Author Topic: Adrian Roman  (Read 24997 times)

Offline cindi1959

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2011, 02:32:26 pm »
My name is Cindi. I am the one who Adrian started getting upset with because I was asking about his "clan membership". I was never once disrespectful to him. I also challenged his statement that he made in regards to Indian names. He claims they are just nicknames and there is nothing sacred about them. Because I challenged (respectfully challenged) him he sent me a private message saying he would have to block me if I continued writing negative things. He told me that I "owed" him respect. I always thought that was something you earned.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 02:34:19 pm by cindi1959 »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2011, 04:02:09 pm »
Hi onered, I'm glad your friend is going to do some digging. Has she spoken to the agency yet? I REALLY think they should see a copy of his CDIB.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2011, 04:09:31 pm »
I was talking to a few people this morning and there are a couple of things that don't add up with his claims of being a pure blood or even Native at all. NOT one person from his tribe has EVER come to refute what we were saying about him on his page, normally (and this has been my experience when dealing with ignorant people) someone will come along that knows you personally, where you're from etc. and back you up, just like I get when someone tells me, I look too pale skinned to be native (my Elder's usually know what I'm up to anyway, because I tell them beforehand and I'm a half breed, something that is well known within my group of people). Roman, if you look up the history of the last name Roman, it is Russian or German and a bag of other Euro last names, Chezc etc. although someone said he kinda looks Philipeno and actually he does kind of.

The other thing is this .. at his age, should he not have went to boarding school? Or been a part of the 60's Scoop or forced adoption? And if you look on his profile etc. there is nothing about either of those issues. Here in Canada, there is not one native person I know over 50 that hasn't been either in residential school (our term for boarding school) or wasn't a part of the 60's scoop or forced adoption .. people not involved with at least one of those is very far and few between. And he NEVER talks about that stuff or even acknowledges it as an issue for his people and you would, because it's just human nature and you would be helping your brothers and sisters with their causes or at least talking about thier experiences about those issues, because it is human nature.

Just some thoughts a few of us were discussing.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 04:13:02 pm by OneRed »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2011, 04:10:46 pm »
Hi cindi,

I actually think it's pathetically funny that he is selling membership to the LOCOmotive clan. As far as names go what he is doing is obviously wrong and misleading. It never ceases to amaze me that people buy into this crap.

Is he selling names or clan membership under one of his businesses? Since he's posted his address all over the place somebody may want to consider contacting the IRS.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2011, 04:12:18 pm »
Yeah she will, she works with young troubled native women in jails, recovery homes etc. plus takes care of her parents and her grand daughter so her schedule is a little hectic and she doesn't even post on fb much (Cindi knows her lol) so when she can get around to it she will and I know that, might be sometime next week. One more thing to add to this .. a comment he made about Native culture in general was this, "that it was a mystical, hyped up culture and said we were no better than anyone else" .. what native do you know, pure blood, half blood. 1/4 or otherwise that has ever said something like that and not been an exploiter? Nobody I freakin know and I know a lot of natives.

Hi onered, I'm glad your friend is going to do some digging. Has she spoken to the agency yet? I REALLY think they should see a copy of his CDIB.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 04:26:01 pm by OneRed »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2011, 04:32:56 pm »
Regardless of his BQ, what he is doing isn't particularly honest. He's taking advantage of people's gullibility.
That being said, Tahilina confirmed a CDIB was issued so people should be aware of this when they are commenting on his level of indianness. He strikes me as the type if person who wouldn't hesitate to hire an attorney if people are making claims about him that can be refuted.

I was talking to a few people this morning and there are a couple of things that don't add up with his claims of being a pure blood or even Native at all. NOT one person from his tribe has EVER come to refute what we were saying about him on his page, normally (and this has been my experience when dealing with ignorant people) someone will come along that knows you personally, where you're from etc. and back you up, just like I get when someone tells me, I look too pale skinned to be native (my Elder's usually know what I'm up to anyway, because I tell them beforehand and I'm a half breed, something that is well known within my group of people). Roman, if you look up the history of the last name Roman, it is Russian or German and a bag of other Euro last names, Chezc etc. although someone said he kinda looks Philipeno and actually he does kind of.

The other thing is this .. at his age, should he not have went to boarding school? Or been a part of the 60's Scoop or forced adoption? And if you look on his profile etc. there is nothing about either of those issues. Here in Canada, there is not one native person I know over 50 that hasn't been either in residential school (our term for boarding school) or wasn't a part of the 60's scoop or forced adoption .. people not involved with at least one of those is very far and few between. And he NEVER talks about that stuff or even acknowledges it as an issue for his people and you would, because it's just human nature and you would be helping your brothers and sisters with their causes or at least talking about thier experiences about those issues, because it is human nature.

Just some thoughts a few of us were discussing.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2011, 04:59:34 pm »
I'm not using that as a fact to question his "indianess" I'm using it as an issue period ... because the reality is, a lot of people in his age range did endure one of those issues and I don't know anyone that has not been affected by one of those issues, as I stated they are far and few between. Actually we're doing a poll on this right now on my friends list. It isn't a matter of Indianess and I am sure that despite part of your family being intact .. there were some whom were not? Do they discuss those issues regardless of being intact in order to help people in your family that possibly were affected by them? Do you know what I mean? I haven't been affected by those issues personally, but I still discuss them, because people I know were affected by them.

And a CDIB can be faked online, I can do one right now, just because he has one posted on his FB page doesn't make it actually his (for all we know he could be impersonating someone and using their CDIB) heck you never know. These are things a few of us discussed and they are things to think about.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 05:04:01 pm by OneRed »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2011, 05:14:29 pm »
Of course relocation and removal affected just about every family. I think this guy is too self- absorbed to have been effected by anything that did not happen to him directly.

Tahilina confirmed tO me yesterday morning that an individual by the name of Adrian Roman was issued a CDIB card in July of 1991. Tribe was Mississippi Choctaw, dob January 26, 1942.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2011, 05:22:33 pm »
Ok and I'll say I doubt he's a pure blood and as I stated above, there is question of his last name (the history of where that name comes from) and just because a CDIB has been issued to that person's name does not mean it is actually his. It could be altered, forged whatever, he could be impersonating someone whom is technically challenged. Now he could very well be so far gone egotistically that he just doesn't give an iota, but I've dealt with and still do deal with a lot of native people that have "huge ego's" but they still talk about things that have affected their families, despite one's ego, you still have "human qualities". Anyway I'm going to get some people to call him out on the particulars we've discussed and we'll see what his responses are. 

Offline cindi1959

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2011, 06:09:11 pm »
In regards to Adrian Romans being Indian, he states he is full blood. I have no evidence to prove otherwise. But that being said, I am a half breed and I know I am more Indian then he is. Never would I make up some clan for people to "buy" into. I feel that is very wrong. The thing that really bothers me about this guy is that he has no respect for our Indian names and calls them nicknames that do not mean anything and the fact that he DEMANDED respect from me. I am never one to disrespect anyone but he has to earn my respect after his treatment of people and that is something that is not going to happen with his attitude and thought process.

I also agree with the other person who posted saying he seems like the kind of person who would sue someone if he thinks they are spreading untruths.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2011, 09:46:10 pm »
ok I'm going to explain the law suit thing, which I am by no means intimidated by, there are different types of law suits and before that, we're in a forum, in a research needed section, where people are questioning his lineage etc. And I did this same thing with James Arthur Ray, although it was in a bigger forum on a much bigger scale. He can attempt to sue for slander, go right ahead, I as potential consumer, have the right to question your product, service, etc. and if I'm leery of it, I also have the right to state that too and well if I don't like it, I can go post it on a review forum etc. and say what I have to say. Reality is, he's selling products, which puts him in a whole different bracket. Is it affecting his sales? Who knows and do I care, no. Are we threatening him or anyone in his family of immediate danger? No we're not.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2011, 11:37:13 pm »
I personally think his 'products' are crap.  I also think he is using deceptive business practices.  Finally I don't buy 99.9% of his BS.  That being said, specifically in regard to his CDIB, one has been issued to the name he is using from Tahilina.  It's entirely possible that if he  can be stopped rather quickly if he altered the CDIB.  He's given out is address so if there is concern about identity theft a quick call or email to the police department in his town could also stop him.  Having been involved with exposing frauds for longer than I would like to remember (because, to quote a friend, it's like playing wack-a-mole, a never ending game of wack-a-mole) I've found that if you can get them legally thats the best course of action.  I'd also rather avoid any chance of a suit rather than dance on the edge of legal matters.  Most indian people can't afford even the threat of a suit.

ok I'm going to explain the law suit thing, which I am by no means intimidated by, there are different types of law suits and before that, we're in a forum, in a research needed section, where people are questioning his lineage etc. And I did this same thing with James Arthur Ray, although it was in a bigger forum on a much bigger scale. He can attempt to sue for slander, go right ahead, I as potential consumer, have the right to question your product, service, etc. and if I'm leery of it, I also have the right to state that too and well if I don't like it, I can go post it on a review forum etc. and say what I have to say. Reality is, he's selling products, which puts him in a whole different bracket. Is it affecting his sales? Who knows and do I care, no. Are we threatening him or anyone in his family of immediate danger? No we're not.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2011, 02:05:53 am »
Well there are more people calling him out on his scams ... the smart ass decided he'd post his address Adrian Roman address is 3302 Briaroaks Drive Garland, TX 75044 he did that right on facebook and his profile is wide open, no privacy settings what so ever, so it's free for all. Anybody live in Texas?

Offline bearwarrior

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2011, 08:55:13 pm »
Just got this message from Adrian Roman. For someone who claims to be so spiritual his words do not show me that.

Adrian Roman
I can't post on the Aim site. Normally I don’t respond to stupid question like this however I will take a moment. I want to be up front and let you know that I don’t give a rats ass what you think or any other (Indians) part Indian and non-Indians. I only care what my family, friends and I can count them on one hand and my Creator think of me.
There is a cost for this Authentic Certificate and there is copy of the Certificate on my profile page and yours will be signed by me. Your certificate will be numbered and kept on file. There is a copy of by CDIB card that was issued to me from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Indians that were alive in April, 1906 were issued a Dawes Roll Number. I do not have a number, my parents do not have a number, both of my great grandparents HAVE a number. My birth certificates, my parents, my grandparents all state 4/4 Mississippi Choctaw, therefore connecting to authentic Dawes Roll number. This is also how the BIA computes and determined blood quantum. Their decision is absolute and cannot be question. As of July 31, 2011, the BIA stopped issuing CDIB cards. They are like GOLD. Please, I don’t mention this to say, ha, ha, it’s for your benefit to know that I have one and the highest credentials possible. This information backs up your certificate.
We were the only Indian family in a small town in Oklahoma in the 40’s and 50’s. Prejudice was alive and well. My second grade teacher on the first day of school give me the name chief. In was a brand, like cattle in those day, and it wasn’t a good thing/name. It was open season on me and I got the shit kicked out of me a hundred times. I learned to fight and I take care of one, but then they would send two and three. Eventually I got a reputation as a street fighter and soon nobody fucked with the chief. Over the next few years the fighting didn’t stop, it only got worse. Now everybody wanted to fight “the chief.” Little did I know that these events would begin to shape my destiny? Students of the martial arts today are learning their art in schools called dojos. While growing up in the 40’s and 50’s, I was learning mine in the street. I was fighting for survival. As a student of hand-to-hand combat, I began to develop fighting techniques for real life situations. As a young boy I quickly learned what worked for me. For the next 50 years, martial arts would be a part of my life. Eventually I would become the teacher, then The Master. You notice I am not putting a capital on chief. Hell no one knew what my real name until I left that town in 1957 and moved to Dallas. I signed all my school papers chief. I am NOT a Chief. Hashtali in Choctaw, mean, God, Eye of the God, Governor, Creator, Teacher. I am a creator of a body of work in martial arts
For all those years, I thought something was wrong with me. Now we had part Indians back in those day and they kept their mouth shut and no one knew about it except other Indians families. None of those part Indian lifted a finger to save my ass. Those people and their ancestors are the same people pounding their chest now, that they are Indian. Fuck'um all. As I reflect back, I paid a hefty price to be called Chief. I took a negative and hateful name and turned into something positive. I’ve earned it. Now am I a Chief, hell no. In fact there is nothing sacred about an Indian name. God’s name is sacred. Do you or anyone else think their Indian name should be on the same level as Gods name? A name do not define who we are, it what between our ears and the good legacy we leave behind.
Now in the 70’s I worked for two Urban Indian centers in Dallas. I was the Executive Director of one. I went to Washington to appeal to then President Clinton not to place tribes under his Health Care Umbrella Act for the United States had separately treaties with tribes for Indian Health care. Now urban Indians are a real piece of work. That cannot stand to see any Indian have any degree of success. Put an Indian on a ladder of success and you got a dozen Indians trying to pull him/her down to their level. Now I Know you know exactly what I am talking about. If not, get your head out of your ass. If this is how we Indians conducted ourselves when we first met the Europeans, we got exactly what we deserved. In 600 years, we have not learned anything about unity. We are like children quick to point fingers and tell on each other. Who in the hell would want to be Indian today? All the young one think they know our history, but they learned their knowledge off the internet and from white people with little Indian blood. They are rewriting our history.
Now I’ve covered the part Indian cowards in the 50’s, the so call real Indians in the 70’s and now we have all the white people wanting a piece of our culture. They are going to take it anyway whether you like it or not, but with me it’s going to cost them. I love taking the white man money. Just a little payback. Now I’m not living high on the hog, I help my Indian people whenever I can. I live from week to week and drive a 20 year old car.
Iron Horse Clan, you stupid fools, I’m Iron Horse. I was born in that old red hospital in Talihina and if you know Choctaw, Talihina means iron path or iron road. In the old day, Indian referred to the train as Iron Horse, get it. Almost every Indian you meet today are Cherokees. Almost every Indian has the name Lone Wolf given to him/her by a Lakota. Everybody got an Indian name. Indian names are NOT sacred, for only Gods name is Sacred. Do you think your Indian name should be on the same level as Gods? If so you have over valued importance of yourself. Now given a name by someone who is 4/4 Indian is a little special, but it not sacred. Now I feel my blood pressure beginning to rise a little having to explain myself to people like you. Those idiots that have a notion to slander my name, I will trot out section 499 of the Indian penal code and sue their ass. Now if you mind and are going to post this, get the facts right, Indian name $1000. Clan membership an extra $500.
One of my hobbies is rescuing stray pregnant kittens in my neighborhood. I gain their trust by feeding them ever day. I then capture them and place them in a room in the house until the kittens are born. We feed and take care of them until the kitten are ready to be adopted out after 8 weeks. We place ads and find them good safe home. I have 9 adult’s cats and a young momma & 4 kittens outside in this 107 Texas heat that I am trying to keep alive. There will be more soon. It a little thing to me, but I sure the 4 kittens outside love seeing this old man everyday with food and cold water. Send me some money, I need to buy some cat food. Iron Horse.

Tell thunderwold, he's BLACK. All these men kide behind a keyboard, if they were standing front me, I'd kick the shit out of all of them, don't worry about my age 69, I can do it. send this post to all other of post it all.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2011, 04:03:10 pm »
Anyway, he's back with this group now - the Chief Iron Horse Tribe - which has a whole 10 members.

Chief Iron Horse Tribe is a place of sanctuary where we can come together in harmony and express our feelings. This tribe is open to everyone; however we will not tolerate any negative language directed at each other. In this tribe, we are all ONE as the Creator intended. Violate this single rule and you will be expelled. The following is my mission statement from my experience. I trust that my tribe shares my views. Chief Iron Horse;

Today’s Indian, part Indian or non-Indian, when faced with wanting to participate in Indian culture find themselves in one of three groups. It’s so sensitive that some will argue, no there are two groups, no six groups, no, no, no. Those people just want to argue and they are generally below the age of 40. You have seen them before. When they were in their 20’s, they knew it all. To clarify matters you have to first define “what is an Indian.” That’s the biggest hurtle you have to get over before one chooses or finds which group they are in.

As a full blood Mississippi Choctaw elder near 70 and possessing a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, a federal government agency, I have seen this. When I was a young boy growing up in Oklahoma, there was obviously only one definition – “you had Indian blood.” Sixty years later we have another way to consider being Indian and that is a “state of mind;” by knowing our culture, breathing, eating and living the Indian way. If one believes in reincarnation, who’s to say a non-Indian wasn’t an Indian in another lifetime. Quite frankly, the “state of mind” group is larger than the group that I am from.

Achafa Group: The first group is made up of people just like me. They grew up knowing they were Indian and fighting because they were Indian. Many of us possess Certificate Degree of Indian Blood or CDIB cards from the federal government. Many Indians from my period do not have a card but know without a doubt they are Indian. Some of them may not be full blood, but have substantial blood, at least one half or three quarter. Some will boast that they’re Indian and don’t need a card. They have to take that stance because they don’t have a card. If they had one, they would do just as I do and state that they have a card.

The Traditional Indian will come from this group. There are many tribes in this group, like the Lakota, the Five Civilized Tribes, the northern tribes, the southwestern tribes and the tribes north in Canada. Another subgroup within this group is the “Haters.” They don’t want you to have any part of their culture. They may live in the past and envision what it once was like. They would want to go there, but leave you behind. I do not share their belief that Indian names are sacred. I tell them; “God/our Creator’s name is Sacred. Do you think your Indian name is on the same level as God’s? Another thing I do not believe in is the sacred white buffalo. It is a Lakota story and I did not witness it. These people shame me and mankind.

Tuklo Group: This is by far the largest group of all. The Tuklo group of people has good reason to believe they are part Indian but lack the documentation and/or credentials to prove Indian blood. There are many reasons why, however it is a moot point. If you cannot prove it, you cannot prove it. Therefore you must go through life fighting the first group Achafa. The Tuklo group of people has a subgroup as well. They border on being a “hater,” too. This group of people are quick to state that they are Indian. They live, breath, eat and learn our culture and do so like they are absolutely Indian. They are quick to overstep their boundaries and not give acknowledgement to the first group Achafa. They can be disrespectful to the very group they want to be a part of. They can have a tendency to be “in your face with their Indian-ness.” Now the “haters” from the Achafa group despise this and it fuels their hate even more. That said, we cannot ignore the Tuklo group of individuals because, even though they lack credentials, they are very passionate about their beliefs. One day when the Achafa group has died off, the Tuklo group will become the exception to the rule.

Tuchina Group: This group knows without a doubt that they are not Indian. They gravitate to our culture because they identify with the values, beliefs and customs of our ancient way of life. They respect and appreciate everything about the Indian race and are sympathetic to our plight. They researched and know our history, too. If one believes in reincarnation, who’s to say a non-Indian wasn’t an Indian in another lifetime. The Tuchina group has a kindred spirit and wants to celebrate our culture any way they can. They are the most respectful of the three groups. When intelligent, caring people read about how the American Indian was treated, they are sickened. They despise what our founding fathers did to the Indians. Taking away our land was all about greed. That said, the government owes me nothing today. I stand alone and am not bitter for what has been done cannot be reversed. Those that suffered so long ago, are not here to be restored.

Bottom line, life should be about giving respect and having compassion for those who are struggling. We see this being played out in Washington today. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see which party is similar to the government of the past. The gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots” has never been greater.

‘The American Indian was despised by the ‘white man’ because we lived a life of poverty and simplicity, uncivilized in their eyes. Our religion, or a better term, ‘the great mystery’, forbids the accumulation of great wealth and enjoyment of luxury. It is the ancient way of single-minded men in every age and race from the beginning of time; the love of possessions is a snare. The burdens of a complex society create a source of needless peril and temptation. It is the rule of our life to share the fruits of our skill and success with the less fortunate members of our family, clan or tribe. When we starve, the whole tribe starves. When we eat, the whole tribe eats and fills our bellies. The ancient Indian knows that food is good, while the excess of it kills; love is good, but lust destroys. The building of great cities, creating crowded and unsanitary dwellings, caused the loss of spiritual powers which came from closeness with one’s fellow man. All who have lived in the Creator’s cathedrals know there is a magnetic and nervous force that accumulates in solitude, but is quickly dissipated by life in a close nit crowd.’ The Invisible Tribe

Now you may ask what does this have to do with the Chief Iron Horse Tribe. It’s about respect. When someone disrespects you, you must challenge them. I don’t mean a physical challenge, but in an intellectual way. I, we are to cause no harm, but there are others that will want to influence or impose their will on us. Who do they think they are?

I am the Chief of this tribe. I will stand and take the harsh words and arrows that they fling in our direction. I do not want my members to be abused. I want to provide a place of sanctuary where we can come together in harmony and express our feelings. With large number we might even have a bigger voice and actually accomplish something tangible. Now when someone pushes me, I push back ten times harder. Now please don’t do that, but at least stand up and believe in something. “You must stand for something or you stand for nothing at all and you are invisible.” Chief Iron Horse.

This tribe cannot survive and grow if new member and current members do not help recruit good people to join the tribe. Please assist. Join the Iron Horse Tribe group and receive a Lifetime Membership & full color certificate with your Indian name and legal name Cost is $50.00 or 2 for $75 plus 4.95 S&H for each Certificate. You can use PayPal using my e-mail address to pay or send check or money order to Adrian Roman 3302 Briaroaks Dr. Garland, TX 70544
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 04:05:06 pm by OneRed »