Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663570 times)

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #225 on: June 08, 2014, 08:14:01 pm »
in canada you have to be a licensed psychologist to legally practice psychology,  Dr. Amy Janeck from college of registered psychologists in bc stated that-chuck spezzano has never been licensed to  ever practice psychology in bc or canada, that's where the law comes in to protect people, there are people promoting and / or deceiving people that chuck is a psychologist in their puff talk advertisements to make him look legit to lure unsuspecting participants into signing up with PoV all from using misleading loaded jargon language
 as shown in this nafps forum.. psychology of vision isn't what they portray themselves to be to the public, this is why this nafps is so important, to help people to make better choices in seeking to making their lives better, sites with public education about harmful controversial groups is much needed because it's obvious that there are a lot of con and scam artists out there trying to take advantage of already vulnerable people.
 anyone can call themselves what ever in canada, its what they do with it that is what to watch out for, i don't understand why health canada doesn't take heed of these unlicensed psychologists and do something about them ?? i recently saw on the  tv canadien news that there was a crack down on unlicensed dentists in bc, why do they allow unlicensed psychologists to freely operate?? i bet you cannot get insurance for Pov.. as a matter of fact participants have to sign a form giving away their rights for medical coverage, i think because PoV is classified as experimental and no insurance would cover something experiemental anyway also they get you to sign waivers to free them from responsibility.. so it is truly buyer beware of these groups that don't have the well being of participants at the top of the list
 we need tougher laws in canada to stop these unethical people from taking advantage of someone trying to better their lives and taking resources meant for true healing.
these people that made a financial business to take advantage of vulnerable people amount to nothing more than cruel people, especially when they say it's the victims fault for "not getting it" and to get it ...come back next time, spend more money and try "getting it" this time,
it looks like PoV is set up so no one will ever get healed. they have to keep coming back to spend more money for the next "new" topic you need to get healed from ...chasing that rotten carrot on a big big stick, there is no instant quick fix to heal our mind, people have to do hard personal work for answers that are good for themselves to live better inside themselves, be careful of those cult leaders that will scoop up you and your own belief system and change it to their own indoctrination, you will not know this is even happening to you, be careful..
the spezzanos claim they don't target first nationd  but it is a documented fact that they do target first nations.
here is an admission by melissa meyer..she tell how she can teach rss pov so they can go back to their outlying village to teach PoV so everyone will "get along" ,how insulting this must be is to all first nations, getting saved by another white mans idea what is good for us savage indians

after a real licensed qualified hypnotherpist saw this promotional youtube  for PoV showing the haida woman getting "tuned up" by lency,
 her comment was this is nothing but stage hypnotism and babs stevens wants to be like lency so bad that she goes into her "trance" so fast is because she wants to be just like lency and wants to please show how good she "gets it"

a medical doctor said they're trained to recognize brainwashing while in medical school and babs stevens is obviously being brainwashed in the lost original mind pov promotional youtube.

 he said before they couldn't say names,but now that this is out and has been on national tv and other forms of media he can say it's obvious that babs stevens is being brainwashed and this is nothing to do with healing as advertised by the psychology of vision advertisements.
there is this to add, anyone can talk with the rcmp about cults, the rcmp on haida gwaii have an open file about both chuck spezzano's psychology of vision because of the physical threats to people questioning,speaking up and haveing an opinion of PoV and the devotees the "participand=ts" didn't agree with, and there is an open file on erick gonzalez cult group - earth peoples united because of the illegal drug use, the helucenogenics erick doles out to his devotees are medicines when used properly and according to the tribes and cultures territories where the medicines grow, but erick gonzalez doles out copious amounts that disrespect the proper hab=ndling of the medicines and turns it into nothing more than recreational drug use and abuse,
the rcmp say everyone knows cults are bad for people and they need to be watched ,who knows what triggers are put into the "participants"? there have been extreme cases on tv with mass suicides and murders from participants in cults, people relate these crimes to big city problems but cults are far reaching , even to a far away remote place like haida gwaii,
i personally agree with the rcmp that these cults and "participants" need to be watched and made aware of, even stopped because the same "teachings" and indoctrinations are the same as in the big cities where people relate and associate the craziness and crimes committed from their cult involvement 
so what is to stop thes bad things from happening in a small place like haida gwaii ? some participants already showed the potential for extreme violence to protect PoV and their leader from anyone speaking up,what is the next level they maybe triggered to do ??, I'm glad the rcmp have a file on and are understanding what these groups of people really are.
 people really need to be protected, in more ways than just public education and informed consent about cults.
  it is a good sign that doctors, teachers real educated health care professionals and especially the help of the rcmp that this is a real problem and that there have been problems from peoples involvement with these cults that need to be properly addressed for everyones well being, not just the cult leaders well being of more financial gain with the means justifies the end results.that is what b=needs to be fixed up ... the means these people use to take control to gather people and their financial resources up.
 i would say police protection and knowledge about these groups along with people in professional and health positions are needed and welcome to help public education about harmful groups and tactics used by the advanced trainers and 100 plus day grads to influence prospective "participants" and family members.and to show what is being funded with government money..

buyer beware
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 01:18:06 am by moreinfo »

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #226 on: June 10, 2014, 06:57:05 am »
con and scam artists

C. Spezzona has some knowledge in psychology, possibly through a course of study or part study (canceled, not check deposited or only sporadically attended classes, I do not know). L. Spezzona is certainly
 trained by her husband, but has also attended courses at the school (but she did not mention which school it was and what kind of courses she attended).

That Spezzona have a basic knowledge, I see this at their behaviors and practices they "advise and coaches" to the people, their attitudes, beliefs, etc. For some of people it is difficult to detect this maybe.
There are some points in which I come to the realization that their psychological knowledge cannot only be easily make out in pieces in their image or is just learned from books. There is more behind. But they suggest for their goals a direction that leads psychologically astray ... but does it really - consciously - astray? Or perhaps it border on abuse and abuse of power? Just a con and scam artist?

Spezzonas bring in a variety of psychological areas especially vulnerable people, again and again in a helplessness and avail themselves of fear, guilt and shame, and shame is something that few people want to deal with, if it hurts too much, this is often when people have mental health problems. They act abusive, exceed the limits, ignore any signs that shows that a situiation for a human is really unbearable. This can be used to promote a dissociative behavior that  a client can use to come out of an for him intolerable situation. Unfortunately it is not even certain that the client can notice this "unbearable". And not everyone is able to flight ahead. A client can be caught in a situation, he responded again and again with the same patterns of behavior and can not step out on their own of this situation.

That which both propagate, their attitudes, their help and the way they forces on humans can lead to immense psychological damage, especially for psychologically vulnerable people.
I recognize a lot, but I have never experienced that this is used in that form .... used or abused? .... When I see what this can cause to human, thenmy stomach convulsing together, it makes me sick, I am appalled ..... but I'm actually still missing the right words that can describe the emerging feeling.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #227 on: June 11, 2014, 04:36:46 am »
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

In Lenora Kay Spezzano's recent online attempt at spin control, she reveals that SALPOV does indeed have an "us vs. them" mentality. Her critics are painted as low-life character assassins while she and Charles Lee Spezzano are being so maliciously victimized and martyred for the cause of spiritual healing (cue up the "Bliss Music") as their motives are only pure and angelic. Oh my goodness, how terrible that these altruistic messengers are being so slandered, defamed, and subject to libel! Wow, we critics must be really bad people.

The concept of freedom of thought and speech and presenting very inconvenient researched data must be regarded as social insubordination for Lenora. Until we came along, the SALPOV cult followers and possible recruits were easier to manage. But now those poor sods who subscribe to the dogma are exposed to *gasp!* critical questions and observations that SALPOV cannot control as we threaten the corporation's profit margin, which is what all of Lenora's hand-wringing is about. Remember, we are dealing with an American who has never known a life outside of wealth and a sense of entitlement. We are regarded by Lenora as the rabble, the riff-raff, the muckrakers, the troublemakers, the proletarian, the street people, the undesirables, the wage-slaves, the cultural marginals, the uppity lower classes who could never afford to pay the high fees required by SALPOV without major sacrifice. In her world her husband charges over $1000 an hour for a personal consultation and that is accepted as normal. According to her, we don't have the right to question anything about SALPOV which is why they sent that bogus legal notice to some of our comrades.

Rounding up cult followers to provide glowing testimonials in an echo chamber only serves to demonstrate that SALPOV is indeed a personality cult.

But if the Spezzanos are the high-profile and famous world figures they say they are, then they are standing in the arena of public opinion. It is reasonable to expect SALPOV should be open to inspection. We have critically reviewed the unethical business practices of this corporation that sells spirituality as a retail product and we have provided reality-checks to dubious SALPOV claims with our research and documentation. Of course SALPOV is upset, but the truth is the truth and Lenora Kay Spezzano is not telling the whole truth in her recent online reactive response. Almost everything she claims on there has already been easily challenged on this forum. A true seeker will search this forum and realize that when it comes to SALPOV where there is smoke (and mirrors) there is fire.

Lenora's description of those who dare to question SALPOV reads like she has been visited upon by some disease. Well, obviously the Spezzanos and their cult followers "manifested" this growing army of inquisitive minds looking into the peculiar and bizarre practices of the upper executives of the Spezzano & Associates Psychology of Vision for-profit corporation. In employing the Spezzano/Ticehurst own Healing Metaphors philosophy, we can only conclude SALPOV has brought this unwanted and uncomfortable attention on themselves because they must have done something they feel guilty about.

To quote Charles Lee Spezzano--

There's no problem, physically or any kind of problem that doesn't come from some form of guilt.

The SALPOV philosophy is that the victim of any misfortune is to blame, and since the Spezzanos are playing the victim, then obviously they are to blame for their own discomfort. The "Healing Key" here is to take responsibility and make amends.

One amend the Spezzanos could provide would be to pay for all the exit counseling that will be required for SALPOV survivors before the entire corporation crashes after a death spiral, a descent that has already begun.

SALPOV is a personality cult designed to fatten the coffers of the Spezzano bank account. It is nothing more.

For too long SALPOV has been accountable to no one thanks to the way they have weaseled around licensing laws. The time has come for them to be seriously investigated by law enforcement and media. APTN gave it a good start, and I commend them. But this attention needs to grow. And from what I understand it appears this is starting to happen.

As the saying goes, "What goes around comes around."

« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 12:54:03 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #228 on: June 15, 2014, 12:21:56 am »
Lenora Kay Spezzano's official statement regarding the SALPOV and Oneness University connection:

What Is The Nature of The Relationship Between Psychology of Vision And Oneness University?

There is no relationship between the two organizations. Some of us attended healing programs there years ago, but for a number of reasons it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U. For about a year after making that decision, I stated in my seminars that I did not recommend that people attend their programs.

The Spezzanos attended OU in 2007. Great effort has been spent attempting to erase all trace of OU from SALPOV websites, but the following quotes are still on their blog. Look at the dates. Observe, and learn--


Today's card is AMMA-BHAGAVAN. These are two enlightened masters from India who are a couple. They started the Oneness movement and hope to raise conciosness [sic] the world over through Oneness blessings. As with so many of our spiritual leaders, they are great channels of love and grace dedicated to helping end the suffering of humanity. So the experience today is one of grace to help us all move forward.

Posted 9th October 2009 by Chuck Spezzano


AMMA&BHAGAVAN are the card for today. They are Indian Gurus who bring a lot of grace and miracles to the earth and like all holy people are interested in uplifting humanity. As a result they can be called on to intercede on our behalf. They are symbols of wholeness here on earth and they betoken a grace-filled day.

Posted 21st August 2010 by Chuck Spezzano


AMMA AND BHAGAVAN is the card for today. These are enlightened avatars in INDIA and they signal your friends in high places whatever your beliefs. In writings around A COURSE IN MIRACLES it states that their [sic] are more masters on the earth right now for the 'celestial speedup' and the opportunity we have to leap to a new level of consciousness that is interdependent instead of independent.

Let us be thankful for all the work and grace these masters bring us and how they model a higher way. The growth of spirituality with its incumbent love and joy will rise as we learn the mutuality of interdependence. Let us be open to the work these older brothers and sisters from all over the world are providing for us.

Posted 29th August 2010 by Chuck Spezzano

Until early this year, Oneness University was still listed on SALPOV websites as one of the Spezzanos' two "greatest inspirations." Interesting that Spezzano credits the OU founders with also starting the "Oneness movement." Remember that fact every time you hear "Oneness" or "Deeksha" mentioned in SALPOV by the Spezzanos or their trainers from now on. Much of SALPOV is simply a repackaged version of Oneness University.

[See attached for clips. You need to be signed on in order to view]

« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 02:36:55 am by Sandy S »

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #229 on: June 15, 2014, 03:49:22 am »
there is so much information that contradicts these spezzano cult leaders everything they claim and say about themselves being anygood is readily proven to be nothing but lies,
 maybe to them everything is an illusion, they're not licensed to practice psychology yet they have no problem having others using deceitful advertising=g to promote themselse as credible and licensed psychologists, they try to deflect it by saying the advertisers are promoting themselves like that without their knowledge, this doesn't say much about how they run their spiritual business. and an easy way to deny themselves.
 we can safely say that their "teachings" are all an illusion because people are tricked into thinking they're buying something special in the healing field from the spezzanos and psychology of vision.
these spezzanos still need peer review from everyone licensed and educated in the real professional healing world, i wonder how they have gone on with their stage tricks for so long without being investigated by the feds in all countries they do their circuit in ??!!
people are catching on about the "participants involved in this cult, they ask why are they so miserable, judgmental, and just stick with and friendly with other members of the cult. the people asking totally understand their behavior when they find out they follow chuck/ lency spezzano's cult psychology of vision,
a real qualified trained professional hypnotherapist said all the lency brain washing videos are all an act, everyone's putting on a performance to please lency spezzano and the willing victims all want to emulate lency.. this sounds like making clones of her to help recruit more victims.
people in all walks of life can fall for these cults and the word needs to be put out and spread fast to help stop them from falling into this emotional money trap
here is another cult research site mentioning chuck and his wife lency warning people and revealing the spezzanos ties to the oneness university cult..,105647

 i find it disgusting that these people are still operating in canada and targeting first nations, the spezzanos say everything is an illusion, it looks like it's real to me that people are catching on to their scheme,it's long over due and it looks like they're deluded to think they're so right that they don't have to hear real valid concerns from people that had bad reactions from being involved with is not the victims fault yey the spezzanos carry on with absolutely no damage control to help anyone in trouble after their "workshops" lency says no one reported problems but someone was suicidal after a workshop and tried to get a hold of lency on the phone to try to get help, i was told lency kept appointing a time and postponed it to never answering the suicidal persons call for help, that is one case of denial with a common stragedy used by them . they do not want to hear negative reports or comments .when they refuse to support their victims, then this is a very dangerous group to try to get personal help from.
read about them and make an educated choice about signing a waiver and your rights to protect yourself by joining them..
you have every right to ask about THE HIDDEN AGENDA with this group and to have every question answered honestly, everyone has a right to know about any group they're thinking of joining and not be told -one thing they say-" if you want to know... then you have to come to a workshop and see for yourself"is one classic cult response among many traits and responses for you to know,
people have asked 100 day grads, an advanced trainer and lency herself, not one of them person had the rcmp called on her by 2 100 plus day grads that have called themselves "councilors,I was told by a survivor she went to the local "advanced trainer"/recruiter for help with the way her life was turning bad ..  the advanced trainer told the person seeking/asking help told the victim "there's only one of us here, you're just telling a story" then closed the door on the person then acting like the victim never existed ignored and shunned..and then lency spezzano herself did not answer the phone to talk with a person in serious suicidal trouble, she's luck to be alive and has found a better happier life after getting out of PoV, her children are lucky too because she is a beutiful loving mother that did not deserve the treatment ,or lack of follow up care from the spezzanos.
these are some stories told by survivors of the PoV group that the spezzao=nos do not want to hear.
  i wonder if it's fear phobias imbedded in the victims brains about bad accidents and luck or evil spirits  happening to them and their families through their unethical use of hypnosis if they speak up or they're made not say anything negative about the spezzanos and Pov. i hope more survivors read through this site and overcome their implanted fears to speak up about
do your research well
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 09:49:05 pm by moreinfo »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #230 on: June 17, 2014, 01:51:20 am »
The belief in exorcism of demons and the Devil is alive and well in SALPOV, a byproduct of the Catholic upbringing of Charles Lee Spezzano, who originally wanted to be a priest. But now he gets to be Pope in his own empire.

In the world of SALPOV, ego equals (cue the echo sound effect) THE DEVIL!! This means if you question any of the practices of SALPOV, you are obviously serving (echo effect again) SATAN, since all criticism of this cult is characterized as "astral attacks." This solidifies the SALPOV cult "us vs. them" mentality by dehumanizing their critics. So much for "Oneness." You'll see what I mean as I quote Charles Lee Spezzano himself later in this post. 

Allow me to explain why the Spezzanos are far from being the professionals in the field of psychology they claim to be and have more in common with carnival acts and cheap con games than they do with science, or even with other New Age beliefs. I have to hand it to the Spezzanos, they have really made fools out of a lot of rich people, even members of the Chinese Mafia according to Lenora, and for that I grudgingly say Bravo! When someone is especially good at something, they deserve some recognition.

I can see that in Europe and Asia they have been very talented in relieving wealthy dupes of their cash, but unfortunately in the process they also cleaned out the savings of innocent wage slaves. The SALPOV slogan should be, "There's a Seeker Born Every Minute." In many ways, getting away with a good con game is the stuff of legends. But part of the game of being a grifter is to quit while you're ahead, a lesson the aging Spezzanos are learning the hard way.   

They over-reached in targeting BC First Nations in a strategic way, and documenting how it was to be done in the German version of their Trainer's Manual, in the process providing "Exhibit A" for any potential affinity fraud trial. Did they really think no one would notice? They got fat and complacent.

SALPOV crossed the line from talking gullible rich people out of their money to victimizing an entire culture they grossly underestimated. All they saw was the psychological power of Manifest Destiny. It is the American Way! The Spezzanos know what is best for you unfortunate and unenlightened non-Americans. We'll create emotional havoc, pat ourselves on the back, and then leave forever! And with no accountability for the consequences of our actions! For Lenora to proclaim her efforts created a "cultural Renaissance" for FN is incredibly arrogant, colonial, and missionary. She is an Ugly American.

You can't fool all of the people all of the time, as Abraham Lincoln said. BC FN are creating the first crack in the Spezzano personality cult. The Asian and European SALPOV cult followers need to read and listen to the critics on Haida Gwaii. Current SALPOV cult followers would do well to step back from the noise the Spezzanos are buzzing in your ear and use your independent thinking. It is for your own good. Are you still capable of *shudder* natural independent thoughts outside of what the Spezzanos tell you to think?

Before I stray too far, let us get back to exorcism and how the Spezzanos are anything but mental health professionals.

The following is selected from the August 2013 newsletter from Charles Lee Spezzano--

Every little upset, every emotion other than what proceeds from love can now be traced this month all the way back to the origin on consciousness, “The Fall,” when fear, separation and judgment began.  The Fall is where we fell into the nightmare of separation.  Of the six major levels of guilt, this is the primordial guilt from which all the other layers of guilt emerge.

You can do this exercise to help heal.  Take any little upset and invite love into it.  Ask yourself what in your adult life led to this new incident.  Invite love and Divine Love into those situations.  Then ask how old you were as a child when this began and see what comes to your mind.  Invite love and Divine Love into this scene until it’s all better.  Then go back to the womb.  If the childhood incident happened at nine years old, then there was some kind of upset at nine months in the womb.  In the womb we are like sponges, if our parents or anyone close are having an upset, we take it in as if it were ours.  We may compensate for it but it’s still in us.  Invite love and Divine Love here.  Love always comes when it is called and at every step miracles of Divine Love are waiting to come to us unless our ego blocks it but by inviting it in we make a new and better choice.  What happens in the womb and childhood shows our soul patterns.  If we don’t help our parents with their issues, we catch these patterns and they show up in us or in people around us until we get the lesson and bring the healing gifts we brought in also welcoming in Heaven’s gifts for such occasions.

Ask yourself what percentage of this upset pattern came from your ancestors.  Invite in love, Divine Love and Divine Presence to your family tree bringing them and yourself freedom from this karma.  Ask yourself what percentage of this came from your soul pattern.  Invite love, Divine Love and Divine Presence into all your lifetimes and the pattern brought in to this one.  Once this is complete, bring this energy into this life and up to the present.  Now ask yourself how much of this pattern came from the collective consciousness of humanity with all of its pain from the past.  Invite love, Divine Love and Divine Presence into the collective until this part is healed.  Next ask what percentage comes from the astral.  This is the dark supernatural of demons, devils and dark lords which is the metaphor for the darkness of the ancient ego.  Our pacts with the devil were really pacts with the ego.  This is our ancient attack and bad attitude where we turned away from Heaven and Oneness.  Invite love, Divine Love and Divine Presence into this area and as the light comes into the darkness these “demons” are redeemed and returned home.

Finally ask what percentage of this problem pattern is coming from The Fall.  Invite love, Divine Love and Divine Presence in here.  It is this remembrance of God and His Love that melts some of the dream away but certainly this problem pattern.

Guilt! Oneness! Catholic imagery! Demons! And the Ego = Devil! Whew. I get tired just reading all that.

But wait, there is more on the Spezzano blog--


CLOSING THE OPENING TO THE ASTRAL is the card for today. The astral is the ancient ego sometimes depicted as devil, demons, etc. We can get openings to the astral through being unconscious or being indulgent emotionally or physically. We can have many rifts in our mind that open us to the astral. You can ask how many and what effect it has had on you. Then ask God or one of your Friends in High Places to repair these rifts and plaster the whole area over with light...Have a fine healing day !!

Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Closing the Opening to the Astral

Thank you for viewing our Blog!  We also have a website:

Posted 1st October 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Closing the Opening to the Astral


HEALING THE DEVIL (FROM THE TAROT DECK) is the card for today. This symbolizes healing our ego, ignorance and the chains of limitations. Have a fine day!!

Posted 12th February 2012 by Chuck Spezzano

But wait, after employing a Tarot card image (which can hardly be counted as a "professional" activity for one claiming to be active in the field of psychology) there's more!


HEALING THE DEVIL is the card for today. The Devil in this case is the tarot of the Devil that represents ignorance as well as being chained by darkness, negativity and bad attitude. This is a very transformational day when all of these things which we usually hide from ourselves are shown to us so we can choose again, let them go and commit to the truth. Have a most powerful day!

Posted 5th November 2011 by Chuck Spezzano

Love that "bad attitude" reference. But there is more!


HEALING THE DEVIL (TAROT) is the card for the today. It represents ignorance and a place we are enslaved so healing it creates freedom and awareness. Whatever had you stuck whether hidden or not so hidden can be dissolved today if you are willing and go with the flow of the unfolding…Have a beautiful day!

Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Healing the Devil (Tarot)
"Devil" card from the Archetypes and Shadows Deck by Chuck Spezzano,
Artwork by Petra Kuehne:

Thank you for viewing our Blog!  We also have a website:

Posted 4th November 2013 by Chuck Spezzano

My, how Orwellian.

In the world of SALPOV, if the Devil = the ego, then "ego annihilation" is a form of exorcism. Think about it and wonder where that comes from. Sort of makes one view Lenora's "downloading" videos in a new light as well.

The Spezzano product is not medical, it is not professional, it is not healing. It is Medieval superstition, hocus-pocus, and an expensive carnival sideshow. They prey on emotionally and intellectually vulnerable people and count on non-critical minds to back them up. Their online "testimonials" might help with creating a sense of fear and "astral attack" threat to bring the cult followers together and keep them in line, but as far as attracting new recruits, well, it comes across as desperate, pathetic and controlling. Not great salesmanship.

It is an old and predictable story told over and over again in history. The SALPOV part in this tale is not a place I would care to be.   

Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #231 on: June 17, 2014, 06:46:49 pm »

I think different. I believe that their "occult words and explanation" disguise their psychologically way of work. There is a concept behind, and this concept leads or forces people to (in my opinion) unacceptable way of life, for some people it will be very difficult to break out of this muster circle.

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #232 on: June 17, 2014, 10:30:50 pm »
i think it's really sad to see what these spezzanos' are doing to people, and i think sturmboe is right it will be extremely difficult for the heavily indoctrinated ones to break out of PoV's grip on their brains, there probably ones like the "advanced trainers" that readily go into "trance so fast to please lency.. they will probably take it to the grave with them.
it doesn't look like the spezzanos will free them or sell them their idea of happiness. what is the goal of the spezzanos?? is it to turn everyone into advanced trainers? so they can as melissa meyer said about first nations- go into their outlying villages and teach everyone PoV so everyone will get along ??
this sure doesn't sound like the promised cultural renaissance as PoV advertised for fn's. i can't see this helping anyone in mainstream society either, what am i missing about this group that makes them any good ?
the spezzanos are unlicensed ,unqualified to fix peoples minds , it looks like they have no qualms about stealing other peoples ideas and presenting it as their own, so far i don't see anything good this group has to offer, at the start of this forum i asked for help to research them .i am so grateful for all the contributors in nafps, i know if there was anything good to say about chuck and lency spezzano it would have been found and posted, yet the spezzanos are so deep in their own denial they cannot even ask themselves questions about what went wrong so they can try to fix it, instead they attack anyone that has an opinion and evaluation they do not like. this sounds like a really unhealthy group to get involved in.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #233 on: June 18, 2014, 12:27:21 pm »
SALPOV UK CEO Jeff Allen has posted a 2011 video of Lenora Kay Spezzano giving a presentation in Germany entitled "Awakening." Although it is difficult to endure, it is worth watching for SALPOV cultwatchers and students of the peculiar and bizarre.

It is graphically a better than normal online definition piece but with strange editing and occasional static in the sound. Although the camera is mostly stationary, with Lenora giving her presentation for the entire 19+ minutes, the cuts and fades are frequent and distracting. It appears to be compiled of sliced audiovisual snips rather than a steady, uninterrupted and sustained thought process. Some of the edits make no sense. Not unlike SALPOV itself!

The SALPOV Triangle the Spezzanos "borrowed" from Bob Trask and made more complicated is in the background. In one rare spot where we can see a few people in the audience, I recognize "Ian" who was subjected to apparent hypnosis in Lenora's Youtube, "Abundance Download."

This video has three distinct parts. It begins with the pseudoscience the Spezzanos have lifted from the New Age status quo. Citing "quantum physics" is a tried and true game of smoke and mirrors that has been used and repeated by retail spiritualists for a few decades now. Lenora tries to sound like she has performed original research and is a scientist when in fact she is merely parroting the worn out party line of her fellow illusionists. Real scientists call this "Quantum Flapdoodle." She also talks about the "neuro-net," a topic that comes up frequently in the Youtube "Downloading" gigs.

I think the first part can be entirely skipped. It is just cotton candy and unoriginal blather Lenora has swiped from other sources.

The middle part starts to get interesting. At 7:35 Lenora makes a reference about going to India years before to be mentored. Probably her tip of the hat to Oneness University.

At 8:00 she says--

The great thing about the feminine aspect of Psychology of Vision is that any healing your POV trainer has attained they can pass on to you at a vibratory level from brain to brain.

Wow. Did I hear that one right? Let's replay that bit--

The great thing about the feminine aspect of Psychology of Vision is that any healing your POV trainer has attained they can pass on to you at a vibratory level from brain to brain.

Yes. She sure said it.

At 9:00 Lenora addresses the strange feelings you might experience in your cranium after repeated exposure, I presume, to hypnosis, oh, excuse me, I mean  "Downloading/Joining." After going on about feeling shifts and gyrations in your braincase she concludes--

Don't go to a doctor and pay for a MRI. It's a waste of money. You're just downstream of the Psychology of Vision healing.

No, don't go consult any REAL medical professionals! They'll just tell you that you been victimized by a dangerous cult headed by two unlicensed quacks! And obviously we at SALPOV are always right and never lie. We are the messengers and conduits for Heaven. But if you have to waste money, waste it on us!

It is the final third part of this video where things get really weird. For you veteran SALPOV watchers I would suggest fast forwarding to 9:50 and just watch the rest of it. Lenora reveals a lot of incredibly self-incriminating information on many levels, conscious and otherwise, and gets super intense about it. You can sense the frustrated actress within her yearning to be free. It is quite an entertaining show in an Ed Wood sort of way.

This video poses the question: Is Lenora a cynical grifter, or, is she simply crazy? It could be that Lenora Kay Spezzano will need exit counseling from herself with the help of true professionals.  Does she really believe all that drivel she is spouting? In any case, the posting of this video did not do SALPOV any favours.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 12:44:54 pm by Sandy S »

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #234 on: June 18, 2014, 04:05:49 pm »
I believe the spezzano empire is falling apart and they are making these desperate moves to justify themselves and attempt to keep what's left of their flock contained in their narrow mind set.
 Putting out "the truth about Psychology of vision and chuck spezzano" demonstrates how hard up and desperate they are to counteract  anyone's negative opinion, summation and evaluation of them, all it did was make them look even more foolish to those that still have their critical thinking.
Now lency posted this goofy, and again strange 19 minute video of her spewing out nothing but drivel that makes no sense to objective thinkers, I think this is meant for the spezzano non-critical thinking devotees that are programmed and made to have to listen to and follow her. and probably the devotees to spread this to the public to show how dedicated they are and again to be kept locked into the narrow mind set o  are made to think lency made a profound discovery and have to spread the PoV gospel and "teachings"
 i wonder how they can say everything is an illusion in that crazy video, if you go stand out in the freeway and a car comes and hits you that's because you're not an illusion?? why is  lency  telling her devotees this nonsense ? where is this going to take them ??,this could get them in rea trouble, if the advanced trainers in important job positions juggle money from government money for a Pov workshop, is that meant to be an illusion too,  taking money meant for real qualified healing for people and leaving them short of funding is not an illusion, it's mean to the people that really need proper help. mean and selfish, shame on those people that do this.
I also believe the devotees are programmed to believe lency and  to be able to "advance"themselves in PoV. no one can argue or have a different opinion of what lency says, they all have to eat it all up...or else.."they don't get it"and have to keep coming matter what
Maybe lency spezzano herself  is made crazy and insane from all the quantum heaped up bullshit they created from stealing other peoples work and presenting it to the devotees and unsuspecting public as their own.
No matter what happens in the research done on exposing Pov for what they are..I don't think lency will ever go to a real licensed professional psychiatrist or psychologist on her own, they have too big an elitist attitude and ego to lower themselves to seek professional help. They cannot hear or listen to other people's input, it's been proven by their shunning and ignoring of their "participants" cries for help.
 It looks like it's long over due for an intervention to  be pulled on lency spezzano and her "advanced trainers"so they can be properly psychologically assessed for their sanity, who knows this PoV may have made at least one of them insane if not more than one, if one has been driven mad, it is one too many.Maybe that would get the spezzanos' attention that they are harming people and realize people's minds need to be fixed by proper licensed trained health care professionals.  .
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 12:11:35 am by moreinfo »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #235 on: June 18, 2014, 05:19:12 pm »
At 8:00 she says--


The great thing about the feminine aspect of Psychology of Vision is that any healing your POV trainer has attained they can pass on to you at a vibratory level from brain to brain.

Wow. Did I hear that one right? Let's replay that bit--


The great thing about the feminine aspect of Psychology of Vision is that any healing your POV trainer has attained they can pass on to you at a vibratory level from brain to brain.

Yes. She sure said it.

This fits with the video I saw a few weeks ago where lency was asking someone what she wanted for her birthday and the person, giggling, says she wants lency to download the divine feminine for her. It was creepy and I couldn't watch more.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #236 on: June 19, 2014, 12:52:06 am »
In the DVD Chuck Spezzano The Psychology of Vision 2007, a lecture filmed in London, Chuck says "About 92% of all the people in Canadian prisons are First Nations people."

What the hell is he talking about?

Some fact checking:

In 2007 -2008, 17.3% of the total federal offender population was Aboriginal compared to being 4% of the Canadian adult population. They represented 19.6% of those incarcerated and 13.6% of those on conditional release (parole).  For women, this over-representation is even more dramatic—33.1% of women in federal penitentiaries were Aboriginal.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #237 on: June 19, 2014, 01:18:22 am »
This fits with the video I saw a few weeks ago where lency was asking someone what she wanted for her birthday and the person, giggling, says she wants lency to download the divine feminine for her. It was creepy and I couldn't watch more.

That "birthday" thing is something Lency does over and over in her videos:  "Today is your birthday and you can ask for ANYTHING you want because God is your father and he is rich".

I agree with you, Debbie -- Creepy.  Very creepy.  (And hard to watch.)

Lency is harder to watch than Chuck, though.  I can't for the life of me understand how anyone could sit through hours of watching her doing her hand waving, face grimacing, teeth grinding -- and not run for the exit.

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #238 on: June 19, 2014, 01:31:38 am »
it is just as sad as it is sickening to watch what lencey is doing to her willing victims, or pardo me i meant to say her programmed victims, the videos are meant for her devotees and disciples to watch to help keep them to be devote followers, you see the same people over and over again in her sickening videos. they are programmed to think they have to go to these workshops, over and over again and again. i bet these aren;t sickening and creepy for the pov disciples to watch, unless they're starting to get their objective critical thinking back, i don't think this will happen because they are not allowed to think like that.
 a hypnotherapist said it's obvious the're hypnotized and they are programmed to have to listen to her, they have to listen and obey what she and her husband chuck say and the videos are meant to keep them in check and devoutly spreading the PoV gospel. you see how she gives her cues and commands in everyone of her "its your birthday" videos, i think to the victims she is the giant santa clause from the heavens making the victims believe she's giving them something special and what ever they want.
 i believe the hypnotherapist summation/ evaluation of the PoV leaders and their program. lency is nothing but a stage act using the oldest hypnotist tricks in the book.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 01:48:19 am by moreinfo »


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #239 on: June 19, 2014, 01:59:06 am »
I agree, Lency is much harder to watch than Chuck. Yet Chuck is just as dangerous, maybe in a different way, because he looks relatively "normal" as he speaks, yet he says such horrible stuff.  Just finished this long video that is all of Chuck speaking, he starts out right away blaming rape victims for being raped.

Buyer beware. I really feel for any family and friends of people who are caught up in this.