Author Topic: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School  (Read 87588 times)

Offline NonNative

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Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:54:16 pm »

I just want to say I am grateful for this forum. I was part of a "Mystery School" that had a "light center" in Los Angeles, but due to the recession , it closed down. I believe it is called the Modern day mystery school(at one point it was called the Rocky Mountain Mystery School). supposedly the main teacher Gudni Gudnason , came from Iceland and was given the "key" to the 7th mystery school from an Hopi elder. They have "Native Shamanic Studies" as courses in the school amongst other esoteric traditions. Its an shady organization, their courses cost between $500-$5000. I wonder if anyone had experience with them?

[just changed thread title]
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 01:06:14 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 09:11:22 pm »
He's presented as if he is some kind of god:

One such individual was Gudni Halldor Gudnason von Thoroddsen. After studying with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in England for several years, Gudni was sent out into the world to teach. He was trained as a world teacher and he does indeed teach all over the world. He has trained in many other mystery schools such as Tibetan, African, Transylvanian, Japanese mystery schools and he has had initiations into many different mysteries such as Celtic, Norse and Egyptian.

For over twenty years Gudni was taught directly from the Masters of the Mysteries and he now shares this with all those who choose to explore this arena. He celebrates over 33 years of teaching, a remarkable career in true service to humanity. Gudni moved to America in 1995 to take over the Rocky Mountain Mystery School, the North American school. He has worked rigorously on spreading the mystery school tradition all over the world and has affiliated centers now all over the United States, Japan, Canada, England, Ireland, Taiwan, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Philippines, South Africa, Dubai and indeed there are such centers in 22 countries around the world, in 5 continents.

Gudni "Ged" was born in northern 'Viking lands' of Iceland and was initiated into the lineage of King Salomon with priesthood powers from high Priest Melchizedek, (this was done in the Great Pyramid of Giza) Guardian of the Secret of the Holy Grail and authorized to do the work by the HIERARCHY of LIGHT in all manner with the highest powers given to a human

Mr. Gudnason has been teaching the KABBALAH since 1976 and was trained first by a Rabbi in the traditional Jewish Kaballah and later in Universal Kaballah by the original Order of the Golden Dawn. His accomplishments are so many that there is not space on these pages to count them.

Mr. Gudnason has lived and studied all over the world but he now lives with his wife and two cats in Tokyo, Japan were he enjoys the elegant and perfect seeking lifestyle of the Japanese. He hands down the sacred tradition with passion and humor, and Mr. Gudnason observes with pride as these students become the masters and go on to further the work all over the world.

Unicorn magick and vampire magick are just a few of the wonders they teach.

Offline NonNative

  • Posts: 4
Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 09:21:54 pm »
Unicorn and vampire magick!? hahahha that's the first I've ever heard of those types of "magick"


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 09:28:40 pm »
NonNative did you have any experience with Gudni Gudnason personally? Or are these big workshop training/seminars?


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2013, 09:52:39 pm »

His prior wife Laurie, current wife Eiko. Looks like he is indeed from Iceland. All sorts of web sites online, including selling things

He was an athlete, mostly doing martial arts that lead to his participation in several movies as a stunt man. The most prominent of these was Where the Raven Flies, an Icelandic Viking saga. He holds several black belts in several different styles with the highest being a 7th degree black belt in Shaolin.
Gudni was also a professional dancer/performer for several years having danced around Europe on both TV and prestigious stages.
Amongst his most recent accomplishments he has released several CD`s up to date with ambient music and trance/house dance music.


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2013, 10:19:29 pm »
Research thread on him from the martial arts fraud angle "7th mystery school(Colorado)- new age bullshido mixed with martial arts BS", lots of info:

On November 27th 1993 he held an illegal "all-styles" tournament, Guðni maintains that the rules were semi-contact, yet one competitor threw up after being kicked hard in the stomach, and one child suffered some facial injuries.

He let children 6-12 years old compete in his "Turtles Kung-Fu" division(I **** you not).

Since boxing and all head-contact sports were illegal in Iceland at the time, and this tournament wasn´t sanctioned by any of the known MA federations in Iceland, that being Karate, TKD and Judo, the police launched an investigation into the tournament.

Shortly after there's another news article/press release where he promises not to hold another tournament like this.

A month later Guðni writes a harsh article accusing just about everyone in the MA community of a witchunt against him and his style. He defends him bestowing himself with a 10th dan, and makes grandiose claims of future glory for his style.


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 10:46:15 pm »
I had a awful experience with the Rocky Mountain Mystery School. The head of the school, Gudni Gudnason, performed a scapegoating ritual on me. It's true they hook you on fears that they create for you and they are secretive and controlling and full of lies. Gudni called me to one of their seminars saying that he wanted me to do a certain class and when I got there, I was singled out and victimised and a devestating ritual was performed on me.

After my experience I was told that I had a psychotic episode and that the police were called in (complete bullshit) and was also sent a nasty lawyers letter when I retaliated where they threatened my job as well. And I know that this was communicated to others as well, part of the ritual scapegoating set up but who really gives a shit.

More broadly, the school uses all its members for their purposes rather than train them in their own best interests. It demands loyalty and allegience to the leader and not to your own conscience. Although, like all cults, it treats it's recruiter types very well.,49713,64565

Yes, its been over a year. But yes, actual black magick was performed on susan. I remember the ritual quite clearly.

Prior to the ritual, yes, psychological scapegoating was performed. Never measuring up, etc. But that ceremony seemed to have been her(Susan's) breaking point. And I do believe it was black magick

Just to continue. The Rocky Mountain Mystery School is now known as Modern Mystery School, or MMS or Golden Pyramid of Peace.,49713,page=2


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2013, 11:46:59 pm »
Solomon’s mysteries eventually passed, by oral transmission, to a certain American Indian chief, who gave them to Gudnason. "Finally, Gudni had all the knowledge," Shaye explains. "He and the Native American met one time, either in a park or a graveyard–I don’t remember which. They hugged, and that was it. That was the transfer.


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2013, 11:50:36 pm »
Such a busy guy and there is so much written about him that is disturbing.

This is interesting wording for products he is selling:

From the works of ancient alchemy to the cauldrons of shamanism, we offer creams and other products that are all natural and sure to satisfy the senses.

Here is the Board for his New Paradigm Council (I am not familiar with most of them, but some of them are questionable):

Being a collaboration of unique and thought provoking individuals, our core council is the guiding force of our vision and direction. The core council consists of:

    Segu Krishna Ramesh MD, Zero Point, Dubai
    Gabriel Cousens MD, Nutrition, USA
    Konstantin Korotkov PhD, Science/Spirit, Russia
    Masaru Emoto PhD, Message from Water, Japan
    Kampon Sriwattanakul MD, Stem Cell, Thailand
    Tadashi Mitsuo MD, Rejuvenation, Japan
    Natsu Watanabe MD, Vibrational Medicine, Japan
    Mantak Chia Grand Master, Daoism, Thailand
    Gudni Gudnason, Science of Consciousness, Japan
    Ann Donnelly MD, Alternative Medicine, UK
    Dr. Theresa Ibis, PhD, Science of Consciousness, USA
    William Shwetzer MD, Functional Medicine, Thailand
    Alfredo Sfeir-Younis PhD, New Economy, Chile
    Don Miguel Ruiz, Toltec Medicine Path, USA
    Dr. Nassim Harramein, Physics, USA

Working together, we are bringing ideas to the forefronts of society. We're introducing new ways of thinking and new but practical approaches to how to deal with the problems that exist today. The main philosophy is that the future is already here. The peace we seek is already present. We just need to start living in the now and in doing so, transforming our personal lives.
(Bolding Mine) (if you check the links on this site under Affiliates, they all seem to be his own ventures)

And here he is in 2011 hob-knobbing with Olivia Newton-John:

Offline ShadowDancer

  • Posts: 91
Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2013, 12:22:18 am »

He was an athlete, mostly doing martial arts that lead to his participation in several movies as a stunt man. The most prominent of these was Where the Raven Flies, an Icelandic Viking saga.

According to the IMDB, the movie was actually titled "When the Raven Flies".  It was released in 1984.  The box office take to date is SEK 1,477,673 / $227,860 / 170,554 €.

He has apparently recently become involved as a producer in some projects.  One released Sept 2012, "Beyond the Trophy" which is available on torrent sites.  There are no box office receipts information available on any of the tracking sites.

He is also producing and acting in a movie project rumoured to be released later in 2013 called "Paradi$e", in the role of Kokopelli.

His profile on IMDB: belies the statement of being in multiple films as a stuntman.


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2013, 01:45:32 am »
He has instructed the Body Guards of His Holiness The Dali Lama.

This thesis "Spiritual Business? A Critical Analysis of the Spiritual Therapy Phenomenon in
Contemporary Japan" has some interesting material on him

His prior wife is Eleanor (Laurie) Gudnason

Lady Eleanor found her teacher, Dr. Bob White Eagle in 1990, and began an 11 year relationship with this remarkable Native American Medicine Man. Seven of these years were as an apprentice learning the Universal Teachings Dr. Bob offered her. Lady Eleanor was trained as a dreamer.  Other terms for dreamer are seer, channel, or oracle.!teachers


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2013, 01:56:00 am »
DR. BARON GUDNI GUDNASON VON THORODDSEN (Ph.D.) is a spiritual alchemist and teacher. He began his quest for deeper knowledge as a young man and at an early age was initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in England. He continued his study of the Hermetic teachings at a secret school in Salzburg, Austria, that taught alchemy in the old way; a Christian Kabbalah school in Bern, Switzerland; a Kabbalistic alchemy school in Madrid, Spain; an astrology school in Cairo, Egypt; a shamanic alchemy school near Alexandria; a Tantric school in the Congo, at other esoteric schools in Romania and Sweden, and studied other traditions at several schools in Tibet, India, and Japan. He also studied the ways of traditional human culture and was awarded degrees in business and psychology, and he is the recipient of many humanitarian awards. After 16 years of study, Gudni founded his own school and is now a respected international teacher of the Hermetic arts. Rocky Mountain Mystery School, 83 Galaxy Blvd. Unit 3, Toronto, M9W 5X6, Canada (Phone: 416-625-3470). World Headquarters: Rocky Mountain Mystery School International, Honbu Dojo, 3-31-11 New Life Center, Nishiwaseda Bekkan 2nd Floor, Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo

Just a few of the many business names and domains he's been responsible for, most don't exist anymore:

Satori Investment Group

He and Laurie were based in Utah, they divorced in 2006.


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2013, 02:27:17 am »
One of the millions of things his group teaches is "Twelve Races", you can get certified to teach this.

Today we live in a world where the old mythology is coming back to life - in the most popular of Books, TV, & Film we are seeing a re-emergence of the old people....the Elves, Faeries, Mermaids, Gypsie, Vampires and more. Is this all fantasy or is it something more?

Mystery Schools have always known about these other beings, sometimes referred to as the 'Elemental' people.

12 Root Races
On this planet there are many other races than just the Adamic seed or the Humans as we know them. There are Twelve Races that live and breathe on this planet and many are living within our societies, knowing exactly what they are, and hiding within plain sight. In the past, these beings lived openly and in harmony with Humans each serving a purpose that benefited the evolution of humanity.

Earlier, Theosophical version of "Root Race"

Lots of talk also of something to do with "DNA Activation", no clue what that is.


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2013, 03:10:43 am »
Lots of talk also of something to do with "DNA Activation", no clue what that is.

I know!  I know!   ;D ;D  You gave the link yourself, Piff, earlier in this thread:

What, I wanted to know, is the story with DNA activation? Shaye explained that it’s a sacred inheritance from the ancient Egyptian priest class.

"We all have 24 strands to our DNA structure. Those 24 strands are contained in 12 codons. Each codon has two strands. So we go in with a special instrument that has a very powerful crystal on the end of it, that can put a great deal of light into a small space. We go through the etheric body–we don’t touch the physical body. It’s behind the neck area. And we light up each of the codons... And it’s just an incredible thing. At that point you get all of the benefits that are contained within your DNA, which is improved health. You use more of your brain, you actually become smarter, the chatter in your head goes away, the drama in your life disappears."


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2013, 03:52:55 am »
Here is the Facebook page for the MMS:

And YouTube Channel:

Notice how his biography changes over the years.  This is an older version:

For over fifteen years Gudni was taught directly from the Masters of the Mysteries and he now shares this with all those who choose to explore this arena. Gudni moved to America in 1995 and met his wife Laurie Secrist Gudnason, a Metatron channel, and they now run the work together. The Gudnasons are a dynamic duo and they have worked rigorously on spreading the mystery school tradition all over the world. They have centers now all over the United States, Japan, Canada, Philippines, India, England, France and Sweden.

The lineage and authority of Gudni Gudnason are as follows: Gudni "Ged" was born Baron Gudni "Ged" Halldor Gudnason von Thoroddsen, Knight of the Eagle Vale Clan, a Baron of the lineage of King Vladimir Valdimarson of Denmark (anon 1000 ad), initiated into the lineage of King Salomon with priesthood powers from High Priest Melchizedek, (this was done in the great pyramid of Giza) guardian of the secret of the Holy Grail and authorized to do the work by the Hierarchy of Light in all manner with the highest powers given to a human.

The lineage of the Rocky Mountain Mystery School goes back to King Salomon and has therefore over 3000 years history and lineage. The mystery school tradition is much older then that but this is a validation to the background of this school and the materials being taught. The teachings of the mystery school are the same as they have been for the last 3000 years or more. This is the core of a mystery school and the work is conducted by the hierarchy of light. The founders of a mystery school are in constant contact with the hierarchy and specially the Masters of Light. The work is therefore conducted without ego and decisions are made according to the highest good of all people. The tradition of the mystery school is that of optimism and joy, abundance and peace of mind. These are taught in many different ways within the lore of magick. Such is the light and such is the life of those who live in the light.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 04:14:10 am by Autumn »