Author Topic: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings  (Read 26596 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2006, 04:38:15 pm »
Al, now he is claiming to have evidence that you are surfing porn sites. Also has  a "letter" from an ex-member named "snow manitou".  The guys is a total whack job.

As I said before, Scarlet sure can pick 'em. First a fake Mohawk, now a looney toon.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2006, 09:19:09 pm »
Al, now he is claiming to have evidence that you are surfing porn sites. Also has ? a "letter" from an ex-member named "snow manitou". ? The guys is a total whack job.

As I said before, Scarlet sure can pick 'em. First a fake Mohawk, now a looney toon.

When you go to his little yahoo group of two people (him and himself) and you compare all the syntax it's all the same and just dosen't flow. ? All the posts in there are by Weylin masquerading as other anonymous individuals. ? If nothing else, any self respecting person that happens to wonder in there mis guided will wonder who the heck NAFPS is and just have to check us out. ? It's beneficial to have him there if for nothing else than comic relief for the rest of us. ? And really, Debbi a Satanist! ?  I know Satanists don't enjoy lavender the way she does LOL ? Wait till she reads THAT post. ?  ? ;)       ?  It is FM you know.


Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2006, 11:25:39 pm »
Besides, ya have to believe in the christian god, satan, to be a satanist. :D;) And me, a member of an extremist enviro group??   :o LOL!  I was arguing with idiotic anti-whalers in support of the Makah Nation's soveriegn right to hunt whales. In fact, I have eaten whale meat. My Inupiat friend gave it to me. People can look at my posts on usenet. Weylin must me a candidate for the nuthouse himself. That's why he's projecting.  ;D

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2006, 11:40:32 pm »
Oh, and Scottish Clan sites? I joined Scottish Clan sites? Nope. That's too funny! Sarcastic? Yep, I have been known to be that.  Somebody's tellin' fibs. Kinda makes me think it was ol Jimbo and his buddy Alma. Now those two are whack jobs who celebrated the death of a young Makah  man because they THOUGHT he was a whaler...

And the claim that Weylin was a young man in Virginia? Uh, gee, Weylin's wife in Florida busted him on that... 8-)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2006, 04:04:20 pm »
Did Weylin just admit to committing a felony?

If he truly were monitoring my websurfing like that, he'd have to use some kind of virus or trojan program, or being spsying on me in ways that are defintely illegal without a court order (at least before the Patriot Act, and Weylin sure is not part of the NSA.)

The guy just can't help making himself look silly with some very obvious lying. He has me on some Russian website, yet many of you know my wife's a Black Cubana.
He claims to not be named Weylin Wiles, yet he signed many of his own early posts as Weylin Wiles Lighteagle. And his own wife's website has her name as Rebecca Wiles, where she talks about her husband Chief Lighteagle.

Then there's all the mangling of several of my posts on other websites together to try and make it seem sinister.

So in less than a week the "Great Chief Lighteagle" has managed to:

Attack the efforts to raise money for the Albuquerque Indian Center, that helps Native youth stay off of drugs and away from gangs.
(This included his posting demented rambling lies on one Swedish message board or guestbook after another.)

Falsely accused myself AND a Dineh elder AND Virginia tribal leaders AND Cherokee and Lakota activists/professors of making money off a book that all the money all went to the same charity.

And made a fool of himself by repeatedly lying about a board made up of Native traditionalists, including elders, traditional storytellers, members of band government, and people with many years of activism.

Nice try, "chief". You tried to hurt lots of NDN people doing good, and only succeeded in looking racist, ignorant, childish, and maybe in need of mental health professional help.

If he hadn't tried to hurt so many good people and causes, I might actually feel sorry for him. As Nuage frauds go, he's pretty inept. By his own account he hadn't been able to gather more than eight people to follow him. He has to go all the way to Maine to sell ceremonies with the help of another fraud.

I suppose it must be hard to be in your late fifties and be unable to face the fact of being nothing but someone who can't get anyone to listen, only to laugh at you. My guess is that's why he's afraud to come here and speak, since so many Natives here, including Cherokees, don't think much of him.

Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2006, 09:37:02 pm »
I had a look at his group.  Only 4 members.  Only one post that is not his.   :'(

Doesn't he have enough sense to know he's sounding like a raving maniac with all that stuff?  
None of it can be believed, it's nothing but heresay.  I see him saying this person says this and that person says that, but they aren't posting.  ::)  

Seems to me if those people had said something, they'd be honored to post it themselves.   :-/

It's sad when a man goes so far off  the deep end with such hatred and loathing of someone else.  

He's tying his own noose and doesn't even have sense to realize it.  If it wasn't so pathetic, it'd be hillarious.  I'd be embarrassed if I was even remotely related to this idiot.

William Graywolf

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2006, 11:40:49 pm »
I had a look at his group.  Only 4 members.  Only one post that is not his.

I think it is his.  The IP address it was posted from,,  appears to belong to Fairpoint Communications, Inc as do the others I've checked. The profile for that Yahoo ID, midnight_traveller2006,  brags about all the nice places "she" has been to recently (notice a pattern yet?) and was updated on the 22nd, the same day "she" posted in  Weylin's echo-chamber, to include it as as a"cool link". As the gimboid himself says, "now you figure it out". I figure Weylin likes to pretend online that he's a woman called Camille Hathaway.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2006, 02:10:42 am »
He doesn't read too well either. He says I said that I don't believe in god so I can't be a satanist. Nope, I was trying to be witty and point out that since I am not a christian (not muslim or jew either), I don't believe in satan.  Satan comes from those religions. THat is not to say I am not religious. But I am sure that escapes a noodle brain like weylin.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2006, 03:04:39 am »
From Ms. Kinney's site regarding Mr. Weylins teachers. ? (it answered one of my previous questions I posted above)

From her site::
""Medicine Chief Weylin Lighteagle, fifty-five, apprenticed under two Cherokee elders and was trained in the ways and rites of the sweat lodge under a Cherokee-Sioux elder Wolf Clan Medicine Man. He also studied under a Toltec Jaguar Medicine Man for a time. Lighteagle is a fully apprenticed Bear Medicine Shaman who was trained in the old traditional Native American ways for thirteen years. During the final stage of his apprenticeship he lived alone for nearly a year in a remote mountainous area in the primitive ways of his ancestors.

Following completion of his training, he was befriended by Senior Elder Medicine Grizzly Bear Bobby Lake Thom, who encouraged him to reach out further to others in his work, and advises Lighteagle if requested to do so.

Lighteagle teaches Snake and Bear Medicine, the ways of the Medicine Wheel, Dream Travel and healing techniques. He also holds sweat lodge ceremonies and various workshops and events. He performs exorcisms in cases of negative spirit invasion, and has counseled troubled teenagers with drug and alcohol abuse problems. He also trains those wishing to become shamans one on one in the old traditional way. Chief Lighteagle describes his teaching as guiding students towards "self improvement and the evolvement of one's spirit to a high level so as to be closer to and develop understanding and relationship with the source of all energy, the Creator, and to become balanced and in tune with the spirit of the Earth Mother and all the life she supports."

Chief Lighteagle currently lives in Florida with his wife and young son. He was raised in the mountains of western North Carolina and Tennessee, later moving to Ohklahoma, where he lived on reservation lands. He is of Native American and Jewish ancestry, is a direct blood descendant of the Cherokee Carlile, Groundhog and Mcalexander families and has some Choctaw Indian blood from Shumate ancestors.

In 1998, Lighteagle was elected minor Chief, or leader of the Black Star Clan by thirty-seven members of that clan, a position he held until he resigned the post in 2000. In his capacity as Chief, he was the clan's representative to the Committee (Senate) until his resignation. Although Lighteagle has now lived off the reservation for five years, he states that he "continues to maintain traditional American Indian ways as much as possible in the white man's towns."

Lighteagle was active as a volunteer for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee from 1993-1995 in Georgia and South Carolina where he distributed legal materials concerning the Peltier incident and trial. He also distributed membership materials for the American Indian Movement to Southern tribes such as the Catawba Indians and others, and participated in AIM organized protests in western North Carolina."""

About: Bobby Lake-Thom (author), of the bestseller Native Healer.

Bobby Lake-Thom was instructed by:
Wahsek, a medicine man in the northern mountains.


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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2006, 03:32:35 am »
Well, just to look at the group, it gives the appearence that he is really the only member and the post are all by him.  The rhetoric, composition, and conspiracy theories are just too similar. That's a lot of work just to waste time. frederica

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2006, 04:46:11 pm »
If old Weylin had any integrity at all, he'd apologize to the *actual* elders he insulted and defamed, and to the Native charity he's spent so much time trying to undermine. But I doubt he will, he's already shown repeatedly he cares about no one but himself. Which means he's no chief and never will be.

His latest bit of split personality silliness is masquerading as an Apache from White Mountain who, *by incredible coincidence*, sounds just like Weylin, bad spellings, paranoia, and all.

Problem with his impersonation is that his faux Apache identity didn't know that Geronimo's descendants live on the Mescalero rez, along with many other Chiricahua. Also confusing the Bedonkohe with the Chiricahua. No actual Apache would make that mistake.
Claiming I've been going to White Mounain claiming to be a leader? I did drive through White Mountain once on the way home. I don't think any Apache would say "struts like a woman either." We respect women, unlike Weylin's stereotyped imitation.

As much fun as it is to laugh at Weylin's clumsy mistakes, point out how racist and childish he is, and blow off steam at Weylin's failed attempts to smear us, let's not let him distract us from what we do. We're his only audience, it seems. He couldn't find one single person willing to join his group, so now he gets off by seeing if he can get us angry.

Sorry Weylin, but you'd need to have brains for you to actually be dangerous. Or worth getting upset about. All you're doing is humiliate yourself.

For me, I'd rather go back to doing what good I can for NDN people. Good bye Weylin, have fun with your ongoing nervous breakdown.

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2006, 04:56:33 pm »
Nice little bit of good news. The Wailing Bear's group is gone. Guess even yahoo gets ethical once in awhile.
"Group Not Found
There is no group called NEWAGEFRAUDDEBUNKERS. Please make sure you typed the web address correctly. If you have done so, the group may no longer exist."


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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2006, 06:16:59 pm »
I bet it just didn't serve his purpose. As no one paid any attention to the site, it would be a drag to keep having to write all he wrote every day just to give the appearance of something that he totally fabricated. People never cease to amaze me. frederica