Author Topic: Diane Fisher AKA Dhyani Ywahoo AKA Dhyani Dorje AKA Dhyani Thorner  (Read 124761 times)

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2011, 01:50:24 pm »
I checked out the link MrPiz provided (the english language version page)

There's all kinds of issues with this group.  I'll bring up a few of the most obvious which I saw outlined in the acknowledgements (in bold)


 We wish to express our gratitude to the following people and organisations:

Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo, Spokesperson of the Green Mountain Band of the Eastern Cherokee, 27th generation lineage holder of the Yahoo tradition. Teacher and leader of Sunray Meditation Society. With her courage to share traditional Native American medicine with non-natives she has helped to build a working community and laid the groundworks upon which the Sunday School has been built.

 Reverend Amtul, minister and leader of the Starchild Gathering: Her wonderful cherokee based programs for children are always inspiring.

 Standing Bear: Teacher and minister of the Western Cherokee. His unusual and inspiring history has proved the importance of these ways.

 Dwight ?, Lakota: Dwight was a simple man - the epitome of radiating wisdom. He taught and lead by the example of his own life.

 Grandfather Eagle Dedam, Micmac: Meeting him was a turning point in the lives of many..
Jim Yellowhorse, Lakota: A wise elder, who showed patience for the right moment, deep compassion and ever present wisdom.

Forrest Carter, Cherokee: This writer created our program with his novel "The education of Little Tree
Susan E. Keller: She supports the Sunday School in many ways not the least of which her hospitality.
Pestalozzi-Realschule in Munich, which recognized and supported the Sunday School as a welcome addition to it's own educational program.


Well first there's Diane Fisher (aka Dhyani Ywahoo) who most of this thread is about.  I find the spelling mistake above kinda funny though (Yahoo tradition  ;) )

The Standing Bear reference opens up the page.  It's a non-profit (501c3) that seems to want to create an alternative indigenous community of some sort....hard to really tell.  Here's their "vision" of what they're about....the "teacher and minister of the Western Cherokee" title I'm sure is offensive to any Cherokees that read it, but if you go onto their website be prepared to be even more offended as nothing of what is offered resembles Cherokees....

"We Ani Yvnwiya ( mountain people) are the seventh of the seven generations of our Sacred Ancestors, since the coming of anglo-europeans to Turtle Island (the North American continent). Ancient prophecies speak of the restoration of ancestral Matrilineal power in this generation. This empowerment will be the source that draws the four original races of the human tribe together in the closure of the Sacred Hoop. This closure will manifest the return to spiritual balance of all the interdependent elements of the earth. Responding then, the four races will move in the harmony and balance of one heart, one mind, and one spirit. The fulfillment of this Sacred Prophecy is the intention of Seven Winds; to provide land, facilities and programs to manifest the closure of the hoop and the fulfillment of these prophecies for the future seven generations of our children."

And then there's the Forrest Carter "Education of Little Tree" reference.  I'm sure for most of the members this isn't news, but for anyone that doesn't know, Forrest Carter was revealed after his death to be Asa Carter.  Asa Carter was a KKK member (in fact, he chose the name Forrest in honor of Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the KKK) and the racist speechwriter for one of the biggest segragationist/racist politicians we've had in the US...George Wallace (Carter wrote Wallace's slogan ""Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever").  "The Education of Little Tree" is a fantasy that is essentially sentimental drivel framed around a concept he knew would sell, but devoid of real facts.  It was sold originally as non-fiction until the truth about the writer was revealed to the literary world.

The fact that they give credit to Asa as "creating our program" with his novel is disturbing, yet not unnexpected.  There are still people today that are fooled by his ruse (even Oprah Winfrey once announced it on her show as a book of the month until someone clued her in).  But there it is in plain English.....their whole program is based on a fantasy.


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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2011, 05:25:01 pm »
First of all, Fisher aka Ywahoo has been present on the European markets for years, her books are still being sold and have seen German translations. So a group cooperating with her and working according to her alleged teachings should not be a complete surprise.

I see numerous entries for „Dr. Dieta Biebel“ in various platforms listing medical doctors (as doctors may not do advertisements according to German law, such platforms are in use to be able to do concealed advertisement). From these entries, Biebel is a psychologist.

However, Biebel is mentioned at

They mention groups in four German cities: Munich, Frankfort, Warburg, and Ravensburg (each town in a different federal state).

Biebel gets another mention as an alleged elder at the site:

Dr. Dieta Biebel, Germany

Dr. Dieta Biebel is a Grandmother of Bavaria, known for sharing stories and traditions from her Bavarian elders and village. Obstetrician, Psychoanalyst for those 0-99 years, and Star Child Focalizer, she is world renowned for her research on schizophrenia. “I am a midwife for all healing birth processes, using the power of the trees and animals.”

Regarding the claim of Biebel being „world renowned for her research“, google results do not  validate this. I also could not find any validation for Biebel ever having been an obstetrician or gynecologist. However, Biebel seems to have written a few articles in a German language journal – Dynamic Psychiatry - earlier, there are four articles listed:

No 43, issue 2 1977: Example of catching up a development of ego
No 46, issue 5 1977 : Deficite ego and pregnancy
No 78, issue 5/6 1978: Descripton of the therapy of a psychosis
No 60, issue 1 1980: Development of a psycho-somatic symptom as an expression of ego-structural changes in the psycho-therapeutic process of a psychotically depressive patient

A mere four articles is not quite what one would expect in the way of output from someone of real world renown, especially since there are no later publications as the one from 1980.

However, our friends at Esowatch have got an article on this journal and on Dynamic Psychiatry. They say:

„Dynamic Psychiatry according to Ammon is a controversial method in psychotherapy basing on German psychiatrist Günther Ammon (1918-1995) which came into being from 1968 on and saw itself as a link between psycho-analysis and psychiatry. It is a method outside of established psycho-analysis and is not accepted by the scientific community.

Dynamic Psychiatry is taught and practiced in two institutions of German Academy for Psycho-Analysis (DAP) in Munich and Berlin. Founder Günther Ammon was DAP president from its foundation in 1969 until May 6, 1985, and from March 7, 1986 until his death in 1995[...]“

Critics and former patients accused DAP and Günther Ammon of totalitarian, cult-like structures. Patients reported arbritaryness, dishonourable treatment, breach of medical confidentiality, break-downs, and defenceless dependency from the DAP community. The separation from family and therapies taking years, caused a mental dependancy of the patient from DAB.“

Beaverstream, this seems to be far more important for what you were/are going through than the connection to Diane Fisher and her 'teachings'.

From what you say, Biebel most probably was not accredited with the German public health service system in the first place, so she was not in a position to treat patients under the public health insurance system. Individual private health insurances, however, may cover treatment with DP so that patients insured on so-called private terms may be refunded by these insurances. This means that patients seeing her will have to cover all fees from their own pocket with no or limited possibility of refunding.

Offline beaverstream

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2011, 10:01:08 pm »
Dr. Biebel I believe may have had only a medical doctor degree and was specializing in Geburtshilfe or working in a practice of OBGYN I am not familiar with the German University system to elaborate on that subject. I do know that she was taking Krankenkasse patients until a few years ago when she retired and either you moved to Private insurance or paid cash.

This business of Dynamic Psychiatry is shocking to say the least.

This link could probably use a translation too (my German skills are good in terms of comprehension but not that advanced to translate) it discusses some of the group situations and fall outs within their own system, Dr. Amman's, as well.

Diese Publikation beinhaltet einen Erfahrungsbericht der Oberschwester, die von Juni 1980 bis März 1985 in der Klinik Menterschwaige gearbeitet und vorher seit 1975 bei der DAP in Behandlung war, und einen Erfahrungsbericht bzw. Kommentare (anonym) eines langjährigen Mitarbeiters. Hansjörg Hemminger untersucht in einem eigenen Kapitel die DAP unter dem Blickwinkel eines totalitären Kults. Anfang der 1990er Jahre veröffentlichte der Psychologe und Psychoanalytiker Wolfgang Schmidbauer („Helfersyndrom“) seine Erfahrungen, die Ende 1973 zur Trennung von Ammon führten. Auch er berichtet von der Schwierigkeit zu diskutieren, von als Beschimpfung empfundenen Konfrontationen Ammons und der Psychologisierung von Verhalten in Alltagssituationen: „Wenn ein Dozent nicht einsieht, weshalb er unbezahlt arbeiten soll, während andere Dozenten gut verdienen, dann geht es nicht darum, seine paranoiden Tendenzen oder sein Loch im Ich zu deuten.“[45] Die übrigen, die sich in der gleichen Gruppe von Ammon getrennt haben, berichteten ähnliches.[46] Als Beispiel für extreme Form von narzisstischen Missbrauch in einer Psychotherapie (der Therapeut nutzt den Patienten zur Selbstwertsteigerung aus) werden mit Referenz auf Hansjörg Hemminger die Vorkommnisse in der DAP von einem Psychotherapeuten in der Fachliteratur bewertet.[47] Abseits des fachlichen Mainstreams wurden die DAP und Günther Ammon auch innerhalb der Antipsychiatriebewegung kritisiert. [48]

----Fake Indian cult builders meet therapeutic cult building---
This dynamic therapy issue is most relevant to the Sternenkinder group for sure. But the problem keeps going doesn't it.


Your pointing out of the supporters of the Sundayschool lists the Pestalozzi- Realschule (a middle and secondary school)
Pestalozzi-Realschule in Munich, which recognized and supported the Sunday School as a welcome addition to it's own educational program.

Read more:;topic=3302.0;num_replies=6#ixzz1KNrQOt5M

I tried to find a connection to the staff of the Pestalozzi School and the Sundayschool staff but no names in common turned up on their website staff lists. These kids' curriculum now includes a group directly related to Sunray. More children!!!
I would be interested to know if Mr. Bornschein, the school director, has any idea about the Sundayschool's supporters and their controversial methods and teachings. Would the Elternbeirat (parent's board of directors) appreciate this?

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2011, 10:29:40 pm »

Quote from: beaverstream
What is alarming is the access to children here through the programs. There is a general frustration about the schools and the kindergartens here and the incredible pressure the kids live under (in Bavaria by the 4th grade the kids are tested) and based on this test and their grades it is decided if they are allowed to go to grammar school (gymnasuim-eventually access to a university) technical school (realschule-access to a handworker or technician career) or general school (hauptschule-you work as a cashier your life long).
The pressure on the kids (4th graders) is enormous and the money to be made in opening alternative schools is BIG. This is the flaw in a society that is ripe for a cult to step into and collect the "refugees" from a morally bankrupt school system.

As I get the impression that this information perhaps is also used to put you under additional pressure and stress, I would like to address the issue here, although it is OT.

What you say about the school system is basically true – but it is only a tiny part of the truth. The German educational system is far more flexible and permeable as you believe. True, there is a test still done in Bavaria when children are in 4th grade (the test has been abolished in most of the other federal states). The test is done over two weeks during which children will participate in lessons at the type of higher education institution they wish to continue their education at. In case a child's application is turned down, they can reapply after grade 6 and there is no test then, just their grades being evaluated. Another possibility is to finish Realschule with the respective school leaving certificate, and then attend a grammar school for three more years. (For HS, it is the RS certificate first and then continue.)

In case a child fails Hauptschule, they can get the respective certificate in their course at „Berufsschule“ (professional school), or if they got a HS certificate, do an RS certificate there which they will receive together with their successful apprenticeship.

There are also technical high schools and commercial high schools which one can join after an apprenticeship, or when having obtained an RS certificate, to get a 'Fachabitur' and then continue with technical college. The degree of a technical college allows access to all universities and all courses of studies.
Still another possibility is a so-called 'Kolleg', which is a grammar school where one can get 'Abitur' in three years; you will need an HS or RS (preferably) certificate and an apprenticeship to join these schools. There is one Kolleg in every federal state.
Another way to university is a special test at university for which you need a school certificate (HS/RS), an apprenticeship, and several years of practice in your profession. The test is a written test, plus a 'term paper'. You need to decide upon the course of studies you want to take prior to applying for this test, and the test will only give you access to this course of studies (when you successfully finished that, you will be free to do any other course of studies you might want to do).

So if kids do not well enough in these 4th grade tests, this does not mean they'll be sweeping the streets for the rest of their life. Not even in Bavaria, where a lot of sorting is being done, and where they rather expect good grades in all subjects to accept children for RS or grammar school. This usually favours children talented in languages (and they will do three languages at grammar school) and is a disadvantage for those children with mathmatical-scientifical talents. But failing the test is no terminal catastrophe, there are lots of possibilities.

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2011, 10:51:55 pm »
Dr. Biebel I believe may have had only a medical doctor degree and was specializing in Geburtshilfe or working in a practice of OBGYN I am not familiar with the German University system to elaborate on that subject. I do know that she was taking Krankenkasse patients until a few years ago when she retired and either you moved to Private insurance or paid cash.

Biebel would have studied quite a while ago - at that time she would have been required to do a general course in medicine first, of about 5 years, including examination. Then either one or two years of 'approbation' (sorry, I don't remember exactly), and you were allowed to work as a general practitioner.

For any specialization, it meant another course of studies on top of that - this is e.g. gynaecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, cardiology etc. - and another exam.

From what I saw re her publications, she apparently specialized in psychological/psychiatric problems in/caused by pregnancy in her career as a psychiatrist, but this does not mean she was or is a gynaecologist or obstretrician, as both are specializations (the German term is 'Facharzt') as is psychiatry. Although it was possible to do more than one specialization, this was also a matter of money and this would also take considerable time, so there's not all that many who actually did more than one. And her's seems to be psychiatry - judging from the ads listed.

I will have a look at the German wiki article (thnx for the link) and do a translation - after a good night's rest  ;) .

Offline MrPiz

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2011, 03:01:19 pm »

I am really struggling with the term "gleichschaltung" and its explanation.

Wooha! You´re right, it was a strong term.
But this term is in no common use no more.
When I hear it it makes me considder it has something do with electricity.
The Wikilink makes me shiver. But I have to say that reading artikles and links about this whole issue does not make me belive that any kind of Nazi actvity is involved in.
I can understand your concerns but I´d say you dont have to worry about NAZI´s in this matter at all.

Biebel would have studied quite a while ago - at that time she would have been required to do a general course in medicine first, of about 5 years, including examination. Then either one or two years of 'approbation' (sorry, I don't remember exactly), and you were allowed to work as a general practitioner.

For any specialization, it meant another course of studies on top of that - this is e.g. gynaecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, cardiology etc. - and another exam.

From what I saw re her publications, she apparently specialized in psychological/psychiatric problems in/caused by pregnancy in her career as a psychiatrist, but this does not mean she was or is a gynaecologist or obstretrician, as both are specializations (the German term is 'Facharzt') as is psychiatry. Although it was possible to do more than one specialization, this was also a matter of money and this would also take considerable time, so there's not all that many who actually did more than one. And her's seems to be psychiatry - judging from the ads listed.

Ingeborg is right, but you dont study Medicine and become a psychologist.
It is a completly different course of studies. If you want to become both you have to study both. I know this because I work in the EMS here and so I know doctors. A close friend of mine is psychologist.
As far as I understand this point I´d say she has a midwife degree. It´s like a nurse degree. You have to go to a special school for three years and do an exam. Many people do something like this to shorten the time they often have to wait for a place on a university to study. So there is a real chance she did the midwife course before she went to university and became both this way.

What concerns me the most is the abuse of the Cherokee nation to actualy fool people and make them belive in destructive phoney spiritual nonsense.

Walk your talk

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2011, 08:25:52 pm »

Piz, is anything wrong with you in particular?

Wooha! You´re right, it was a strong term.
But this term is in no common use no more.
When I hear it it makes me considder it has something do with electricity.
The Wikilink makes me shiver. But I have to say that reading artikles and links about this whole issue does not make me belive that any kind of Nazi actvity is involved in.
I can understand your concerns but I´d say you dont have to worry about NAZI´s in this matter at all.

The term was inconspicuous originally and used in connection with electricity before the Nazis gave the term a special meaning (and please don't use idiots' apostrophes).

From the context beaverstream mentioned, I take it the term was used to describe a strategy which aims at group members to give up thinking on their own and accept whatever they are told is fit or appropriate for them to think.
If the wiki article makes you shiver, you must have painstakingly avoided any info on Nazi rule in Germany so far. In this case, pls remember Dieter Nuhr's excellent piece of advice.

Ingeborg is right, but you dont study Medicine and become a psychologist.
It is a completly different course of studies. If you want to become both you have to study both. I know this because I work in the EMS here and so I know doctors. A close friend of mine is psychologist.
As far as I understand this point I´d say she has a midwife degree. It´s like a nurse degree. You have to go to a special school for three years and do an exam. Many people do something like this to shorten the time they often have to wait for a place on a university to study. So there is a real chance she did the midwife course before she went to university and became both this way.

Errrm, you did realize the doctor in question already retired a few years ago? So her course of studies took place in times when students did not have to wait to start university - you just went and enrolled for whatever course of studies appealed to you and at the university you prefered.

Second: midwifery does not come as a degree, it's not done at university.

As the doctor was/is involved in this school of Dynamic Psychiatry, chances are she is a psychiatrist, so I explained how she most probably became one according to the former universitarian system in Germany. If she studied psychology, she's not a medical doctor, but either a Dr phil or a Dr rer nat, as most universities put psychology into the science faculty, but it is with the philological fak with some.

The entries in ad platforms for her mention quite a variety of tags: psychotherapy, psycho-analysis, psycho-therapist, gynaecologist, anxiety therapy, specialist in psychotherapeutic medicine, general practioner, allergology.
And her title gets mentioned as "Dr. med.". 
It is to be doubted that she did all these specialisations like gyn, allergology, psychotherapeutic medicine and probably psychiatry, as even one of them means a course of studies of several years on top of those for general medicine. In particular psychotherapeutic med. is a rather new addition from the 1990ies and will take a five years' course.

Doing four specialisations  will mean altogether five courses of study, and we'd rather be talking about a professional career as a student here. It is not outright impossible (there are wealthy families who can finance such long years of studying), but it's improbable (and does not comply with her publications in the 1970ies).
Then - and far more important - anything labled psychotherapy/therapist is not scientific, any idiot can call themselves a therapist, no matter what their qualifications are.

The lady most probably does have good reasons to show up under such a variety of tags, and on such a lot of platforms advertising her services, and we all can easily imagine a few reasons to do this.

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2011, 08:43:19 pm »

Here's a translation of part of the Wiki article:


There were first critical contributions regarding DAP [German Academy for Psycho-Analysis] from the mid-70ies to the end of the 70ies. „Spiegel“ and Süddeutsche Zeitung were sued by DAP. By 1982, with the end of the lawsuit against „Spiegel“, it becomes obvious that it is legal to come up with statements that e.g. at that time, there were about a dozen lawsuits and charges pressed against Günther Ammon, against other DAP members as well as against DAP itself, due to insult, libel, coercion, breach of medical confidentiality, or that a prefered „Ammon technique“ was confrontation which would result in aggressive verbal abuse.

Former employees and a long-term patient reported their experience in contributions to critical publications. In an interview with magazine „Psychology Today“ in 1989, the long-term patient admits to having been a DAP patient. Another contribution is an excerpt of DAP history from a publication written by Hansjörg Hemminger (The therapeutic realm of Dr Ammon), at that time working for Protestant Central Bureau of Weltanschauung. This publication contains a field report by a head nurse who worked at Menterschwaige Hospital from June 1980 until March 1985 and had been a DAP patient previously since 1975, as well as a field report and comments (anonymous) written by a long-term employee. In a separate chapter, Hemminger researches DAP from the angle of it being a totalitarian cult.

At the beginning of the 1990ies, psychologist and psycho-analyst Wolfgang Schmidbauer reported his experience which led to a seperation from Ammon by the end of 1973. He, too, reports about difficulties to discuss, of confrontations by Ammon felt as verbal abuse, and of 'psychologizing' of behaviour in situations in every-day life: „If a lecturer fails to see why he should work without payment while other lecturers earn well, then this is not about his paranoid tendencies or about interpreting the hole in his ego“. The rest of the group who parted with Ammon report similar thngs. A psychotherapists evaluates events within DAP, with reference to Hemminger, as an example for an extreme form of narcisstic abuse in psychotherapy (the therapist preying upon the patient to increase his self-worth). Beyond professional mainstream, DAP and Günther Ammon were also criticized within the Anti-Psychiatrist Movement.

After the death of Günther Ammon in 1995, and having received state approval as an institution of professional training in 1999, a few voices critical of DAP were still to be heard. Bayerischer Rundfunk [public Bavarian radio-station] broadcasts a feature with contributions of a former DAP member and two former patients which are commented by an independent medical specialist. One emphasis of this feature are those aspects of therapies with DAP therapists which may cause dependencies, as the persons participating in the feature have experienced. Hansjörg Hemminger, Commissioner of Weltanschauung of Protestant Church in [the federal state of] Baden-Württemberg, views the acceptance of DAP as a state approved institution of professional training as a wrong decision. He comments: „According to recent reports from insiders, DAP did not change much, it still sees itself as a symbiotic community of therapists and their patients in which they live and work. The ever-lasting therapy thus remains the way of life of its supporters. This also perpetuates continuous violations of the rules of therapeutic practice (abstinence, clear definitions of roles, confidentiality etc.)“. DAP sues for a cease-and-desist rule against the last paragraph of the publication quoted and is turned down in all aspects by an appellate court on Decembe 3, 2007. Since some years, DAP is characterized as a „psycho-cult“ by various ecclesiastic Commissioners of Weltanschauung."

Offline beaverstream

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Re: Diane Fisher AKA Dhyani Ywahoo, Black Indian Inn
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2011, 06:56:13 pm »
Mr. Piz
regarding "gleichschaltung"
I merely used the term as a place to start searching for the psychotherapy techniques used because I wanted to know more about the supposed alternative forms of Psychotherapy the disgruntled OBGYN colleague mentioned. I never said this was a Nazi issue. It simply fits in line with group manipulation.

It is apparently a technique taught by some alternative therapeutic trainings that popped up around here as a means of group therapy. I do not know much about this and cannot confirm it. It was relayed to me by another OBGYN who had definite misgivings about the theraputic practices in this group and believes this is part of it.

Read more:;topic=75.0;num_replies=37#ixzz1KYuW3SHr

I think the connection to the DAP is really important Ingeborg.
I'll see if there is anything more available regarding the Sundayschool.

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Re: Dhyani Ywahoo speads to Germany?
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2011, 08:02:43 pm »
I checked out the link MrPiz provided (the english language version page)

There's all kinds of issues with this group.  I'll bring up a few of the most obvious which I saw outlined in the acknowledgements (in bold)


 We wish to express our gratitude to the following people and organisations....
 Dwight ?, Lakota: Dwight was a simple man - the epitome of radiating wisdom. He taught and lead by the example of his own life.

 Grandfather Eagle Dedam, Micmac: Meeting him was a turning point in the lives of many..
Jim Yellowhorse, Lakota: A wise elder, who showed patience for the right moment, deep compassion and ever present wisdom.


Until we get "Dwight's" last name, hard to pin anything down.

Most of the sites out there describe Jim Yellowhorse or Yellow Horse Man as an alleged Cherokee elder that's part of the Steve McCullough sundance bunch.
Sells crystal healing he advertises online.

He's a "minister" by way of one of those online certification programs anyone can get for 95 bucks.;jsessionid=154db8742a924e1/shopdata/index.shopscript

Dedam is a very common Micmaq name but so far I haven't found anything to pin down which person they are claiming to have "taught" them.


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Re: Diane Fisher AKA Dhyani Ywahoo, Black Indian Inn
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2013, 02:51:49 am »
In the mid 90s California she sometimes was Dhyani Y Dorje.
In some late 80s & early 90s media and for a copyright she is Venerable Ugowiyuhi Dhyani Ywahoo.
Some public records list her in abbreviated form as Ven Dhyani Ywahoo.

On her 1982 marriage certificate to Golden T. True she is Dhyani F. Ywahoo. Birthdate 27 Nov 1945, born New York.
Parents William Cornell Ywahoo, born South Carolina, and Joyce Browne, born New York. So if Dhyani's birth name is Diane Fisher, looks like her father was William Cornell Fisher.

Her son was born 1983 - Tatanka David True. There are several versions of Dhyani's name on the amended birth certificate: Dhyani True, Dhyani Fisher, Dhyani Fisher Ywahoo.

Golden and Dhyani divorced in 1990.

Deacon Eddie Ensley, author of Visions: The Soul's Path to the Sacred, says he is Dhyani's "full blood cousin".

Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo’s cousin Eddie Ensley received sacred Cherokee spiritual traditions from his grandfather, North Carolina Cherokee, Irvin Ensley, when he was little. ... Eddie is a Roman Catholic clergyman (permanent deacon) with a Master’s degree in Religious studies from Loyola University and is a NCCA licensed clinical pastoral counselor.


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Re: Diane Fisher AKA Dhyani Ywahoo, Black Indian Inn
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2015, 09:39:32 pm »
In 1980 she was Dhyani Thorner. In the article she says she travels in a beam of light.

I was tipped off to this by looking over another pretendian:

Among such teachers,  I am grateful to Dhyani Thorner (Yahoo), who generously taught shamanism to me, and several others in the late seventies.


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Re: Diane Fisher AKA Dhyani Ywahoo, Black Indian Inn
« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2015, 10:01:57 pm »
Correction on her son's name mentioned previously in thread, his name is Daniel True, not David. On birth certificate Dhyani amended his name to Daniel True (originally was Tatanka True), and her own surname from Fisher to Ywahoo. I don't know if he is involved in her group.

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Re: Diane Fisher AKA Dhyani Ywahoo AKA Dhyani Dorje AKA Dhyani Thorner
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2015, 02:29:20 am »
In the Daily Iowan article she also claims to be clairvoyant. The doomsday cult and survivalist ideas are already part of her preachings.

In 1980 she also was recorded on a radio show under the Thorner name.

The list of aliases she's used includes Trua Ywahoo.
Lived in Bristol VT, Beaverdale, PA, Arlington, VA, Gleason, WI, Elton, WI, and Beverly Hills. Beautyway Productions and are also businesses of hers.


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Re: Diane Fisher AKA Dhyani Ywahoo AKA Dhyani Dorje AKA Dhyani Thorner
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2015, 04:03:37 pm »

"She is worse than a fake or a nuage ripoff.
She is a crazy woman who had her son consecrated as a god. Her ex-husband (named Golden, I kid you not) is a liar and thief well known in the area. He is her ex-husband only because he would not bow down to her and the boy, and I mean that literally. She requires people to kowtow.
We lived in Vermont, very near her temple. You just would not believe all the hurt people who would show up at our store to ask for our help after she had stripped them of their money and then turned them out.
She preys on those of weak spirit, demanding complete obedience and total dedication from her followers.
Even Twyla Neitsche was not that bad.
While we were never able to close her down because she owns the property, we were able to stop her from teaching kids in Vermont and holding gatherings in public places.
Now it sounds like she is running amok again.
I personally despise this woman. She is a feeding shark and I hope that all of the torments she has laid on others will find their way back to her doorstep."

cherokee_in_belgium Posted - 10/20/2004 : 06:47:56 AM
"This hasn't been mentioned on the site above but I was contacted by a group of Ms. Dhyani's former followers who were very put out with the way she treats people. According to them she forces people at her institute to sign agreements saying they won't disclose anything that happens there to an outside party, people have to sign over the financial assets etc.
From former followers of hers it sounds like shes running a cult. Of course - they could just be disgruntled but it may be something to keep in mind.
The people still convinced shes right are pretty rabid and will attack anyone who so much as hints that their guru may be a bit of a nut. They claim its because Dhyani has given out "secret knowledge" to non-indians. Personally I'm more offended by the fact that she mostly makes stuff up for sale, tries to mix things with other religions, has made up her own tribe, and trains other frauds."