(Oh no, those poor white people being persecuted by evil NDNs! )
Good one.
And for folks coming in off the Internet, youtube, etc. should know that MANY different kinds, creeds, and colors of folks ALL OVER THE EARTH have significant concerns with LG.
It's not just the hooey around 'At age 30 I was called (ring ring) to be THE Shaman of the Sioux and Salish Tribes', it's nearly every aspect of her message, misrepresentation of 'facts' (using 30% of our brain), very odd statements at times, and trying to use the Native American persona all the while claiming she does not teach anything Native American. (Well, from listening to her that is pretty clear IF YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT NDN ways, most folks won't know the difference and it's not really in LG's interest to be specific on that one, attracts more half-minded folk.) But the fact is she is prancing around like an Indian Princess holdin them magic crystals way up high because only she can save Mother Earth. It is really weird and going cult-side fast.
Do not turn off your mind and just 'live from your heart'. Folks build up cults saying that line all the time. If anything, let the mind and heart be in balance. You wouldn't have it if you weren't supposed to use it.