Author Topic: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows  (Read 121514 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2008, 07:44:27 pm »
Pssst! Those of you watching this farce from home, care to venture a guess which of our two anti-heroes will be the first to discover one of their legally loaded and substantial errors, captured in their own supplied links?

Oh, enough of the dark legal threats. "Amylee's" dodgy non-profit has a corporate attorney? Sure it does. I guess she pays the fees with magic beans, since it's supposedly never brought in more than $25000 a year. So Amy's rented a PO box now, big deal. The elephant in the room is that her "Native American" non-profit has nothing to do with native people.

The tabby cat in this picture is you. The other one is everyone else:

(What are good Administrators for!)

Banning lunatics.

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #46 on: September 24, 2008, 03:45:40 am »
Just to show you a  good skeptic is even skeptical about her own skepticism...

Today, I made the ultimate sacrifice and listened to AmyLees radio interview again.
By the way I found several others that were much worse.

If you want to sue me, be my guest. I’ll make sure that lots and lots of investigative reporters cover the case and that they get every scrap of evidence me and my friends have collected.  Want to be the next female Ward Churchill, Amylee?  Go ahead. Make my day.

Gee this is a fun game!

You are offered mountains of proof that AmyLee is a fraud. You find it on the internet and you delete it, then you claim that I’m lying because it’s not there anymore.  Do you not understand the concept of screen shots or what?  I keep telling you. Nothing ever disappears permanently from the internet. Every time you delete something, you are pointing to where we should look closer.  Not very bright ageist old timer.  Your age also prevented you from checking out the younger sites like myspace and facebook where there’s lots of great dirt on the great Medicine Womon(sic).  You'll really want to sue them!

Exactly how long are we going to play this game?

What kind of “Medicine Woman??? would be this busy deleting so many things from the internet anyway?  What kind of medicine woman threatens to sue someone for “stalking??? just because they happen to find an obituary that proves she’s been living a lie for the past three decades? You ask for proof that Miss Swartz is a fraud. Then when you get it you scream “stalker.???  Pretty typical of most religious scam artists.

What kind of daughter deletes her mother’s obituary from the internet to cover up her lifetime of lies?

Honest people just don’t need to behave this way.

What a sad, pathetic life the great medicine woman must live.  Constantly trolling the internet in search of skeptics to silence.  Whenever does she find time to deposit all the money in the bank?

I would respond to the last post but it’s so incoherent I wouldn’t know where to begin. 

Hawk Hollow and The Native American Resource Center were used interchangeably and refered to by Miss Swartz on all her “Medicine Woman of the Iroquois??? websites.  All requests for money and claims about being non profit were deleted from the internet.  Suspicious innit?

Hawk Hollow was ASKING for $100,000.00 in funding this year. It was posted on the internet as a “non-profit’ with AmyLee’s name and Ohio address. The Native American Resource Center was also posted as a non profit with AmyLee’s name and very same Ohio address.  Coincidentally, website was deleted just after my initial query.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!  Don’t worry about it though, the authorities already had the information BEFORE she deleted it, making her look pretty guilty. Everything happens for a reason.

Anyway, she’s already onto a new non-profit scam.  NARC and HH are old history. Try to keep up.

I’ve decided to address each of your specious arguments one by one:
Let’s start with these two gems:

“ Ms. Rose Garcia (Southwest Skeptic) posted deceptively worded misrepresentation of AmyLee’s interview???

“I further concur with JB, as you  (Rose/Southwest skeptic) grossly misquoted Amylee about the radio show. The most memorable to me was when you posted here that Amylee
“claimed to be fluent in the Iroquois language, but she couldn’t translate her Indian name “She who catches rainbows??? because every word is a sentence and it would be quite a long run on sentence to combine.???
That is a lie.  And, a run-on sentence. Actually two lies in one run-on sentence. Both being bold-faced LIES YOU created. She wasn’t even talking about her name – she was asked about synonyms for the “broad and evolving multiple definitions of a modern day medicine woman???

The only thing that is broad and evolving about Miss Swartz are her many justifications and rationalizations for failing to prove that she have even one drop of native blood.  That’s a pretty sleazy trick to willfully and unlawfully misrepresent yourself as an “Iroquois Medicine Woman??? and then to claim the right to “evolve??? the definition and change it to “modern day??? meanings. How is that any different from LYING??????

Since you failed to produce a transcript I’ll have to revisit AmyLees bogus claims myself.

The interview is still online in the Indigenous Voices Radio

April 3, 2008
Amylee, Haudenausaunee Storyteller and Herbal Educator ( ...

For those of you who can’t get it to play right click go to properties copy this link and type this into your real player or whatever player you have and you can hear her stammer and evade the question yourself.

Go right to
27:23 – 28:55 if you have weak stomaches.

AmyLee tapped danced around the translation question for longer that a full minute an never gave a coherent response.

Tiokasin Ghosthorse: And we are talking with Amylee, She Who Catches the Rainbows, who is Iroquois uh uh Medicine woman. And uh I  I is there another word for medicine woman?  because it doesn’t really, really capture …

AmyLee: (Laughing) I understand. And and we fall back on that simply because uh in my lifetime  the medicine - medicine meaning good - woman oh --that’s good too –uh it embodies so many different things from herbalism to story telling to carrying on the old traditions in in ways that are appropriate for today to caring for animals in my case uh again I’m not a midwife but but in my grandmothers and great grandmother’s era it would include midwife uh midwifery
And and so there there is no English word for it and and ummm (laughing nervously) in the Iroquois language if you know our words each word is a sentence and it would a be quite a long run on sentence to combine  ,,, uh
She Who Catches the Rainbows I think sums it up the best because those rainbows are all the different colors  uh  not  just of  of catching the attention of all the different colors of people on the planet but catching all the colors of all the herbs in the springtime and um and the key to catching rainbows is that you can’t hold a rainbow for long you have to let it go and so I have a hard time myself  honing in on one static title of of … and you know that’s probably a good thing because as soon as we lable others or ourselves then we find that we are caught in that little box and that defines us or there forever after too.

To anyone who can stand to listen to this interview without vomiting, AmyLee is clearly evading Ghosthorse’s question.  At this point she’s stammering and stumbling over her words more than usual which usually indicates deception. If someone had a voice stress analyzer I’m sure it would blow up around 28:07
I’m so grateful for your pseudo-skepticism because when I listened to her bullshit again, she even sounds like a bigger fraud than the first time I managed to listen to this manure without losing my lunch.  I downloaded it for safe keeping.
If you get caught lying about your identity, dazzel 'em with bullshit! Everything she says about the “Iroquois language??? is pure unadulterated crap. Don’t worry I’ll send my own transcript along to the appropriate authorities so they can take whatever action they feel is appropriate.

Ghosthorse said three times “Amylee is the last medicine woman in her lineage born to Haudenausaunee parents??? and she never attempted to correct him. He referred to her as an Iroqouis Medicine woman several  times, but she never once made any attempt correct him – how do you explain that?  Did the space aliens edit the tape with energy waves from distant galaxies?

Well EXCUUUUUSSSEE me, my mind was so numbed by all of AmyLees nuage sewage that I couldn’t concentrate on her incoherent response.  After listening to this garbage four more times I now realize that instead of offering incoherent bullshit about not being able to translate her bullshit fake NDN name, the great Medicine Woman of the Iroquois was actually offering incoherent bullshit about not being able to translate the term “Medicine woman??? into what she erroneously refers to as the “Iroqouis language.???

Looking back, I made a tiny mistake and typed Fake NDN name instead of Medicine Woman. Big deal. A lie is still a lie. Anyone can hear for themselves from all the nervous laughter that Miss Swartz doesn’t want to answer Ghosthorse’s question.  Her circumlocution is typical of New Age frauds.  Your nit picking is too. Maybe she should plaigiarize me on that in her next great diatribe on how bad all those other new age frauds (her competition) are.

Maybe if Miss Swartz could learn to speak the English language properly instead of New Age speak we could all get to the truth a lot faster.

Don't you think an authentic “Medicine Woman??? would be more familiar with her native language – or at least know what it is!

Stay tuned, when I feel like it I’ll address the next lie and the next one and the next one ….


I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline Cetan

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #47 on: September 24, 2008, 01:18:19 pm »
This thread is getting old. The fact the she runs around calling herself She Who Catches the Rainbows should set off warning bells. And if that is her Native name given to her, well that is something that should only be used in ceremony, not anywhere else is another set of warning bells.


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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2008, 01:36:29 pm »
I agree...ho hum....however, I did just listen to the radio archijve and, I I thought it was very well done! (But what do I know....)

Anyhoo, I trust Tiokasini Ghosthorse to know his gueasts. And amLYee and he were definity on the same page politiclly. I heard her rainbows name as a job descirption not her sacred name thats all.

Found this tidbit about the 5013c:

"For many years the corporate counsel for the Native American Indian Resource Center, Inc. has been and continues to be Brouse McDowell. .  This prestigious firm represents numerous high profile clients such as Goodrich,  Kent State University, The University of Akron, City of Stow, BP Products North America, Roadway Express, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company…

Large and respected firms often extend their strong legal eagle wings to protect the legal interests of small nonprofits. Due to the revenue from their larger clients, they sometimes offer legal services to small charities pro bono or at reduced rates. On occasion, the goal of the nonprofit may hold special meaning to a firm’s partners or shareholders. Established and respected firms take seriously their role as protector to both small and large and profit and nonprofit corporations. Their role of ensuring their clients are informed so as to abide by and operate well within the state and federal statutes keeps them also attuned, with that eagle eye, to any changes which may affect their clients. In the event one of their smaller clients comes under fire, they dedicate and aggressively apply the same gamut of vast resources to protect them as they do their largest client. Again, it makes them feel good. It also is good PR, humanizing a field which is often demonized.
Advising and protecting the interests of nonprofit service organizations such as the Native American Indian Resource Center, Inc. also benefits a large firm by broadening their own diverse experiences in areas they might otherwise have never encountered. "

For whats it worth!

ho hummmm


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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2008, 05:48:02 pm »
maybe not a boring thread after all - i found 2 more places here connected to anylee

 Re: International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
« Reply #31 on: Today at 10:13:20 am »   


I see they take amylee's 'pods' with them to give as gifts wherever they go!
guess pope "didn't get his."    not yet anyways.


 Re: Update: Forum donations
« Reply #7 on: Today at 10:21:49 am »   


Barnaby= you said "They don't have a website but here's their US address. In the past they've helped get the Akwesasne Freedom School and the Kanatsiohareke community going."

Did you see kanatsohareke is good friends with amylee = she also makes and donates the herbs to help them them
i think rose says kanatsoihareke "deny" amylee!!! 


« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 03:31:07 pm by Pat »


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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #50 on: September 24, 2008, 06:10:38 pm »
i did what Rose said, iwent to younger sites to search and this is all thats there = places about the only amylee swartz is a young white woman in NYC!

 ??? - AmyLee SwartzAmyLee Swartz runs every charitable marathon she can fit into her hectic schedule. Ms. AmyLee Swartz is a young, adopted, NYC native social worker.


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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #51 on: September 24, 2008, 08:29:48 pm »
Well, you are getting stilly now.  Not even clever.  I am still waiting to hear with which Band, Tribe, Nation she is actually enrolled.  There has been Alerts on the Internet since the mid-90's concerning Amylee.  She has removed many statements  concerning her being a "Mohawk Medicine Woman".  But the Alerts are still there as she did not put them up to begin with.  I'm not trying to be rude, but I know it's a waste of time trying to reason with anyone that defends or supports nuage frauds.  Last I heard she or one of her cohorts claimed she was from Canada.  They have National Rolls, and a new system they started last year.  Try the National Level.      Since her mother was Mohawk and father Seneca.  They are deceased, from the States, Birth Certificates are available.  These can be checked against Enrollment  Offices.  The Mohawk have around 18 Councils, Bands. The Seneca maybe a dozen.  That covers both Canada and the States. The bottom line is people cannot sell things as "American NDN" unless you are a member of a federally recognized Nation.  Mostly, what I see is you are just trying to hijack several threads.  This should be the end of it.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #52 on: September 24, 2008, 08:34:12 pm »
There has been Alerts on the Internet since the mid-90's concerning Amylee. 

And pre-Internet, since the mid- or late-80's by word of mouth.

Mostly, what I see is you are just trying to hijack several threads.  This should be the end of it.

Yeah, looks that way to me, too.


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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #53 on: September 25, 2008, 11:44:22 am »
 :-[I am sorry. I did not know what hijacking was here. I sill don’t. But I never meant to trake something that was not mine,.take it away from someone else. I would put it back but I still don’t know what I took or did wrong. I am sorry.

Since I don’t know what i did wrong let me tell you what i thought i was doing and why.

My family new an amylee when we were relocated. The BIA said my Dad could pick to learn how to be a butcher or cut hair = talk about stereotypes. Dad picked one and they sent him to the other.

But before that, we got dropped off at our “new" house – it was old and rundonwn not so different than what we came from only it was far away from hone and in the city.

But there wasn’t no heat or electric or water or gas or food or nothing. We got vouchers for clothes and stuff but no car and no idea where the stores were anyway.

We just sat around cands of sterno to keep warm and see at night. We brought in snow to melt to flush the toilet but it was too cold the snow never metled in there. We had pop and cookies and junk to eat Mom was nursing too.

Well the only time I ever seen Amylee she came to our house with some food and while she was talking to us the BIA guy came in = he left the door wide open not even notcing we were shovering while he just talks on and amylee grabs him by the back of his busines coat and pushes him out to the porch and shuts the door behind her. She smiled and winked at me then shut the door.

She yelled that man backwards down the steps it was funny but kind of scary too. We thought we might need that BIA man later. Dad said he guessed that's what Mohawk ladies are like. Mom laughed the baby right off her. Amylee slameed the car door after the BIA and they drove off in both cars.

We didn’t know what was going to happen next. But a few hours go by and the lights come on! Then the phone rings! And then we got smelly water coming out the sink faucet and by night the gas was on for heat and cooking.
Next day a nice woman comes and packs us all in her church van and fills it up with all the stuff from those vouchers.

We didn’t think no more about Amylee until my Grandfather died and we didn’t know how what to do. Then comes a special delivery package with a note from Anylee in it from the Indian rights, and in the envelope was 9 round trip bus tickets and food coupons for the bus station restaurants and some cash and a blanket and tobacco to take home to the funeral.

So that's all I really know about Amylee until I come here and see her name. but I think that can’t be the same person. So I watch a long time = and I look other places sometimes. And then I think they still have her mixed up with somebody else or maybe many somebody elses and I see there are a LOT of amylees out there. There’s a NDN wrestler named AmyLee – jeeminy! And there’s a Chinese doctor Amylee and a woman doing XXX pictures of herself  AmyLee and a singer Amylee and lots. And there’s only one Amylee Swartz that the search engines bring up and its not the Amylee I knew not the one you're talking about. So I figure I’ll just stay out of it. Mohawk women can take care of themselves from what I seen. I bet a birth certificate for “Amylee Swartzs" not going to get you any closer to the Amylee you think you are talking about though. I think you have a lot of Amylees mixed up. May be the one I know will set it all strait with Wingo and that lawyer of his. Until then seems it's a lot easier here to just gossip and ban people that disagree with you. Calling them names like lunatic.

Yesterday I seen Barnaby’s post about the lawyer for the Indian center and I remembered I read about that so I went and got it and posted it. Was that the hijacking? I’m sorry. I thought that would help. I only try to help. I remembered to that the Indian Resources was doing some projects to  help conect people with programs others have like stopping teenage suicide and to help NDN women with aids to get help. Rural NDN women are the last to go get help and the resource center was trying to help change that.

The only other program i remember was about helping tribes start organic farms and grow herbs to get them healthier. The center matches  the resources of others with people who need them. So I was going to go bring that site back here = hijacking again, but before I did I thought I think I’ll just stay here a while and look around for more info may be already here.

That's when I notice Barnaby posted that about the "pods" link and how it made him vomit. I thought it was okay when I went to the site. I also seen that the 13 grandmothers are given "pods" to travel with and give away as gifts. That sounds nice and like the Amylee I met. The site also says they are NOT an American Indian product = so nobody, not Amylee, are breaking any rules there. What's your problem!

Then I post that about the 13 grandmothers because i seen someone else posted about them yesterday too. When I brought that post back to the amylee posts is that where I broke the ruiles? Is that the hijacking I did? I am sorry.

The only other thing i sad was that the AmyLee Swartz Rose wirtes about may be she mixed up with the ONLY AmyLee Swartz on the internet. She sure mixed up a lot of other things! When I posted that link I thought that was okay to do that way. I think may be now I was supposed to hi-light the words or something to make them show up different? I didn't know how. But they weren’t hi-jacked which means stolen and taken away.  I don't steal. I don’t lie either. Please don’t call me that.

The other part was when I pointed out that I found another place where the Traditional Mohawk Comunity Kanatsiaharke was posted here= by Barnaby and he liked it. Rose says that the Mohawk of Kanatshioharke call amylee a charlton and fraud and deny her. But if you go to home page you see they must really like Amylee. Traditional Mohawks trust the herb company and her with making herbs for them and raising money for them. They say they make herbs FOR NDN not calling the herbs NDN made. That’s not against the law. I want to bring that part here for you to see but now I'm afraid  to take anything from one place and put to another. There are several pages about it in “events" and “specials" there. So that’s all I was trying to do to not steal treads but to connect dots. I’m sorry.

I don't feel good that I made  mistakes here. I tried  raelly hard to help. I’m sorry. But I'm not “silly." And I'm not mean. I feel stupid for not knowing how to play your game. I feel pretty bad about people hear being so mean to lots of people. Racist is bad enough but when you ban people for trying to point out mistakes while letting other people keep on making them then racism turns into bigot. This NDN seen enough of both for a lifetime. You don’t have to ban me, Im leaving on my own. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings or broke anyone's rules and I'm specially sorry if I hurt AmyLee - any of the Amylees! I guess you think you are helping somebody but it's sure not NDNS. I think you are just helping yourselves feel good by making others feel bad.

goodbye, sassy :(

« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 03:43:27 pm by Pat »

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #54 on: September 25, 2008, 03:03:44 pm »
I get sad too sometimes when people on this forum are a little mean to me, but then there is that other part of me that is interested in truth. I have known my share of abusers in life, and it's pretty clear the people on this forum are not abusers. I have also been intimately familiar with good people who have abusive patterns, and that is also not my impression of the people on this forum.  The people here are warriors, with the occasional rough mannerism, doing good and needed work. When one has been through enough experience wrestling oneself away from truly abusive people in life one will begin to appreciate the difference.

Certainly nobody is perfect, and it is always possible to exploit this fact for an audience who is willing to believe in random utopias where reality never hits the ground. The thing about reality, though, is that it always does. We ask ourselves then where the idealists are who were never able to accept the human flaws in others. It seems more and more they are all too often long gone with a bag full of money.

Obviously the truth being defended here is worth a lot, maybe you can see that too, Sassy, if you are really so sad and well intentioned as you say.

Perhaps of course, though, you are a very well woven sock puppet. The reason I say this is not only because this thread is chock full of incessant and persistent sock puppets, but also because it strikes me strangely that somebody with the history you describe yourself as having would have absolutely no sympathy with the cause this forum takes up, would not see the damage that is being done by the cultural exploiters in our midst. Such a person in real life would probably have a clue about that. That is not necessarily true, however, of phantasms and creations of somebody's mind, which is ultimately what I suspect you of being.

I know the racist illusions that new agers can have about any manner of other peoples when it is psychologically (/financially?) convenient. (Your persona is so touchingly vulnerable, for someone who is only interested in passing and on the surface, or who is needy and sees themselves somehow reflected.) When it comes to activism and really dealing with injustice in this world, they(/you?) aren't interested.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 05:43:48 pm by Prairie Fairy »

Offline Julia

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #55 on: October 01, 2008, 05:22:48 pm »
SouthwestSkeptic wrote:

...she was just interviewed WBAI radio on the program First Voices Indigenous Radio ( ). The show is hosted by Tiokasin Ghosthorse (Lakota) who appears to be clueless about her., The show aired on April 3, 2008 show. You can listen to it in the archives at:
Click on see all shows and scroll down to April 3rd

Or just go here: Then go down to  First Voices Indigenous Radio and click on play on the right side to hear it.

For those of you who don’t have real player, here’s a synopsis of the outlandish claims Swartz made.

She claims to have sponsored the first longest walk which pushed the bill through for religious freedom for Native pp in the US.

She claims Iroquois people passed on wisdom to her to use herbs.

Later on in the interview was lots of Newagey nonsensical  talk .. All directions converge within your own drum your own beating heart…
lots of talk about sacred mother earth and father sky
she says a lot of stuff like the whole parade of your ancestors converges inside your own beating heart and all the future dwells there too.  Lots of trite phrases but nothing of substance

She claims she was guided by many native teachers who took her out to the woods where she earned about herbs from (?) Peterson – a Haudenausaunee medicine woman. She says that the “The plants responded, they absolutely vibrated when she would take a walk to sing to them???. 

She  claims that her great great grandmother had 3 medicine bundles that she kept at  her door and that she was a midwife.

She claims that the term Medicine Woman is an inherited right and she has earned the right to be called that.

She says her grandmothers fortold that she would be an herbalist

She even has the nerve to talk about all those other  hucksters who are doing medicine shows for money.

She also claimed to be fluent in the Iroquois language, but she couldn’t translate her Indian name “She who catches rainbows??? because every word is a sentence and it would be quite a long run on sentence to combine. 

Claims she co-founded the Ohio branch of the Native American Rights Association at Kent State University.  I can’t find any mention of this organization anywhere. 

She never introduced herself properly in her native language or stated exactly who her people are or what rez she grew up on.  We have a radio show here on Sundays and every guest always introduces himself in the language.

She claimed again that she was the last medicine woman in her lineage and she does consultations – whatever that is.

In my opinion, hearing her voice gives you a lot of vital information about who she really is. She seemed to me to break character and get more and more silly and Newagey as the interview progressed. My skin-dar is going off.  The only time I’ve heard somebody talk about “Father sky??? is in the movies.

You can contact  Tiokasin Ghosthorse  to set him straight at: or leave a voicemail at (212) 209-2979

I'm not surprised that Tiokasin Ghosthorse was "clueless" about this person.  His name appears in a list of "Soul Companions", aka "Wisdom Keepers", who are as ludicrous a bunch of Nuage peddlers as you'll find anywhere on the internet:

Ghosthorse's fellow Wisdom-Keepers include a Druid, a "Faery Shaman", an "elder of the European shamanic tradition known as the Path of Pollen", an Indigo/Crystal adult "who works primarily with the Archangel Michael", the author of a book entitled "Listening to Trees", a "rabbinical trickster" and a 20 year old "psychic surgeon" who claims to have cured a man's terminal liver cancer in two days.  I've written an article about them:



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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #56 on: October 01, 2008, 06:55:51 pm »
I am the author of Profiles in Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About the Earth. I am dismayed to find that this web site contains puerile insults, and unsubstantiated allegations against people, in particular AmyLee, and that my book has been unlawfully plagiarized in an effort to defame her. 

You did not seek my permission to copy and publish a chapter from my book, Profiles in Wisdom, and I fail to see how my work is in any way relevant or supportive of the disrespectful, juvenile, jealous rage that characterizes some of the posts on this web page. You do a great disservice to AmyLee, and to the thousands of women and men who have benefited from knowing her. Further, you insult all women by using the phrase ‘douche’ in an attempt to insult one woman. Pointlessly.

I have known AmyLee since the late 1980s. I respect and I admire her. I have seen her conduct herself with honor, empowering women and men with intelligence, depth, generosity of spirit, and relevancy.

My late wife, was a mature, wise woman, and also a shrewd judge of character. She participated in the Shields circle, which she found to be of great personal value. She also came to respect and admire AmyLee after the year of profound work with a large circle of other strong, independent, intelligent women. I further note that the “price-tag??? for this gift was NOT the posted $300-$400 but a sliding scale between $25 and $35 to cover the year’s mailings.

I read on this web page that Ms. Rose Garcia is operating under one of many conflicting legal interpretations of the Fair Use rule as she takes my work, without asking me, in a effort to insult, degrade and defame AmyLee. That is immoral and wrong.

The courts continue to challenge and refine the interpretations Ms. Garcia is claiming are somehow fair, legal, and acceptable.

Whether or not Ms. Rose Garcia’s decision to reprint a chapter from my book is legally actionable, I am certain reasonable people agree that ASKING the AUTHOR’S PERMISSION to reprint large excerpts from copyright protected work is the polite and correct thing to do.

To protect you from litigation, on at least this issue, I, the Author and Copyright holder for Profiles in Wisdom, have decided to grant you, Ms. Rose Garcia, permission to post or otherwise copy and disseminate Chapter 11 of my book CONDITIONAL to the following restrictions:

1.   The ENTIRE chapter 11 must be uploaded and posted or otherwise disseminated and
2.   ALWAYS with the following preface*
3.   Any deviation from this request will be considered a violation of my terms and subject you to potential legal repercussions.
4.   Further, ALL derogatory cartoons aimed at AmyLee  MUST be immediately removed from any site which also features my copyright protected work.

I want you to know that including the following new Preface to Chapter 11 in all reprints by Ms. Rose Garcia is mandatory. If you are going to take my work, and use it on this web page in effort to defame someone I admire, you must include my new preface.

The terms of use that I am granting to Ms. Rose Garcia expire October 15, 2008. Removal of all online posting of my work by Ms. Garcia must take place at that time.

Ignoring Author’s terms:
•   Be it by refusing to remove offensive cartoons aimed at defaming AmyLee,
•   Be it by omitting pages thereby not offering to readers the ENTIRE chapter 11 in full context,
•   Be it by not prefacing any and all re-prints, electronic or otherwise, with the following MANDATORY new PREFACE,
•   Be it by exceeding the stated expiration date of permission,

may result in legal action against Ms. Garcia as well as against those hosting the sites featuring or linking the posts in violation. Non-acceptance of any of the set forth  terms constitutes a willful violation, by Ms. Garcia, of the Author’s and Copyright holder’s reasonable requests and limits on electronic or other reproduction.

The following preface MUST immediately, this date of 1 October 2008, be added to any electronic reprint of Chapter 11 in Profiles in Wisdom:

Author’s Preface – October 1, 2008
“The second Edition of Profiles in Wisdom does not feature any changes to the original interview chapters. While interviewees, including AmyLee, inquired about changes, corrections, and additions, that was, regrettably, outside the scope of the publisher.

That corrections and updates could not be made is indeed unfortunate, for having read defamatory posts based on misinterpretations of my book, and false characterization of AmyLee, I can assure readers that a revised edition would have eliminated the occasion for such libelous speculation.

Example: It was not AmyLee’s choice to be called a Medicine Woman at that premature age. It was an error often made the same way Native men were presumptuously mislabeled “Chief??? by those who intended no disrespect – indeed, often intended quite the opposite. She spoke candidly, telling me that she would not even be eligible to be seriously considered for the title until reaching a certain milestone of maturity.

I explained this point clearly in the Introduction to Profiles in Wisdom when I wrote the book, so that no one could possibly misunderstand. That paragraph is in all editions, as fair-minded people will note. When I interviewed, and otherwise observed AmyLee, she presented herself solely as a representative for her own “lineage,??? further defined as “her own immediate family??? and not as an emissary for any tribe, clan, nation or group beyond that family.

For more than 27 years, AmyLee has actively carried four state and federal permits that officially license her in Wildlife Rescue, Rehabilitation, Scientifics and Education. She has earned her designation as a “Modern Day Medicine Woman in service of Wildlife.??? I congratulate her and we all can thank her for her dedication to our winged and animal relations.

As was true many, long years ago when I interviewed her for my book, I recognize in AmyLee the qualities of a spiritual elder. Over the course of my life I have been privileged to know, literally, hundreds of spiritual elders, many with deep, authentic roots in native ways. It has been the subject of my work. AmyLee stood among these cultural treasures back in the 1980s and 1990s when, at the urging of her elders, she stepped out of her cocoon and began to share with the people at a time of obviously impending earth changes. She remains standing in her integrity.

In my view being a spiritual elder has little to do with age. Rather, it has to do with having the character to resist lower-self temptations such as envy, jealousy, anger, hatred, resentment, and calumny, and instead embodying love, respect, wisdom, generosity of spirit and the grace to act in life with dignity and integrity.

I recognize now, as I did then, the qualities of a spiritual elder in AmyLee. I hope she will again spread her wings and carry her messages outward bound. The need for wisdom and integrity is great.

I must also affirm that AmyLee has freely gifted her time and energy to many venues, including to those women with whom she studied nature’s “Shields??? – all without personal monetary remuneration and most especially without remuneration when involving “ceremony.???

It was clear that the Elders and Teachers who sent AmyLee out into the world to share also supported her journey, many times accompanying her with a sense of pride. It was those very Elders who encouraged her to consent to my interview for Profiles in Wisdom.

There are segments of her chapter that I know AmyLee would have revised including lessening the focus on herself to highlight the wisdom of her Elders. It was my choice, as author, to focus on the innate wisdom I perceived in AmyLee herself.

If publishing limitations had permitted, the second edition would have featured an update on AmyLee’s efforts to bring education and peaceful resolution to the sensitive issue of cultural appropriation – an extension of the well documented work she did in the 1970’s and 1980’s exposing racism in its many insidious forms.

While I understand the natural world is a better place for having AmyLee tend injured and recovering animals, I am far from alone in inviting her back to public life among the human beings to fill the important void of conscience and consciousness made by her absence.

One poster on this web-page wrote accurately and powerfully of how AmyLee took an ethical stand in the 1990s at one of the Bear Tribe Medicine Wheel Gatherings in New York after several women came to her to complain of sexual improprieties involving other people. I can confirm that AmyLee took an immediate and courageous stand on behalf of all the women. She confronted the leaders and the accused, she demanded justice, and she then severed her ties with the gathering. I was there. I saw her tears of sorrow after she met with the women, and then I saw her strength, determination, clarity, and wisdom in confronting the situation. She made a big difference. Things changed after AmyLee stepped forward, and her subsequent principled departure from the gathering.

Finally, for any and all errors or omissions I may have unknowingly made in Profiles in Wisdom, I apologize to both AmyLee and to my readers.

- AUTHOR, Profiles in Wisdom
October  1, 2008

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #57 on: October 01, 2008, 07:25:39 pm »
It was clear that the Elders and Teachers who sent AmyLee out into the world to share also supported her journey, many times accompanying her with a sense of pride. It was those very Elders who encouraged her to consent to my interview for Profiles in Wisdom.

Which Elders? What Nation? It's my understanding that no Native people claim her as a relative, let alone an emissary. Outsiders to Native culture can be so gullible when some person shows up claiming "The Elders" sent them...

AmyLee took an ethical stand in the 1990s at one of the Bear Tribe Medicine Wheel Gatherings in New York after several women came to her to complain of sexual improprieties involving other people. <snip> Things changed after AmyLee stepped forward, and her subsequent principled departure from the gathering.

Thing is, actual Native people - the traditional ones, not the ones who sell out and make a living off selling "teachings" and ceremonies to white people - had been boycotting Sun Bear's sellout since at least 1984. The Medicine Wheel Gathering was always based on having monied white people buy access to those they thought were Indigenous teachers. Some basically ok people went - once or twice. But in my opinion those with a conscience immediately stopped when they found out how traditional Indigenous communities really felt about it.

How about naming who the sexual predators were? That would be something helpful you, or Amylee, could do. Are they still out there?

ETA: The search function on here will turn up some of the threads that mention LaDuke (aka "Sun Bear") and the charges against him, but here are a couple:

If the sexual predators you refer to are people besides LaDuke himself, I think the  moral thing to do is alert people.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 07:35:27 pm by Kathryn NicDh? na »

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows
« Reply #58 on: October 02, 2008, 06:06:58 am »
I am the author of Profiles in Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About the Earth.

- AUTHOR, Profiles in Wisdom
October  1, 2008

So this is Steven McFadden??? 

Just tryin' to be clear.

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Re: Amylee She Who Catches the Rainbows - McFadden EXPOSED
« Reply #59 on: October 02, 2008, 08:51:28 am »
I’m sure that “author??? is just another one of AmyLee’s endlessly tiresome personas, but

the so-called author of the bogus work, Profiles in wisdom : native elders speak about the Earth  is none other than …

Steven McFadden

McFadden has been mentioned in this forum many times before.

In the  Research Needed:

Re: Odyssey of the 8th Fire by educatedindian “
“is Steve McFadden's account of a walk supposedly done on  ...
...  elders. On the plus side, I don't see McFadden claiming to be something he's not, just  ...
...  also certainly a respected elder.

But McFadden has fallen for and promoted frauds  ...???

And again in the Frauds section

Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman by bls926

Author's Occasional Newsletter
from Steven McFadden

Locations and Contacts …???

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

A little internet archeology will reveal that McFadden is a well-known promoter of frauds and gross distortions of Native American spiritual practices.

If you search the archives of this forum and others like it, you will find his name mentioned in association with lots of well documented frauds including the people involved in the gathering of one and the infamous White Ego Woman.  He spreads a lot of White Supremacist fantasies about the Rainbow Warriors and promotes the Art Bell version of the Hopi/Mayan prophesies.

McFadden clearly has no authentic knowledge of any Native American spiritual elder. He’s promoting the same myths and racist stereotypes about Native people that the left refuses to let go of.

To give you an idea of how off his gourd McFadden is, here’s another of his ‘celebrated works’

very long Google Books link shortened

“Legend of the Rainbow Warriors, by Steven McFadden (2001, Chiron Communications, Santa Fe, NM). This book a journalist¹s account of one of the core myths of America, and an exploration of how that myth is playing out in real time. As drawn from dozens of historical accounts, the legend of the rainbow warriors relates that "when the Earth becomes desperately sick and chaotic -- socially, environmentally, and militarily --  people of all colors and faiths will unite, and rise to face the overwhelming challenges with insight, honesty, caring, sharing, and respect."  The prophetic teachings of the spiritual elders are skillfully juxtaposed with the key news events of our era, and a compilation of wisdom teachings from around the world.  Legend of the Rainbow Warriors gives a detailed accounting of Harmonic Convergence (1987), and traces the development of the impulse released at this time as it leads onward to 2012.  In essence, the book provides the full mythic and journalistic context of the transition, and offers in-depth guidance on balanced ways to navigate through all the storms of change.???

The distortion of Native American spiritual beliefs that McFadden promotes for profit has been debunked over and over again in this forum and others.

I scanned chapter 11 in its entirety into the computer. Not one word was omitted. No alterations were made. You can see similar scans on other sites exposing AmyLee as a fraud.
All I did was highlighted the many lies, contradictions and utterly ridiculous statements made by AmyLee herself.  If McFadden/Swartz have nothing to hide, they shouldn’t be so opposed to having this work literally reproduced on the internet so that individuals can have all the information they need to make a fully informed assessment of the many claims Miss Swartz has made.

I recently included a scan from the back of the book, p. 243,  where AmyLee is listed as an “elder??? who wants to be contacted and she gave her contact address as the same one as the infamous Hawk Hollow nonprofit scam.

That’s probably what prompted her latest threat.

 It’s odd that these trolls point to a work to prove their ridiculous allegation and then get all upset when the work is available for independent analysis. That’s pretty paternalistic – expecting us all to take their word for everything without seeing any sort of evidence for ourselves.

Like little children, we’re supposed to trust an anonymous poster on the internet that AmyLee has provided documentation.  We’re supposed to trust some anonymous voice that I’ve misquoted a radio broadcast, yet that individual refuses to post a transcript of the broadcast. These anonymous ghosts keep citing some irrelevant preface, but yet they refuse to post it so it can be examined.  That’s pretty suspicious to me. Sounds like people with a lot to hide and a lot of money to lose.

There are hundreds of people who have heard her shtick all over Michigan and Ohio who can verify that what is in this chapter is the bullshit she was selling to gullible white feminists in the 1980s and 1990s.  If you google “AmyLee??? + “shield??? or "Amylee" + "medicine woman" you can find hundreds of followers of AmyLee who believe they were trained in some ludicrous sisterhood of the shields.  Yet we’re supposed to distrust our own eyes and believe some anonymous person that none of this ever happened.

There is no reason to think that there is anything relevant to add in future editions of McFadden’s fiction. If Swartz/McFadden says there is, let him/her prove it by scanning this revelatory preface and letting us decide for ourselves if any preface could in anyway overshadow the massive amount of incriminating evidence Swartz/McFadden has provided for the public.

Maybe someone who’s been very busy trying to erase all trace of her pay-to-pray shields scam from the internet could spend some time on this ey?

Since the troll on this site has difficulty comprehending simple concepts, I’ve reproduced the short Wiki version of Fair use without too much to read or too many big words.

Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review. It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author's work under a four-factor balancing test. The term "fair use" originated in the United States, but has been added to Israeli and the UK law as well; a similar principle, fair dealing, exists in some other common law jurisdictions. Civil law jurisdictions have other limitations and exceptions to copyright.

Since this forum is all about scholarship and review and many of us are giving your book a negative review which falls within our constitutionally protected first amendment rights, you have no say in how much material I choose to site, how I choose site it or what my opinion of it is.  Even the Bush administration doesn’t want as much control over the free speech of literary critics that you claim. Only someone trying to cover up gross error would make such lame attempts at suppression of criticism as you have. As long as I reproduce less than ten percent of the entire work and cite Fair use, I am entirely within my rights to criticize your fraudulent misrepresentation of Native American spiritual leaders.

Your understanding of copyright law is as flawed as your understanding of who is a Native American elder.  McFadden shamelessly exploited Tom Porter and Lorraine Canoe by placing one chapter containing the thoughts of legitimate spirituals elder in a book promoting fugazies like Dhayni Ywahoo, Twyla Nitsch, Oh Shinnah Fastwolf, Manitonquat/Medicine Story, Hunbatz Men and or course Sun Bear.  There is nothing you can say to convince a true believer that their beloved guru has been jerking them around

Our first amendment rights allow us to criticize this work. While I’m sure you’d like to suspend these rights for the “bad??? educated NDNS, there is nothing you can do.
Any attempt to sue me or anyone else engaged in debunking AmyLee's bogus claims to be an “Iroquois Medicine Woman??? will be met by my releasing every scrap of evidence we have collected exposing AmyLee as a complete fraud.
I will subpoena her birth certificate, her natural mother’s birth certificate, her grandmother’s birth certificate, her great-grandmother’s birth certificate etc. and I’ll subpoena all her living relatives.
and all the Ellis Island records of her European ancestors.  In addition, I will happily give this information to any reporter who is interested in exposing AmyLee’s 30 year history or academic, literary and commercial fraud. And I will see that the court proceedings are posted on the internet and in all the places that gullible white lesbian feminists tend to go.

The cartoon is of me. It has brown skin and black hair, like I do. If the cartoon was of AmyLee it would be of a rotund Caucasian woman with red hair, pale blue eyes, pale white, white skin and freckles, like AmyLee has.  Are you going to sue me for making fun of myself?

So go ahead, Mr. McFadden/Miss Swartz, make my day!

I welcome the opportunity to get as much publicity on this issue as I possibly can.

In closing, I will quote Tom Porter, from your book, who is a legitimate spiritual elder who is quite skilled in analyzing AmyLee and her ilk.

From Chapter one, Sounding A Basic Call to Consciousness Lorraine Canoe & Tom Porter???

“That exists to an extent in Indian country. I mean, there are some Indians who have seen a chance to make a big profit. So now they charge for ceremonies. There’s people walking around saying they studies with this medicine man or that medicine man, and so it’s like they’ve got a diploma. That’s a bunch of bull. There’s no such thing in Indian country. You don’t show your faith, you live it out every day in the way you do Indian ceremonies.??? (McFadden, p. 30)

The only nice thing about McFadden that I can say is that I enjoyed the first chapter of the book, but I find it ironic that the first chapter so completely contradicts all the other chapters of the book.  All the frauds McFadden promotes ignore the wisdom of the authentic spiritual leaders and spend all their energy doing exactly what he tells them not to do.


« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 05:57:16 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »
I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!