Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 574606 times)

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #405 on: March 04, 2015, 03:11:29 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Greater Intimacy with God" (13:34) posted May 9, 2013.

This is a review of the game changing Youtube where SALPOV started their Big Decline.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Greater Intimacy with God. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

Lenora's "downloading/joining" partner in this session is Jordan Kao, a SALPOV trainer from Taiwan who has also been trained at Oneness University. As a major recruiter in Asia, one must wonder how much of the Oneness University curriculum remains in translation. As far as I am concerned, this is no big issue, except that Lenora claims Oneness University is not a major influence on SALPOV. But I believe we caught her in a major, oh what is the polite word I'm trying to find? LIE!

Jordan was also the one to provide this somewhat sad Youtube of both Spezzanos last summer, where Lenora gives Jordan's group, "The blessing of Heaven as it comes through us ..." It is hard to say exactly why, but something is off about the Spezzanos in Jordan's video.

But, back to our series--

In the United States there is an expression in the entertainment industry called "jumping the shark." Without getting into the etymology of this phrase, let us just say it indicates when something has outlived its popularity and uses stupid and silly gimmicks in order to keep attracting attention to itself. The posting of these Youtubes in the first place was a major mistake for SALPOV if they wanted to be taken seriously as "professionals" in the field of healing. But this particular video was the biggest mistake of them all, and that is saying a lot.

LKS: Jordan! I understand today is your birthday. Happy birthday.

JK: Thank you very much. [as he says this Lenora nods at every word as if Jordan cannot speak English]

LKS: Well said. So because its your birthday and because your Heavenly Father is rich in everything that is His, it's yours, you can have anything and everything that your heart desires for your birthday. You can heal anything, you can receive any gift, you can develop any quality, because it's all just patterns in our brain that determines these things. So grace, the light of divine love can come in, can change our brains through a download. Change the patterns in our neuro-net. You can feel it happening, you may begin to feel it happening already.

So, you can have anything that you want, you can receive it as a gift, what do you most want to have?

JK: [through a translator] I want to have a greater connection/intimacy with God at any time, all the time.

LKS: Greater intimacy with God. That's a sweet one. That's a sweet one. So you can set that down [directs Jordan to lay down the microphone]. Look in my right eye, open ourselves to receiving, and we'll just let the shift happen.

It is the 1:40 to 1:45 mark where Lenora uses her hands in a very transparent hypnotic way, starting with the pointing at the right eye but there is more. If there is any doubt about her use of stage hypnotism, these five seconds should settle the dispute.

She signals the sound crew and the music starts at 1:50, "The Love Within" by Bliss. The audio is very bad.

Jordan's comatose stare begins immediately. His freakout slowly starts at 3:05. At 3:33 he begins to laugh hysterically but Lenora touches his cheek in order to calm him down at 3:54. Lenora begins the familiar "anguish act" around 6:00. There is a facial expression routine she follows I have not fully deciphered, except to say all of these pretty much follow the same formula in every video.

Except in this one.

Around 7:08 Lenora starts doing something deliciously bizarre that is not to be found in the other Youtubes. She once again points to her right eye and instructs Jordan that she is going to spin around! And she does it in a way that would make any normal viewer feel very uncomfortable. Then she actually makes a slow spin in such a fashion that has to be seen to be believed.

Another critic told me that Lenora appears to be doing the equivalent of a SALPOV lapdance, and I can see how it could be interpreted that way. It does make one wonder what Mr. Spezzano thought of this performance.

At 9:34, even though supposedly in the middle of channeling Heaven's grace, Lenora somehow manages to signal the sound crew to play the next round of (unaccredited) music, "Open" by Bliss (audio is still bad) as Jordan continues to be reduced to acting like a moron. Around 10:50 the freakout goes up several notches.

The ritual showing off of the brainwashed to the camera and audience starts around 12:09 as Jordan continues to act unhinged. These final moments in this whole series of videos are almost as if Lenora is displaying her kill for all to admire over and over again. It is like seeing those photos of Florida sports fishermen who proudly stand beside their large conquered catch on the dock.

If someone asked me to supply them with a video summing all that was wrong with SALPOV, this one would be my selection. At first it was the freak show quality of these videos that attracted me to investigate SALPOV, but as I dug deeper I realized SALPOV had a very destructive side and suddenly the joke stopped being funny. Suddenly it became a project to investigate a greedy cult.

So, if you want to learn all about Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV), this video is the place to start. It will tell you most of what you need to know. And, this was the point where SALPOV jumped the shark.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #406 on: March 04, 2015, 03:48:46 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing Competition" (10:17) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Healing Competititon. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

The person being subjected to hypnosis in this demonstration is Avril Woodward, who until recently was a trainer for the UK SALPOV. Avril also was the administrator for the website, which has now been in "Maintenance mode" for over two months. Her present connection with UK SALPOV is unclear as she remains listed as a main contact person on the cult's webpage.

Part of Avril's biography (now deleted) on the UK SALPOV webpage was also used as a testimonial in Lenora's "Truth" screed--

LKS: Happy birthday, Av!

AW: Thank you.

LKS: Oh boy! What are you going to get for your birthday?

AW: Well, I'd really like-- world peace?

[Apparently this is quite the humorous in-joke with this crowd. Laughing and hilarity ensue]

AW: Or. Or.

LKS: But seriously.

AW: OK, my second choice.

LKS: No. No. You can have world peace.

AW: I was just joking.

LKS: [to audience, mugs] It was a joke. Awesome.

AW: The healing of competition.

LKS: Healing competition. What an excellent birthday present. What a brilliant thing to ask for. [Turns to audience] You guys ready? Can you imagine what your world, what your life would be like if you had no competition? It would be like, the sky would fall. [Laughter]. Our ceiling seems to be falling but this will be quick. [To camera] The healing of competition.

Female voice from the audience: That's world peace right there.

LKS: Which is world peace. Thank you. Good point.

The music starts, "Touch the Light" by Bliss. This piece does not appear in the text credits and the audio is horrible.

LKS: So just allow the synapses in your brain to be rearranged and heal your competition.

The direct gaze method and teeth baring begin at 1:33. It takes about a minute before Avril's tremors are visible. At 4:42 the music ends we are treated to a five second gap before "Remember My Name" by Bliss is played, also with atrocious audio.

These five seconds of silence are among the most chilling moments in this entire "downloading/joining" series. You can really see the value of music in sugar coating these sessions. If you want to really be frightened, just watch the remainder of this Youtube without the sound. But I suggest muting this video and around the 6:00 mark playing "The Cold Song" by Klaus Nomi as a substitute soundtrack on another screen. The music seems more fitting in a very appropriate way, emphasizing the sadness of the situation we are witnessing and compassion for how everyone connected with this travesty could have allowed themselves to fall into this trap-- including Lenora.

But, let us return to the main program. Around 5:30 Lenora goes into her Master Thespian routine. At 6:30 or so we get a pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren, and we see German SALPOV trainer Anke Schuppan being a heretic by suppressing a yawn.  I'm sure the major time zone changes are somewhat disorienting for all of the trainers visiting there in Hawaii, which works in the Spezzanos favor in terms of manipulating people.

As the light of the setting sun is hitting the room, Avril becomes more bathed in a glow as the video progresses. But we also see a sharp profile shadow of Lenora as she performs the hypnosis. So since the Spezzanos love the use of metaphors, here's my take: the slow emergence of the shadow in this presentation reveals the dark side of the "downloading/joining" mind manipulation for all to see, we get to see Lenora's hidden shadow self revealed as it acts in concert with the public persona. She has become the very sort of Astral Attacker her husband warns us against. In some of the shots, there is a chart behind Lenora that has markings that look like a barbed wire fence, as if she is in a prison of her own making.

Illogical and offbase observations? Of course they are, but really no different in convoluted thinking than anything in SALPOV theology.

The showoff portion begins at 8:37. In the background I can hear someone laughing hysterically.

LKS: [as the music winds down, she points to the brilliant light in the room made by the setting sun]: Heaven's gratitude. World peace.

This video concludes with a very nice view of the setting sun behind a palm tree, one of the very few examples of artistic camera work in this entire series. A director with more visual imagination and a true sense of marketing could've incorporated more scenes of the amazing Hawaiian natural beauty into these videos and made them more dangerously effective. Just that small touch would've made a big difference.

Still, I will say this: Sure, Lenora's videos might have really awful and inferior production values, but they are ten times more interesting, entertaining and revealing than the boring Youtube presentations of her husband. The videos of Charles Lee Spezzano come across as a television advertisement by a whiney used car salesman-- Lenora's videos have many more levels of complexity. They are interesting for reasons that Lenora did not intend and draw attention to aspects of SALPOV that I am sure they did not want to highlight.

But the horse is out of the barn now. And to quote Charles Bukowski, "The days run away like wild horses over the hills." The Spezzanos have lost control of their message. Internally, SALPOV appears to be experiencing some kind of power shift. Externally, the number of unwelcome critical observers keeps growing.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #407 on: March 04, 2015, 04:29:09 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Freedom from Judging the Ego" (15:33) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Freedom from Judging the Ego. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

The person being subjected to hypnosis in this demonstration appears to be SALPOV trainer Joy Huang Huishu from Taiwan.

This particular example is quite disturbing as it borders the world of cult sadomasochism. The predator/prey, victor/victim, dominator/dominated body language in this Youtube is right there in your face. And it is hard to watch. This is about power, not love.

LKS: Joy, I heard that is a special day. Its your birthday. Yeah? So, because its your birthday you can have anything that you want, you can have your heart's desire. You can heal anything you want, you can receive any gift, develop any quality, whatever you most want that's what we can have if we're willing to surrender and we're willing to shift our minds to make the actual neurological shift in the patterns we have entrenched in our minds. It can be straightened out, ironed out, cleared out, and the truth can come in. So what would you most love to receive?

Keyword: surrender. But not to God. To Lenora. She has inserted herself between the client and God, so in essence, she is now God.

JHH: [through an interpretor] The thing I want to have most is that I will have no judgment.

[They both laugh]

LKS: [to audience] You remember the first time you just decided, "You know what, from now on I'm just going to stop judging"? Right? You know, age twentywhat, "I'm just going to stop judging." It was so heartbreaking. Its what the ego is, is just pure judgment. Attack. Separation. All of that. But what we can definitely experience while we're here, while we observe the ego inside us operating, we can remember that the ego is not us, its not who we are, its not the truth. And once we understand that, once we've made the shift we have that enlightenment paradigm. We can still get really disappointed when our ego shows up, bites us in the ass, attacks us for judging, you know, or for making a small mistake, and it blows the small mistake up and punishes us for it and we suffer as much as we used to when we were less enlightened. Okay?

So how about if we ask for the freedom from judging ourselves for having the ego?

JHH: [nods Yes]

LKS: Because the ego's with us until the very end, until Oneness, until we completely let the dream go, until we wake up to the true reality that is ours-- Oneness with God in Heaven, since that is the definition of Heaven, Our Oneness with God.

Ah, the good ol' "Oneness." Back in 2007, fresh from her lessons at Oneness University, Lenora renamed the "downloading/joining" procedure--

"Okay, so we're going to be having a joining session. In Psychology of Vision we're starting to call them 'Oneness Sessions' now."

You can find it at the 6:36 mark on this Youtube--

LKS: So that experience is going on now and as we are pulling away the veils between us and the experience of remembrance of what's really happening and who we truly are. What we can do is that we can forgive ourselves for being in this experience, for this situation in which we are ridden by this ego, that we are slowly but surely dismantling because its not the truth, its not who we are.

Some thoughts. Lenora also tells us in another video our bodies are not who we are. So if you are not your ego, or your body, then who are you? Who are you? For $3000 she'll tell you. Remember, if you haven't failed, you haven't tried--

Well, that little SALPOV metaphor detour was fun.

LKS: So we can ask for faith, and the reassurance of who we are in the face of the ego. And just give up the self-judgment that the ego still shows up, y'know, even though its less and less its dissolving, but to just stop giving ourselves such a hard time for any little mistake that we made, or the big mistakes as well. Y'know, because this is a learning situation and we learn through our mistakes. Its not like we are never supposed to make mistakes. Y'know, its through correction that we're learning and its through making mistakes and forgiving ourselves that we pull our judgments off of the world and other people.

"Remember, if you haven't failed, you haven't tried." Boy, that's really profound. Sure worth $3000, huh?

LKS: So let's just ask for kindness and gentleness and acceptance for ourself in this situation that we seem to be in, in this dream state where we seem to have to share the experience with this ego that hasn't disappeared completely but whom we know is not us. Right? So just that self-forgiveness, that self-acceptance, its just what it is. Okay? Deal.

Now maybe I'm offbase here. But doesn't this sound like she has given permission to psychopaths to be themselves? The term "ego" is so broad and she doesn't really clearly define it, but it seems to me she just dismissed all of our actions in the social world outside of the SALPOV snowglobe as a dream.

OK, I am not a psychologist. But then again, neither are the Spezzanos. I am still sorting out their formula, but it appears to center on guilt. Happy, confident people do not sign up for SALPOV. When you read the testimonials by the cult followers everyone is broken, vulnerable, wounded, in a world of desperate hurt when they showed up at the SALPOV door. Well, they were all that, plus they all had lots of money to throw away. And if they didn't already have some form of self-punishing guilt, the Spezzanos would invent one for them (e.g. The Healing Keys). But poor people need not apply. This a for-profit business after all, you losers! And aftercare, that's going to cost you some big bucks as well.

Then through magical processes like the one about to be demonstrated, these self-appointed conduits to Heaven's grace will remove that guilt! But at a very big price. A very big price.

This next sentence could be viewed as an allegory/pun: Joy is about to pay a very big price for allowing herself to be manipulated by SALPOV--

At 5:04 Lenora signals the sound crew and "Through These Eyes" by Bliss is played with very bad audio. The song should be retitled, "Through my Right Eye." Joy is an easy mark. The tremors begin within 30 seconds. Lenora's Master Thespian act starts at 6:57. Maybe in the future I'll learn the practical function of this consistent feature in all of these videos on the art of mental manipulation. But from my simple earthly perspective it comes across as weird, corny and quite dangerous.

Poor Joy is really freaking out and Lenora is encouraging the process. From about 9:35 to 9:50 Lenora really lays into the whole right eye thing and then gives Joy a nonverbal command through nodding. Joy is now a quivering mess and normal people who are viewing this are surely saying, "Oh God, please let this torture stop! Let that poor woman go!" But no. At 10:30 Lenora extends the humiliation by making gestures again to her right eye in order to prolong this demonstration of her vast power. Rather ironic considering the stated title. The image at exactly 10:32 sums up the entire video. Creeeeepy.

From 10:50 to 11:09 we are provided with a close shot of Lenora's reptilian stare as Joy is loudly sobbing. These few seconds reveal a very predatory and sadistic attitude toward the SALPOV trainers. After watching this, why anyone would want to submit and surrender their dignity,  self-respect and personal freedom to this very public show of humiliation is beyond me.

At 11:22 while Joy is sobbing and shaking out of control, i.e., freaking out, the music changes to "Open" by Bliss (unaccredited) with very bad audio, and Lenora says something to Joy I cannot pick up.

At 12:59 Lenora begins the process of bringing Joy back to Earth from her freak-out hypnotic trance through a series of vertical motions over her eyes no less than eleven times. A pan of the Quivering Brethren and the showoff ritual is around 14:30 and we get a full frontal minute of Joy having a nervous breakdown. 

Lenora Kay Spezzano has no professional credentials or qualifications to be submitting people to this sort of treatment. Actually, nobody should be submitted to this kind of treatment. Hawaii (where this video was recorded) has very lax laws concerning hypnotherapy abuse. Perhaps we need to lobby a few legislators over there to join the 21st century like many states in the mainland in enacting such codes. Such a law in Hawaii would end these "downloading/joining" sessions. Lenora's videos could serve as a classic case study to be shown to lawmakers on why such a law needs to be created.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #408 on: March 04, 2015, 04:52:58 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Abundance" (5:04) posted March 15, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Abundance. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

The person being subjected to hypnosis in this demonstration is SALPOV trainer Ian Y. Lai from Taiwan. Ian is apparently an optometrist, which means he is the only SALPOV trainer who has probably considered the real scientific meaning of the term "psychology of vision" as it is understood in the world of ophthalmology.

So I guess if you want to perform a Boolean search looking for just the ophthalmological meaning of the term, you'd have to type in:

psychology AND vision AND NOT bullshit

On with the show--

LKS: So Ian, I understand its your birthday.

IYL: Yes.

LKS: Happy birthday!

IYL: Thank you.

LKS: Because its your birthday you get to have a gift from Heaven. And because its a gift from Heaven it can be anything that you want.

Am I missing something here? SALPOV, as a cult inspired by A Course in Miracles, is Christian-based. So, correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the idea is that Christians are supposed to serve Heaven, not the other way around? Isn't it preconditioned on the concept that Christians don't tell Heaven what they want, but rather that they are handing their lives over to God and allow themselves to be an instrument of His will?

Not all, but most of these "downloading/joining" Youtubes come across as bratty children telling Santa Claus what they want for Christmas. As we'll see, the example in this reviewed Youtube is especially selfish. Magical thinking in action. OK, so forget the disconnect with mainstream Christianity, this is in direct conflict with ACIM itself! Another example of the split mind in action--

These videos are all about getting (they call it "receiving"). Even in the few Youtubes where I hear anything about sacrifice or serving God from the client (e.g. Jordan), Lenora redirects the attention to herself and the SALPOV program. The behaviour in the Susan How example suggests these topics might have been pre-selected and scripted.

In just one of these I'd like to see the victim say, "What I desire most is-- pancakes!" and then we can see the miracle of pancakes materializing through the power of magical thinking (aka, "manifesting" in SALPOV). Wouldn't that be great?

I'm fascinated by how both Spezzanos started off in the helping professions that were altruistic and transformed into the New Age capitalists they have become. This change appears to have happened in the Reagan era, which makes perfect sense.

Hey, even Nancy Reagan consulted an astrologer. Here's a link to my favorite astrology website:

OK, enough frivolity. Let's get back with the program--

LKS: Anything. We can receive it through a download, OK? So don't be modest and don't be shy, just ask for anything that you want. What would you like?

Right off the bat, around 0:17 to 0:21 Lenora makes hand motions as if she has already started the first stages of the hypnosis process.

IYL: I would like to have lots of money ...

LKS: OK. [much laughter]

IYL: ... and lots of friends.

LKS: Lots of money and lots of friends. So that's I guess what we would call "abundance." Right?

It is now only at 0:52 and the tremors associated with these stage shows has already begun for Ian.

IYL: Yes.

LKS: Yeah. Good.

Once again, as Piff has pointed out, Lenora restates and reshapes the language of the request to fit the SALPOV glossary. And now she is going to insert herself between Ian's desires and a Higher Power, as she does with all of these victims. You see how this works.

LKS: So the download will address the beliefs that you have that show up in your neuro-net as a brain pattern that limits you. So we're going to erase the limiting pattern and replace it with the truth that your God's child, that you have a rich father.

Stop right there. From what I can glean, Lenora herself in real life had a rich father, which might account for the expressions of entitlement she frequently utters on many levels. Suddenly a piece of this little game all makes sense.

LKS: There's no reason for you not to have abundance in your life. Alright?

So you can probably feel the [points at her cranium]-- they don't wait, they don't understand show business. Its just already started. So just surrender your mind and be willing to have that thought change, and--

As her voice trails off around 1:45 and as the Heavenly powers crowd her skull, waiting to be channeled, she gingerly takes Ian's microphone away while his shaking increases. Then at 1:56 she points to her eye--

LKS: Just look in my right eye. Yeah.

The music starts at 1:59, credited as "Grace" by Bliss. The audio is terrible.

We are treated to the usual facial contortions Lenora performs in these shows. Ian is really shaking and around 3:00 goes into overdrive. This lasts for a few seconds before Lenora decides to cut the thing short and head right for the trophy display portion of the gig, directing Ian to turn and face the audience. My assumption is that this was indeed cut short because we did not get to see her reach the Master Thespian level of acting that usually accompanies this procedure.

As Ian's tremors border on the level of a seizure, the camera pans the Church of the Quivering Brethren, who are also earning their name. The Big Lug is present as well. This sad spectacle goes on for two full minutes, and where you might think any normal person would express concern over Ian's increasingly violent shaking, this crowd just laughs.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #409 on: March 04, 2015, 05:21:54 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Original Mind" (13:22) posted Dec. 5, 2012.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Open your heart and receive the gift as well.

This is perhaps the saddest of all these Youtube demonstrations of Lenora's skills as a hypnotist. The hypno-partner here is Babs Stevens, a longtime SALPOV trainer and a leader on Haida Gwaii. After reading Section K of the German language Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual, it is very clear that targeting and cult-ivating (pun intended) FN leaders is part of the game plan in expanding their scheme throughout Canada. One must wonder how much of Babs' travel, lodging, and other fees were provided by public funds. I would love to see a transparent accounting for all of her costs associated with SALPOV. Exactly how many thousands of public and/or grant Canadian dollars have been spent on SALPOV nonsense by Ms. Stevens in her official capacity? And then ask, how else could that money have been used to help the community?

Here is what Babs' says about herself in LinkedIn--


Life Coach, Oneness Blessing Giver, Reiki Level 2, l Life Coach, Healing Workshop Facilitator

Psychology of Vision Trainer, Skidegate Band Council CAO
1972 – Present (43 years)

Leadership and Business

Skidegate Band Council
1972 – Present (43 years)

Yes, she's a "Oneness Blessing Giver." Holy Deeksha, Batman! Didn't Babs get the memo from Lenora that Oneness University is no longer part of the dogma? SALPOV is not the only cult Babs is enamored with, and I have the distinct impression that the corporate CEOs in Hawaii have not been entirely pleased with Ms. Stevens' performance as a recruiter for padding the Spezzano bank account.

In fact the Canadian SALPOV has probably declined faster and more dramatically than any other national branch of this cult. Even so, if the cult just vanished today, the toxic damage they created will last another generation.

But here's the deal with Babs and it is what prevents me from feeling totally sorry for her. From what I know, all of the other victims of Lenora in this video series are private citizens. Their ability to create widespread damage is pretty much limited to helping the Spezzanos drain the bank accounts of other monied vulnerable people. But Babs is different. She is in a position of public trust, which she has betrayed. She has chosen to serve the needs of the Spezzanos over the needs of her own constituency. As in many other smaller jurisdictions, much of the politics of Haida Gwaii are all about family, which the Spezzanos knew full well when Section K was written. 

Babs has not only failed SALPOV, she's also failed Haida Gwaii. By embracing cults like SALPOV and others, she has really messed over herself and many other people. Her tenure and legacy as leader has been undermined and decayed by her involvement with SALPOV. 

The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) November 2013 "Plastic Healers" exposé of SALPOV could really use a follow-up on their APTN Investigates program. Follow the money! I'm not saying anything illegal has been going on, but I do think a full accounting of exactly how much money over the years has been spent on Babs' SALPOV activities and many trips to Hawaii needs to be aired. She is, after all, a public figure.  Leaders need to be accountable, or perhaps they don't teach that in the SALPOV "Steps to Leadership"?

So basically in this video we will be watching two tired sellouts who have been engaged in a tragic sadomasochistic knot for years. Watch and weep--

LKS: So I have it on good authority Babs that today's your birthday.

BS: Yes.

LKS: The Universe has declared that today is a birthday for you and you get a birth and you get a gift and the universe will provide anything that your heart desires. So what we're going to be doing is that we're going to receive a download, and downloads are a very elegant form of joining in which we get out of the way and the higher self, the higher mind, Heaven, the creators true light and energy uses my mind, in this case, as a conduit to heal patterns of belief and patterns of habitual thinking of beliefs and injuries and pain. All of those things can be released and healed. We can ask for something that's purely positive and that is just received into the brain as a gift. The sky's the limit, you can have anything you want. What would you like? Its your birthday.

BS: I would like to heal contact .. 

LKS: [grabs the microphone from Babs' hand and shoves it closer to Babs' face] Contact.

BS: Contact. Like for instance when the Haidas totally owned Haida Gwaii and ...

LKS: [turns to audience] So Babs is First Nations from Canada.

BS: ... everyone was innocent then.

LKS: So through colonization, through the various abuses, abuses that your people received, [and we see a couple women in the background going to and from the apparent ladies' room which adds a real touch of class to this presentation] in that process of a sort of a cultural genocide that your people went through ...

BS: Yes.

LKS: ... and a different culture was imposed on them. A different language, a different belief system. And it was very punitive in nature and the children were taken from their homes and put in institutions, families were broken up, it was a very systematic breaking down of everything that was important [at 2:41 in the background a participant sheepishly returns from the ladies room] that kept your culture, your aboriginal culture operating in its healthy true beautiful way. Right?

BS: Smallpox was introduced ...

LKS: Smallpox.

BS: Whole villages.

LKS: Yeah.

BS: Yeah.

LKS: [exhales loudly]

So why is Lenora telling this story and not Babs? Why is this wealthy woman from the States taking control of this narrative? Why is Babs constantly cut off and not allowed to fully explain anything?

Two words: Queen Bee. Babs is clearly the subservient figure here, and by extension, surrendering the power of her leadership position to Lenora Kay Spezzano. Hope you guys on Haida Gwaii like being controlled by Lenora! Our comrade moreinfo introduced me to the concept of "psychocolonization" and this video is a classic case.

But wait, it gets much worse--

LKS: So you would like to receive the removal of that negative influence that was imposed on your family for many generations. Remove it from your mind, let's say we can remove their minds as well. And for your children and grandchildren, because you know there is only one of us here.

The phrase "there is only one of us here" is another tired New Age cliché the Spezzanos probably "borrowed" from Oneness University in order to sound hip. But to me, this is the clarion of the hive mind, the Borg, the mindless, the gullible. This is not "I am Spartacus."

LKS: Let's say this is the start of something very important. Psychology of Vision is so committed to supporting aboriginal cultures around the world, but we've really really committed to the First Nations people of Canada that have taken Psychology of Vision and applied it. And because Psychology of Vision shares similar values with their original culture, the understanding of "Oneness," that we're all related, that there's really only one of us here, and it fits so well with their own Native healing approaches, that its just a great success. And there is cultural Renaissance wherever Psychology of Vision goes in the First Nations communities.

Uh, excuse me. Can you say "Manifest Destiny"? And is Babs going to get a word in edgewise? Apparently not. She is merely there as a prop.

LKS: Because as people are able to heal their own issues and help their families heal there's time to address community issues and when enough families are involved in the healing process beautiful things happen, and cultural values flourish again, people are able to learn their languages again. Its just beautiful. And we receive so much. So much grace, so much beauty, that its such a wonderful two-way street.

So lets declare because its true that we can return to our original mind.

At 5:29 Lenora breaks her normal hypnosis routine and starts right off with the Master Thespian expressions, which are displayed in a weird silence until the sound crews begins to play "Shiv Shakti" by Bliss 15 seconds later.

LKS: [turns to audience] That's a big one. You really feel this in your brain. So there's nothing wrong if you feel a lot of undulations and things going in your brain. It's all good.

Then at 6:00 the strange mixture of hypnosis and Master Thespian starts for real. Lenora's performance here is especially unsettling. Babs is under the spell almost immediately and the shaking begins, picking up in tempo a few notches around the 8:30 mark. Lenora's traditional timing of the regular Master Thespian stage starts around 9:00.

Even though Lenora is supposedly channeling, she can somehow manage to instruct Babs to "Look right at that camera" for the trophy showoff portion of tonight's program at the 9:50 mark. Babs is trembling violently and stares at us with a vacant, numb face-- as if she has just been hit alongside her head with a 2 x 4.

Starting around 10:32 we get a pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren. Around 10:42 Lenora says, "Get Melissa," and a few seconds later Melissa Meyer joins the stage and now Lenora has two trophies to display. Melissa was a long time SALPOV trainer in British Columbia until last year.

Another pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren reveals the Big Lug lurking in the background. The camera operator appears to be having difficulty achieving a decent focus.

Over the music Lenora talks at 11:40--

LKS: There are so many peoples in the room that have been colonized, that have been injured this way. But only truth is true.

"But only truth is true." Boy, that's really profound. Sure worth $3000, huh?

Lenora calls Melissa "My daughter" at the conclusion, and a few in-jokes follow, pretty much confirming my long held view that the Spezzanos position themselves to act as surrogate parents for the cult followers. 


Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #410 on: March 04, 2015, 01:27:05 pm »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Fulfilling the Promise of Your Relationship" (09:55) posted Dec. 4, 2012.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Receive the gift of "Fulfilling the Promise of Your Relationship.

The subject in this example is Julie Wookey, a UK trainer who until very recently was in the high ranking Star Chamber Steering Committee of SALPOV. As I have proposed, SALPOV is actually two personality cults: One for Charles and another for Lenora. Father and Mother. I submit Julie was allied with the latter and when Lenora basically retired Julie saw no use in continuing. I could be totally offbase here, but until more data comes my way to change my mind, that is where I am settling for now.

Julie appears to be treated more like an equal than the other victims in this series. She has the opportunity to have actual input in defining the narrative and Lenora actually seems a little flustered in some spots. Ms. Wookey gives the impression of being the most self-confident hypnosis partner in this series.

Curiously, this is the video Lenora uses as a point of first contact to the series on the Hawaii corporate SALPOV website splashpage.

LKS: Julie, I understand its your birthday. Its nearly your birthday anyway.

JW: True. True.

LKS: Actually. So you can have anything you want, any heart's desire, everything is available to you as the perfect child of God with a rich father who wants only the truth, the happiest, the best life for you.

So knowing that we can download and receive anything if we're willing to change our mind, and in this case with a download we're actually physically changing our neuro-net in our brain, we're changing the synaptical firing patterns that make up our beliefs and our thoughts, the habitual routes that our thoughts take through that electrical process that goes on in our brain, and with a download we're erasing the negative habitual ruts and freeing our brain, freeing our mind up to the truth and receiving that. In the process as you're watching you'll go through the experience as well, you'll notice that you can feel the inside of your brain, and you'll notice pressure and tingling and different experiences and in fact it may continue after the video and if so that's a good thing. That's what you want. Its that connection with grace that is healing you every day in every way. [Then at 1:44 she makes a strange "Oh God, I can't believe I just said that" sort of face].

So, Mrs. Wookey, what would you most love to have?

JW: Mr. Wookey. [laughter]
LKS: Yes! Where are you, Nigel? Well said.

JW: But really ...

LKS: Yes.

JW: ... I would really love to have more of what we have. In the stage in our life that we have now, with the children grown up, left home, we have free time ...

LKS: Doing well.

JW: Yeah, yeah. But now I want it to be for us, something for us. A greater level of relationship.

LKS: Uh-huh, and all the rewards and benefits of intimacy, the fun ...

JW: The joy ...

LKS: .. the laughter, the connectedness, the comfort, the vision, and the gracefully surrendering into our old age together. Precious, precious vision ...

JW: Totally.

LKS: Got it. [to audience] So for everyone what that looks like is, what would we call it? Fulfillment in our partnerships. Is that the best way to ...? [sighs] What's juicier than that? Juiciness in our relationships.

JW: Well sure. Its a feeling of total completion in the relationship so it can just benefit from that. I mean it never stops ...     

LKS: The feeling of promise in the relationship?

JW: Something like that. Yeah. Yeah, and ...

LKS: Having it all in our relationship.

JW: And it would be like not fully in love romance but just deeper, higher, just all of that in there as well, 'cause we love that.

LKS: Yeah, yeah. And because the romance is already there, the in love feeling is there.

JW: Its sort of ...

LKS: Its the fulfilling the promise of the relationship.

JW & LKS: [in unison] Yeah.

LKS: OK. [Lenora nods to the sound crew at 4:37, and then turns to audience] You ready? Just go ahead, feel the shift, surrender your mind, your brain, your way of being, to become more true, to receive, to have it all. Fulfillment.

Then she turns to Julie and begins the direct gaze method as the sound crew plays "This Love" by Bliss at the 4:56 mark. As usual, the audio is atrocious.

As far as these things go, this is a pretty understated session, Julie's tremors are not nearly equal to that of most of the other victims here. But then again, I'm sure she's an old hand at this. Lenora goes through her regular pattern and checklist of grimaces, teeth baring, and Master Thespian expressions.

Trophy display time starts at 7:25. Julie actually looks in worse shape at this part of the program than she did when she was under hypnosis. We first get to see the Church of the Quivering Brethren around the 7:55 mark. The trophy time takes no less than two and half excruciating minutes. That's enough time for the viewer to start wondering what the heck we just saw and form some serious questions about this carnival act. 

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #411 on: March 04, 2015, 01:49:10 pm »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Freedom From Fear" (07:43) posted Nov. 26, 2012.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Open your heart and receive the gift of "Freedom From Fear."

The victim du jour appears to be Japanese SALPOV trainer Mami Yoshida.

LKS: So Mami-san, the universe declares that today's your birthday, and that you can have anything that you want. You can receive any gift that you desire. Anything that you can take into your mind, change your beliefs about, restructure your neuro-net, erase the negative beliefs and limiting patterns in your mind, in your brain, and replace them with the freedom and the understanding that everything that is good is yours. Right?

So, because its your birthday and there's one gift that you want above all others [audience laughs at this in-joke, Lenora teases them] Guys, just one. [back to Mami] What would you most love to have in your life?

MY: I'd like to receive removal of fear.

LKS: Freedom from fear, yes?

MY: Yes, yes.

LKS: Yeah, right. So, what is freedom from fear? Is it courage? Would you like courage in facing all challenging situations, or just not to have to deal with fear anymore?

MY: Yeah. [It is apparent Mami didn't fully understand the question, probably due to a language barrier]

Doesn't this role of Lenora bestowing the gift of courage remind you of a certain Wizard?

Of course, we all know what happened to the Wizard. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

LKS: Both. Yes, yes, alright, so we're going to shift our fearful habits, right? We'll let them go and know that everything that happens in our life is happening because its in our best interest. And that we can embrace all things just as they are without resistance knowing that its all coming from a higher part of our mind, because its what we most need. Sometimes the lessons are challenging and sometimes what comes through is just blessed. But its all good and today we surrender to what is and receive the gift of freedom from fear and the removal of the patterns of fear in our minds because we're courageous. OK? 

Under this reasoning, Lenora should be embracing the growing number of SALPOV critics because "everything that happens in our life is happening because its in our best interest."

At 2:59 Lenora nods to the sound crew and "I'll be Waiting" by Bliss is played. The music audio, as usual, is terrible. I'm guessing that live in the room it was just fine, but it did not transfer to Youtube very well, and in fact the bad quality pretty much erases the effect they were trying to present.

As Lenora engages in her vast array of wacky expressions, Mami begins trembling fairly early in the show. As always, we are given two different camera shots of Lenora in the course of this procedure, but we are only allowed to see the victims in profile in these Youtubes while the direct gaze method is employed. That is because these videos are all about Lenora, not the victim.

Trophy display time begins at the 4:35 mark, so this was a fairly quick session. Mami appears to be sort of freaking out while Lenora is just smiling away. Such a strange ritual they have there in SALPOV.

The first shot of the Church of the Quivering Brethren starts at 5:05. And yes! I see the Big Lug in there around the 6:06 mark. Since he always seems to wearing the same shirt perhaps he's an employee of the hotel where this event takes place? Interesting.

At 6:45 Lenora says to the audience--

LKS: Heaven's gratitude is just pouring into our minds.

And gratitude is pouring through my mind that this video has finally ended, although it is evident that Mami's tremors will continue for some time even after the camera stops filming.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #412 on: March 04, 2015, 02:30:27 pm »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing Shame" (07:46) posted Nov. 23, 2012.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Open your heart and receive the gift as well.

Today's contestant in this popular game show also known as "What's My Lyin'?" appears to be Japanese SALPOV trainer Naoko Takahashi, I think.

Contrary to what the SALPOV cult followers might believe, I personally have never written a comment on any of these Youtubes, but several other critics have (there is more than one of us here), and those contrary viewpoints have been erased as well as Lenora's responses to them. However, as of today when I am writing this, one comment on this particular video seems to have survived the purge and it really sums up what most of us think when we view these "downloading/joining" Youtubes. The comment from neptuniumforest a year ago is simply, "what in the world"

Yup, I have been asking myself that same question for more than a year and a half now. 

LKS: Happy birthday, Naoko-san.

NT: Thank you.

LKS: So, its your birthday. You can have absolutely anything you want. You can have any change in your world, in your life that you want because you know how it works, change your mind, change the world.

The Boomers sure wanted to change the world, it was one of the distinguishing characteristics of that generation.

And then came the Big Chill. The Spezzanos sold out all that was precious and spiritual and turned it into a carnival act as they appropriated cultural bullet points from First Nations, Hawaiians, India, etc. and then turned around and repackaged and marketed this stuff at incredibly high prices under the copyright-free umbrella of A Course in Miracles. Both Spezzanos started out in altruistic occupations, but what happened to these two? How did they become the sad self-imprisoned caricatures of hucksters we see today?

Of course one obvious answer looms large. Money. And, to some degree, power. But money appears to be the main incentive from my perspective.

Back to the sideshow--

LKS: So, you can have any download, you can receive any gift that you like. What would you most love to receive?

Listen carefully to her tone at "What would you most love to receive?" (starting about 0:37) and watch her facial expressions and body language after she asks that question. In the seconds between her question and Naoko's answer Lenora sort of breaks character, deflates and projects an expression of trapped resignation and barely concealed resentment that she has to lower herself to perform these dog and pony shows in order to promote her vast "powers." Try it frame by frame. Fascinating visual dynamic taking place here.

NT: I want to take shame. Take shame?

LKS: Uh-huh, remove shame.

NT: Remove shame? Yes.

LKS: [turns to audience] This is so important in Japanese society, right? Shame is so ingrained. I get chicken skin when I say that.

"Chicken Skin" is actually a disease called Keratosis pilaris--

LKS: Its just, just from birth you're sort of behavior modified to the use of shame. So that's a brilliant gift, that's a brilliant thing to request. And we have a number of Japanese people with us but this shame is deeply ingrained in all of us. And it's just not the truth. So we're willing to let go of these ingrained patterns, this belief that were are guilty and that we should feel shame, that we don't deserve to be forgiven for our mistakes, OK?

So this download will remove the belief that you should feel shame, it will remove the pattern, the habitual ingrained pattern in your neuro-net, the firing of the synapses that habitually take you and lead you into shame. It'll remove that and replace it with the understanding that you're innocent. And yes of course we all make mistakes. We're learning through our mistakes. But there's no cause, no reason for shame. OK?

NT: Yes.

LKS: Good one, OK.

So, perhaps this is an unfair question. But what if you are Ted Bundy? Lenora's theology seems to be a perfect fit for psychopaths. Shame does serve a purpose in our lives, after all. And maybe in Japanese culture the concept of shame is a very important cog in the cultural machine. No matter to Lenora, let's make them more like Americans! Manifest Destiny rules, man!

At the 2:45 mark Lenora signals the sound crew and "This Love" by Bliss has begun. At 2:52 Lenora directs her victim to stare at her right eye.

If you read Lenora's "Truth" screed you'll see she pretty much avoids the whole hypnosis charge including the many details we have brought up and she attempts to change the subject with distractive flak. But quite frankly I think she has given us the perfect evidence to have a hypnotherapy abuse law finally enacted in Hawaii.

Naoko's trembling begins immediately. Then trophy time starts at 5:12 and we are treated to our first pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren at 5:36. And yes, I see the Big Lug is there too.

What in the world?

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #413 on: March 04, 2015, 03:09:23 pm »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Surrendering to God's Concept of You" (08:09) posted Nov. 19, 2012.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Surrendering to God's Concept of Yourself. Open your heart and receive the gift as well.

The victim here is a woman I do not recognize, and Lenora's pronunciation of her name is difficult to translate. So I'll just call her Saki since that sounds close and she is apparently Japanese. I sincerely apologize for the lack of data here and my guesswork. No personal disrespect is intended.

I always liked this session for two reasons. First, the initial question goes against the grain of most of these "downloading/joining" shows because the subject is willing to ask God, "What do YOU want me to do?" rather the usual SALPOV selfish "Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie" (i.e., "receiving") where God is equated with Santa Claus (aka, Seasonal Gift Giving Man) and Lenora is Santa's little helper. But as we'll see, I become once again disappointed by the direction of this seemingly noble request in SALPOV. Secondly, this one has the most surreal and unintentionally humorous conclusion that makes me laugh every time.

LKS: So [Saki-san (?)], I understand its your birthday. And I understand that means that you can have anything that you want. Anything you want, we can receive it ...

Lenora has already started the hand motions for hypnosis at this point.

LKS: ... all we have to do is be willing to have our mind changed, our brain patterns changed so that we can receive what in truth we deserve. We deserve every good thing, we have a loving, rich father, who wants only the very best for us.

Well said and spoken like the entitled American that she is. Normal, workaday wage slave people around the world are too busy trying to makes ends meet to have the time or the incredibly large amounts of money required for entry into SALPOV. What Lenora is running here is a spiritual gated community. Heck, just to get into the SALPOV Healing Metaphors A-Z, a foundation block of the cult, you need a special password. And apparently inter-cult communication is done through the expensive corporate Comindwork network. Working class people need not apply. To be a cult follower in good standing you need to be able to afford airfare to and lodging in Hawaii for extended periods, plus the thousands, yes, I said thousands in fees required to be a SALPOV trainer EVERY YEAR!

What a scam.   

LKS: [looks at her victim and lays into the right eye thing for a moment] So, of everything you could possibly have, what would you most love to receive?

Interesting that Lenora really starts the direct gaze method early in the process here. But I went in reverse chronological order in these reviews, so perhaps she was still in the learning stages here.

S: [through a translator] I would like myself to surrender totally to God.

LKS: [Gives S. the ol' right eye and then says--] Surrender totally to God. What would that look like or be like? What quality or aspect are you imagining and wanting to receive?

S: The state of no tension. Its a state of no self-judgement and self-doubt. Without having to ask, am I right or wrong?

Saki's motivation is not entirely selfless. She wants to be free of typical human foibles. I was sort of hoping to see at least one SALPOV cult follower mention the word "sacrifice" and being willing to experience some potential hardship when it came to serving God's will. But no. This is a cult all about getting (i.e. "receiving"), and getting a lot (i.e. "abundance").

Since Lenora is presenting herself as a conduit between the person making the request and "Heaven's grace," she in effect becomes the physical embodiment of God during her weirdo parade of expressions. Personally, I think God has more class than that.

LKS: OK. So is it as if you would be willing to receive the self concept that is the concept that God has of you? Does that sound good?

S: [nod yes]

LKS: OK? Yeah, yeah. To just commit to letting go of the self-judgment, the self-attack that who you are is not what you should be. You recognize that this ego that we all have to live with, you know, that that is not you. That who you are is still as God created you. Perfect and whole, and one with Him in Heaven, right here and right now. Alright, that's a good one.

S. nods yes throughout Lenora's monologue, but it is not apparent she really understands what is being said. My opinion is that Lenora took this request and reshaped it to conform with SALPOV's manipulation of guilt as their core lure for drawing in other suckers. Actually, this technique of reshaping and restating the victim's request to fit the SALPOV dogma is consistent in almost all of these Youtubes.

This should serve as a consumer warning for all of you considering jumping into the Psychology of Vision cult. They will use you much more than you could ever use them.

LKS: [looks at audience] Are you ready?

Then she nods to the sound crew at 2:56, who play "Om shanti" by Bliss, and the direct gaze method of hypnotism starts for real. The audio is incredibly bad, as usual. Given the importance of music in her mind manipulation process, this audio defect alone would have prevented me from releasing these videos as a marketing tool, but apparently Lenora is from the Ed Wood school of filmmaking. Come to think of it, it was the same part of me that was fascinated by the utter failure of Ed Wood films that also served as the original attraction to Lenora's videos, and hence SALPOV. As I mentioned earlier at first I found her videos to be humorous, but then it dawned on me how sadistic and powertripping they were. And I could no longer just stand by and simply laugh as I learned how this cult victimized people.

During the hypnosis time in this video there is nothing unusual. The victim trembles and Lenora goes through her predictable stages of weirdass expressions. In the final minute during the trophy display we see something pretty funny. We are treated to a solid minute of Lenora posing in the role of a local festival queen aboard a parade float waving blankly. Her frozen expression reminds me so much of those joke conclusions on those old Police Squad epilogues-- 

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #414 on: March 04, 2015, 03:22:03 pm »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Courageous Heart" (07:44) posted Nov. 19, 2012.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" for a "Courageous Heart." Open your heart and receive the gift as well.

In this final review the victim is apparently Joyce Cheng, who appears to be a SALPOV trainer from Hong Kong--

LKS: Happy birthday, Joyce.

JC: Thank you.

LKS: So, since its your birthday and Heaven loves you, you can have anything you want for your birthday. What gift would you like to receive?

JC: [through translator] I want to have a heart that is able to healing all the issues in the world. A very creative heart.

As the translator speaks Lenora has already started the preliminary direct gaze method.

LKS: So you're asking for a creative heart that is willing to heal anything, capable of healing anything. So that sounds like a courageous heart. A creatively, creatively, creatively courageous heart.

JC: [nods yes numerous times]

LKS: OK. Yeah, because everything heals. Absolutely everything heals. [to audience] So we'll be receiving a download that's going to erase our pattern of fear that throws us in a clutch of fear when we're facing a big challenge. So we'll gain the trust that we can handle everything, we have the courage, we have the faith, the trust to get us through with grace, with ease, with a joyful heart. A good attitude.

So you can begin to feel it already. In the studio audience out there you will feel the shift happen in your brain and that's a good thing. And even if you feel this experience of pressure inside of your brain for the rest of your life-- that's what we're looking for. Because that's just healing, that's just connecting with grace to heal your mind and change your world. [turns back to Joyce] Courageous heart.

Did you catch that? "... even if you feel this experience of pressure inside of your brain for the rest of your life" !!!??? No further comment is required here.

At 2:17 Lenora nods to the sound crew and "Silence" by Bliss is played. Lenora's teeth-baring wacky expressions start immediately, as if someone had flipped a switch and she is suddenly "on." Funny how that works. Joyce's trembling quickly follows. Lenora's Master Thespian portion of this act has a little more oomph to it than most of the others, although at 4:39 she actually coughs while in mid-download.

Trophy time begins at 5:53, and Joyce's trembling continues to build. We are treated to our first pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren at 6:31.

I have now reviewed every single one of these "downloading/joining" videos. The fact they exist for public inspection is remarkable because to me, and several others, these appear to be case studies in the abuse of hypnosis.

I used to wonder if Lenora really believes her own theology and is in fact delusional, or if she is just a cynical grifter. And I still don't know the answer. But either way it doesn't really matter. What matters is that what she is doing is very dangerous and apparently has no program for followup or aftercare unless the client is willing to fork out more big bucks. The sooner Hawaii passes a strong hypnotherapy abuse law the better.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #415 on: March 05, 2015, 07:54:14 pm »
The Death of UK SALPOV?

Interesting development in the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) branch in the UK. As of this morning, it appears there are only four trainers left, as Alex Patchett-Joyce has been dropped from the roster:

Combine this with the absence of the annual UK events with the Spezzanos, the apparent death of the website, and the rapid decline of SALPOV trainers there and one begins to conclude that the main UK SALPOV could be on the way out.

Jeff Allen's Steps to Leadership spinoff has eclipsed the Spezzano-centered website.  On the UK SALPOV events page (where Alex is still listed) , most links will take you out of the SALPOV website and plop you right into Allen's own VisionWorks for Life for-profit site:

Several ex-UK SALPOV trainers have signed on as "facilitators" for Jeff's various "Steps" programs:

And Jeff's program is either in direct competition with, or poised to take over, the Central Europe SALPOV, where the Big Money is. Ingeborg recently profiled this group:

Being brainwashed into the SALPOV dogma appears to remain a requirement for enrollment as a facilitator, but the amount of dough for your "license" and renewal is considerably less than what the Spezzanos charge:

First time licence – £350 (ex VAT) plus postage outside of the UK

Renewal licence – £300 (ex VAT)

Per participant fee – £90, (ex VAT) plus postage outside of the UK

I used to think the Canadian SALPOV would be the first to lose all the trainers, but now it appears the UK could possibly win that prize.

I'll make a guess. Charles Lee Spezzano will be severely curtailing his future book tours in Europe and workshops in general-- perhaps even retire. In the meantime, Jeff Allen has been groomed to take over. He's the only European left on the SALPOV Steering Committee so far as I know. That's my theory for today, at least. My question in the midst of this power shift is, what is the money trail? What is Hawaii's cut of this action?

Because, as we all know, its all about the money.


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #416 on: March 07, 2015, 09:02:35 pm »
Babs Stevens testimonial concerning her participation in this cultic, large group awareness training group:

My Haida name is Iljulawas, and my English name is Babs Stevens. In 1976 I started on my Healing Journey and throughout the years tried many different modes of healing, slowly chipping away at my ego.  In 1991 a friend brought Lency & Chuck Spezzano to my hometown of Skidegate, Haida Gwaii, to lead a Psychology of Vision seminar. They gave the seminar for free, charging no fees, just help with some travel, lodging and meals.  What a gift to share!  After that first PoV 3 day seminar I never looked back!  The healing method was years quicker than any other mode of healing I had ever encountered. My husband, daughter and my family and friends were so proud of me, leading the way for us, our Community, our Haida Nation and humanity by healing myself.  I graduated to Level One Trainer in 2000; I conduct seminars in my hometown and lead by example in my Community.

I have worked for our Band Council for 42 years, working my way from receptionist to Chief Administrative Officer.  I am thankful that Psychology of Vision came into my life. My late husband and his late Hereditary Chief Chee Xial always told the group of us doing the work, that although they had never attended seminars themselves, they received the results of the healing from us, and to never stop what our group was doing!  That fills my heart!

Haaw’a  (Thank You) Lency and Chuck; you have made a huge difference in the lives of thousands of First Nations people and we appreciate you!

Has POV healed Ms. Stevens and other followers? Are they truly, measurably more effective as leaders and community members? Or does POV have them tricked, fooled, throughly dazed and confused?


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #417 on: March 08, 2015, 01:21:51 am »
Chi Ching from Tapei, Taiwan has been a POV trainer since Jan 2005. Her Facebook account is under Chiching Sic. She is one of the trainers listed on this site*

She is a Buddhist nun, I wonder how much she has been able to recruit fellow Buddhists.

Chuck Spezzano has recruited for quite awhile in Taiwan, along with other Asian countries.

Anyone who knows the relevant languages is highly encouraged to join in with research and spreading the word. Maybe we can start loosening the POV grip on these countries too.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #418 on: March 12, 2015, 07:06:05 pm »
Babs Stevens is a Level 1 trainer of Psychology of Vision ( a cultic, destructive large group awareness training run by Chuck and Lency Spezzano). She is also a follower of the drug dealing, con man Erick Gonzalez/Spirit Jaguar.

The stated principles of POV include:

1) Whenever there is a problem or conflict, there has to be a better way. Even in the most difficult of situations, there is always a solution that would allow everyone to win. Love, joining, forgiveness, communication, cooperation, and choice will lead us through.

Yet in direct contradiction to POV principles extolling freedon of choice, forgiveness, empathy, and healing - Ms. Stevens is now engaged in outright bullying.

A community member who dared chart her own healthy path, which includes walking away from destructive cults, is now being shunned by Ms. Stevens. Ms. Stevens has rescinded the community member's adoption into her family. This is an unprecedented action.

Other community members express confusion, dismay, and revulsion concerning Ms. Stevens' actions.

Ms. Stevens is engaged in relational aggression.

Manifestations of relational aggression include:
Excluding others from social activities;
Damaging victim's reputations with others by spreading rumors and gossiping about the victim, or humiliating him/her in front of others;
Withdrawing attention and friendship.

As the Chief Administrative Officer of the Skidegate Band Council, Ms. Stevens' bullying actions carry great weight on her victims.

Chuck Spezzano himself proposes "healing the bully":

HEALING THE BULLY (SHADOW) is the card of the day. This is what occurs when we get stressed and afraid. When we feel oppressed or needy we compensate with the feeling of entitlement beyond others feelings or needs and we justify our belligerence and taking.

I propose that Chuck Spezzano, Lency Spezzano, Erick Gonzalez, Babs Stevens and all others look to their own house. By being bullies they make it clear that their supposed spiritual systems are actually disguises for money grubbing con artists. They are welcome to their beliefs, what matters is their behavior. They are behaving like bullies.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #419 on: March 13, 2015, 04:22:17 pm »
The actions of Babs Stevens does seem to violate most of the points SALPOV professes to follow in their "Principles"--

You would think that after years of being brainwashed the least she could do is put up a good front. But she can't even do that. Her actions are not exactly a great advertisement for the wonders of SALPOV training.

Perhaps some folks who are close to the situation could be invited to fill out the SALPOV Complaint Form, part of a procedure for SALPOV to deal with trainers who act unprofessionally--

Of course, I highly doubt any disciplinary measure would be taken. The Spezzanos are too hungry for territory on Haida Gwaii and they need Babs as their tool-- a role that Babs is more than willing to fill. But it would be curious to see how the "Steering Committee" and the "Hero of Forgiveness" would handle this situation.