Frauds / Re: Mel Minitor Jr AKA Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by educatedindian on January 29, 2025, 07:09:16 pm »....He's a white boy.
Also:QuoteMinitor did the sound last month for Strom Thurmond's huge Christmas part near Columbia and has a long connection with the senator.
Most people reading this outside the US or who are younger might not know that Thurmond was a notorious lifelong white supremacist and segregationist. One of the worst and most infamous in all of America.
Strom Thurmond was a prominent South Carolina politician and vocal segregationist. While governor of South Carolina, he led the Dixiecrat ticket in 1948 as the pro-segregationist presidential candidate; he won significant support in the South but lost the election. In 1954, Thurmond was elected to the Senate, where he grew in national influence as a leading opponent of civil rights. In 1956, he was a primary drafter of the Southern Manifesto, which denounced the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education and encouraged Southern states to prevent public school integration. A staunch opponent of civil rights legislation, Thurmond famously staged a 24 hour filibuster to prevent passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957. He also opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and its reauthorization in 1975. Thurmond served 48 years in the Senate and died in 2003 at the age of 100. He never publicly renounced his segregationist views.
On top of that, a serial petty criminal, check forger and batterer. Not sure what to make of handing out porn to minors. And some of his crimes came decades after he became an ordained Christian minister. In some nondenominational churches, becoming a pastor is incredibly easy, a couple months of Bible college.