Author Topic: Jimmy La Vallee & Spiritual Warrior Vision  (Read 122299 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jimmy La Vallee & Spiritual Warrior Vision
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2007, 02:01:04 pm »
This is pretty funny. La Vallee's personal ads. What's revealing is how he uses the guru pitch to get women, tells them what he claims is his spiriti name, uses his personal ad to pitch for his online business, and his claim of how much he makes by posing as a counselor.


54-year-old man
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
seeking women 24-58
within 50 miles of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

About me and what I'm looking for
I am a believer in destiny... and co-creating life. Allowing our dreams come true through by being honest and upfront. No old mismanagement ways. 
Walking the Talk. I believe that love is straightforward - you either share freely and openly and understand your past and have resolved it or YOU are willing to resolve it in a way that is kind, considerate of me as your partner. 
I am 6'2" and weigh 212 lbs. I love to exercise and stay in shape in all ways. I am involved in ballroom dancing - I am a beginner still but enthusiastic and would love to be your partner. I love to move in unison and to be happy and smile with you. 
Although I am not a prude I am balanced and I am sexually healthy and I love show my affection publicly. I love fun and play without teasing about personal aspects of your or life. And I have a commitment or zest to grow in all ways. Even though I walk a spiritual path based in the Traditional ways of the Native American Indian of which I am, I lovingly embrace other ways of faith and spirituality… I believe in looking into your eyes and speaking with inspiration to live greater. I believe in gentleness and truth and live to make this world a better place. 
I can lighten up as well… you know I am not terminally serious!! Smiles. 
I listen well and I share with my heart... in the quest to live happily ever after. 
I feel my feelings and speak of my heart all ways - will you? 
I need you to send your Current Picture! Within 3 Months! Please do not send dated ones. See you soon. 
“My spirit name is Akicita Wakan Mani, which means the Warrior with Spirit who walks and talks to others.??? 
I believe in and honor the process of seeking the spirit of life - love. I understand we all have issues and aspects of our past life and I have them too…I have walked much in life and I have honestly resolved those things in my life that were not co-creative. 
I wish, I hope, I dream, I seek someone who will live these too. 
Walk in Beauty you do.

Self Employed
Income: $35,001 to $50,000

for fun:
I believe in destiny and fate... 
I believe in dancing and moonlte strolls... 
I believe in co-creating our future and fulfilling our dreams. 
I inderstand and live conscious and aware and fully alive!

my job:
healing helping transformational guiding

I am a follower of my traditional teachings in a gentle way.
my religion:
I honor all ways with peace and love.

I love honesty, "Honesty without compassion is cruelty". I live this way. I am inspired by your gentleness, yet strength of intention and dedciation. I love touch I loved South Africa... and I love the Blackhills. We will walk in beauty and light

last read:
I read Spirit Warrior Vision - Thw Spirit-Warrior Way

His myspace spot has him dressed in regalia while doing his guru pitch. Like what he puts down as occupation. A bit of irony in his Who I'd Like to Meet, given his history with his many wives.

"Spirit-Warrior Way - The Circle of Life Medicine"
55 years old
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Last Login: 6/14/2007
Hometown:   Winnipeg
Occupation:   transformational guide
Income:   Less than $30,000
Who I'd like to meet:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jimmy La Vallee & Spiritual Warrior Vision
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2007, 02:02:48 pm »
And some very strange revelations in his Daily Affirmations. Apparently he is not widely trusted on at one reserve and so he makes a lot of accusations against the chief.

On the second one a former client of his died, under what circumstances is not clear. Again he claims to be the victim of what he claims are more false accusations.

For the Aug 19 entry, he feels the need to smear the name of an exwife.

For the Nov 17 entry, he actually *admits* to abusing another of his exwives.

The entry after that is the strangest of all, where he admits to a strange fascination for blond white women and girls, and to thinking whites are superior and kinder.


Daily Affirmation for August 19, 2004
Release the bitterness... the negativity AND still stay honest to your beliefs!    I think about the injustice in this world and I am sometimes caught in the moment of being done wronged  by "others"...   especially a former client who became a former chief / leader.  I have been damaged by false accusations  and as a result I am cut-off from helping many of my people.   This woman chief lied to others and made it impossible for many of her people to get help, especially from me.  As a direct result of this - people have died and addiction and dysfunctional life runs rampant on this reservation.  I pray for this person to be touched by the Creator and that they come out publicly and admit to this wrong.  I pray for those who suffer and for those on the brink of suicide and death by addiction.  I understand why she did it.  She was stealing at the time and under great pressure... She came from an extremely abusive childhood home and community. Her marriage was horrible and so she had to leave.   Her children came to me after she whipped them with a wire.  I was attacked for helping them and told to stay out of her "fuckin' business"... I told her that we have succeeded... because of her choices... her children had somewhere to go.  Something that she and I did not have. This was when I was attacked and accusations were made and she and another counsellor tried to get others to say things about me.  Things like sexual misconduct and "putting spells" on people.  I was forced out and continued to work near the reservation... working out of a storage shed of an elderly white woman's home.  How sad that I was stopped from helping my people... how angering it is to know that they suffer so much and that many more of those people suffer and die needlessly because this person will not come forward and admit to this lie even though they have been convicted of theft of more than twenty thousand dollars.  How sad! Please pray for those who suffer and ask god to help us to let them know that there are people who care - truly.  We can do this... I pray for you, my friend and I ask you to pray for me.  I am honoured that you visited here. Let us all pray for the leaders of the people....
Pilamaya - Thank you

Today I pray for release from bitterness (anger, guilt and fear)...  I hope to honor the death of a former client by this writing.   I think about the injustice in this world and I am sometimes caught in the moment of pain...  of being horribly  wronged  by "others"...   Especially when this person is a former client, whom I helped. in order that she would believe in herself...  have the belief enough to become a  a chief...  a leader.  of her community. Then this person, this woman covered up her thefts by lying about me... focusing on me.   I have been damaged by false accusations.  Others suffer because of this... as a result I am cut-off from helping many of my/our  people.   This woman / chief lied to others and made it impossible for many of her people to want or get help, especially from me.  As a direct result of these kind of ugly situations - where people are dying!  And the addictions, violence  and dysfunctional life runs rampant on this reservation. WHY!   I pray for this person,  to be touched by the Creator and that they come out publicly and admit to this wrong.  I pray for those who suffer and for those on the brink of suicide and death by addiction.  I understand why she did it.  She and another family member were stealing money at the time I was heading the healing the community program.  We all were under  great pressure...   Sadly, she succumbed to the compulsion, the need to medicate by acquiring more money, even if it meant stealing from her own poor people!   

This woman came from an extremely abusive childhood home and community. Her marriage was a horrible torturous part of her life and from this, she had to escape.   

Her children came to me after she whipped them with a wire and cut one.  I was attacked for helping them and told to stay out of her "fuckin business"... I said to her that we have made progress from our childhood days and that  today because of her bringing me to her community that her children had somewhere to go and someone to help them.   Something that she and I did not have.   Her shame was too great for her to acknowledge this.  This was when I was attacked and accusations were formulated by her.  She tried to convince others be scaring them.  This, then Chief and a tribal counsellor, tried to get others to say things about me.  They scared people so badly... with things like me "putting spells" on people and insisting that some were made sexual advances from me. This is exactly what men do to women and these were woman doing this! Horrible fear mongering.  They did this to their own elders and family members.

I was forced out and yet I continued to work near the outskirts of the reservation... I worked out of a storage shed of an elderly white woman's home.  Some still came to get my help.   How sad that I was stopped from helping our people... how angering it is to know that they suffer so much and that many more of those people suffer and die needlessly because this person will not come forward and admit to this lie even though they have been convicted of theft of more than twenty thousand dollars.  How sad! Please pray for those who suffer and ask god to help us to let them know that there are people who care - truly.  We can do this... I pray for you, my friend and I ask you to pray for me.  I pray for peace inside of me and you  and resolution to these and others hurtful situations.... I am honoured that you visited here...
Pilamaya - Thank you

Daily Affirmation for August 19, 2003
Freedom from alcohol, drugs, violence, racism, and neglect are just some of the aspects of life that we must have. But when we are free of these hurtful things... who will hold us and love us,? Maybe nurture us? without sexualizing us.
I thought I was a healed person and then I found a "special" woman - a partner - who was cunning and baffling and I was caught... in the same stuff I thought I had I had healed from... alcohol, violence, racism and neglect... (
I have left that damaged person and divorced...what I realized was, that I needed to understand and divorce from the shame I had consumed and I have realized my "trauma bond" to shame based people...  I was given back exactly what I had given out in my life! And I thought I was so healthy.
Freedom is a journey because we must always face the crap of life and it is like going to the bathroom... You need to do it every day.
so - be aware of the people you meet and be very aware of your associations.
I thank the Creator for the lesson and I pray for all who are in trouble.

Daily Affirmation for November 17, 2003
In relationship... I ended up feeling so used and abused.  I used to wonder how and why I felt so bitter... so violated and violating... so distorted towards someone whom I was supposed to love.  Even after admitting to being abusive, I still could not face my deep shame and all of my distortions.  I did not trust myself after realizing that I was flawed and probably un-worthy of help. 
I thought of myself as unworthy of any understanding or help... let alone... love.
I have came to "understand" my distorted view... my mixed-up way of being in "love" . Being in relationship meant trouble and being out meant trouble... I was screwed.  Lonely if I wasn't in relationship and when in a "trusted" one... facing my past loneliness when I was more secure that the person wouldn't leave.  This only came after a while, in relationship, I became comfortable to let go of my "defenses"... my nice, controlled act and I felt comfortable in accessing some of my past situations and letting some of my pain out.  Sadly... hurtfully, I thought I was safe to deal with my "inner damage"... sorrowfully, I did not tell my partner!  I did not truly understand... 
I did not understand and I ended up hurting them - abusing them.  I prayed to God to the creator many times to help me find a way out...
I distortedly hoped that they would stay... just the way mommy and daddy did.  Through so much horrendous ugliness!  My partner would just needed to understand and perservere!  I sure as did  not think of the other persons needs!   I was so damaged and damaging. 
Since then, I have been able to identify my damage and my need to abuse, through therapy.  I tried and failed to do this in any relationship, except for the one I decided to have with my self... my past... my present and my future.  I believe any one of us can do this... some people can and will do this within a relationship... AND this can very hard to do AND be abusive to both of you.  Faith and Belief in Creation is essential to the process... and the only way this can be done, safely, is through therapy!  Prayer and commitment to this process is the only way to strengthen your resolve to positive, lasting change...  I am here for you and I will share my truth and my truth is in my experiences...  Please know that shame will keep you stuck.  I know shame all to well and to me shame is the hungry wolf at my door, during the winter and in time of poverty and starvation... poor faith.  I will not knowingly abuse you and should it happen, I will admit and resolve this!  I realize those prayers were finally answered and yet, today, I still need to stay vigilant about abuse.  Do you need help???
 Pilamaya, Meegwetch, Tansi... Thank you... we are all related... without abuse.

I realized, deep into my therapy, my connection to a little blond, blue-eyed girl and my shame.  How these situations showed me so much about my identity of shame and self-hatred.  I can remember, a little girl, whose family lived downstairs of a church... She wanted to play with me and I with her.  Just friends.  She was just so accepting and she peaceful for me.  I didn't realize color of skin... I just liked that it wasn't aggressive and scary.  I just remember her parents making her come in soon after I arrived. Then one day, I went to see her... no one was there. Her family had moved.  I was heartbroken.

 Then at age 5, I was sent to nursery school... I met another little blond girl, Kathy and up until grade 9, age 15, I was so deeply attracted to her. She hardly even noticed me.  I tried desperately to be noticed by her.  I saw how people fussed over her and commented on how beautiful she was.  I wished, I wished I could be thought of that way.  I saw her play with the white children and not me... I envied her and them. When I tried to come too close, I was bullied away - so lonely.  It is hard to envision how this was then and for a long long time.

I understood that I was different and the strength of that shame I felt was magnified by the neglect and abuse I endured at home from my parents and siblings.  I was like an open sore for any distorted mean person who might have had "just a bad day".  I equated beauty and exceptance  with that blond hair, blue eyes and white skin... because of the affection these type of kids got and the fact that much of my early compassion came from white female teachers.  This was good... except that I was so mixed up about what I was. 

The special ones, teachers of white skin, females, who for the most part were kind, gentle, and compassionate and supportive made me dream and wish of a mommy, who just loved me and wanted only me.  I bonded to this "dream time" as a form of love and it tore my heart out to go to my home most days and it tore my heart out to pass the higher grade and move away from them... the kind, caring ones.  I cherished these times even more than I realized. 

Today, I know why and I have seen the goodness and understand.
I found these memories, in therapy and I am so forever blessed with them... this love, as I choose to see it and the longing for it kept me alive at times.  I connect the kindness and caring these white people showed me and the haven they provided for me in my childhood.  My childhood home was abusive and sad and lonely. What was so entrenching in me was, the picture of people of my same color abusing me... scarred me so deeply.  I "needed" those "white-people" more than they will ever know.  I learned the beginnings of abuse and shame from my own people and then... from other races.  I was left open to the hurts and pains of other races - by my own people.  The shame brought on by abuse from your own kind... is so deep and devastating. 
I forgive all who have hurt me and  I work on forgiving myself for hurting others. Today, I acknowledge and  I say pilamaya for all of those who were there because they were just human and others too. I will forever miss, the "Ishtato" - Blue-Eyes... You are in my prayers and dreams...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jimmy La Vallee & Spiritual Warrior Vision
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2007, 01:45:11 am »
Received a report from an ex client of more of La Vallee's strange behavior. He seems to be estranged from almost all of his children.

La Vallee was at an institute several years ago in Switzerland that sponsors a mix of educators representing their cultures and outright obvious frauds. 

Thanks to our translator. No wonder Lekay doesn't want Europeans involved. That helps protect the frauds. I doubt one American in a hundred speaks German, and for NDNs, the number is probably one in a thousand.

http://www.imsonnen wirueberuns. html

Im Sonnenbuehl - Institute for Multilevel Communication

Workshop Centre 'Top of Zurich' with Bed and Breakfast

...Jacqueline Mannheimer is the founder and president of the Institute for
Multilevel Communication. She is a mystic. Through her long years of pioneer
work in schooling body and mind, she has developed the ability to show
individual ways to persons to get to their inner source of power.

Jacqueline Mannheimer works with "people for people". After an education in
the field of medicine, she acquired a Master's Diploma in classical
Ericksonian and modern hypnosis and NLP. Work and dance of contraries,
meditation, yoga, integrative massage of the entire body, shiatsu, massage of
reflex zones, energy work, and numerology are central elements of her work.
Jacqueline Mannheimer is an artist who practices communication on several
levels, works in a way oriented at solutions, and is able to enter various
processes in an intuitive way....

At our premises at "Im Sonnenbuehl - Top of Zurich", individual sessions and
courses with Jacqueline Mannheimer and other internationally known therapists
from various cultures are taking place constantly.

Events in 2007

May 18-28, 2007

Workshop, Konferenz, Konzert mit Dabadi Thaayrohyadi [Note: We've discussed him before I think.]

Spiritual Leader and Wisdomkeeper of the Otomi, Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacan
tradicion of central Mexico;

Founder of the International Indigenous University

Events in 2006

November 24-29

Thaay - a shaman from Mexico

Thaayrohyadi is a mental descendant of the Atlantian-Lemurian culture. He is a
traditional healer, historian, poet and interpretes ceremonial music. He is a
member of the Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests of America. As a
founder and president of the International Indigenous University, he is
commited to work for peace and unity worldwide.

November 25, 2006
Inipi (Sweatlodge) , cleansing ceremony
Arrival: from 6 p.m., ceremony to start at 7 p.m.
If possible, arrive at 6 p.m. and bring two towels and light garment.

September 22, 2006
Concert and meditation evening
Approx 7 p.m. - 10 p.m., SFR 40,-

Events in 2005
September 18: Full Moon ritual,
in Spanish and German language

September 24: Intercultural Flea Market/Jumble Sale

June 25:
New Year Ritual: Renewal of the Energy of the Sun
(Mapuche people, Indians from the South of Chile)
in Spanish and German language

Paola Aroca Cayunao,
social worker, presently doing a Ph.D. in eduation and social pedagogocs,
granddaughter of a female Mapuche shaman.

Born and raised in Chile, where she learned the language of nature and healing
amid ancient traditions, rituals, and ceremonies. "When I dive into the
rites, my mind/brains destructure to make way for the trance of healing... It
is there that my soul transforms into a bird which flies through the worlds
in freedom - worlds which are unknown to the Western mind."

Lilia Wettstein
Reflex-zone massaging of feet and cranio-sacral therapy
Born in Columbia. Together with laughter and spontaneity, she discovered the
tenderness and calm of her hands. "Massage for me is opening the body in
direction of the infinite worlds of our soul."

EVENTS in 2004

April 24 and 25
Dance and Meeting with Life
Introduction into shamanic philosophy from Mexico with
Mexican, shaman, author, poet, artist, dancer, seer

June 4 and 5
Inipi (Sweatlodge) with Rainer Wiest
6 p.m. - mixed
Fee: SFR 40,-

July 12
INIPI (Sweatlodge) with Gabriela Schmiedlin - mixed
Fee: SFR 40,-

August 6-15, 2004
Indian Workshop with Mr JAYE A. LA VALLEE<<<<<

August 6-12: Adventure week for children
Get to know more about Indian culture [sic], way of life, and world view with
fun and games
Daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fee: SFR 550,- including afternoon snack and lunch

link to flyer (.pdf)

August 13-15: Seminar
Friday: 6 p.m. - open end
Sat/Sun: 10 a.m. - open end
Fee: SFR 420,- including lunch and afternoon snack

August 21
INIPI (Sweatlodge) with Gabriela Schmiedlin - women only
Fee: SFR 40

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jimmy La Vallee & Spiritual Warrior Vision
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2007, 09:27:46 pm »
The flyer for that event in Switzerland shows La Vallee *did* sell ceremonies,and also offered them for sale.  He's being moved to Frauds.

The workshop is for children. For someone with La Vallee's admitted problems with substance abuse and violence to have workshops with children seems to be a formula for trouble. Esp since La Vallee has little contact with his own children.


"Adventure Week for Children with Mr Jaye A. La Vallee, a Lakota Plains Indian

Mr Jaye A. La Vallee is a Native American from Winnipeg, Manitoba. As a coach and therapist he acquired experience in working with children, youths, and
adults. He absolved his trainings in Paha Sapa, Rapid City in South Dakota, in Alberta, Arizona, Tennessee, Winnipeg, and Washington D.C."

Right after the children's week, they offer a weekend seminar with LaVallee at SFR 420 including afternoon snack and lunch. There is another pdf with the
flyer for the seminar.

At the top of the page, there is the same intro text about La Vallee, added by:

" 'In former times, we all were one people who lived with and for each other, same as the Four Leggeds, the Winged Ones, and all other creatures on earth.
Through spiritual life, we can explore this lost harmony again.'

'Sowing a better future through the Present with the Past'

The following issues are possible, depending on requirements:
- seeing with one's heart
- proximity - distance, reliability/obligations in a relationship
- variety of relationships
- What is my next step
- ceremonies<<<<<

Special individual coachings available"

Translator's comments:

This is a reference to LaVallee's site below.

The second page is just general info about the camp, the fees charged, that sleeping in a tipi will be possible when you contact the organizers in
advance, that fees include afternoon snack and lunch, and how to travel to the premises.

What find odd is that there is NO info at all about what is going to take place during that week! If I was a parent, I'd certainly like to know what will happen, what is planned to keep the kids busy, what they will learn. But there is not even as much as a hint as far as the week's program is concerned! Except for the very vague description of an 'adventure week'.
Another aspect getting me ears up is that the event is advertised as a week "for children" without mentioning the age group prefered.

The kids will receive two meals a day, an afternoon snack and lunch at noon.
The flyer informs parents that kids should also bring 'delicacies' for the evening buffet and that it was possible to organize barbecues in the evening.
I'd still miss breakfast which does not get mentioned at all.

The flyer mentions accom in a tipi is available on demand and if booked in advance. And what is the accomodation planned for the others?

Please also take due note that the flyer does not say accomodation was included in the fee charged.

I'd also be concerned why my kid(s) should be with a therapist! for a week when nothing is wrong with them, and as far as I'm concerned, a therapist
working with children with problems does not automatically have the skills it takes to take responsibility for kids without any problems for a week, or
keep them busy for a week, or will be quite in a position to set up a program for them.

What gets mentioned on page 2 is that La Vallee will do stuff with the kids between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The flyer says parents were welcome, but nothing
is mentioned whether parents will be required to accompany children, or in what way children will be taken care of before and after hours. I wouldn't
quite want kids say between ages 6 and 12 running free most of the day without anybody keeping an eye on them.

From what does not get said, I assume this offer aims mainly at parents very familiar with the premises and what is going to happen there, and if the
occasional 'stranger' book their kids, fair enough.

Offline corkscrew2010

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Re: Jimmy La Vallee & Spiritual Warrior Vision
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2010, 05:55:08 am »
I know this guy for about forty years off and on. Before he was a supposed warrior, he was pretty messed up. He had a penchant for the ladies too, if you get my meaning. I can say these things because I know him personally and can back it up. I also know at one time he pretty much told his culture to " go do, you know what!" - so it amazed me when suddenly he was into his culture again, seems shady to me, because I know his background. Don't get me wrong...people can change, but to dive into the same cesspool doesn't make sense to me, he should have chosen a field or lifestyle totally away from guru's, sport heros, and spirituality, in my view. He might live obscure but maybe that's the problem, he can't..or won't. He obviously still needs that attention, which is sad. He once had a kickboxing match (its public knowledge) and he got jumped in the ring after he won, by his opponents and he charged them with assault. That's many years ago. He couldn't let that go. I think the womanizing thing is still probably an issue which will always plague him, just guessing. Anyways, he still has a way to go. If he's sincerely helped some people, great, but me thinks, it's still pretty much about him, pretty boy Lavallee, lol.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Jimmy La Vallee & Spiritual Warrior Vision
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2022, 04:35:50 pm »
Events in 2007 – May 18-28, 2007

Workshop, Konferenz, Konzert mit Dabadi Thaayrohyadi [Note: We've discussed him before I think.]

Spiritual Leader and Wisdomkeeper of the Otomi, Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacan
tradicion of central Mexico;

Founder of the International Indigenous University

My bolding. Just to let you know that this guy is still around, and there is a thread about him:
[Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec]