Author Topic: Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?  (Read 5484 times)

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Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
« on: April 18, 2011, 07:44:19 pm »
Comment: Video in the link.

Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?

NEW YORK – A bombshell 60 Minutes report has left the writer’s Three Cups of Tea memoir—which earned him millions and made him a humanitarian folk hero—in tatters. Lloyd Grove and Mike Giglio report on the fallout. Plus, Mortenson's Pakistani host Mansur Khan Mahsud exposes his lies.

When 60 Minutes was finished with superstar philanthropist and U.S. military adviser Greg Mortenson on Sunday night, the author of Three Cups of Tea—a 2006 bestselling memoir of adventures and good works in Afghanistan and Pakistan—was in a million little pieces.

Correspondent Steve Kroft reported that key anecdotes in Mortenson’s inspirational narrative—which launched him as a humanitarian folk hero, attracted $60 million in donations to his nonprofit Central Asia Institute, and personally earned him millions of dollars in book royalties and lecture fees—appear to have been fabricated.

“Another hero bites the dust,” MTV founder Tom Freston, a frequent visitor to Afghanistan, told The Daily Beast. Freston lived in Kabul in the late 1970s, traveling the hardscrabble country as a garment exporter. “And it’s especially bad in this case, as there are so few heroes in that troubled part of the world.”

Afghan media mogul Saad Mohseni, whose Moby Group runs the nation’s dominant television and radio outlets, reacted with sorrow at the report.

“If the allegations are true,” Mohseni told The Daily Beast, “then it is a tremendous blow to humanitarian and education related nongovernment work in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as many in the West will shy away from helping similar projects in the future.” Mohseni added: “Mr. Mortenson was not that well known in Afghanistan and his fame in the U.S. surprised many of us in Kabul… However, the man needs to be given an opportunity to defend himself.”

“Greg has flown around on Black Hawk helicopters, and Petraeus has opened schools with him,” said Isobel Coleman. “There’s been some commingling there.”

Notably false, Kroft reported, were Mortenson’s heartwarming tale of how the simple mountain villagers in Korphe, Pakistan, saved his life after he got lost during a perilous descent of K2, the world’s second highest peak; how he repaid their kindness by returning to build them a school; and how he was subsequently kidnapped for eight days by the Taliban.

“It’s a beautiful story, and it’s a lie,” best-selling author Jon Krakauer, a former friend and financial supporter of Mortenson’s, told 60 Minutes, which offered strong evidence that Mortenson was never lost or separated from fellow mountain climbers during his 1993 descent, that he never visited or even heard of Korphe until a year afterward, and that the men he identified as Taliban kidnappers were actually his tour guides.

Mortenson’s book agent, Elizabeth Kaplan, declined to comment on the 60 Minutes report, writing in an email to The Daily Beast: “I’m on a runway at Newark airport heading for Prague.” His co-author, Portland, Oregon, journalist David Oliver Relin, could not be reached. The public relations executive at Viking-Penguin, Paul Slovak, didn’t respond to our email, and Viking-Penguin refused to answer 60 Minutes’ questions or speak to Kroft, who, in a classic ambush scene, tried to grill his quarry at a book signing, only to be led away by security.

But the embattled author did try to defend himself to his hometown newspaper, The Bozeman, Montana, Daily Chronicle. “I hope these allegations and attacks, the people doing these things, know this could be devastating for tens of thousands of girls, for the sake of Nielsen ratings and Emmys,” Mortenson told the paper in a phone interview on Friday, after 60 Minutes began publicizing its exclusive. In a later statement, he conceded that his account of his descent from K2 was “a compressed version of events that took place in the fall of 1993.”

Kroft’s revelations are much more serious than a publishing scandal akin to the exposure of James Frey’s largely fantasized 2003 autobiography, A Million Little Pieces. Until Sunday night, the 53-year-old Mortenson was so respected an authority on the exotic region that Washington think tanks such as the Aspen Institute regularly invited him to speak. Top American generals such as David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal ardently sought Mortenson’s advice and depended on him to set up meetings between he U.S. military and village elders.

“[Mortenson] has associated himself and his schools with the U.S. military,” said Isobel Coleman, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who has chronicled the region’s education crisis. “General Petraeus himself has become a fan, recommends the book to everybody, makes public appearances with Greg. Greg has flown around on Black Hawk helicopters, and Petraeus has opened schools with him. There’s been some commingling there.”

The New York Times reported Sunday night that top Pentagon officials declined to comment on the accusations, but offered a defense of Mortenson’s work in the region. “We continue to believe in the logic of what Greg is trying to accomplish in Afghanistan and Pakistan because we know the powerful effects that education can have on eroding the root causes of extremism,” an unnamed military official told the Times.

Even President Obama was so smitten with Mortenson that he donated $100,000 of his Nobel Peace Prize money to the Bozeman, Montana-based Central Asia Institute, which claimed to have built more than 140 schools, mostly for girls—yet another exaggeration, reported Kroft, who said 30 schools claimed by the institute were visited or checked by 60 Minutes, and “roughly half were empty, built by somebody else, or not receiving support at all.” White House press secretary Jay Carney didn’t answer an email asking the president’s reaction to the 60 Minutes scoop.

Kroft reported that half a dozen staffers and board members have left Mortenson’s nonprofit in recent years over concerns about how its money was budgeted. The charity has filed only one public IRS return in its 14 years of existence, last year’s, and reported spending $1.7 million for Mortenson’s book promotion travels, including on private jets. Krakauer, who stopped supporting the institute nine years ago after donating $75,000, said he was told by a staffer that “Greg uses Central Asia Institute as his private ATM machine—that there’s no accounting. He has no receipts.”


It turns out that Mortenson’s allegedly questionable practices were an open secret in the charity and nonprofit world, but few were willing to discuss them with outsiders. One concern was that Mortenson is larger than life and intimidating, said an executive at a nongovernmental organization with extensive experience in education issues in Central Asia. “That’s someone you don’t want to cross,” said the executive, who spoke to The Daily Beast on the condition of anonymity. “He’s very controlling. Very protective..”

Another concern was that nobody would believe the charges.

“Who’s going to believe any of this that came out today? Because it is like taking down a giant,” the executive told The Daily Beast. “He’s a national hero. Anyone who would have spoken out would have been shot down on any number of things…You can’t just bring up the truth, necessarily, against that façade. It takes a 60 Minutes. It takes a Jon Krakauer.”

Like Saad Mohseni, the NGO executive expressed deep worry about the impact of the revelations about Mortenson. “There’s already so much bad news coming out of the region. Americans want the United States to get out of there. Greg was a shining beacon,” the executive said. “I think it will have a direct effect on any organization working in this region.”

Lloyd Grove is editor at large for The Daily Beast. He is also a frequent contributor to New York magazine and was a contributing editor for Condé Nast Portfolio. He wrote a gossip column for the New York Daily News from 2003 to 2006. Prior to that, he wrote the Reliable Source column for the Washington Post, where he spent 23 years covering politics, the media, and other subjects.

Offline Lodro

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Re: Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 07:39:21 pm »
I just finished reading Jon Krakauer's piece on Mortenson that can be downloaded from and is free until April 20th. It's a very well written piece and a pretty good expose of Mortenson's way of working.


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Re: Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 08:29:42 pm »
It is very sad if this is true.  His book was fascinating and it was wonderful to think that he could do so much good by his efforts.  As he pointed out in the book, the best way to fight extremism is by education.  This is such a tragedy if the expose is true. 

Thanks for the link.  For some reason, I could not get it to work on my computer.  I keep getting a strange message I have never seen before and no text will show up.  Since this is the last day to download, I doubt if I will be able to read the article unless someone could do a cut and paste here if the article is not too large, or if there are other issues which prevent that from happening.


UPDATE:  Never mind.  I got it to download.  Thanks again for the link.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 08:42:59 pm by Autumn »

Offline snorks

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Re: Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2011, 10:58:48 am »
It does show how frauds can occur - the person comes with a message or story of love and compassion, of doing good.  The story and the person are compelling and have enough true details to seem true.  People flock to the message and neglect to do any fact finding to see if the story is true.  When the details come out, it is a mess. Some people say the details are not true, others yes.

Oprah seems prey to these sort of things.  She had featured several folks with uplifting stories, who later proved to be fakes.  I think the power of the story, the willingness to suspend disbelief, and the desire to be part of something good goes a long way to keep the frauds in business.

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Re: Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2011, 11:08:19 am »
I agree with Autum it would be sucha  shame if this is true...he wrote about educating the girls..... There would be ways to rpove these typs of things, for example the bridges and schools that he built. This is going to be hard to prove now, however, due to the flodds, and earth quakes that have destroyed large areas in Pakitstan.....

Offline snorks

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Re: Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2011, 03:45:59 pm »
From Salon.Com
"Montana investigates "Three Cups of Tea" Charity"

"Montana's attorney general is scrutinizing the charity run by "Three Cups of Tea" co-author Greg Mortenson after reports questioned whether Mortenson benefited from money donated to build schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan."

"Attorney General Steve Bullock's announcement Tuesday follows investigations by "60 Minutes" and author Jon Krakauer into inaccuracies in the book and spending by the Bozeman, Mont.-based Central Asia Institute."

This is what the article says what Jon Krakauer says:

"Mortenson has lied about the noble deeds he has done, the risks he has taken, the people he has met, the number of schools he has built," Krakauer wrote in the recently published "Three Cups of Deceit."

Krakauer reported that millions of dollars donated to the Central Asia Institute were spent on chartered jets, equipment and advertising for Mortenson's books, even though the charity doesn't receive any royalties for them. One former board member told Krakauer that Mortenson "regards CAI as his personal ATM."

Offline snorks

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Re: Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2011, 03:51:49 pm »
Here is another article from a different point of view.

Why "Three Cups of Tea's" lies don't really matter
Greg Mortenson is being attacked for his book's inaccuracies. His accusers are missing the point
It's unfortunate that the Mortenson affair is being presented as a publishing scandal rather than a philanthropic one, because the case against the author (the lying) is less compelling than the case against the nonprofit director (the cheating).
No one is quite accusing Mortenson of stealing, nor are they questioning his commitment to CAI's mission. However, Krakauer presents persuasive evidence that Mortenson's refusal to document any of his expenditures in the U.S. or in Central Asia -- indeed, his refusal to be financially accountable to anyone -- have made CAI dysfunctional and far less effective than it claims to be. No one knows what the money is spent on, and no one seems to be monitoring the results. At one point, CAI staff resorted to fabricating documentation in order to comply with an audit by an independent accounting firm.
Yes, that's aggravating, but here's the thing: If Mortenson spun an uplifting tale about the kindness of Pakistani village folk because it made for a better story, the media is now doing the same in how it chooses to cover his wrongdoing. Yet another mismanaged charity is not an especially buzz-worthy subject. But we love to read about lying authors and negligent publishers and all the other ne'er-do-wells who are dragging our literary culture to hell in a hand basket. (Never mind the recent revelations that John Steinbeck made up big chunks of his beloved memoir "Travels with Charley" -- it was ever thus.) Lying makes for a fun story full of opportunities for righteous indignation, but cheating at a once-esteemed charity is just a bummer. And the best story always wins.

My comment:
The above paragraph explains why folks like me fall for frauds, and I guess how we need to have our fraud b**S*** alarms working.