General > Frauds

"Queen Chief Warhorse, Tchufuncta Nation, Chahta Tribe" Elwin Green Gillum

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Debbie Reese brings our attention to the 3 minute mark of this video:

Defend the Sacred:
And here's the direct link to Debbie Reese's blog about it

If I'm following Queen Chief Warhorse right in that video: she says Choctaw stole her group's identity, copied her group, and that Choctaw aren't really Native Americans. And that Choctaw of Oklahoma are ripping the government off.

Add into this discussion mix a great comment by Gyasi Ross

Scroll down to comment beginning with:

--- Quote ---Thank you, Dr--that's a very fair and important question.  Ultimately, the question should be "What, prophylacticly, should the Kellogg Foundation and Racialicious have done, and in the future, what should they do to ensure that they do not get hucksters pretending to be Native speaking for Native people?"
--- End quote ---

Defend the Sacred:
The Examiner article says her given name is Elwin Green Gillum. If that is correct, I think we should add it to the title of this thread.


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