Author Topic: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"  (Read 50097 times)

Offline AnnOminous

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Re: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2009, 08:12:31 pm »
I realise this is a very old thread.  I have recently been re-alerted to this man and am wondering if anyone else has information.  I will be inviting my friend to join this thread with first-hand information and questions.

In the meantime, here is a translated website of interest:

de Aurelio Diaz Tekpankalli Aurelio Diaz Tekpankalli

de Aurelio Diaz Tekpankalli Aurelio Diaz Tekpankalli

Ha llegado el momento, de alguna manera, de regresar a casa. It is time, somehow, to return home. Esto esta basado sobre todo, en los sueños y las visiones de nuestros antepasados, que nos llegan a través de la memoria de las enseñanzas que nos dejaron nuestros abuelos. This is based mainly on the dreams and visions of our ancestors, that come through the memory of the lessons that our ancestors left us.
Estamos aquí tratando de recordar, tratando de retornar a la verdad original. We are here trying to remember, trying to return to the original truth.
Creemos que estamos viviendo un tiempo muy crítico, un tiempo donde es necesario unirnos; unir todas las piezas para poder tener la visión clara. We believe we are experiencing a very critical time, a time when the need to unite, unite all the parts in order to gain insight.

Sabemos que estamos viviendo uno de los momentos mas críticos de la existencia, en el que se ha hecho mucho daño a la Madre Tierra; contaminando los ríos, el aire de las ciudades, dañando de tal forma la Tierra que hay lugares donde ella ya no da frutos, donde ha perdido su fuerza. We know that we are experiencing one of the most critical moments of existence, which has done much damage to Mother Earth, polluting rivers, the city air, damaging the earth so that there are places where it no longer bears fruit, which has lost its force. Nos damos cuenta que estamos en un tiempo muy critico, nuestra Madre Tierra tiene que tomar por si misma su propio remedio, y si ella lo hace sabemos que nosotros somos parte de la enfermedad. We realize that we are in a very critical time, our Mother Earth has to make for itself its own remedy, and if she does know that we are part of the disease.

Estamos tratando de sanar y también de poder vivir una buena relación con todos los seres de la Tierra, con todas las personas de la Tierra. We are trying to heal and be able to live a good relationship with all beings on Earth, with all people of Earth.
El propósito es el de traer conciencia a la gente. The purpose is to bring awareness to people. No queremos que las personas a quienes llegan estas palabras crean que no hay esperanzas, las hay, pero debemos asumir responsabilidad. We do not want people who come to believe that these words there is no hope, there are, but we must take responsibility.

Proponemos tratar de eliminar todas aquellas cosas innecesarias que han causado este caos en el que vivimos. We suggest trying to remove all unnecessary things that have caused this chaos in which we live. De no abusar de la energía creadora, de la energía fina del espíritu; que podamos conducirnos de una buena manera y que podamos ser útiles y ser verdaderos conductos, verdaderos medios de transmisión. Not to abuse the creative energy, energy of the fine spirit that we behave in a good way and we can be useful and be true ducts, true means of transmission.

Que podamos transmitir el amor y el respeto a todas las formas de vida que existen, a todos los seres. May we communicate the love and respect for all life forms that exist, to all beings.

Que vivamos esto en nuestro vivir diario; que reconozcamos un ser sagrado cuando veamos un perro o un pájaro o un pez o quien quiera que sea este ser, vegetal, mineral o en la forma que sea. May we live it in our daily lives, we recognize a sacred being when we see a dog or a bird or a fish or whoever it is that being, plant, mineral or in any way.
Que podamos reconocer lo sagrado de la vida que existe dentro de este misterio donde nos encontramos. May we recognize the sanctity of life that exists within this mystery where we are.

Ahora estamos viviendo en esta confusión, en esta contaminación legal y que es totalmente falsa y que no se aplica a todos los seres. Now we are living in this confusion, this legal pollution and that is totally false and that applies to all beings.
Un águila vuela de un rumbo hacia otro sin tener el problema de donde es. An eagle flies from one course to another without having the problem where it is. Y así es como nos gustaría ser. And that's how we like to be.

Se dijo a toda nuestra gente que eran los descendientes de gente salvaje, de gente caníbal y todo esto es mentira. He told all our people who were descendants of wild people, of cannibal people and this is all a lie.
Lo dijeron para castrar el espíritu de todos los nativos de América. They said to emasculate the spirit of all Native Americans.

Y es triste que hasta hoy en día esta historia se enseña oficialmente en las escuelas públicas. And it is sad that even today this history officially taught in public schools.

Uno debe ver la mentira dentro de la verdad y la verdad dentro de la mentira. One must see the lie into the truth and the truth within the lie.
Hay verdades que esclavizan, y esta es la verdad que mi pueblo vive. There are truths that enslave, and this is the truth that my people live. Vive una verdad que le ha dado la esclavitud, mas que nada de su mente, de su corazón y de su espíritu. Live a truth that slavery has given him, but nothing of her mind, her heart and spirit.

La verdad de todos es la que te libera, es la que te hace aspirar a ser parte de la verdad Universal. The truth of all is the one that released it is that makes you aspire to be part of the Universal truth.
La verdad Universal que guardaron nuestros antepasados ni siquiera es conocida, porque trataron de destruirla, de enterrarla, porque como iban a explicar al mundo tantas barbaridades que cometieron. Universal Truth that kept our ancestors nor even known, because they tried to destroy it, to bury it, because as they would tell the world that many atrocities committed.

Yo no quiero que mi gente viva una vida de lamentación, de dolor, de pena, quejándose por lo que pudo ser. I do not want my people to live a life of regret, sorrow, grief, complaining about what might be. Yo quiero que mi gente se vuelva a levantar y viva una vida digna por lo que si puede ser. I want my people back up and live a decent life so if you can be.

Note the name of his blog:  Metakiase Aho!  (I think I could die comfortably knowing that now I've seen it all.  ::) )

Here he is selling sweats in the UK:
Yuan Temazcal
The Sweat Lodge, also known as ‘Innipi’ or ‘Temazcal’ is a sacred ceremony from the Native American People.

The Temazcal is made of wood and covered in blankets – it is representative of the ‘Womb’.

The rocks, known as the ‘Grandfathers and Grandmothers’ are baked in a fire and then placed inside the Temazcal. They represent the wisdom of time.

The ceremony is conducted according to the design of the Medicine Man Aurelio Tekpankalli.

There are four rounds to celebrate the four directions and the medicine they bring.

Inside the lodge we say prayers and sing songs while water and herbs are placed on the ‘Grandparents’. In this space many people may experience a powerful homecoming, spirit retrieval, inspiration, instruction, purification, visions, understanding, release and rejuvenation.

Inside the Temazcal, women need to wear a nightie or sarong and men need to wear shorts.

Location: Northcourt Farm, Church Lane, West Stourmouth, Kent, CT3 1HT

Cost: £40.00 / £30.00 concessions.

Temescal Dates
Friday 17th - Sunday 19th July 2009 - Sweat Lodge Weekend Kent
Saturday 10th October 2009 Kent
Saturday 7th November 2009 Kent
Saturday 5th December 2009 Kent
Please call the Yuan Clinic on 020 7 622 9079, on the day before the temazcal  is due to run, to check that the event on that date is running

 And he teaches others to sell ceremony also:
Great Mystery AllianceNative American ChurchCrestone, CO719-256-5307Chris4andrea@yahoo.comwww.GMANAC.comAtekokolli is a native born Choctaw Cherokee holy man. He has been ordained a spiritualleader and roadman in the Native American Church by his teacher Tekpankalli, a SundanceChief, Yuwipi Man, and a Peyotero. Atekokolli is the founder of the Great Mystery AllianceNative American Church. He is offering a wide variety of sacred ceremonies to the publicincluding the sweat lodge (Inipi), Sacred Peace Pipe (Chanupa), and all night peyote ceremonies.The sweat lodge is one of the most powerful and ancient ceremonials on earth. Our sweatlodges can be done Lakota style (plains), as well as in the Mexica tradition (temescal). Thisunique tradition represents the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy of the eagle and the condor.It is the alliance of the central and South American (condor) traditions with the North (eagle).The Chanupa Ceremony is a profound and simple ritual. As a pipe carrier, Atekokollioffers this sacred Ceremony to all who ask. Handling this pipe can be very healing and profoundbecause it is connected with the White Buffalo Calf Woman pipe. All are welcome to jointogether as this Chanupa facilitates connections to everyone who has ever smoked this pipe.This is an actual peace pipe of the Plains Indians that Atekokolli had a dream of when he was 13.Great Mystery Alliance is dedicated to the practice and preservation of our sacrednative heritage. We uphold our most ancient lineage through keeping a rapport with ourancestors. We come into alignment with the earth by the performance of our sacred rituals, andcustoms in an unbroken line of living tradition. We are a completely intertribal, non-denominational, and interfaith alliance with the Great Mystery. Through all our ceremonies wecelebrate life and gain new insight on the meaning of “All My Relations”.Located in the mountains of Crestone, Colorado, The Great Mystery Alliance is a religiousorganization dedicated to the spiritual growth of all life, sentient and insentient. As a chapterof the Native American Church, we are protected by state and federal agencies in our use ofthe sacred sacrament peyote. All night meetings occur at least monthly featuring the SevenArrows Lineage of the Half Moon Fireplace. The location of these ceremonies is up to thesponsor. We treat addictions, depression, infertility, and help a person with just about anythingthey need help with in their life. Peyote ceremonies are also a celebration of life in the form ofpersonal, land, fertility, love, and baby blessings, spiritual transformations, weddings, pubertyrites, rites to manhood, funerals, and Thanksgivings. We are open to all faiths and traditions.There is no discrimination against race, color, or creed. In fact, we encourage the unity of allpeoples. As long as we see all paths to source as one, we will get closer to understanding whatit's all about. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

I hope in resurrecting this thread that this dangerous man can be brought to task.


Offline AnnOminous

  • Posts: 99
Re: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2009, 08:26:46 pm »
I would also add that Tekpankalli is considered to be authentic by those he is in contact with due to the peoples' understanding that he was made a "chief" by Leonard Crowdog.  It seems to me that the general understanding is that Leonard is like a head chief of all sundances and nations and that this "Pope-ified" Leonard goes around bestowing Medicine Man powers on those worthy of receiving it.  So pay lots of money and follow him to the ends of the earth.....

I hope my friend-in-the-know will share the prices charged for sweats, peyote ceremonies, vision quests (which incorporate the use of peyote) and sundances in South America by this man.  It's horrifying, to say the least.


Offline Cetan

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Re: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2009, 03:55:18 pm »
As far as I know he was never made "chief" by Leonard, and Leonard does make a lot of chiefs, although they are not recognized by many of the oyate since he doesnt have any authority to do so, all he can do is make people helpers at his Sundance (not chiefs) and he can give a NAC fireplace to someone but I do not believe he has ever given a fireplace to Aurelio Diaz. 

Offline tiago2010

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Aurelio Diaz
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2010, 06:10:07 am »
My first post. Here you have some links about the "Native American Church" or the "Sacred fire from Itzachilatlan" a thing that Aurelio has build and has a strong partipation in South America. Almost every link is in spanish, but I would try my best to translate different parts of it:

The blog from this...

It says at the begging: "Sacred fire of Itzachilatlan" is the old organization from the traditional Red Path, spiritual way of our ancestors from the four races. The Red path, since millions of years ago, has been preserved in our continent (itzachilatlan, abya yala or turtle island, in the lenguage of the original people) is the spiritual path of every son from mother earth"

A picture from the "Chiefs from the Sun Dance of the Itzachilatlan Nation Ecuator Sacred Fire"

Here, some information (in English) from them in Wales... you can read the "Statement" of the "Sacred Fire"

Here you have a link of the in Colombia, I dont know how much they charge because is in colombian pesos...

Well.. and so on.. also in Chile...

What I have heard here is that they charge about 600 USD for a Vision Quest. They change the Vision Quest for a structure of 4 times and "in crecendo" days...
1st vision 4 days, no water or food
2d vision 7 days, with some medicine up (mostly peyote, or san pedro, or ayahuasca)
3d vision 11 days.. with spice too
4d vision 14 days (or something..) with spice again.

I undestand at the 4th vision, when they get back to the camping, the vision seekers are honored with a Chanupa, because they have accomplishment the "original path of the Native American Church".

Also they're sharing Sun Dances in Ecuador "in alliance" with people from there. Does anyone knows if Aurelio Diaz has any relation with an original Sundance? I believe they are having something called "the Spirit Dance" in Ecuador and Chile, that consist of 4 nights having different plants mixed as peyote, sanpedro, mushrooms and ayahuasca..

In another articles.. he describes Imself has "Medine Man related to the legendary Native American Church and spiritual leader of the Sacred fire from Itzachilatlan, The Native American Church is a frame trough different tribal red skin groups from USA founded a legal recognition in the States"

I would kindly ask for some information about him, ¿are they related with any sundance from US? ¿Do they represent the interests from Native people from US? Is that Native American Church a true gathering from people of the north...?


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 03:56:00 pm »
Merged your question with the older topic. As you can see he's made many questionable claims and worked with many people who are frauds. He may have some knowledge, but much of what he does is clearly not right.

The NAC is a genuine Native church, but there's no sign that Diaz is or could be a member. It's also, incidentally, a Christian church, mixed with older traditions. They don't charge for ceremony like Diaz and consider that unethical. And while individual members of the church may also take part in Sundance elsewhere, Sundance is not part of the NAC ceremonies as far as I know. (If I'm wrong, someone correct me.)

Offline Cetan

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Re: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2010, 06:37:28 pm »
The Sundance is not part of the NAC however many participate in both. The NAC is not necessarily a Christian church; those who use a Crossfire fireplace use the bible but in halfmoon fireplaces the bible is not used and there is no mention of Jesus unless someone is singing a crossfire song
Also wanted to add that I seem to remember a while ago Aurelio Diaz putting someone,m I believe it may have been his wife, on a vision quest for 7 days and she died.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 03:44:34 pm by Cetan »

Offline tiago2010

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Re: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2010, 02:39:35 am »
Thanks for the information. So it seems the Sundance and Visions the're handling, are like a "folklore" ceremony, changed in their trully roots? Because if it doesnt have the bless from an original fire, or if is changed... maybe its a fraud... lots of people from the south are going to their ceremonies, to my point of view abusing from the medicins like peyote or ayahuasca and mixing things... Many people believe in ecuador, chile or colombia, that the Red Road "its" what Aurelio has sold to the people... and also at high prices. Traditionally speaking, its a strange mix of things what he has done with the visions, sundances and everything..

Well.. the great spirit, or whatever the name of the keeper that its above us, handles the thing and puts by is own desition things in order. Hope Aurelios work goes well and light for his people.

Offline OldWiseWoman

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Re: Aurelio Diaz "Tekpankalli"
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2011, 04:54:25 pm »
Hello My Brothers and Sisters...I met Aurelio Diaz in a western suburb of Chicago, IL (USA)  back in 1992.  I attended a peyote medicine rite in a teepee with Aurelio and his wife at that time Virginia and 2 other people.  We took the Peyote as a tea... with no ill was very beautiful...I had visions with no long lasting affects.  On the other occasion, it took place at Aurelio's home in Chicago.  Because I was suffereing greatly after a divorce at that time, I was very open to spiritual experiences.  Aurelio is a very simple person who truly believes what he says.  He may have gathered some followers who are not enlightened.  Peyote originates with the huichol indians of mexico. Aurelio told me he was to travel to Geneva Switzerland to speak to the UN in behalf of indiginous people whose practice is to ingest peyote so they can speak to God.  Please write to me if you would like more information.  Jheree