Author Topic: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360  (Read 24273 times)

Offline Tsisqua

  • Posts: 281
    • Native American Unity ~ NAU
Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« on: February 21, 2008, 01:03:29 pm »
What is wrong with the many white people on 360 playing native? Passing themselves off as 'teachers of our people'? Recently I discovered one such person...a white woman....from the UK...her 360 page is filled with new age garbage she sent me a mail beginning with 'Osiyo'....the greeting from my own I are our mails....this womans page is:

NativeAmericanUnity wrote:

Forgive my question...I am simply wondering your heritage as you use the language of my people (Keetoowah Band Of Tsalagi) ie: Osiyo...but I see you are from the United Kingdom?

¥«Wyte°l|l°Dove»¥ responded:

Osiyo my friend need to forgive you for what ? it is only a question ! answer as they say im not of native blood ! but "Native American isn't blood. It is what is in the heart. The love for the land, the respect for it, those who inhabit it, and the respect and acknowledgement of the spirits and elders. That is what it is to be Indian." And in my heart i am ! if i were to be of a certain tribe i suppose then it would be of the langauge of my soul which is cherokee !..however i speak many tounges as they say as i learn so as to comunicate to my friends of different tribes and cultures this is my respect to them !...does this offend you that i am not of native blood ?...i do hope not for we are all one and all related !...have a blessed day my friend ~peace~

NativeAmericanUnity wrote:

Having a respect for the land and for people...does not make a person Native American, nor does adopting the language of Native peoples.
We as Native Americans have to daily fight to prove who we are as a the form of Blood Quantum cards...Band line etc...we are the only race of people on this earth who have to PROVE who we are on a daily basis...yet many non-natives find it..'respectful' to use our language and adopt our ways?...when we ourselves struggle for the right to do so?...We were and still are branded 'heathens' and 'savages'...we had our rights taken away by non native people and still today we fight to regain those rights...yet we seem to live with a generation of people who feel it necessary to 'play' native?
Being respectful of the something ALL people must be...that does not make a person Native American...being respectful of other people in this something we ALL have a duty to be...that too does not make a person Native American. People should be blessed to be who THEY are...they should be proud of their OWN heritage, and not try to adopt the ways of others and play at being something they are not.
I would not adopt the white mans ways...I am Native American! I am proud of my culture and would be disrespectful for me to adopt the ways of other people. How is it therefore you find it 'respectful'? I mean no offense...I am simply trying to understand.
Please understand...I am a traditionalist..I work hard to preserve our peoples culture and heritage...and to put a stop to the mis-use and abuse of of language and ways by non-natives.

¥«Wyte°l|l°Dove»¥ responded:

I do not profess to be native it does not say anywer that i am !and i dont think creator would like that no one is allowed to teach other than "what you call a true native"..i see this offends you that i try to teach of granfathers ways and ways of the peoples try bring peace to people and heal mother earth...i dont think ure creator would like you not allowing others in because of skin or blood offended !..

NativeAmericanUnity wrote:

What rights do you have as a white woman to teach the ways of native american people?

¥«Wyte°l|l°Dove»¥ responded:

why use term white woman ????? i dont like the way this is going i hear hatred in ure words and not that of love ..ok so you are offended as am i ..i wasnt aware you felt like this now i am i shall leave ure site as i do not have the blood requirements or as you so loudly say skin colour this is not there different gates into heaven because of skin or blood i think not ...ieave ure site as im not welcome...
UI shall publish on my posts ure replies see what others think ...

NativeAmericanUnity wrote:

excellent too will I alert NAFPS and other groups to a non native claiming the right to teach native ways. Your offended? You have no idea of our people. Do you live on a reservation? Do you have to fight for your rights to just 'be'? No...Native people have the right to teach native people...not non natives who use it simply as a means to be 'different' or to fit into the 'new age' ideals of playing ndn.

Why do these people feel it necessary to do this??

With respect Tsisqua (NAU)
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 01:28:05 pm »
This woman has since shut her blog down to all but her friends...hiding her true colors.
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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 02:57:01 pm »
I see she calls herself a "newage twinkie" on her home page.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2008, 03:34:02 pm »
I'm continually amazed, even after all this time, that white people will accuse others of racism when their own racist behaviour is highlighted.

If I was to put on blackface make-up and waltz down the street singing 'Mammy', nobody would question whether that was offensive. I would be thought deranged if I then insisted I was doing it to show my respect for black people. What this person's doing is no different.

Offline matt e

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 07:35:21 am »
I would suggest to her, that if she really wants to be a native, to move here to a reservation, give up all the the things she takes for granted, and start living the way the natives have been forced to.
 Since she claims that being native is a spiritual thing, then she should have no problem with being willing to do this. (provided she can find someplace that will take her)

 She is right in that skin color does not matter, only man cares what color another mans skin is. However, the things the Creator gives to one people, is meant for those people. Unless He says to do or share something with other people. Otherwise trying to to use the ways of a people not your own, is disrespectful not only to those people, but to the Creator as well. It is like saying to Him "I don't like the things you have given to me and my people, I like theirs better, so I am going to follow their ways, instead of the ways You have set for me". 
  Yes, perhaps the Creator may say to someone "the ways of xxxxx would be best for you" but in this case, the person would humbly seek out  xxxxx and quietly learn, submersing themselves into that culture, until their new life becomes real, and the former seems to be but a dream. These people would not go out offering to teach unless they were sent by the culture.  Then they would do so according to the culture. doing this would mean a complete transformation, from the person they were to a completely new person, unrecognizable from the former person.  Ask her if she is willing to do this, if not, then she has no business doing anything from anyone else's culture.
feel free to share any post I make as long as you give me credit. I want everyone to know who to send the hate mail to.


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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 04:08:29 pm »
Now she has changed her home page.

Offline 53dove

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2008, 04:30:49 am »
Some of the ppl on her friend's list were also from Red Nation Society, which does not out right claim to be exclusively Native, but has many members/posters who are fake and bake and that do claim to be Native when no evidence of it has been provided by them. There are some seemingly nice ppl there also but the frauds are the ones who are all tryin to out do each other in deceiving other ppl, claiming to be mixed bloods of many nations and posting materials that have simply been cut and pasted from other sites. Noone seems to know the truth about native traditions or heritage. To me it is a joke in general. Most ppl leave there sooner or later. That place has a history of catering to one woman Sonja Christine Lloyd, AKA, Knightcrowwatching,who harrasses and insults anyone who questions whether she tells the truth or not. In the end it looks like she either is part owner or has conned the admins into letting her access the boards. The irony is that she herself is likely one of the biggest frauds and accuses other ppl of doing what she in fact has done herself. She has faked post by writing things to cover her booty and somehow superimposes them under someone else's name. So this is the kind of ppl that we are dealing with. A few times ppl have posted proof of the frauds there and at that very moment, the site suddenly goes down for "technical problems" and returns later without the posts and the person that posted them. I recently saw pics from one of her so called pow wows in Penn. It has a striking resemblance to the 60s when ppl were playing cowboys and ndns. Most ppls regalia is a mix of wal-mart and the craft barn. The kids are paintin up like they are for halloween. There might be one or two native lookin ppl and noone has heard of them either. If they wanna play Native, they could at least look authentic, they don't even try or simply do not have a clue what they are doing. well so thats the stuff on the ppl this woman on yahoo and her friends do.

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2008, 04:59:58 pm »
I agree with 53Dove. I too jumped on the proverbial "Band Wagon" which by the way we should call it "Wagon Burning" however, after spending just a week on Red Nation Society even mentioning the fact that I am a "Breed" All the fakes and Wannabe Shaman's and NuAge Spirit talkers, came out of the wood work! Even before I got my background on my page, I had 10 requests for "Friends" to help enlighten, My "Spiritual Journey". I'm sorry...I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed and probably a few more tacos short of a six pack, but being NdN, I do know there is only ONE that can help me on my spiritual Journey, but I think maybe that Red Nation needs to be and should be looked into because a lot of these people clearly state it on their home pages that they do ceremony and yadda yadda yadda....oh and by the way I borrowed that phrase from Jerry Seinfeld! :D

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2008, 05:41:50 pm »
I totally agree....I've joined many sites in the past couple of years...and it generally only takes a few weeks to determine who the people running the show are and what their members are about...which tends to leave me highly dissapointed and shaking my head in wonder.

People should be proud of their own culture and heritage...we are what we are...and we are who Creator makes us....we cannot change these things simply because anothers heritage or culture looks more appealing to us...dang it just annoys me.

Anyways...seemingly...the more you look...the more you 360 is a twinkie paradise...RNS isn't much better...and I pity the fools who jump on the band wagon so to speak. Any real ndn see's through the garbage and walks away.

I actually had emails this week while Ive been away, from people visiting our NAU website...people who claim to be White but adopted into ndn culture etc. (????)..who are offended by some things posted on site...claiming these are offensive to non natives...well geeez....go figure....its an all native site, run by natives...for native people only...which we make very clear...we're not here to keep wannabes and twinkies happy....they have enough fake sites out there on the net....they need to learn about who THEY are...learn some respect...and go play elsewhere.

With respect,

Tsisqua (NAU
There are no leaders in Unity


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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #10 on: February 29, 2008, 09:48:46 pm »
Nothing offensive about your site. Very enjoyable site, Page of shame caught my attention. Very good work , very good site.

Yahoo 360 & RNS..
Yikes!  thats all I can say, I had read an email someone sent me about 360 and RNS people being the same.
This crow lady is saying she is good friends with snow owl/Susan Bates bunch also knew Grandmother Twyla.  Seen where things from Snow Owls website were cut and pasted by this woman , she said she doesn't agree with all they say on their website , but goes on to say she is good friends with them and sure is plopping down junk from their website and promoting them in a round about way. Also seen where she told someone she is enrolled Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma. I tend to think that claim is a lie.
Doesn't surprise me sites like that all of a sudden offline their sites for technical problems, many a places like to cover up their trash in order to sucker in more "fools for the taking" so to speak.

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2008, 12:11:49 am »
 I joined RNS just to keep a eye on fake Lenape. I had several friend requests but ignored them. 

Offline 53dove

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2008, 11:54:36 am »
I could not agree more about twinkies and fakes on yahoo 360 and RNS!! The irony is that the woman KCW, if in fact is a woman, though some of her tpical MO s are anything but womanlike,has indeed to thiis day, failed to prove her Nativity altogether. As was stated, she failed the litmus test thus far lol! I don't mean to sound cruel, but the truth is that treating other ppl abominably for doing or being what you are is hypocritical at best and downright LIABLE AT WORST, OR BETTER YET, in this case truth hurts donut!! I agree that RNS is indeed a sinking ship!! and KCW is about to find out that sooner or later ppl won't lay down and play dead. I am apalled that real Native ppl choose to be a part of this sinking regime of liars and abusers, I told my friend the other day, in this case, it makes me feel like saying if there are any real ndns on yahoo or rns then WILL YOU PLZ STAND UP??!! keeping in mind what that means, ppl who are born to this wonderful heritage and who have paid the sacrificial price for being there, namely going thru the testing and teachings of valued elders, and living to tell about it. To my way of thinkng, light and life and time expose all thiefs and liars and to say that these fake and bake crazy ppl are currently under investigation and soon to be under the gun. even plastic ndn surgery lol won't save their faces now!! thanks to this site for being the real thing and speaking truth, ans a word to the wise , ppl who get involved with these fake and bakes, find themselves dangling from the puppet strings of such a degree of disgracing everything sacred and traditionally Native American. Careful ppl hoppin on a sinking ship will likely dump your tails in the cold unfriendly waters of a distant ocean with lead wts on ur feet. No insults or threats intended, just speaking truth from experience. Walking away from such mindless drivel is expedient to say the least. These fakes will suck you in, suck your blood, empty your wallet, insult your intelligence and send you out naked and wounded , which BTW is how they have stayed afloat this far.When good ppl choose to stop being deceived by such places and such ppl then all the doors will swing open and the test mice will waddle outta their cages with doors wide open and light of truth will prevail once again!! if you are smart enough to come here, you are smart enough to heed the warnings! Sgi 53Dove
« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 12:08:34 pm by 53dove »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2008, 01:21:23 pm »
There are unfortunately far too many places like this on the net...sometimes all I can do is sit back and shake my head in disgust and wonder how sad these idiots really are...How can they not be proud of their own culture and heritage?....Why do they feel it necessary to steal the culture from our own people and use it to suit themselves?....And yet they have the nerve to call any native sounding them out 'disrespectful' or 'shameful'....Why??...We live in 2008...We are educated people...and we have rights!

And yes, it is sad that native people get caught up in it I have seen for myself with Tribal America and many other sites...behind the scenes these sites are run by non natives, there is almost always money involved...and native people are abused time and time again, once you try to put a stop to the are banned! Once you expose them...they change their sites to hide valid information and twist their words to make themselves look dependable. It's high time these people were exposed and stopped. They cause nothing but disrespect to our people and bring shame upon themselves.

I was recently told (by a coward hiding their identity) that I am not 'red or pure of heart' as I exposed this woman Wyte Dove for the twinkie she is...a white woman trying to teach the culture of our people TO our people...and again I will say....WHAT RIGHT DOES THIS WOMAN HAVE???...seems you expose one...and 20 more jump on the band wagon spouting their new age twinkie garbage...funnily enough...these 'people' claim the NAU site is disrespectful and offensive to all natives...yet our ip tracker shows not only are they from the UK, but they also only visited the Page of Shame! We have over 40 pages on site....all pertaining to native people...and the only people that could ever find the NAU site disrespectful are non natives, twinkies, frauds, phonies, pretendindians....who do not like the fact that our site is for native people ONLY. We make no apologies for that, nor will we ever...we are not a racist site...we are simply an all native site...and they need to get over it already....there are many sites on the net for fakes and wannabes...and they are welcome there...our lines are firmly drawn...and will not be moved to accomodate non native people. This is not about blood tone.....its about white ndn fakes wanting to take take take. Im so sick and tired of it...grrrrrrrrr.

With respect,

Tsisqua ( )

PS If any Native person however feels anything on our site IS offensive please contact our office email at and we will by all means look into this and correct it.  We have over 15,000 members to date...and our only complaints so far have come from non natives....go figure those odds.
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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Pretend NDN's on Yahoo 360
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2008, 12:43:54 pm »
Here's another one on 360 (Seems to be a breading ground of twinkie and pretendIndians)....a White woman from Motherwell UK claiming to be native and to have the right to teach not only native ways.....but pretty much any and everything...she seems to be a law unto herself this one although from her comments on her page she also claims to be a Witch!! Hmmm confused to say the least:

Here's the little note she left me regarding Wyte Dove and our NAU site:

Tso:ka'we Osto:seri wrote:

I find this site a total embarrassment to my Indian blood and family. No true indian would try to bring about such disgust to our true native ways. Or as you put it SHAME. Well i only see you as SHAME, TO EVERY INDIAN NATION ON OUR ISLAND AND WORLDWIDE. Yet again you try to embarrass a woman, with your sick of heart ways. I strongly suggest you seek counsel with a 'true' elder or clanmother for you carry much dis-ease within. This site is nothing but bad medicine. And therefore only bad can come of it. For as any 'real' indian knows we must respect 'all' our relations in order to survive. I will pray for you that you may see your way back onto the only true path the "Red Road", if you were ever on it. Yes you know me as i do you, and you have never changed, from your days in the dark side of Yahoo 360. Ona, Tso:ka'we Osto:seri, Kanien'kehaka {Mohawk Nation}

And my response:

You are intitled to your opinion as is everyone else...funny how from the Mohawk Nation your ip shows you are in the UK eh?
As for the woman you speak of, who is a white woman claiming the rights to teach our native is she who brings do you....being another white twinkie claiming to be native just to get the attentions of others. Shame shame shame....what an embarrassment to YOUR people...seems white people find it so difficult to be proud of their own heritage and culture...adopting our native ways as it suits for 'real natives' wouldnt know one if it jumped up and bit you on your scrawny white ass.
Incidently...a site that is run soley by natives FOR natives...with all the information we hold that pertains soley to natives and keeps twinkie white wannabes out is not to your taste or your liking?? lol I dont recall inviting I said...we keep twinkies out, this is a site for native fakes, wannabes, phonies have hundreds of sites on the net...use them! We are here however for the 15,726 native american members we DO have...and one little jumped up pretendindian is nothing more than a slight change in the breeze, you wouldn't notice it unless someone pointed it out as it's unimportant...get this straight...we are not here to facilitate non-natives...this has been made clear from day one...any offense caused will not be apologized for...non-natives have no place here. Learn about your OWN people, your OWN culture...this site embarrasses you? could only do that if you were grasping around at straws trying to 'appear' native. But I thank you for your delightful comment, we got quite a giggle from doubt you'll show your true colors by persisting in leaving comments here...but that is fine by NAU...a little in-house entertainment never hurt anyone.
Also might I add...since your ip shows you from Motherwell in the UK...and our tracker also shows you only visited the Page of Shame and the Guestbook....what would you know of our site??? simply came to stick up for your twinkie buddy...I applaud you! Seems perfectly normal for you white folks to stick together...yet when us natives do it...its very European of you. Nothing ever changes does it??
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