Author Topic: Greetings!  (Read 5509 times)

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
« on: October 22, 2007, 11:39:12 pm »
Hi, Folks:

Non-NDN here. I live in the San Juan Islands, Washington state. Lived in Arizona for a time. Originally from California. Plenty of frauds and wannabes in these parts - plenty where I came from, too. I'm definitely turned off by this kind of thing (it gets REALLY old after a while, you know) and glad to find people who are doing something about this. Very glad to see the thread about the documentary (Spirits for Sale) and its subsequent success - a fabulous way to get the word out that this sort of thing is NOT okay. The brighter you shine the light, the more the cockroaches scatter.

Anybody got a can of Raid handy?



Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2007, 01:18:19 am »
Hey, there bonestyx,

If a fraud by the name of Walks With Thunder shows up around your way, run. The guy is a fruit loop. He claims to be Caddo and usede to claim to be a traditional shaman, but was callled on that. He even has a Meet up page under Native American, however no Indians are part of his mostly white, mostly female crowd.

Offline bonestyx

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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 10:15:25 pm »
Ugh! Forgot to check back into this forum. I'm sooo timely in my response :-)

Funny thing is, I did actually find posts on Seattle's Craig's List around the time I joined this forum that were adverts for Walks With Thunder and his groupies. I looked up his website and just about lost my lunch with his line about being "shaman born". Ick!

I posted a warning about him in response with a link to this forum's discussion threads about him and was surprised how quickly the posts regarding his gatherings disappeared from the list! Ha ha! Shine the light and they scatter!

I'm back in Arizona - at least for while now (Prescott, for those of you who might be nearby). After four winters up north, I really needed to come south again and dry out. Strangely enough, now that I'm down here, I've discovered that I really want to go check out Alaska in the summer time. One of these days I'll come to terms with the fact that I'm a migratory bird....:-)

Just looked, and WWT's site still hasn't changed. Still calling himself a Caddo Shaman. Some people never learn :-/

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 10:31:36 pm »
When you say Caddo, remember that he mispronounces it "KAY doh." LOL! Can't even pronounce the name of his supposed tribe.