Author Topic: Stephen Jenkinson  (Read 5109 times)

Offline Tecuani

  • Posts: 18
Stephen Jenkinson
« on: July 08, 2018, 04:12:41 pm »
Wondering if folks know anything about Stephen Jenkinson. He doesn't seem to be claiming any indigenous traditions, but something feels new agey. However, white folks need to heal their ancestral wounds, so maybe he's doing that work? Just curious your opinions of him and his work, the feeling it gives you, etc.

I had shared the below interview on social media, to which someone responded:

"I can't go there with this guy. Not down with any more shitty white men appropriating shit. nope"

I hadn't gotten that vibe, despite his way of speaking. But if he's up to no good, I want to know. Thanks folks!

His website:

A recent interview:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1413
Re: Stephen Jenkinson
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2018, 02:25:03 am »
Most of the comments in this thread are actually about Stephen Jenkinson:

Perhaps the topics may be merged?

Offline Tecuani

  • Posts: 18
Re: Stephen Jenkinson
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2018, 05:17:22 am »
that's the tangent they removed from *this* thread, where we haven't really gotten any feedback about SJ beyond my initial post. But here's what the same person said on fb about him:

"He hides his relationship with indigenous people whom he has straight up plagerized all the way to his core statements. His is an uninitiated version of some initiated indigenous ways of looking at the world. He stole them.

 And my interactions with him, with some of his earlier students, some of whom I know well, are where I know about his pretty distilled patriarchy. One weird example: he wears those Dine style mocassins with the white rubber sole, and shamed a female follower of his for copying him, claiming those shoes were for men only. WTF? I know a ton of indigenous women who wear that style of shoe.

 I've stayed away from his teachings, but I was invited to a student of his presentation on his idea for helping people fight their 'right livlihood' and I was aghast. It was an entire ideology of capitalism, entrepreneurship, and entitlement all based around the idea of seeds. Like: seeds have to crack open and be detroyed to grow. Let yourself be detroyed. You don't want to just rot underground instead of growing, do you?" My jaw was on the floor. And that person had gotten permission and shared their content with Stephen.

he hides his whiteness."

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1413
Re: Stephen Jenkinson
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2018, 06:51:00 pm »
that's the tangent they removed from *this* thread, where we haven't really gotten any feedback about SJ beyond my initial post. But here's what the same person said on fb about him: …

Your quote is in this FB thread (in four parts):

This is the crap Natan posted. When he got pushback he tagged NAFPS.