Author Topic: CALL FOR HELP!  (Read 21602 times)

Offline kameanani

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« on: July 16, 2005, 11:06:49 pm »
I have tried to contact educated_ndn to report these people, but I think something must be wrong with the e-mail address I was given. Here is the original context of my e-mail in it's entirety. Thank you so much.


First I'd like to apologize in advance for such a long letter.
My name is K. LeslyAnn Walker, descendant of Kahili of Hawaii and now live in a small tourist town called Cassadaga, Florida. Cassadaga is a spiritualist town founded by a white man who claims he was guided here by his guide - an Indian named Seneca. The whole town is full of nuagers, mediums, and psychics who continue to perpetuate the rape of the native american culture. Millions of tourists come here every year and carry on this mis-education back to wherever they came from. It's disgusting how they've turned the cultures into such an industry.

I have recently made a complaint against a white group that the town hires for blessings at festivals, as well as educate young children at the schools about a native american culture that is modeled after their own fantasies. These self-proclaimed Indians call themselves "Spirit of the Turtle Circle". They are located in Volusia County, Florida although I don't know exactly where.

I have absolutely had it with these plastic shamans, particularly someone named Serge King. He claims he is a Hawaiian kahuna/shaman taught in the ways of "huna" (a white man business/religion/cult/concept) and claims it is an ancient Hawaiian wisdom and tradition and that he learned it from a Hawaiian family, the Kahili family. He claims they had adopted him and therefore thinks he is entitled to make a profit from what he claims he learned.

I have been doing my best to fight against these people who continue to rape my culture and have had little success. This is why I am contacting you as I hope and believe you can help me to expose this exploitation of a culture that continues to be, like the native american cultures, drained by greedy and unscrupulous people who work under the guise of helping others to attain spirituality and enlightenment.

Here are my complaints:
1) This fake white man religion was made for people such as Serge King and others to make an easy profit using my culture as the product to sell to other whites who are spiritually deficient.

2) As stated on your website,, it makes it "harder for natives and whites to get along when whites have been given an untrue picture of native cultures. We have to learn to get along and we can't do that as long as whites give support to operators who push a fraudulent version of what we are like."

3) I have tried many times to talk to huna groups and let them know how they are hurting my culture by perpetuating these stereo-types for their spiritual advancement while people just seek to profit off of them in the process. I have been met with hostility, anger, and resentment by these people.

4) Serge King claims that the Kahili family adopted him and taught him these esoteric teachings. He is using my family name and my culture to sell his cheap product. I want to clear my family's name of any relation with him and this bogus practice called huna.

5) There are other Huna organizations/cults that, while they say they are not Hawaiian and have nothing to do with Hawaii, still appropriate words, traditions, customs, self-proclaiming lineage, giving themselves "spirit names", etc. from the Hawaiian culture, ultimately stealing from the `oiwi (hawaiians) culture, a culture that I am dedicated in preserving, while using and abusing the names and reputations of some of our kupuna (elders). These Huna organizations that I've contacted in the past would also meet me with hateful words and arrogant justications of their actions while they try to give me an education on my own culture and it's history!

Here is an article that can give you a better idea of where I'm coming from:

While to some it seems as though it's just a harmless religion/belief system, I personally know the extent of the damage these types of people cause. These are the very things which lead to a continuation of perpetuating stereo-types which breeds hate. It also leads to the continued bioprospecting/biopiracy of indigenous peoples around the world.

Here is a list of "Huna leaders" from Serge King's site called,

Here are more links from the same site. It is a list of teachers and therapists, or what I like to refer to as "the brainwashers" located around the world.

The `oiwi make up .1% of the world's population. Clearly I am outnumbered. This is why I am asking for your help.

I would also like to know more on how I can help NAFPS. I have joined the blog recently and if there are any other ways I can help, please let me know.

Thank you very much,
K. LeslyAnn Walker

Offline AlaskaGrl

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« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2005, 02:33:29 am »

Check your mail to this list. ? When you sign in you will see a notification at the top of the page if you have mail. ? Click on it. ? Some members may contact you privately others will be on list.

FL member.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2005, 06:54:24 am »
Welcome Lesleyann. You dont know how glad I am to see you here. Ive been wanting for years someone who could help us with regards to all the frauds posing as teaching Hawaiian tradition. I know very little about Hawaiian beliefs so Ive been reluctant to put out any warnings on people like King, even though Ive known about objections to him.

Truthfully I think we need to start by asking you about books or sites you could recommend that would help us know the basic truths about Hawaiian beliefs, enough for us to be able to spot the frauds. I dont even know about the problems with Max Long mentioned in the article.

A couple of suggestions for dealing with these frauds that Natives have used:

Start a webpage if you know how to build one or can find someone who can. You want to give clear unambiguous warnings and listing of reasons to object to the frauds, and your email to me is really good and strong at doing that. But I would go after each and every fraud group or individual you can find, even though that may be a very long list.

And post the warnings and links to them in every place you can find. We´d be glad to help with that. I think your email would work pretty well as a general warning, and could easily be turned into specific warnings on King and Spirit of the Turtle Circle.

Find as many written objections from Hawaiian and Polynesian leaders, elders (I dont even know if you use the term or have another Im embarassed to say), and allies. You want to avoid them being able to easily dismiss you as just one angry crank. Mentioning as many names or groups possible, including non Polynesians (and I´d be happy to add my name to that list, and so would people here) also stops cold their standard accusation that youre "just a racist who hates whites."

For a start we´d be glad to post anything you care to write up on our sites, starting with your email as a general warning if you like. And invite anyone and everyone you know interested in the issue to come here, the more the better. That includes Hawaiian groups involved in this issue, which I dont even know if there are any.

Again, its really good to have you here.  

Offline debbieredbear

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« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2005, 05:55:52 pm »
I am glad to see this topic come up. There is a racist white woman who was bragging about how much she spent to fly to Hawaii to learn "authentic huna". Yeah, right.  She was a major wannabe and also was trying to learn "Indian" and advertised she taught in a yurt. HUH?? I think she had visions of being the next LynnAndrewes.

Interesting thing is a man named Scott Cunningham (a wiccan, now deceased) wrote a book years ago about Hawaiian spirituality in which he exposed the roots of huna. And told people to stay away.

Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2005, 09:57:08 pm »
Found a book debunking Max Long. The fact that so many Huna nuts went out of their way to bash the authorr for tiny little things says a lot of good things about her.
Origins of Huna: Secret Behind the Secret Science
by Shelley Kaehr

Cunningham's books, which dont seem too critical judging by the reviews or table of contents. Cunningham wrote mostly Wiccan and N uage books for the notorious Llewellyn people.

A discussion about the problems with so called Huna, useful except for the last person's predictable whining.

Offline debbieredbear

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« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2005, 03:37:41 am »
Oh, yeah, he was a wiccan fer sure. And  he was trying to impart his own version of "Hawaiian Spirituality". But he made me aware, for the first tie, that huna was a bunch of hooey.

Offline Sarangerel

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« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2005, 07:37:59 am »
Debbie Red Bear's lady must have been a real piece of work.
A white woman wanting to be Indian learning Huna in the traditional dwelling of my people?
It's a typical example of New Age smorgasbord spirituality.