Author Topic: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings  (Read 26596 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« on: July 23, 2006, 07:42:01 pm »
Apparently his threatened lawsuit fell flat on its face, so he's resorting to this.

So far it's all of eight members. Weylin wrote me saying he'll invite other frauds, such as Jerry Edwards, who he seems to be endorsing as real.

And some of the more "interesting" posts. Further down he attacks what Annika and I did for the Albuquerque Indian Center. Seemingly he got a white far right conservative ex newspaperman to do some investigating. Since he managed to get almost everything wrong, he couldn't have ever been a very good reporter.

"All his hate and unkind words about people around the world seems to be justified under the guise that he is the authority appointed by God who will one day perhaps set his own self up as
another Jim Jones type Heaven's Gate cult group made up of uneducated people wanting to feel they are now important and elite to be a part of Mr. Al Carroll's brainwashed hippocrit membership!
They seem to cling to this cult leader as though it boost their own ego to be accepted and serve someone who has a Phd, lol. Wow! I am really impressed with this guy's Phd ! I personally got one in 1969 but I never thought of trying to establish my own cult at that time, and Charles Manson had already claimed that infamy on the news back then, lol."

"It is now quite apparent to me that after reading the articles on Mr.Alton Carroll who calls himself the
educated Indian that there is some serious fire underneath him, and maybe coming straight up out of hell itself! As much as this man likes to boost his ego by referring to himself on his website as the
educated Indian to make his members loyal and humbled enough to be his twisted tongues of evil on his website by dishing out hateful mudslinging I decided to see if he even had a Phd. at all.! Being
an "Ivy" collegiate graduate I first started researching the colleges here in New England"

"Since he had used the words Medicine Bags I thought perhaps he was a decendant of an old Mescalero Apache Medicine Man but that was not the case at all!"

Pretty bizarre bit of ignorance, lots of tribes have medicine bags.

"In fact after doing research on his own tribe it states plainly in any reference materials researched by other educated Phd's that Mr. Alton Carroll's particular tribe never had any Medicine Men or Medicine
Women or an established Priesthood at all period which is not the case with the most of the Indian tribes in the United States."

He just can't resist showing how ignorant he is. First Weylin endorsed an obvious fraud like Maria Naylin/Yraceburu claiming to be an Apache medicine woman, then this idiot friend of his claims there were no Apache medicine people.

But there were, and still are. Probably the most famous being Geronimo himself.

"maybe even a dangerous cult type personality wanting to set up some kind of New Age Religious Sex Cult worldwide! Two plus two keeps adding up to 69 on this fellow."

OK, just what have you been smoking?

"Anyone that can afford to travel abroad in Europe for two months straight in 5 or 6 countries and then state he gave 50% percent of his loot he made to a museum in New Mexico definitely put a few thousand dollars into his own pockets! Last time I traveled to Europe on the Queen Elizabeth 2 years ago it cost me $6,500 dollars round trip and that was not counting the 3 thousand I spent for lodging and meals and a car rental in Scotland and England. Yet is appears this "hippocrit" begrudges the fact that
any Indians making a buck in his country are all dishonorable frauds out for money! He appears to like to also smear book authors with his hate and propagandas in spite of the fact that he helped co-
author a book called They Call US Indians! This amongst a whole lot of " smoke" emulating out of this guy's bag fits my standard as a big HIPPOCRIT, lol....Perhaps this would be King of American Indian Spirituality could have made a more positive contribution of all the cash donation he gave to that museum from his teaching and seminars all over Europe last year where he presented skits to the Europeans which was about "Indian Rap Music" by giving it to the poor people of his own tribe whom it was recently announced made a contract with the Federal Goverenment to allow them to dump Nuclear waste on their land in order to get an income for tribal funds. The probable reason this educated Indian
did not give it to the poor and needy members of his own tribe suffering in poverty is because museums give little certificates or plagues or Recognition to donors of hard cash like Mr. Alton Carroll."

How clueless. It's a charity, not a museum. The Mescaleros are one of the more prosperous tribes, and that dump was approved about TEN years ago. Weylin is incredibly out of touch.

And here's where it gets pretty funny. You can almost hear the violins when he defends Scarlet Kinney. Then he quotes...Rush Limbaugh!

The unfunny part is when he gets racist in how he talks about Apaches.

"I have already spoken about Bobby Lake Thom , and Chief Weylin Lighteagle, two of the recent victims apparently of this hippocrit hate group run by King Al Carroll. Time to go on to the next ones, the latest ones being smeared and defamed by this hate racist type group. Lets see the next one is Scarlet Kinney. She is an elderly white woman up here in New England, doing her own thing on her own
land ! Really not much to look into there on her. I guess King Al figured that a elderly white woman is an easy target to pick on, in likeness to some of the tactics used long ago when his people used to be raiders across the border into Mexico where books I have read states they brutally cut the throats of women and children regardless of age. Since Mescalero Al would be arrested for murder if he did that same thing today, he has decided to punish elderly white women in a different way. This plainly shows he is a blatant racist hate type Indian without any moral values or respect for other people at all. The next people I want to check into deeply and contact is the Cherokees of Kentucky. I am going to try and contact them and send them an invite because I want to hear their side of the story. As soon as they post what they got to say on here, I want to forget all about Indians in house squabbles and concentrate on people of my own white race who Al and his gang of ignorant hate mongerers have smeared and lied about, that is Christian ordained ministers. When this man attacks white christians he is stepping on
my toes and I got pretty stirred up and hot under the collar about it! Political party wise I am a conservative Republican and I have no use at all for spineless , moraless LIBERAL DEMOCRATS like Al
Carroll obviously is!"

When have we ever even mentioned Christian ministers?
Try again. You're batting 0.00. I've voted both Libertarian and Green, even would've voted for John McCain had he won the Repub nomination. (Sure as hell not now, though.)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 08:01:35 pm »
And the letter I just sent to old Weylin.
Got your note about the yahoo group. Apparently the lawsuit has fallen flat on its face, so you're reduced to ranting to a tiny number of people on the net.
And naturally you can't resist showing just how terrible your friend's research skills are.
Here's something which should interest you about the ritual weapons crackpot. He's a racist and a crossdresser who made threats against my parents, which I naturally went to the police about it. And naturally he backed off.
Just so we're clear: If you post or send my parent's address to others again, I *will* consider this a threat and harassment against my parents (in their 70s and in bad health), and I *will* file criminal charges.
About the speaking tour:
I *lost* 3600 dollars of my own money on the tour. That's what I would've made by staying home and teaching. I only kept about 900 dollars, enough to pay for my plane and train tickets. I never spent a penny on hotels and not much on food since I stayed with supporters of NAFPS, sleeping on their couches and fold out cots.
We never made more than 400 dollars at any speech in Europe, on average about 200, on some occasions as little as 100.
The money went to the Albuquerque Indian Center, which keeps Indian kids off drugs and out of gangs by teaching them crafts and powwow dances. It's a really good charity that has the support of numerous elders from most of the Pueblos.
If you wanted to actually help Indian people instead of making lots of bucks by selling sweats to gullible whites (Only $250 a pop! Buy one get one free!), you could do what ACTUAL elders like them are doing.
If you doubt my word about this, I invite you to contact the Center. We (Annika Banfeld and myself) provided enough money to keep the center open for the rest of the year.
The head of the center offered to hold an honor powwow for myself and my wife, but my time was too busy with teaching and turning my dissertation into a book. It's due out this fall, by one of the most respected publishers of Native history.
Since it's about Native traditions in today's time, maybe I could send you a copy? You might actually learn something about ACTUAL Native traditions, instead of frauds like the "Toltect jaguar" shaman you learned from.
(Hint: The Toltecs have been gone for 800 years. The ones claiming to be Toltecs are New Age frauds.)
A reminder to you that all emails get forwarded to my lawyer, and that it is *she* you should be contacting.
Another thing you should look at. Feel free to repost on your site, though I won't be surprised if you don't since you look foolish and ignorant, yet again.
Have a good day Weylin. You and your ignorant and racist "researcher" have given me lots of belly laughs.
Al Carroll

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2006, 10:28:30 pm »
Quoting Weylin's tiny rantlist:

"All his hate and unkind words about people around the world seems to be justified under the guise that he is the authority appointed by God who will one day perhaps set his own self up as
another Jim Jones type Heaven's Gate cult group made up of uneducated people wanting to feel they are now important and elite to be a part of Mr. Al Carroll's brainwashed hippocrit membership!
They seem to cling to this cult leader as though it boost their own ego to be accepted and serve someone who has a Phd, lol. Wow! I am really impressed with this guy's Phd ! I personally got one in 1969...

Evidently it wasn't in spelling or punctuation, and he ought to know that's Dr Al Carroll, if he's got a PhD himself!

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2006, 07:13:13 am »

Oh my God. Using his 'bearpriest7' Yahoo ID, he now reckons he's trying to contact "Chief Weylin Lighteagle", ie himself. That, plus the torrents of paranoid racist bile, is beyond pathetic. An example:

We have a big energy problem in this country and will need more to grow the economy in the future. The only way we can do that is to develop more unused land not being occupied or used for agriculture by various Indian tribes! The majority of Indians in this country today are now assimilated and do not even fish or hunt to amount to anything! Their surplus lands they live on are just sitting there unused and have many minerals , timber, and oil underneath that the American people need to keep this country strong and energy independent one day [...] We did not go running for some free handout like minorities are getting today! I realize that some Indian people want to preserve their culture, but those days of old are over and need to be put in museum's to look at! Most of their spiritual ways have been already lost, and what is not lost will be in another decade as those who do know of it will die off probably by then. It is a sad but true fact of life and they need to get over it and accept it.

That's the first time I've heard of timber growing underground! This coming from a person Scarlet Kinney believes is some kind of Indian spiritual leader. I wonder how long it'll take her to drop him.

Update: he's changed his Yahoo ID from 'bearpriest7' to 'bearchief7'. Yeah, that'll fool 'em. The old ID has been deleted. Never mind: here's Google's cache of the profile for his old ID, which shows that 'bear-whatever' is Weylin. Give up, mate. You're not very good at this.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2006, 03:28:05 pm »

 "Chief Weylin Lighteagle", ie himself. That, plus the torrents of paranoid racist bile, is beyond pathetic. An example:

We have a big energy problem in this country and will need more to grow the economy in the future. The only way we can do that is to develop more unused land not being occupied or used for agriculture by various Indian tribes! The majority of Indians in this country today are now assimilated and do not even fish or hunt to amount to anything! Their surplus lands they live on are just sitting there unused and have many minerals , timber, and oil underneath that the American people need to keep this country strong and energy independent one day [...] We did not go running for some free handout like minorities are getting today! I realize that some Indian people want to preserve their culture, but those days of old are over and need to be put in museum's to look at! Most of their spiritual ways have been already lost, and what is not lost will be in another decade as those who do know of it will die off probably by then. It is a sad but true fact of life and they need to get over it and accept it.

>sigh< Barnaby... ? I was reading through the list and I read the above quote and just had to rant in. ? I mean, it totally yanked my chain. ? These are appalling words and would not go well in the Indian community by an aledged "chief" no less. ? Saying Indians belong in museums and their lands should be taken away from them again. ? Honest question to Mr. Weylin.... ? What ? tribe recognizes you as a "priest" or as a "chief"? or is it ? just Ms. Kinney's group that recognizes you... did she "apprentice" you? I ask because? I missed where you said who your "teachers" were. ? i'd just like to know where you got your "apprenticeship" from and how you came to be so bitter and hateful sounding on your list in your written tirades as bearpriest7. ? I genuinely was not aware of tribes offering "apprenticeships" ? or arbitraily making chiefs.. ? Thought I'd ask some valid questions. ? I will ask around some Indian friends on reservations on all that valuable land about this as well. ?  ?  

I am one of the many people who do not believe (as you say) ? that the days of preserving culture (or lands) are gone. ? Whether it is yours mine or someone elses. .. one thing remains the same across cultures you have to protect the sacred for there is always someone out there trying to take it away, buy it or sell it or pervert it into some other form from its original meaning for a fee. ?  ?  You say "Their spiritual ways have already been lost" ?  ? IMHO It's people encouraging that to happen which are part of the big picture of what is wrong and what this group is about and confronts in open discussion. ?  Your views so far do not leave me impressed but then I am sure you probably don't care. ?

I guess since I posted here asking some questions and making some comments I am now open to investigation. ? If so, I will be in good company. ? Gee you know all these referances to the NAFPS out there only help the search engines locate us faster via all the referances so there is another positive side to the overall lunacy. ?  My website is ?  


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2006, 04:27:05 pm »
Linda, he'll probably wind up claiming you are me under a secret identity somehow, like he did with William.

 ;D (Hums old Batman TV show theme...)

It's interesting because he's doing that himself in a number of ways. He posts emails from his alleged friend Ed, the far right racist ex-newspaperman who claims to have an Ivy League degree, but can't spell or write a sentence, and also sounds exactly like Weylin. This alleged ex reporter didn't even knwo the websites to use to search for people in academia, and he claimed the title of a paper (which he didn't even get right) I gave at a conference was my thesis.

Earlier he claimed to have a lawyer (who neither I nor my lawyer ever heard from) and a private investigator who has as much trouble reading as Weylin does. The guy couldn't even read the Junior or Senior at the end my name and my dad's.

So that makes three people Weylin claims to have working for him or with him who make mistakes that are suspiciously like the mistakes Weylin keeps making.

A couple of things I should have added to that letter to Weylin: I lost 6600 bucks (not 3600) by not teaching the summer of the speaking tour, and I didn't make a penny off of They Call Us Indians. Like the other ten or so authors (including Dineh elders, Virginia tribal leaders, and Cherokee and Lakota activists and professors) we all gave our articles for free, and it all went to the Center.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2006, 05:08:45 pm »
Good grief! What kind of "spiritual leader" acts like a 2 year old before nap time?? Scarlet sure can pick 'em.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2006, 08:25:05 pm »
Linda, he'll probably wind up claiming you are me under a secret identity somehow, like he did with William. .

shhhhhh ?  i'm Debbie!

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2006, 09:58:38 pm »
shhhhhh ?  i'm Debbie!

Oh-oh, according to a certain Mr Lying-About-Visions Watson Deb, and a few others, is already a Two-Horse-Clone ? ;D Hope you can keep track...

Isn't it interesting how someone faking a few identities here and there when convenient is so eager to accuse others of what he's doing himself?

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2006, 10:34:12 pm »
This has gotta be the funniest thing I have read in a while . ? Except for the parts that are so offensive , I want someone big to sit on the guy , until he says "Uncle".

bearpriest7 - bearchief7 , Gee , could this be the same guy , pretending to be two people ? ? Naw ,that would be too wierd ... Why would anyone do anything that crazy ? ?

But ...

Oooooohhh i just thought of something ..... Weylin claims to be a medicine man right ,
well ,
maybe he is one of those shape shifters - ya know --- Oooooo, I think I read about them somewhere . ? Could it be , as he travels up from Florida to Maine , to do those $250 sweatlodge ceremonies , he is changing shape as he travels ? ?

Maybe he started out from Florida a Cherokee Medicine Chief , and now he has got as far as Cape Cod , he has turned into Ed, a White guy with an attitude . By the time he gets to Maine , he might have turned into Pocahontas , or Peter Rabit or Atila the Hun .

Ooooooo this is so exciting !!!! If this is what is going on , I guess Scarlet had better hope he turns into Pocahontas . Peter Rabit probably would not sell very well , and Atila the Hun might be dangerous .

Oh me oh my , seems some people need to be protected from sharp objects , and NAFPS gets called a hate group for trying to do this . There is a bizzare poetic justice here ,that keeps tickling my funny bone .

Ha hahah hah ah hahhahh ahhahhahahahhhaeaeeae aaeahahaha ?  ?

Aha ha ha hahhah He he he Hahahah ahahha

Sorry, ? but I just could not resist having some fun with this , though it is a very serious issue , involving potentially vunerable people who could be hurt.

Thanks for the laughs
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2006, 12:03:48 am »
Hahahahaha! I needed a laugh. :)

I was considering that since I googled his name, and he was posting--- GASP! ---liberal ideas on one forum and then onn his yahoogroup he was a right wing nut that maybe Scarlet shapesifted into  Weylin....Kinda like that Steve Martin movie....

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2006, 01:01:54 am »
In one place:
""Chief Lighteagle, a fully apprenticed Bear Medicine Man
who studied shamanic ways for thirteen years with Native American elders,"""

In another place:
""Medicine Chief Weylin Lighteagle, fifty-five, apprenticed under two Cherokee elders fully apprenticed Bear Medicine Man and Bear Medicine Shaman, Oklahoma Cherokee""

How does one become "fully apprenticed" ? who is doing the apprenticing? ? I don't know any Indians that do this am I missing something here? ?  Did Ms. Kinney do the Apprenticing??  ?
And what Cherokee elders did he study with and does the Cherokee nation (their tribe) actually do this ie; apprentice people? for these tasks? ?  Perhaps someone can clear this up. ?

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2006, 09:28:36 am »
Weylin will be in Maine in August as a guest of Scarlet "forty grand a year" Kinney, so NAFPS members nearby could ask him then, and maybe ask Scarlet about her own culture-vulture behaviour. Let's be careful out there...

Cherokee Medicine Chief Weylin Lighteagle To Offer Native American Teachings and Private Consultations from August 17 - 27 at the Standing Bear in Surry and in Camden, Maine

"Chief Lighteagle, a fully apprenticed Bear Medicine Man who studied shamanic ways for thirteen years with Native American elders, will be in residence at The Standing Bear from August 17 - 27.

During his stay he will offer a two-day workshop and Sweat Lodge Ceremony for men and a Snake Medicine workshop for women and men. He will also be available for private consultations at The Standing Bear by appointment, and will offer a talk on Native American Spirituality in Camden."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2006, 02:02:34 pm »
Ingeborg tracked down his real name. He used to be Cherokeepanther2000, and before that plain old Weylin Wiles, a nut into paranormal nonsense, remote viewing, UFOs, "remote body visits", and of course more Biblical prophecies and conspiracy theories than you can shake a stick at.
"To the Mayan calendar post guy let me say from experience you are wasting your energy posting it on this site. Spirituality in connection to Science is a no-no in the face of sarcastic know it alls ! On the economic bit, one man tried to change the banking system that is owned by an elite few. He passed a executive order to repeal the Federal Reserve Act and take the foreign influence out of the financial and political affairs of the United States. Three weeks later he got his brains blowed out for it! His name was John F.Kennedy, and Johnson anulled that order shortly after being sworn in. To the asteroid commenters you will not beleive what any spiritual people say about it . To the Mayan calendar commenter- you go to  and read the Southern Cherokee Black Star Band prophecy about (Wormwood) the real rock that is gonna hit earth! Good wishes Chief Light Eagle"

"I see this your second ever reply to me has turned from being informative to one of a sarcastic mode. That is quite normal for a nonspiritual type person who believes in Darwins Theory that we evolved from apes! I see however there are no half-ape men in the jungles in the process of evolving into humans, though some humans act like animals and are not as civilized in some cases. I have a rule I try to stay within in regards to social things, never assume anything, do not take anything personal, and always do your best in your endeavors. So I do not take it personal what you said or poked fun at! Usually such comments are a result of pushing someones buttons, rocking their world as they perceive it! You and I know however Ingo Swans work is not a new discovery either-only a modification extension of Colliers work in the 1930s. It is also quite apparrent  to me that you have never read the Key of Solomon, whose ancient documents are in the British museum under glass, but been printed in book form for todays world. I notice to that you were very very informative and  nice in giving me info on RV.history, but like a politician you dodged my question about Mcmoneagles great success-that is he was obe-ing not RVing like todays program. Yes I have shock you Mr. Pele out of your nest a little. There is a way to make a believer out of a Sceptic on what I have spoke on however. DO I HAVE YOUR PERMISSION TO PAY YOU A REAL ENERGY BODY VISIT SOMETIME IN MARCH? I DO NOT MAKE SUCH CALLS TO SCEPTICS WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION THEY TEND TO GET REAL PARANOID AND FRIGHTENED INSTEAD OF TRYING TO COMMUNICATE !"

"moving forward or backwards is not the same as higher vibrations in a non moving locality.In other words to my own perception of things The pattern does not define what things are, but they refer to the ways things function and interact. Time is not relevant at absolute Zero or an absolute vaccum, nor is it relevant in other dimensions either.  In fact the second sight which some of us Shamans have and very few know how to teach comes by observance of the interaction of patterns and the functions that allow me  and some to see in  7D while you see in 3D. Such visual handicap is precisely why aerial photo interpretations as for instance a seemingly barren desert photo leaves the deciphers looking at it with a nothing there diagnosis. This is also an obstacle for trained certified remote viewers as well. Alot yet to be improved and incorporated between observeable scientific method and the unseen. Backward as my Shamanistic knowlege may seem to others, when I communicate with the Kogi Indians I do not have to speak a word or write a word. Pure telepathy, what physics equation do you have that can explain that? All things were created by energy and they have a pattern of energy that interacts and have a function ,even rocks.Can you read it?Or hone in on it? I could mail you a photo of a desert scene if I had your address, circle a item on it and not one trained remote viewer could see it, or not one recon photo analyist would see it unless you showed them the area I circled before hand! I deal with true relativity called energetic facts not theories! Honing in on the energy patterns itself is different than just honing in on a whole cake target itself. I pay little attention to what is already seen but the hidden that is not seen by most! Good wishes Chief Light Eagle"

"Even as a supposed dumb ignorant savage and a Indian Medicine Man- Shaman I am bored to death with high tech wonder machines!Like Pele says no one wants to put forth the effort these days to get or learn anything. They do want to put forth the time or (sweat) involved they all want the magic pill and follow the path of lest resistance! It seems to me at age 52- an elder noe in my tribe this youger microwave oven- hip hop look at what I got generation is just plain lazy as hell and can be lead around like cows thru a gate! I am bored with rheteroic! So Pele give me some feed back on this following new topic Please! Now Mcmoneagle was one of 6 recruits in the Governments original remote viewing program correct? I have read of all his great success in spywork against the Russians in past years. It is evident to even a  halfwit that his feats described actually going to locations at times- via obe! In fact his success rate was higher than anyones in the program correct?  He has some association with PSI Tech in the past or now as well on ocasins correct? So when did the remote viewing program take an about face if it ever did into the remote path it is on now? Is it not a fact that when it took the approach it is on now  the percentage rate on target survelliance correctness dropped from 70 to 85% to about  25% ? As a ignorant savage in the white mans high techno world I am puzzled why all of you together -remote viewers- and US survelliance cannot even find one man---Osama bin Laden!  Either the executive branch does not want to really find Osama bin Laden ,or the so called elite-real remote viewers no longer have the ability at hand  as in the haydays of Mcmoneagles feats. Personally I donot need 7 visual aids stimulators only a name of a person , I track his energy spirit body,or as you would say his I P.  Hello Chief Light Eagle"

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Re: Weylin's Latest Ridiculous Rantings
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2006, 02:20:19 pm »
Turns out one of his teachers was a Castaneda follower. From the same site:

"I agree that remote viewing may be done thru association aids and the 7 stage technique,however there is a accuracy factor involved, like the military expending millions in munitions blowing up Saddams cardboard tanks in the Gulf War. My wife in fact does her seeing thru an archway type setting not obe. However long distance will always be second to actually being there. I learned what I learned as a Cherokee Medicine Shaman from 2 tribal elders and also apprenticed under a Toltec Priest who apprenticed under Carlos Castendas group. The lysol treatment reply to my post is funny, and obviously someone knows little about energetic facts of what we perceive as reality. When an Indian Shaman says he has seem ,met the Eagle he has traveled to the point ahead and seen his own death and the essence of himself-his consciousness of being after death. Casteneda took the inorganic spirit world to be in jest also, that is till he got trapped in it one time.  In recent times Merrilynn Tunneshunde a Toltec Priestess received a good sized money grant for her research from the Rockefellar foundation. It is fully documented she healed herself of full blown aids by use of Toltec Shaman energy healing practices. She is author of several books now, and currently studies with some Drepung Losling Monastary Tibetian monks sharing and blending the energy of the two systems, which lead to the gift of indestructable center, a circle of  pure energy that cannot be penetrated by any weapons."

And here's the Black Star Band he claims membership from. (In his emails to me he called it the Black Star Clan.) Seems to be a now dead MSN group. All there is left are descriptions from dead links at UFO, paranormal, and Nuage groups.
"Song Of The Sacred Wind A Native American and general spiritual website community.
Starcrystal 3/18/2002"
This site has the essence of the red path as well as other paths. We have five message boards and a chatroom. This community will keep growing"

But it didn't.

And the link from a Nuage site, where they all pledged belief in certain Nuage ideas.
"United Communities of Spirit
SONG OF THE SACRED WIND Rebecca Wiles 2980
This site has an essence of the Red Path as well as other paths.There are lessons of the medicine wheel, animal totems  

UCS Members are asked to list their beliefs in the form of brief "tenets", as we explore ways that diverse people can share a common set of beliefs. Tenets are listed in the order of their popularity, most popular first, showing number of UCS members who have selected this tenet.
God is love and exists within every human being and all that is. - 1282
Spirit is a universal energy that arises in being and animantes all that lives. - 942
There are universal principles that are shared by many or all religions. - 879
Love is the ultimate reality. - 832
We are not humans having spiritual experiences, but spirits having human experiences. - 785
God is everything and everything is God. - 648
There is a natural order to the universe and human beings are part of it."