Author Topic: "LionFire"  (Read 9570 times)

Offline non-NDN

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« on: April 30, 2009, 07:59:48 pm »
Found this on and just had to laugh... sadly couldnt post it directly into frauds (frankly I think this guy gives all the possible reasons why resaerch wouldnt even need to be done) but thought I'd post it here seeing as who he claims to be a "guide" for.

"LionFire ~ I am Shamanic practitioner with over 25 years experience working within a variety of Shamanic traditions. Known around the world, LionFire is a White Shaman “Two-Spirit” of Norse and Celtic heritage. A bridge between Generations, Orientations and Traditions, I am a Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoko tradition and I’m also certified in acupressure massage. I currently work with dozens of Maya Shaman in the Yucatan, Guatemala, Belize and Hondorus. I am a Maya “Solar Initiate”, “Priest of IX CHEL” and guide for many of the world’s spiritual leaders including Drunvalo Melchizedek, Lakota Sioux Chief Standing Elk ~ Golden Eagle and the Star Nation. As one of the few Priests of IX CHEL, the Great Maya Mother Goddess, LionFire helps men “Heal and Balance” their Feminine and Masculine energies. I teach Reiki and incorporate healing techniques from around the world in my practice. I work with Crystal, Light and Shamanic Energies; specializing in Auric Cleansings and Chakra Activations. Most recently I've become a gateway for the Ancient Crystal Skulls. I offer programs including Maya studies and tours, Drumming, Vision Shields and Shamanic Trance Dance workshops. I assist individuals seeking their Animal and Dream Vision Totems and facilitate Vision Quests. I have had the privilege of working with Jose Arguelles, Kan'Nal, Lunar Fire, ThunderBeat, Daniel Hicks and Drew Bennett, both on stage and in the studio. A Colorado artist, healer and shaman for over 25 years, I hold a double Masters degree in Drawing and Painting and have taught drawing, painting and printing at the Colorado Institute of Art and Fort Hays Kansas State University. I currently teach art for Pueblo Community College in the 4-Corners and I’m finishing my Doctorate degree on comparative Native American Cosmologies. I invite you to check out gallery...Enjoy!...In Love and Light...LionFire "

Offline non-NDN

  • Posts: 21
Re: "LionFire"
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 09:14:32 pm »
And this of course is the full entry, where he talks about his workshops and a testimonial asking people to hire him.

LionFire ~ a Shamanic practitioner with over 25 years experience working within a variety of Shamanic traditions. Known around the world LionFire is a White Shaman “Two-Spirit” of Norse and Celtic heritage. A bridge between Generations, Orientations and Traditions, he is a Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoko tradition and is also certified in acupressure massage. LionFire is currently working with dozens of Maya Shaman, including Tata Pedro Cruz, Hunbatz Men and Aum-Rak Sapper. LionFire is a Maya “Solar Initiate”, “Priest of IX CHEL” and guide for many of the world’s spiritual leaders including Drunvalo Melchizedek, Lakota Sioux Chief Standing Elk ~ Golden Eagle and the Star Nation. During ceremonies on the Island of Cozumel in 2003, LionFire, pledged himself to the service of the Mother Goddess, IX CHEL. Part of his mission, as one of the few Priests of IX CHEL, is to help men “Heal and Balance” their Feminine and Masculine energies. To that end, he now performs Kundalini healings, balancing and activations for men. LionFire teaches Reiki and incorporates healing techniques from around the world in his practice. He is skilled in Crystal, Light and Shamanic Energy work and specializes in Auric Cleansings and Chakra Activations. LionFire offers programs including Maya studies and tours, Drumming, Shamanic Shields and Vision Dance workshops. He assists individuals seeking their Animal and Dream Vision Totems and facilitates Vision Quests. “Drawing from the Senses” is a Shamanic Awareness program he has developed to help individuals become more in tune with their senses, teaching them the ability to “Interconnect”, “Bridge”, “Focus” and “Expand’” their awareness. LionFire was made an Honorary Member of The World Natural Health Organization in appreciation and recognition of his “Attainments and Distinguished Service” in support of traditional Mayan and indigenous Shaman at the “First International Gathering of Indigenous Cultures”, in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico in September, 2000. A professional, multi-faceted artist and performer in a variety of media, his most recent work is drawn from shamanic symbols and patterns of the Americas. He is a design specialist in Pre-Columbian Archaeographics and Winged Spirits throughout the ages. LionFire has had the privilege of working with Jose Arguelles, Kan'Nal, Lunar Fire, ThunderBeat, Daniel Hicks and Drew Bennett, both on stage and in the studio. Currently, he is co~creating several Maya projects with Tuvasana Soma, Zero Point Productions and Dr. Blue. LionFire's Fine Art work is in private and public collections around the world, including the Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark. A Colorado artist, healer and shaman for over 25 years, he holds a double Masters degree in Drawing and Painting and has taught drawing, painting and printing at the Colorado Institute of Art and Fort Hays Kansas State University. Some of his most recent teaching experience includes working with the Disabled Community in Special Education, Autism and Mental Health. LionFire currently teaches art for Pueblo Community College in both Durango and Cortez, CO. focusing on Native American Cosmologies.

Testimonial from Souldancer for LionFire..."If you seek an awakening of life unlike you've ever experienced, I suggest you dance with LionFire. On levels you may not be aware of, LionFire activates life and light with something as simple as a glimpse or smile. As you get to know LionFire, you'll witness his genuine desire to be of service at the highest levels - his word is his deed".
Is your word also your deed - 100%? ~ Know, HIRE, Laugh and Dance with LionFire, and your deeds will feed your soul.
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin ~ Souldancer, Master Shaman

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "LionFire"
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 02:15:58 am »
1. LionFire is a White Shaman “Two-Spirit” of Norse and Celtic heritage.

2. he is a Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoko tradition and is also certified in acupressure massage.

3. LionFire is currently working with dozens of Maya Shaman, including Tata Pedro Cruz, Hunbatz Men and Aum-Rak Sapper.

4. LionFire is a Maya “Solar Initiate”, “Priest of IX CHEL” and guide for many of the world’s spiritual leaders including Drunvalo Melchizedek, Lakota Sioux Chief Standing Elk ~ Golden Eagle and the Star Nation.

5. During ceremonies on the Island of Cozumel in 2003, LionFire, pledged himself to the service of the Mother Goddess, IX CHEL. Part of his mission, as one of the few Priests of IX CHEL, is to help men “Heal and Balance” their Feminine and Masculine energies. To that end, he now performs Kundalini healings, balancing and activations for men.

6. LionFire was made an Honorary Member of The World Natural Health Organization in appreciation and recognition of his “Attainments and Distinguished Service” in support of traditional Mayan and indigenous Shaman at the “First International Gathering of Indigenous Cultures”, in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico in September, 2000.

7. LionFire has had the privilege of working with Jose Arguelles, Kan'Nal, Lunar Fire, ThunderBeat, Daniel Hicks and Drew Bennett, both on stage and in the studio. Currently, he is co~creating several Maya projects with Tuvasana Soma, Zero Point Productions and Dr. Blue.

1. Did he really call himself a "white shaman"? That's something AIM first used as an insult. And he claims to be two spirit (which he probably mitakenly thinks just means being gay) yet says he's Norse and Celtic. See threads in here on the problems in claiming to be Celtic.

2. Being a masseuse is supposed to impress us he's super spirchul?

3. The three named are not Mayans, they're Nuage frauds who spread ideas they pass off as Mayan.

4. Mayan "solar initiates" are a Nuage tradition, not an NDN one. Melchezidek is a fraud, and Standing Elk/Golden Eagle is an eccentric who hangs around the UFO crowd.

5. You bet, pledge yourself to a Mayan goddess, and then perform EAST Indian yoga.

6. The WHNO name is a pretty obvious knockoff of the UN organization the WHO. The WHNO is a group of fringe types and conspiracy theorists ranting about fluoride and aspartame and claiming global warming is a hoax.

7. Arguelles is a fraud. Don't know the others, but they may just be performing artists.

Moved to Frauds, though it's possible the guy may have been taken in himself.