General => Frauds => Topic started by: educatedindian on October 04, 2009, 03:42:00 pm

Title: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: educatedindian on October 04, 2009, 03:42:00 pm
One of the more obvious frauds, an Austrian doing knockoffs of Lakota ceremony, Celtic ceremony, ayahusaca ceremonies, tantra, alleged "Hawaiian pampering", and "natural sex enhancers" with a "tantra witch" for a wife. Vision quests for 500 euros, "potency patches" for 90 euro.

The site links to Nanish Shontie as their only NDN site. Is Mala Pope working with them?

The quotes are from the bad google translation.
WARNING: The statues of a large penis and vagina under the Tantra section may offend some. The big woman in the toga, well, that's just comical.

Mike Zellinger --
spiritueller Heiler spiritual healer

geb. 1959 in Wien Born 1959 in Vienna
christlich geprägte Erziehung, kaufmännische Ausbildung
Christian dominated education, business education
diverse berufliche Tätigkeitsfelder von Krankenpflege bis Unternehmensberater
various professional activities of nursing and business consultant
Reiki-Meister (nach Dr. Usui) Reiki Master (according to Dr. Usui)
Ausbildung bei The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS) Kalifornien
Training at The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS) California
Schamanische Weiterbildung bei The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS) im Atlasgebirge der Wüste Marokkos
Shamanic training at The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS) in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco's desert
Ayahuasca-Initiations-Ritual zum spirituellen Heiler (Jänner 2005)
Ayahuasca initiation ritual to the spiritual healer (January 2005)
Erfahrungen mit dem Exorzismus im Zuge des schamanischen Arbeitens mit einer Klientin in Graz (März 2005)
Experiences with the shamanic exorcism in the course of working with a client in Graz (March 2005)
ich erhalte meinen spirituellen Namen "OLD EAGLE" und werde zum Schamanen berufen
I get my spiritual name "OLD EAGLE" and would rely on the shaman
mein spiritueller Name wird auf "BLACK EAGLE" geändert als Folge der tiefen Täler die ich beruflich und privat durchlebte (23. März 2007) My spiritual name is changed to "BLACK EAGLE" as a result of the deep valleys which I work and at home (went through 23 March 2007)
6.8. 6.8. - 10.8.2007 4tägige Vision Quest nach dem Vorbild der Lakota-Indianer im oberösterreichischen Almtal. - 10.8.2007
4-day vision quest, following the example of the Lakota Indians in the Upper Almtal.
Intensive Selbsterfahrung bei absolutem Fasten (kein Essen und kein Trinken!) und Leben in der Natur in engster Verbindung mit Mutter Erde und den Elementen (Sonne, Regen, Wasser, Steine ...)
Intense self-awareness of absolute fasting (no food and no drinking!) And life in nature in close contact with mother earth and the elements (sun, rain, water, stones ...)
seit November 2007 bereichert DAKOTA, eine Malamute-Hündin aus dem Tierheim unser Leben; sie hat einen festen Platz in unseren Herzen Since November 2007
DAKOTA enriched, a Malamute bitch from the shelter of our life, it has a permanent place in our hearts
2 Kinder aus 1. 2 children from 1 Ehe Marriage
seit 1999 in einer liebevollen, tantrischen Beziehung mit Walpurga - Theologin und Tantralehrerin
since 1999 in a loving, tantric relationship with Walpurga - Theologian and Tantra Teacher
am 16.11.2008 erlebte ich in einer tantrisch-schamanischen Extase mit meiner Hexe Walpurga die Verwandlung zum Wolf (Ronco) den ich nun spüren und sehen kann on 16.11.2008,
I experienced a Tantric Shamanic ecstasy with my witch Walpurga the transformation to the wolf (Ronco) I can now see and feel
... ... nun endlich angekommen
finally arrived
und den spirituellen und energetischen Reichtum
and spiritual wealth and energy
der schamanischen Welt entdeckend ...
the shamanic world, discovering ...

Tel. +43 – (0)699 – 111 47 000 Tel +43 - (0) 699 - 111 47 000

E-Mail: E-mail:



And the craziest ceremonies I've seen in awhile.


Naturreligiöse, spirituelle Segensfeier Mozartl,
spiritual blessing ceremony
Anrufung der 4 Elemente
Invocation of the 4 elements
Trommeln und Rasseln
Drums and rattles
Räucher- und Segensritual
Smoking and blessing ritual
Persönliches Liebesversprechen und Tausch der Ringe oder eines anderen Verbindungssymbols Personal Liebesversprechen
and exchange of rings or other connection icon
Verbindungsritual des Brautpaares mit roter Schamanendecke
Connection ritual of the bridal couple with a red blanket Shaman
Aufladung und Überreichung des persönlichen Kraftsteines an das Brautpaar
Charging and presentation of personal power stone to the bride and groom
Ritual in Verbindung oder im Anschluss an die standesamtliche Trauung
Ritual associated with or following the civil marriage
Spirituelles Ritual für Paare ohne Standesamt und Kirche
Spiritual ritual for couples without a registry office and church
Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Renee on October 04, 2009, 04:15:49 pm
One of the more obvious frauds, an Austrian doing knockoffs of Lakota ceremony, Celtic ceremony, ayahusaca ceremonies, tantra, alleged "Hawaiian pampering", and "natural sex enhancers" with a "tantra witch" for a wife. Vision quests for 500 .........................................................

the best part on his website is the movie part one and part two:

SHORT MOVIE 1 - Mike Zellinger privately
(ATV 19.06.2007) (ATV 19.06.2007)

SHORT MOVIE 2 - Mike Zellinger in shamanic work (ATV 19.06.2007)
Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Ingeborg on October 05, 2009, 04:14:33 pm
Here is some more info in English translation:

Zellinger's website:

Have a look at Zellinger's photo gallery – be warned, his dress code is somewhat eccentric, and he's got a miniature totem pole...

In the about me section, Zellinger publishes a CV:

„born 1959 in Vienna
several different fields of job activities from nurse to management consultant
Reiki master (Dr. Usui)
Shamanic course with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS)
Ayahuasca initiation ritual to spiritual healer (January 2005)
Experience with exorcism during spiritual work with a client in the town of Graz (March 2005)
I receive my spiritual name „Old Eagle“ and am called to be a shaman
my spiritual name gets changed to „Black Eagle“ due to the deep valleys I experienced both professionally and in my private life
August 6-10, 2007: four-day Vision Quest according to the way of the Lakota Indians. Intense self-experience during an absolute fast (no food, no water!) and life with nature in close connection to mother earth and the elements (sun, rain, water, stones...)
Since November 2007, female Malamute dog „Dakota“, and adoptee from a rescue organisation, enriches our life
Since 1999, I live in a loving, tantric relationship with Walpurga, a theologist and Tantra teacher
On Nov 16, 2008, I experienced the transformation into a wolf (Ronca) durung a tantric-shamanic exstasy with my witch Walpurga [...]“

Zellinger offers various kinds of treatments and healings, e.g.:

„Partnership counceling

As shaman Black Eagle, I take up contacts to my spirits during the shamanic journey and see images resp I am receiving information about the state of the partnership. I can see whether the relationship is still valid or whether it has already been mentally given up. I can strengthen the relationship or complete separation which already happened mentally on an enegertic level. Here, I introduce my practical experience over long years in partnership and family counceling.

Animal Whisperer Shaman Black Elk

In shamanism, we accept that humans, animals, and plants have a soul. With the help of my Malamute dog Dakota who is a translator in the animal world for me, I get into contact to the soul of an animal in order to restore a lost balance and to restore parts of the soul which were lost. In this way, peculiarities in behaviour, disturbing behaviour, and inexpicable illness will be transfered to getting better and healing.

Shamanic Healing Rituals

Especially with mental ilness like attacks of panick, states of anxiety, depression, phobias etc, shamanic healing work gives true relief and support!

During shamanic healing, I get into contact, as a shaman, with my spiritual companions (spirits, spiritual teacher, power animal), ask questions; I receive images, visions, intuitions; this way, I recognize the roots of the problem; I put my hands on the body of the client and so make the healing energy go into him/her. The client himself/herself will feel the healing energy in his/her body! Healing and new perspectives will thus be initated! Traumatic energies as well as physical and mental ailments will be solved and healed!

Dissolvement of Addictions – Drugs, Alcohol and other problems

Shamanic healing work enables to solve entanglements, addictions, and addiction behaviour and much more. As shaman Black Elk, I have got the means to help like e.g. extraction, leading out, and up to the deep rooted, changing sacred Ayahuasca ritual during which, with the involvement of the Ayahuasca spirit, mental problems can be solved, so that addiction behaviour can be reversed and healed! Do not miss the chance for spiritual healing – live your life full blast uninhibited from addiction and constraints!

Shamanic rituals in times of change in life – birth – marriage – death

With shamanic rituals at the birth of a child, a marriage, or a death, I will accompany you in important phases of life. All detailed information on extra site.

We also offer rituals for any other changing points in life, like e.g. moving into a new home, growing up, divorce, etc.“

Zellinger goes out of his way with the promises publically announced. As far as I know, it is illegal in Germany and in Austria to advertise healing promises, no matter which health problem is concerned. Zellinger happens to be especially irresponsible and dangerous as he promises healing for mental health issues like phobias, depressions etc, and also claims he can heal addictions. The crucial point is: Zellinger means to heal drug addictions by the use of a drug (Ayahuasca happens to be a strong hallucinogenic substance), and this goes beyond dubious – it is downright dangerous and irresponsible. Even more so since Zellinger's advertisement implies success will be certain!

In Zellinger's guest book, there are entries clearly pointing out which dangers his clients run. I will translate two entries apparently written by clients who gave up seeing doctors and/or psychiatrists after 'treatment' by him:

„author: Johanna
Want to say thanks here for your great help. What my shrink didn't accomplish in a year, you did in a very short time (four weeks). If anybody happens to know what it means to be on 'benzos', they will fall off their chair now. Dear Mike, I have come to know you as a very emotional person and can highly recommend you to others. I wish you all the best for your future work. In love and gratitude. Johanna“

„author: Christiane
Dear Mikey,
in only two (!!!) healing journeys, you managed to dissolve a grave case of possession, healed my severe childhood trauma with a ritual of calling back a soul, and freed me from black magic which brought immense mental and physical pain. Thanks from all of my heart that you mustered this enourmous courage to face this possession, I saw during the healing journey how much strength you needed and what pain you experienced. Your strength is impressive, your courage unshakable. With the help of the ritual I was able to leave behind my bad past and can now live self-determined with a high quality of life – something I never dared to dream of before, since I was dependent on antipsychotic drugs and vegetated more than actually lived. And finally you took up the fight against a witch who cast a bad spell over me and managed to get me out of that. […] Thanks to you, I can now lead the life I have been waiting for for 44 years (!!!). A dream has come true, and I will recommend you [...]“

So these are at least two clients who dropped out of medical treatment for what seems to be severe health issues, who went off medication, and at least one person who instead listened to suggestions of having been put under a spell.

But Zellinger does not stop at his irresponsible promises to cure mental health issues and addictions – he also claims to be able to cure cancer:

„During trance work, a person meets himself inwardly! With the help of Ayahuasca tea and the plant spirit, old patterns will be dissolved, addiction prolems of any kind will be solved (drugs, alcohol, etc.), even severe illness (up to cancer), but also mental illness (depression, anxiety, phobias, etc.) can be cured and visions of the future can be experienced! Ayahuasca, on the other hand, is no automatic cure, you will get what the spirits have prepared for you, what is good and necessary for you at present! This can range from a pleasant feeling, deep insights up to physical and psychological healing!“

Quite contrary to his earlier claims and promises to heal, Zellinger here backpedals and refuses responsibility for the results. Instead, he washes his hands of all responsibility and lays the blame on the client themselves: the spirits simply „prepare“ what the clients 'need'.

And here's Zellinger's price tags from the same site:

„You want to experience an Ayahuasca ritual just for yourself? This will be possible. I will be pleased to accompany you during this intense self-experience! Please make an appointment!

First Ayahuasca ritual: Euro 270
Second Ayahuasca ritual: 10% reduction, Euro 243 instead of Euro 270
Third Ayahuasca ritual: 20% reduction, Euro 216 instead of Euro 270.
(The fee includes the price of the seminar incl. accomodation and private breakfast)

Please arrange payment to my bank account:[...]

NEW!!! Upon inquiry and individual arrangement, I will also accompany Ayahuasca rituals in Germany!“

Zellinger apparently follows the nuage ways of Ayahuasca treatment: while traditionally, the healer was the one to use the drug, in nuage circles, it is the client who consumes the concoction. The idiocy and dangers of treating drug addictions by giving clients repetitive doses of another drug, thus replacing one drug by another, are obvious enough.

Apart from various and obvious dangers and health risks, the substance is illegal in Germany and presumably in Austria, too. Every treatment can place Zellinger in jail, and it is to be hoped that his irresponsible and dangerous practice gets reported rather sooner than later.

Zellinger also sells vision quests:

„Seminar fee per person (excluding travel and catering):
Four day Vision Quest plus one day for traveling = five days
Price: One participant Euro 600, 2 ptpnts Euro 500, 3 and more ptpnts Euro 400

Two day Vision Quest plus one day for traveling = three days
Price: One participant Euro 360, 2 ptpnts Euro 300, 3 and more ptpnts Euro 240“

As educatedindian already mentioned, Zellinger is also selling aphrodisiacs for the gentleman in need. I am not certain whether the offer is anything to write home about, as the ingredients mentioned are well-known: ginseng, damiana, ginkgo, muira puama etc.The annoying thing the name of the product: „Pejuta Wakan“ (i.e. sacred medicine in Lakota). What certainly is impressive are Zellinger's price tags. The product is sold as tablets, powder, and patches:

5 tablets ….. Euro 50.00
9 + 1 tablets ….........Euro 90.00
Zellinger claims that the effects of one pill may last for 12 to 35 hours.

One can of Pejuta Wakan-Everyday (240 grams) will be sufficient for one month (30 portions of 8 grs each)
1 can 240 grs …......... Euro 75.00
3 cans 240 grs each... Euro 195.00

1 box (7 pcs) Pejuta Wakan patches …..... Euro 49.00
3 boxes (21 pcs) Pejuta Wakan patches.... Euro 129.00

Clients are told to put on a new patch every 24 hours and „try to put each patch in a new place in order to ensure best long-term results“.

Interestingly enough, Zellinger is not the owner of his website. According to the imprint, the owner is:

27 Old Gloucester Street
GB-London WC1N 3XX
Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Renee on October 06, 2009, 07:14:06 am
Here is some more info in English translation:
.....................................dangers of treating drug addictions by giving clients repetitive doses of another drug, thus replacing one drug by another, are obvious enough.

Apart from various and obvious dangers and health risks, the substance is illegal in Germany and presumably in Austria, too. Every treatment can place Zellinger in jail, and it is to be hoped that his irresponsible and dangerous practice gets reported rather sooner than later...

Fr., 25.09.2009, 17 Uhr - Sa., 22.08.2009, 10 Uhr - Anmeldeschl.: 23.09.2009
Fr., 23.10.2009, 17 Uhr - Sa., 26.08.2009, 10 Uhr - Anmeldeschl.: 16.10.2009

SPIRIT & VISION, 1170 Wien, Dornbacher Strasse 21

In einer schamanischen Reise zum Spirit von Ayahuasca wird der Mensch gereinigt und geheilt!

Im nachfolgenden Film "Unterwegs in die nächste Dimension" von Clemens Kuby begleiten wir dich in den Regenwald des Amazonas, wo du einer beeindruckenden Ayahuasca-Zeremonie beiwohnen wirst!
Wenn auch du an einem Ayahuasca-Ritual teilnehmen willst, brauchst du nicht nach Südamerika zu fliegen! Als Schamane Black Eagle führe ich in Wien/Österreich Ayahuasca-Zeremonien nach altem Vorbild der Amazonas-Schamanen durch. Und nun erlebe die Reise in die nächste Dimension!

In a shamanic journey to the spirit of ayahuasca man is cleansed and healed!
In the subsequent film "Heading into the next dimension" by Clemens Kuby, we accompany you into the rainforest of the Amazon, where you will witness a spectacular ayahuasca ceremony!
If you too want to participate in an ayahuasca ritual, you need not fly to South America!
As a shaman Black Eagle I lead in Vienna / Austria Ayahuasca ceremonies through to an old model of Amazonian shamans.  And now the travel experience to the next dimension! ...

Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Renee on October 07, 2009, 08:46:19 am

Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Julia on October 10, 2009, 11:52:58 am
I wonder what he means by curing diseases "up to cancer" - are we meant to interpret this as INLUDING cancer or not?  Because if the owner of his website is based in the UK it's most certainly illegal for anyone to claim the ability to cure cancer.
Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Ingeborg on October 10, 2009, 08:19:21 pm
I wonder what he means by curing diseases "up to cancer" - are we meant to interpret this as INLUDING cancer or not?  Because if the owner of his website is based in the UK it's most certainly illegal for anyone to claim the ability to cure cancer.

Yes, he means to tell prospective customers he's able to cure cancer. It is also illegal in EU countries to advertise the alleged ability to cure whatever disease. There is a tiny loophole he left for cases of emergency, though: the original German wording 'up to' may offer a line of retreat for him in legal action, if it doesn't happen to be sloppy use of words in the first place.
Ayahuasca is probably illegal, too, according to GB law - it is illegal under German law which does not keep Zellinger and others from advertising their services also in Germany. With the prices charged for one Ayahuasca session, I assume there is a legal term for overcharging, too - and of course for selling drugs to one's customers. I also don't believe his using a GB company address in his imprint is in accordance with EU law.
Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Renee on October 12, 2009, 07:40:13 am
Here is some more info in English translation:

...Apart from various and obvious dangers and health risks...

Ayahasca is very dangerous!
Ayahuasca ist NICHT ungefährlich!

In Kombination mit anderen MAO-Hemmern, insbesondere Anti-Depressiva kann LEBENSGEFAHR! bestehen!

Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Renee on October 13, 2009, 08:33:51 am

In Kombination mit anderen MAO-Hemmern, insbesondere Anti-Depressiva kann LEBENSGEFAHR! bestehen!


in comination with mao hemmer , special anti-depressiva mortal danger can exist

Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Julia on October 13, 2009, 05:22:34 pm
I've just e-mailed London Trading Standards about this.  I'd be interested to know if Wellness Coaching Limited's ownership of this site is allowing Zellinger to sidestep the law by making dubious health claims and promoting the use of what sounds like a potentially dangerous hallucinogenic substance illegal in several European countries.
Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Mizheekay on October 13, 2009, 11:51:41 pm
Here is some more info in English translation:

...Apart from various and obvious dangers and health risks...

Ayahasca is very dangerous!
Ayahuasca ist NICHT ungefährlich!

the last -german- MUST be read:
Ayahuasca ist SEHR gefährlich! 
(vis versa a re-translation {"Ayahuasca is NOT undangerous"}
otherwise it could imply a less-harmful understanding.. even more in a 'tired status' !  ;-)

my two cents...
Title: Re: Mike Zellinger AKA Shaman Black Eagle
Post by: Renee on October 14, 2009, 06:45:05 am
Ayahuasca ist SEHR gefährlich!  

... In the United States, ayahuasca is not listed as a scheduled substance under federal or state law....

Shaman Bared From Using Ayahuasca Following Woman's Death
Francine Dubé © Copyright 2003 National Post [Canada]
Saturday, April 26, 2003