General > Frauds

Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind

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A sampler of Rivera/Davis and Act For America:

--- Quote ---Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal
September 2015 – September 2015

Accompanied Brigitte Gabriel as part of ACT for America in the restricted areas (catacombs of the Capitol Building) and in the secured areas of the Capitol Building lawn during the Rally against the Iran Nuclear Deal. Her speech was delivered after then-presidential nominee Donald Trump’s.

Team members:

        Dr. Laralyn RiverWind, Brigitte Gabriel, Chief Joseph Riverwind
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--- Quote ---The RiverWinds will be attending (not speaking at) this event. If you love America and believe in defending our constitutional rights, don't miss this. ACT for America was founded by Brigitte Gabriel and is the nation's largest grassroots organization fighting terrorism today
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--- Quote ---Joseph AmaHura RiverWind
September 21 at 11:30 AM ·


It's nice having friends like Lady Brigitte Gabriel. We contacted her last night about what was happening to us and our friend's social media sites. The attack on our 1st amendment right to free speech must stop. This social media blackout on conservative and Judeo/Christian sites on social media is going to the Attorney General. Be a part of the solution and tell them we referred you.
--- End quote ---

Why The RiverWinds Support Act for America

--- Quote ---The RiverWinds desire to truly make a positive change in the world today. To that end, they are actively involved in government liason, social improvements and increased environmental responsibility. They are qualified to do so through the Northern Arawak Tribal Nation. Chief Joseph is the War Chief and is currently the acting Principal Chief of the Tribe. Dr. Laralyn RiverWind is their Tekina (Tribal Spokesperson). They are approved speakers for ACT for America, the largest grassroots organization for counter-terrorism.
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These two frauds were recently on the “Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox” show.

(General criticism of the show: )

--- Quote ---Fox goes to Malibu, CA. to meet with two people she advertises to us as Native Americans, and I’m really sorry folks but there is no easy way to do this…

Problems with the above statement:

    Two Native Americans do not speak for the 2.6 million Native Americans who live in the United States alone.

    One Native American tribe’s oral tradition is not the same oral tradition for the 562 Federally recognized tribes in the US alone.

    Even if we believe what Riverwind says and agree that there are a whopping 3 whole tribes that have giants myths in their oral traditions, you still have
    559 who apparently do not. So that kinda negates that whole “All Native Americas have myths about giants” argument right there.

    And then, of course, there is a the Riverwind’s themselves.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Chief Joseph Riverwind is listed on a skeptical watchdog site, New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans, as being a New Age fundamentalist who pushes religious/Ancient Alien ideas, like Native people believing in Nephilim/giants that apparently came to Earth from the Pleiades and Orion’s belt (Colavito 2017).

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--- Quote ---Fox meets with Chief Joseph Riverwind, a Christian minister and Nephilim theorist whom regular readers will remember from his appearances in Nephilim theorist L. A. Marzulli’s mound builder videos. Riverwind presents himself as the keeper of Native oral traditions, though these stories are transparently Bible tales dressed in Native garb. Fox describes these Bible stories as an accurate account of how the end of the Ice Age led to a Noachian Flood.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---First, Fox interviews self-appointed “chief” Joseph Riverwind (formerly known as Jose Rivera of Puerto Rico) and his wife a fake-doctor of naturopathy. Riverawind claims to be a “peace chief” of the Arawak Nation. This is not a federally recognized tribe and several sites on the internet show this guy to possibly be a charlatan involved with a hate group that believes Israel plays a part in the “End Times.” Rivera/Riverwind and his fake-doctor wife invent (according to native beliefs that support their fundamentalist, Judeo-Christian fantasies.
--- End quote ---

They will be doing a tour in Israel again this spring.

These tours are done through the Radiant Group:

--- Quote ---Radiant Group is a multifaceted organization committed to establishing strategic connections between Israel and the Nations for the purpose of blessing Israel. With a special focus on the commerce and humanitarian sectors, we are able to counter the growing BDS movement while offering avenues by which businesses, organizations and individuals can directly impact the future of Israel in the nation itself and it’s reputation around the world.
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More at this link I think it's important to include. Bolding is mine.

....The dog whistles for this are clear when Fox interviews the couple. Joseph Riverwind making blanket statements about all Native Americans. His twisting of clearly biblical stories and dressing them up with native sounding concepts, to make it seem like there is a lost Christian element to all Native American oral traditions. Laralyn Riverwind calling giants another ‘species’ that inhabited the Americas before Native American ancestors. The concept of giant ‘Hybrids’ that were evil.

And so on, and so on…

What you are actually hearing is Transoceanic Master Race drivel and Ancient Alien racism being dressed up as Native American oral tradition. Fox is banking on no one doing research into the Riverwinds, their work, or their claims, and hoping that if she show you that these two Native Americans believe in giants, then all Native Americans do and therefor giants must be real!

I wish I could say this was the low point for the show, but it’s not…oh it’s so not.

We go from the Riverwinds to Jim Vieira from Search for the Lost Giants, to listen to him try and sell us all on the idea that there is evidence of giants. He provides nothing that hasn’t been debunked by other people on other shows and again reiterates the biblical tie-ins of giants.

Then he brings up Denisovans. Vieira is impressed that there is a small percentage of Denisovan DNA in Native American DNA and I really need to get Jennifer Raff on to explain all this. But basically Vieira throws a bunch of buzz words at Fox who nods along eagerly and it sounds very science-y. So then…Fox says:

“50,000 years ago, a large human like species called Denisovans populated the Asian landscape these ancient giants migrated into the Americas and interbred with humans creating giant hybrids, and in fact traces of Denisovans genetics have been found in Native Americans” (Fox 2018)

That is a direct quote from the show.

I just…don’t have words.

The last bit of the show goes over the whole Cerutti mastodon from California again. It overlaps with the Solutrean Hypothesis that I’ve addressed before and am not going to rehash here. (Links below in the Resource section.)

In conclusion:
If you can’t tell from the tone of this article, I’m not ok with the statements of this show. The show starts off as the others have, showing us actual archaeology with dubious voice overs hinting at what Fox is planning on twisting the show into. Then it just jumps off the deep end with both feet making unjustified claims based on no evidence whatsoever and presenting people in positions of authority who have no business being there.

Fox is either ignorant of the implications of the claims she is making in this episode, or she is aware and is fine with them. Suggesting that Native Americans are somehow in-human because they are a giant/human hybrid is something straight out of the colonial era. It’s that exact kind of thinking that led to the atrocities that Native Americans faced at the hands of settlers and then the US Government. To hear that kind of racist rhetoric coming from a TV show in 2018 is beyond upsetting. I could rant for pages on this, and I’m really tempted to, but the reality is, there are too many people who are now watching this show and thinking “Oh archaeologists think giants predate Native Americans and also Native Americans are a different species than white people.” And no, that’s not hyperbolic, if you think that then you haven’t been paying attention...


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