Author Topic: young son caught in Deer Tribe  (Read 8263 times)

Offline concernedmom

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young son caught in Deer Tribe
« on: January 09, 2012, 07:55:24 pm »

My ex husband has fallen in with the Deer Tribe/Quodoushka group. He and his new wife (whom he met through the group) are trying to raise our ten-year-old in the Deer Tribe. When I expressed concern about what our son might be exposed to, he became angry and said it was his religious right. He refuses to talk to me about these practices. My son is freaked out about the Deer Tribe practices he is being exposed to and being forced to participate in.  I have been reading about how this group views children as sexual beings and how they encourage a rites of passage and sexual initiation for adolescents. We have a court hearing coming up and need some resources for expert testimony for ex-members or experts familiar with this group and its practices.

I need to get all of these affidavits lined up within the next two weeks.  I am very concerned about our son's exposure to this group and his safety as he moves into preadolescence.

Thank you!

Concerned mom

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Re: young son caught in Deer Tribe
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 03:52:10 am »
Is it this group?

Offline nemesis

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Re: young son caught in Deer Tribe
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 01:33:51 pm »
I am extremely concerned about any young person or child getting involved with the deer tribe and I am so very sorry that this has happened to your family.  I understand that this is an incredibly stressful situation for you.

I would not describe myself as an expert or authority on the deer tribe, the mods of the boards here probably fit that description better than anyone.  However I am fairly well informed about organised criminal networks that use the cover of pseudo-spiritual movements in order to enslave and traffic victims and to sexually and otherwise abuse children.

I have very serious concerns about the deer tribe in relation to these issues.

Regarding allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation of minors by members of the deer tribe and their associates, there is already a significant amount of information available here on existing threads, including a excerpt from the deer tribe manual advocating the sexual initiation of children at puberty by an older, adult "fire person" of the opposite sex.  This initiation is followed by a prolonged period in which the child lives with the fire person and receives sexual instruction from him / her.

I recently discovered something extremely serious that might be helpful to you, although it relates to an event in Australia.

This is an event organised by the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) run by "Baba" Dez Nichols, Niki Faldemolaei and their associates at the Sedona Temple and the Phoenix Goddess temple - both "temples" are at the centre of a large police raid into organised prostitution and Faldemolaei is currently facing a number of very serious criminal charges in relation to the raids. 

Anyway, the ISTA is organising a conference in Byron Bay, Australia, and, as part of this conference, there is a Masked Ball that is sponsored by the deer tribe.  Text as follows:

The night is also generously sponsored by “Spirit Fire Foundation” the good people that bring us the Shamanic Sacred Sexuality teachings “Chuluaqui Quodoushka” and of course, every ticket sold to this event goes to fund our Sacred Sexuality for Teenagers Event. For more information on the Youth Program that this event funds please visit Youth Program
For further inspiration for your fancy dress and more information on The Alchemy of the 8 Lover’s Mask from the Chuluaqui Quodoushka Teachings, please scroll below……..
Date: Saturday, 11th February 2012
Time: 7pm to Midnight
Venue: The Main Theatre, Byron Bay Community Centre
Cost: $60 Donation
Every ticket sold sponsors our Sacred Sexuality Teenage Program

This is interesting in itself as it is demonstrates 2 cultic criminal networks with close ties to the commercial sex industry and to human trafficking networks cooperating to launch an event.

The nature of the Teenage event is fairly disturbing as it is advertised as a youth event for young people aged 14 - 24 years. 

text copied from the ISTA website

How Would Your Relationships and Your Life be Different if You Had Experienced Conscious Sexual Education as a Teenager???
Its 2012, a time to bring our conscious awareness to how we are educating our children around sexuality. We are honoured to open our focus & resources to create more comprehensive information available to our teens & parents. We will be launching at this years Conference:
1) YOUthSpeak
2) Our Parenting Program
3) Our Sex – What They Dont Teach You at School! Education Program
4) Our Annual Fun -draiser – The Lovers Mask Ball which finances the Sex – What They Dont Teach You at School! Program for our youth.

About YOUthSpeak
A Forum for Teenagers to Freely Express Their Needs, Wants  & Desires Around Sexuality. This inaugural event at this years Conference is a FREE event for Teenagers to attend.
Body, Sex, Heart and Soul – a Forum for Young People Aged 14 – 24 Led by a Panel of Young People
Tell it Like It Is        Listen to Others        Share Your wisdom
If you are between 14 and 24 years old you are invited to tell it like it is – Fears, Thoughts, Ideas, Inspiration and Passions or simply come along and listen to others.
This is the first event for young people at the Sex and Consciousness Conferences and promises to be informative, entertaining and fun.
Meet the first 4 of our 6 Participants on Our Youth Panel…….

 Cassy (23) I am a 23 year old female, navigating the delicate balance that is life as a full time student, an employee, a researcher, a partner, a sister, a daughter, a friend, “health freak”, and a lover of people, yoga, learning, travelling, meditating, music, language, spirituality (not in any particular order).   I value love, respect, freedom, independence, creativity and honesty. 
I love listening to, and having conversations with young people about sex and sexuality, and everything that is attached to these words.  I feel that nothing quite underpins our existence as sexuality does.  Sexuality is not just “sex” but fundamentally how we relate to life and ourselves, and our sense of self.  What then, can be more important than speaking, discussing and learning more about sexuality and sex and in this process, bringing some light to this area.

Dominic (25) I am creative and passionate about celebrating my life. I recently finished a degree in Health-Science (Acupuncture), and now I’m anticipating the next adventure/challenge in life (Yah).
As a 25 year-old man, I acknowledge there is so much I don’t understand about my sexuality. I think this is why I enjoy the opportunity to interact and grow with others when we speak honestly about our views and experiences. I am inspired to live in a community where young people feel they can talk about personal topics openly and have the support of their peers.
It is refreshing to be at an event where everyone gets the opportunity to be themselves and speak about topics from the heart. At the end of each YOUthSpeak I feel empowered by the experience. YOUthSpeak is a great program that I’m proud to be involved in.

Vanessa (23) Hey, my name is Vanessa. I’m 23 years old, born and bred in Melbourne. I love dancing, laughing, dress up parties, the ocean, good food and bad reality television. I work in mental health, privately as a sexuality coach/bodyworker and organise workshops and events around the place.
My passion is for us all to experience deeper, clearer levels of communication and expression of sexuality. My vision is to be part of the revolution of the sex industry and sex education to promote healthier more conscious and intimate ways of being together and with ourselves! I have dedicated these past years of my life as a young adult learning and soaking in as much as I can here in Australia and Europe.
We as young people are the future and more discussion and openness in this area the better! I really look forward to being part of this YOUthSpeak panel and discussion.

Huw (23) I’m an amateur poet, philosopher, lover, warrior, joy seeker and adventurer. I grew up much like everyone else. During Sex Ed at 11, I learned that sex is mechanical. During my first relationship at fifteen I learned that sex is dirty, sweaty and clumsy. Then during my first sexual Rite of Passage at 21, I learned that sex is beautiful, sacred and powerful.
I want to live in a world where sex is talked about freely, where elders and youngers can sit together and share stories, mistakes and joys about sexuality. Where everyone at 14 is surrounded by and belongs to a community that supports their sexual growth with open hearts, full acceptance and ancient wisdom. A world like this, starts with an honest voice, open ears and heart. I am Huw and I’m here to listen!
 YOUthSpeak was launched at Woodford, where about 500 young people came and went into the tent that sizzled with anticipation and excitement. People aged from 14 upwards spoke about things that sit in their hearts – their hopes and fears – and issues that concern them about sex.
There were five awesome facilitators between the ages of 20 – 22 on the panel. Together they created a balanced and well-informed group and did a fantastic job of making YOUthSpeak so powerfully life changing for some of the young folk who attended.
Young people raised some interesting questions.
They explored… losing virginity, how to resist the pressure to be sexually active when not ready, why have sex only when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
They questioned… how can we honour ourselves and each other in our relationships? What motivates and is different about male and female sexually? How can we find out what is important to us when we are bombarded so constantly by the media and romanticized or pornographic images of sex?
One 14 year old boy asked how could he learn to worship a woman!!!!!
At Woodford these events were profoundly moving – deep and intimate sharing, brought relief, a sense of connection and community into the lives of those who attend.
If anyone who is 24 or under would like to be involved in developing YOUthSpeak  with young people facilitating a deeply moving process for other young people, join us for this event or contact Amrita Hobbs directly. For information email or Phone 0419 336 291 or visit www.amritahobbs.comus for details.
YOUthSpeak is the initiative of Amrita Hobbs – a local, who has worked with young people for more than 30 years. Her focus is Rites of Passage and Teenage Sexuality and Understanding Gender. Amrita, is an internationally acclaimed facilitator, author and educator. A trained teacher Amrita offers innovative workshops for mothers and daughters, for women and in schools all around Australia and the world.


Apart from the obviously scary and disturbing issue of children being invited to a free event to discuss their sexuality with older people who are involved in sex cults (and possibly criminal networks involved in THB) a number of things appear especially disturbing about this event.

Firstly they seem to have gotten confused about ages in their advertising, they advertise the event as for 14 - 24 year olds but one of the participants advertised is in fact 25 years old.  Apart from the fact that lumping children together with adults to discuss intimate, sexual issues is a terrible idea, their boundaries re the age categories appear flexible.  Does this man that children ages 13 years or even younger will be allowed to attend?  Maybe people much older will also be invited to attend?

Secondly, one of the "young people" listed as a member of the "youth panel", Vanessa states that "I’m 23 years old, born and bred in Melbourne. I love dancing, laughing, dress up parties, the ocean, good food and bad reality television. I work in mental health, privately as a sexuality coach/bodyworker and organise workshops and events around the place."

So basically this is an event a which one of the youth panel members is a newage sex worker. 

Another of the panel members, Huw (23) says
"I want to live in a world where sex is talked about freely, where elders and youngers can sit together and share stories, mistakes and joys about sexuality. Where everyone at 14 is surrounded by and belongs to a community that supports their sexual growth with open hearts, full acceptance and ancient wisdom"

Anyone who knows anything about these cults will be extremely concerned by the subtext of Huw's words.

If you check out the rest of the "conference" (advertised as for adults, but who knows whether the children will access it or not?) includes demonstrations of an explicit sexual nature re anal and genital massage.

So anyway, I hope this is helpful, proof that the DTMMS and the notorious "Goddess temples" / newage brothels from Arizona have cooperated in organising an event in which children are invited to talk about and share intimate feelings about sex with adults (including sex workers).  I personally fear that this youth event is no more than an exercise in grooming and recruitment for the sex industry and I find it sickening.

I hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best in your struggle to protect your son from these predatory perverts. 

Re: young son caught in Deer Tribe
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2012, 06:42:13 pm »
Seriously, don't just go it alone.  Get in contact with law enforcement such as your State Police, or FEDS like FBI or ICE.  Besides the possibility of them being able to "crack down" on things, they may have some vaulable, non-law enforcement sensitive information for public use that you may be able to use in your court hearings.  An intel-report coming from the FBI about a group being a bunch of pedophile creeps will carry a lot of weight in court.  Check all the law enforcement websites and see if they have any warnings about such groups.  Print them up and bring them with you to your lawyer's office before swearing in.

Also, don't forget, if you can get any names of the members in the group, look them up on sex offender registries.  That could be some added ammunition to your fight.