Author Topic: Juan Jose Reyna Jr. AKA Sonne Reyna  (Read 82385 times)

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Juan Jose Reyna Jr. AKA Sonne Reyna
« on: August 22, 2005, 06:27:30 pm »
There is a local drumming group that my wife and I have been watching, she has joined their mailing list and they sent this out to her this evening. My alarm bells rang the second I read he's a Native American Shaman!

Here is the complete mail, headers and all...

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 1:16 PM
Subject: Native American Indian Chief Sonne Reyna


I thought that you may be intersted in coming to meet Chief Sonne Reyna,
Nawal (Shaman) of the  Native Amercian Indian lineage of the Yaqui people.

Sonne is on tour in Europe in the next month and he is doing evening talks in Glastonbury
on Friday 26th August and in Wiltshire on Sunday 28th August.
These talks will be followed by a Ceremonial healing event on Monday 29th at a Tipi Site near Avebury in Wiltshire during the day.

The ceremony is called Healing Ancestral Grief or sometimes also known as
Wiping Away The Tears.
This is an ancient ceremonial healing process and calls in very powerful magic.

If you would like to attend the Ceremony the price is £55 for the day and will be
held on a Tipi site close to Avebury, Wiltshire.
Those of you who would like to come to the talk on Sunday and attend the ceremony on Monday are welcome to stay overnight in the Tipi after Sonne's talk. (an overnight price of only £10)
Details of venues and directions and times will be supplied as requested.

Drop us a line if you would like to book a place or if you would like more information either by return of email
or you can call :
Sam on  07710 516 794    /
Michelle on 07778 241 940  or home no.  01276 489 116

Michelle and Sam xxxx

I found this web site for Sonne Reyna....

^. .^
« Last Edit: October 24, 2018, 12:20:21 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 08:23:03 pm »
Take a look at who else is on that site. Some of their self descriptions are laugh out loud funny:
ALFRED BIELEK,  Survivor of the Astonishing Philadelphia Experiment and it's successor The Montauk Project.  Al survived time-warping, invisibility and electromagnetic zapping.  He was aboard the USS Eldridge for the final test conducted in the Philadelphia Harbor in 1943.
Angel and Eric Brodsky are the founders of The Universal One Foundation and Universal One Publishers.  
Art Martin, D.D., M.A.  -Art  is a healer and therapist who, since 1980, has developed Neuro/Cellular Repatterning-a powerful new technique for healing the mind/body/spirit connection.
BARBARA MARK & TRUDY GRISWOLD  co-authors of Angelspeake: How to Talk with Your Angels, The Angelspeake Storybook and The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and Healing. Their Angelspeake seminars have been featured on many national television and radio programs including ABC-TV's Good Morning America, CBS-TV's Leeza Show and Entertainment Tonight, and The Cristina Show on Univision, the Spanish speaking network.
CARRIE SHUBERT,  EXPERIENCE ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST AMAZING PSYCHICS!   Carrie believes that psychic ability is a spiritual gift meant to provoke joy, not fear.  You will laugh with her while being truly amazed at what she "sees" from the other dimensions.
DANNION BRINKLEY -   What's this fool thinking about this week.  You can find what Dannion is thinking in each issue of Streaming News.  
Darrell G. Yardley, Ph.D., teacher and author of WindWalker: Journey into Science, Self, and Spirit, and over 50 other articles in biology, sociology, spirituality, and counseling.  Darrell is certified in advanced clinical hypnotherapy and energy release (breathwork) therapy.  He teaches meditation (Zen and insight) and has worked with indigenous healers in the United States and Mexico.
DAVE HALL,  from the Center for Cellular Health with his amazing  CELLERCISE program!  CAN THIS MAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN JUST 10 MINUTES A DAY?!   You’ll never look at exercise the same way again.
DONNA MCGRATH, An “Out of this World??? Light Experiencer and Psychic.  In 1994, Donna McGrath left a successful scientific research and sales career behind to lead the spiritual life of a contemporary mystic
DONNA REIS, ColorVision's™  Founder DONNA REIS, Certified Chromatologist, an expert in the field of Chromatology (the study of color and light on all living things). Donna developed the only non-programmable aura imaging camera on the world-wide market today.
DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ,  the Author of the critically acclaimed best seller: Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?,  
EAGLE SOARING, a  Medicine Wheel artist and creator of custom Power Shields, is a lecturer and teacher of Native American wisdom.
JESSE WOLF HARDIN (once known as Lone Wolf Circles) is an acclaimed presenter, and the author of numerous books including Full Circle: A Song of Earthen Spirituality (Llewellyn, ‘91) and Kindred Spirits (SwanRaven, 2000). His two decades worth of public appearances and published works have helped define “Deep Ecology???
ROBERT GHOST WOLF   is a celebrated author of four books and continues a career as an accomplished multi-media artist.  As a Real Life Indiana Jones, Robert enjoys a unique passion for life, possessing many gifts, and talents, which have earned him recognition for his work the world over.   Robert has been a featured guest on many national television shows including NBC's Ancient Prophecies, Fox's Strange Universe, UFOAZ and Arizona Today, and is well known to the Coast to Coast Radio listening audience.
TRICIA McCANNON, is an American mystic and the author of the long awaited book "Dialogues With the Angels". Her new books "Nine Steps to Self-Mastery", "Blue Print of the Soul" and "Beings of Light, Worlds in Transition" are due out in later this year.
WILLIAM HENRY, Investigative Mythologist and Intuitive in Ancient Spiritual Mysteries.  Author of: One Foot In Atlantis, The Secrets of  the Birdtribe - Lost Stargate Artifacts and Spiritual Teachings, and Blue Apples - The Secrets of the Holy Blood, The Holy Grail and the Holy Light, The Peacemaker and the Key of Life, The Secret Occult History of WWII and It's Impact on New Age Politics.
WIND HUGHES Earth-based, Native American & Transcendent Teachings WELCOME, we've been waiting for you.

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 09:29:27 pm »
More on Sonne Reyna. Check out the big grin and the beret:
"Also known as Whirlwind Eagle Wolf."

That's one funny twink name. I'm trying to picture an eagle and wolf caught up in a whilrwind...
And on some sites he uses the BRITISH spelling, "wolfe".

"He is a Graduate of Theology and Communication Arts from the University of Texas, Arlington, USA."
Does he mean graduated In theology and comm?

"He is from Yaqui-Carrizo Coahuilteka Nations of North America."
Interesting. The Coahuilteca are near me. Some are white Nuage wannabes who dress in Roman togas, some have ancestry. But they don't claim to be a nation since they've been scattered for decades.
The Carrizos, as far as I know, haven't been around for two centuries. And neither group lived near the Yaqui.

"Carlos Castaneda wrote many books about the amazing Yaqui Indians who are world famous for their spiritual wisdom."
He cites the King of Frauds? Proudly?

"Chief Sonne Reyna is Nawal Eagle Clan Chief, Traditional Sun Dancer and Sun Dance Society Peace Chief. He is interfaith Minister and Global Ambassador for the Natural and Supernatural worlds."
ROFL! An ambassador to the supernatural? Do Scully and Mulder know this? Like the creative spelling for Nagual, which is a title not used by Yaquis anyway.

He also sells just about everything, weddings and namings. He's also based in Germany, nowhere near Yaqui people.
"12.00 & 03.01: Master Shamanic Training, Oakland, Ca, USA"
Probably where he learned "shamanism."

"07.01: Graduate, Astropsychology & divine astrology, Dr. Louis Turi, AZ, USA "

Turi is himself quite a character.
"In 1993 he received a metaphysical Doctorate from the Progressive Universal Life Church based in Sacramento, California. His notoriety skyrocketed after rekindling, practicing and teaching Nostradamus’ rare Divine Astrology method, which he calls Astropsychology....He writes a yearly periodical with all these predictions, called "Moon Power Starguide." The printing process makes the proof of his predictions totally unarguable."

LOL! Does it really?
"self-described "prophet" Dr. Louis Turi, a failed scam artist who bought his PhD at a diploma mill for $350, and whose predictions never seem to come true."
"I find the "Dr. Louis Turi: Astropsychology Readings" portion of your schedule to be ridiculous and almost funny if wasn't so pathetic. I believe "Dr." Turi to be a fraud who isn't even very imaginative in his repetitive horoscopes. "

Other questionalbe types Reyna associates with, including Lewis Mehl Madrona:

Offline piya

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 07:33:48 pm »
Somehow missed this post, thankx Barnaby for pointing it out.

Well Sox, is coming to stay for the weekend, Glastonburys not to far, and Avebury in Wiltshire, is about 10 minutes away.

To Old To Die Young


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2005, 08:12:46 am »
With so much support how can Dr. Turi be a fraud?
Check his site and predictions at and judge for yourself first.
From Mike

From: Mashubi ////l
To: 'Dragon Newsletter'
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: 2006 Moon Power

Thank you Dr. Turi. ? I discovered your site this springtime, and I immediately discovered the truth of the gift that God has given to you. ? I looked back to your Moon Power ? from December 2004 because ? I had taken a really difficult journey to see my family a few months before at Christmastime. ? Your guidance was completely right on. ? You said that anyone traveling on that date might end up stranded in an airport!! ? It’s too bad I hadn’t found you before I made my plane reservations. ? J ? I was stranded in a blizzard for two days and racked up a huge hotel bill while I waited for the storm to pass. ?  ? I now have learned from what you’ve taught about the cycles of the moon, and am grateful for your work.... ?
Mashubi Rochell

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Kinchen
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: Greetings

Hello Dr. Turi: ? Well, once again, you have been right on target with your predictions....My sense is that your August 29th date of thousands relocating could very easily come from a Major Hurricanne. ?   Bill Kinchen

You're a winner, a high flying star. ? God's ? gift to the world. ? Yes you are,
yes you are. ?  Rabbi ? Happyman

Hello Dr. Turi,
Congratulation on your sorrowful accuracy of the most recent "Terrorist Attack....

Please send me your free Moon Power Book so that I may evolve to a higher plateau of awareness and can apply this knowledge to my life. I need all the help I can get.

Dear Dr. Turi:
? Please keep me on your Dragon Newsletter. ?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by educatedindian »

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2005, 01:12:53 pm »
My alarm bells rang the second I read he's a Native American Shaman!

actually there's lots there to ring bells!   Take Alfred Bieleck and the Philadelphia Experiment...

The Navy gets so many requests for info from believers of the story that they have this page

I find it interesting how the "dead" UFO "field" has found a new audience with crowds like this one.  Looks like it is revival time with everyone wanting to make a buck and sell a book.


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2005, 08:50:21 pm »

There are a lot of ways you could've defended Turi's business, which to most people looks like outright looniness and fraud. But spamming us with half a dozen posts with maybe twenty testimonials wasn't the right way to do it.

Not only was it childish, it sure didn't provide any evidence whatsoever to change anyone's mind about Turi. A couple dozen testimonials don't prove anything without knowing, first of all, just how many clients he has. Since he makes a living at this, it would seem to be at least hundreds of clients, so twenty testimonials is only a small percent of alleged right guesses he "predicted."

Most of those comments only show how gullible or desperate to believe many people are. For example:

"You said that anyone traveling on that date might end up stranded in an airport!!"

Oh brother...on any given night MANY people are stranded in airports.

"Well, once again, you have been right on target with your predictions....My sense is that your August 29th date of thousands relocating could very easily come from a Major Hurricanne."

Please...on any given date, not just thousands but hundreds of thousands are relocating somewhere on the planet.

"You're a winner, a high flying star.  God's  gift to the world.  Yes you are,  yes you are.   Rabbi  Happyman"

Rabbi Happyman? ROFL! No comment needed...

"Congratulation on your sorrowful accuracy of the most recent "Terrorist Attack...."  

There have been terrorist attacks somewhere in the world, almost every week, sometimes daily, for how many years now?

Now if he said, "an attack on US troops in Iraq in city X on the exact date and time, using method X" then he could claim success.

And then I would wonder why he hasn't gone to the Pentagon, instead of selling predictions on a website?

In fact, if he is supposedly so accurate, why isn't he wealthier than Bill Gates from knowing what the Stock Market will do?

"Please send me your free Moon Power Book so that I may evolve to a higher plateau of awareness and can apply this knowledge to my life. I need all the help I can get. "

Once again, no comment necessary, except perhaps she really does need a lot of help.

What Turi does, ANYONE could do, throw out incredibly vague predictions and then claim "success" when a few of them seem to be "right".


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2005, 09:37:17 pm »
Hey Barnaby..can you contact Piya and I tomorrow if you can..we have more contact details on this event.

Thanks very much



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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2005, 10:46:40 am »
"Chief" Sonne Reyna is a supposed "Chief" of the Sundance...his words to Piya and myself last night in Wiltshire...Sonne as I will not grace his name with the prefix "Chief" talks some good BS. Sonne was somewhat startled to see a couple of natives from back home walking down the path towards him and his cohorts..we had just inspected the teepees which were a motley lot covered in mildew and the remains of spliffs and those baggies in which wacky baccy can be found. The whole site was very Nuage.. we also saw a suspicious circle which could have been the site for a sweat..this when we came back down to the entrance of the site had been covered up by some old sacks.  

Sonne claimed to have been made a "Chief" of the Sundance at Rosebud and was great friends with Chief Arvol Lookinghorse.

Sonne claimed to have been given permission by his fathers people to conduct ceremonies and prayers in Europe and wherever he could spread the word. Sonne threw around famous or well known ndn names like they were going out of style and of course they were all his brothers.

Sonne claimed when I tackled him on the selling of ceremonies for money..£55.00 per person for the ceremony today...he claimed he had his fathers peoples permisson to do this..when I told him this is not the nations way to "sell" ceremony..he changed the subject and then claimed he did not agree with selling sweats for money.

I told Sonne that he is being watched very carefully and full reports will be going back to all Nations on his nefarious activities and no matter how quiet theses events were arranged..Piya and I will find out about it..whether it is he or someone else who turns up hoping to make a fast buck out of bastardising our customs.

The meeting ended needless to say with Sonne becoming rather petty and spitting the word "wannabee" into Barnabys face..Barnaby I have to say is a really nice guy and the last one to be called "wannabee"

Sonne knew he was found out and knew he had been beat!

Piya and I confirm this man is an out and out fraud.



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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2005, 01:48:30 pm »
 I don't think the Yaqui even do sweats do they? Certainly not Sundances, they're pretty devout Catholics.

Wish I could've been there to see that and watch you make him squirm. I'd ask him how he claimed to be a people that hasn't been around for two centuries, the Carrizo. Also could've mentioned the names of local Coahuilteca organizations and seen his reaction.

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2005, 04:32:40 pm »
Would have been nice to have Looking Horse's proclamation against non-Lakota's doing sundance.;)


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2005, 08:22:08 pm »
Yaaa..this guy even claimed to be Member of AIM,Texas Branch..only cause he saw Piya wearing his AIM cap and I was wearing Annie Mae's Memorial t-shirt..huh..talked to Zoi Lightfoot about this today..she said she would have made him eunuch if she had got hold of need..guy was sweating buckets when he saw us!

We would like to thank Barnaby for meeting up with us and joining us! Great GUY and new friend!


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2005, 09:17:15 pm »
Texas Aim, hmm, why don't you email them and ask?

American Indian Movement of Texas(


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2005, 07:18:49 am »
Good Morning debbieredbear! I tried that yahoo group but it isnt coming up now..I will do a further search..thing is I should have asked him at the time for his duly elected branch Aim Leaders name and his number..trouble is I just dismissed him as a crackpot..I could have then check it with Zoi Lightfoot..she is LP's cousin and lives in the UK..LOL..she said she would have made him a eunuch..chuckles...


Offline vikinglady

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2005, 03:40:38 pm »
..she is LP's cousin and lives in the UK..LOL..she said she would have made him a eunuch..chuckles...

When she has finished, could you put her on a flight over to me? I´ve got loads of work for her!

:D  :D  :D