Author Topic: Dancing out of the Shadows  (Read 4790 times)

Offline ShadowDancer

  • Posts: 91
Dancing out of the Shadows
« on: July 22, 2010, 04:26:39 am »
I am someone who has been lurking in the shadows of this site for nearly two years.  I came across it while looking for information, read a number of threads and continued to read daily as I find it fascinating.  I decided it was time to dance out for a moment to say I am here and greatly appreciate what this forum strives to do with educating people of what to beware of and whom.

I have encountered very few people who see the disconnect of the use of borrowed philosophy and spirituality in the pagan community.  I am mostly familiar with the crowd who buy into the Alexandrian and Gardnerian rites as being ceremony that was practiced in the ancient days.   They are easily lead by authors and publishers of nuage books, such as Llewellyn and Phoenix, into believing that the spirituality they are practicing actually existed in the form as printed in these books or touted at gatherings. 

For myself I tend to read publications of research conducted by students and professors at various universities in both the US and Europe on the history and what is known from the archaeological/anthropological record about ancient religions/religious practices.

Since moving to the Pacific Northwest a few years ago I have encountered a few people who have been learning from "native american shamans" (yes, I know this is a big red flag) and who been invited to participate in the Sun Dance.  Sadly these women aren't open to hearing that they are being led falsely.  I have tried to lead them to read this site to learn for themselves how it isn't possible.  The research conducted here to reveal the profiteers, wannabes, and predators is quite thorough.

I, for one, appreciate it.  Thank you.