that really the cause of death?)...
Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic magazine and author of Why People Believe Weird Things, says that aliens have become the newest popular religion, fulfilling many of the same needs. People turn to weird ideas, he says, because they want to believe in something that transcends the ordinary, gives certainty in an uncertain world, or helps them deal with their own mortality. "It comes with having a big cortex," Shermer says. Our brains are designed to find patterns, and sometimes we just connect dots that aren't there....
Shermer says psychics and healers can feed the human desire to reconcile with a loved one who has passed on, or can comfort someone by telling her that her raising her granddaughter was "meant to be." In the same way, parents believing that their child is an Indigo might fulfill their wish to have special, gifted kids. These groups tend to be intentionally vague about the specifics so that potential converts can find whatever might fill an emotional void in their lives. Although these ideas may provide peace of mind, Shermer doesn't buy the argument that they aren't harmful. "What's the harm in doing drugs to avoid reality?" he asks. In the end, it's always better to believe harsh truths rather than comfortable lies."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2006, 02:37:41 am »
More debunking:
"To skeptics the concept of indigo children belongs in the realm of wishful thinking and New Age credulity. "All of us would prefer not to have our kids labeled with a psychiatric disorder, but in this case it's a sham diagnosis," said Russell Barkley, a research professor of psychiatry at the State University of New York Upstate Medical University in Syracuse. "There's no science behind it. There are no studies." Dr. Barkley likened the definition of indigo children to an academic exercise called "Barnum statements," after P. T. Barnum, in which a person is given a list of generic psychological characteristics and becomes convinced that they apply especially to him or her. The traits attributed to indigo children, he said, are so general that they "could describe most of the people most of the time," which means that they don't describe anything."
While out in Reno at a conference, I was asked what I thought about the indigo children. The blank look on my face spoke volumes. I was given a brief introduction to indigos and presented with a book. The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober (Hay House Publisher, 1999). I read it on the flight back. Every so often I read a book that should not have been published. This is one.
The book is a compilation of chapters by professionals (Ph.D. and M.D.) as well as by parents and others. Bottom line?
....I would have laughed and left the book in the airplane seat pocket, but I also realized this is a dangerous movement that should be addressed....
The Carroll and Tober book is a distortion of the concept of giftedness. They are not talking about kids who happen to have exceptional abilities (giftedness); rather, they are talking about kids who have other-worldliness qualities, angels beyond the scope of mortals. What's worse, these indigo kids don't have to carry out the garbage, a requirement that I have of all budding prodigies.
Rather than dismiss this, I want to make a statement to my colleagues in the field. The indigo children movement is not about children, and it is not about the color indigo. It is about adults who style themselves as experts and who are making money on books, presentations, and services. It is about parents who are not satisfied with the blessings of having children, but need to feel that they have "other-worldly angels" sent here to spiritually save the world.
These experts and parents will attempt to align with the field of gifted through the opening of spiritual giftedness. This form of giftedness is receiving some attention in the mainstream gifted field. I think there is legitimate reason to study spiritual giftedness, which includes the ability to experience heightened states of consciousness, the ability to sanctify everyday experience, and the capacity to be virtuous (Piechowski, 2003). A number of writers and researchers are helping us to understand spiritual giftedness and how it manifests itself in children and adults (e.g., Coles, 1990; Emmons, 1999; Noble, 2000; Piechowski, 2003). So spiritual giftedness becomes the entry for the indigo movement. The proponents will try to gain mainstream respectability for their ideas. How?
The simplest way is to have "known" names in the field speak at their conferences. My message to my colleagues in the field: "It's not worth the speaker fee." Do not have your name and reputation used to give credibility."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2006, 02:55:58 am »
And some outright lowdown scams Twyman does:
"Twyman sells books and Internet course based on the Psychic Children. He holds pricey Psychic Children conferences, camps, and fairs, charging about $300 for adults for the main conference. He offers an Internet course on telekinetic spoon-bending. He purportedly conversed with Jesus ("Jeshua") who revealed to Twyman through a "Divine Partnership" the "secrets of Heaven and Earth," which Twyman turned into an Internet course for required donations -- with a suggested retail value of $150....
Twyman has asked for and collected a wealth of donations (often required and collected using guilt-pressure) and fees. He created a "registered church organization" called The Beloved Community. He purchased 42 acres of property in the local area for Psychic Children retreats, to start a Emissary of Light type of monastery, and to house workshops for his new "Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking." He recently announced a five-year goal of 50 churches worldwide. After graduating from the seminary, Twyman suggests graduates can work with the Indigo and Psychic Children....
Misleading reports of scientific proof
Twyman reports scientific proof of several spurious claims, including that children develop ESP at his fairs after Brain Respiration (BR) training. BR was created by ILChi Lee, AKA Seung Heun Lee, founder of Dahn Centers and many other organizations. (Lee and Walsch are also affiliated). Twyman and Lee have reported that the University of California at Irvine, specifically the Center for Aging and Dementia, has researched and "confirmed" the effects of BR. However, this department at UCI tells me they have not conducted any studies on Lee's BR program, per se -- let alone confirmed its paranormal claims.
Oily-skinned psychic children
At Twyman's psychic fairs for children, kids are persuaded to believe that sticking a lightweight spoon to their forehead is a result of psychokinetic power. The fact is that everyone can stick a lightweight spoon to their forehead if they first rub the spoon on their skin, especially the forehead and chin, coating the spoon with slightly sticky sebum.
X-ray vision
At Twyman's psychic children's fairs, parents paid for their kids' ESP powers to be tested (charging subjects is unheard-of in scientific research) before and after participation in ILChi Lee's BR training. The children were asked to identify certain shapes, colors, or simple words while blindfolded....
Magicians and paranormal investigators have continually exposed "x-ray vision" as flimflammery, e.g. perhaps the blindfolded person can see through a space between the blindfold and the nose, a pinhole in the blindfold, cloth that appears opaque but is translucent when held close to the face, or verbal cues are provided by testers or shills....
Using handicapped children
Twyman presents severely handicapped children and young adults at his psychic children's fairs - e.g. a young woman called "Grandma Chandra," who is known for her psychic readings using an alphabet board or mental telepathy (even over the phone for a mere $100) and a six year old boy named Nicholas, who has purportedly written a book full of spiritual adult-level insights (since age three) with an alphabet board. Twyman also offers telepathically received messages from a severely handicapped boy from Japan named Koya.
....In week-four, readers are instructed in the same cadence to take out a $10 or $20 bill, hold it tightly, feel how it will help children connect with each other, fold the bill in a piece of paper, put it into an envelope, and send it to Twyman's organization to pay for his Psychic Children gatherings.
On his website, Twyman provides a fork-bending demonstration on video where he bends a fork without his even touching it, just by coaxing it a little bit with his finger - amazing! Amazingly deceptive, that is. Hank Lee’s Magic Factory sells online a melting fork for a costly $695....
Put your mouth where the money is - $2.5 million!
The James Randi Educational Foundation offers over a million dollars to "anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event." Similar organizations offer additional large sums of money, totaling about 2.5 million. I implore Twyman, ILChi Lee, and their cohorts, or just one of the purported millions of psychic adults and children to come forward and take the scientific challenges....
As the New Age movement grows from marginal to mainstream, we need programs for New Age consumer protection.... We must help our children to develop radar to detect and avoid deceptive New Age profiteers - no matter how noble their stated cause."

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2006, 07:39:12 am »
More on Twyman.[/url]

This scam is the sickest: a non-existent children's home in Iraq.


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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 05:53:04 pm »
Be part of the Change!
One Million Prayers added to A Peace Pole Planted in the Middle East
A Prayer Anchor From Humanity to Humanity
We need your help to reach our goal! Please add your prayer today, then pass this letter on to everyone you know.
For years now, mass prayer vigils have been a popular way to influence the process of peace around the world. The purpose of this project is to anchor a powerful symbol into the earth itself, not just a thought or a prayer, but one million of prayers of peace. You will add prayer (140 character limit) through the link provided, then once we reach our goal those prayers will be placed inside the peace pole and planted adjacent to the Great Pyramid of Giza. James Twyman and a group of other peace volunteers will then activate the pole, anchoring the energy from a million people around the globe.
The intention of this project is to support the people in the Middle East who in recent weeks have been striving to achieve a new level of freedom and political transparency. Currently Libya is embroiled in a powerful struggle for peace, and this is a simple way you can show your support. Imagine your prayer being included in this profound statement of global unity and support. Please help us reach our goal.
Most importantly, we will only reach one million people if you send this email to everyone you know and ask them to add their prayer. Please do what you can to support the people in the Middle East, and reinvigorate this movement.

Click here to add your prayer today

 For more information go to

Seems like a nice idea, so is he a Fraud or not?

« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 06:06:24 pm by ValSu »

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 08:45:57 pm »
Shouldn't this be moved to fraud section?


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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2011, 10:20:00 pm »
Shouldn't this be moved to fraud section?

I was thinking this and looked in the fraud section and did basic search and the name did not come up.

I also posted this in the research needed section since not posted in a long time it appears. I only posted there as well because I am not sure if the guy has changed at all if he was involved in fraud. Seems the prayer idea seems innocent enough. ???

I know, could be just a nice sounding idea the guy puts out there to lure people in. >:(


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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2019, 02:49:47 pm »
JT rose to awareness with a book rather like the Celestine Prophecy called Emissary of Light. I compare it to The Celestine Prophecy because nowhere in the book was it claimed it was a work of fiction unless it was on the copyright page, so most folks took it to be a true tale.

In it he tells a tale of meeting a group of advanced spiritual beings who hold the whole world together through their combined thoughts... which is very unoriginal in the first place... and that he then inherited the job because, well, he was so advanced himself and the Teachers were tired or something.

Like James Redfield, the popularity of the book put him on the New Age speaking circuit. I think he found an easy gig and has kept with it, incorporating whatever new buzz phrases and concepts into his 'teachings.'

Offline Sparks

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Re: James Twyman
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2019, 08:29:05 pm »
James Twyman is still very active, especially on Facebook.

Facebook page:

James Twyman, also known as the Peace Troubadour, is a world renowned musician and man of peace.

James F. Twyman is the NY Times bestselling author of 15 books, including "Emissary of Light," "The Moses Code," "The Barn Dance," as well as his latest book: "Love, God, and the Art of French Cooking." He is also an internationally renowned musician, filmmaker and inspirational speaker.

With the release of his first book (Emissary of Light) in 1996, James became one of the most sought after leaders in the New Thought movement. Though he has always considered himself a musician first and an author second, it was with his writing that he made the biggest impact. Also known as The Peace Troubadour, James has traveled to countries like Iraq, Israel, Bosnia and South Africa to share his Peace Concert, most recently in Assisi, Italy, a concert that was shot for an upcoming documentary.

James has also written, directed or produced four feature films, including the award winning "Indigo." In 1999 he founded The Beloved Community, a spiritual organization focused on promoting "Spiritual Peacemaking" around the world, as well as a seminary program which has ordained over 600 peace ministers.

Another Facebook Page: [James Twyman, The Moses Code]

Favorite Books
A Course In Miracles


James Twyman, also known as Peace Troubadour, travels the world sharing the power of I AM Consciousness.
James is an internationally renowned, best-selling author, filmmaker & musician. He leads a devoted life, extending the Peace of God.


Personal Information
James Twyman is an internationally renowned, best-selling author, filmmaker and musician who has a reputation for traveling to some of the world's greatest areas of conflict, sharing his message of peace. He has been called "The Peace Troubadour" and has performed his peace concert in countries like Iraq, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Bosnia and Serbia, drawing millions of people together in prayer to influence events of world crisis. James is also a member of the Order of Franciscan Hermits.

Author of: The Proof, The Kaballah Code, The Moses Code, Emissary of Light, Emissary of Love, The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking, The Secret of the Beloved Disciple, Portrait of the Master, Messages from Thomas: Raising Psychic Children, The Prayer of St. Francis, Ten Spiritual Lessons I Learned at the Mall,
Praying Peace: In Conversation with Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue,

Music Collections: Ecclesia Volume 1, Emissary of Light: Songs From the Peace Concerts

Facebook Profile: