Author Topic: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first  (Read 17930 times)

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2008, 04:10:04 am »
I have been given things that I didn't know what to do with, or that was more than I needed. I don't know much except some of the basics, but how I understood this was that the Elder that gave this to me knew I would pass the extra on to traditional people who needed this more than I did.

Which is probably how people traditionally obtain these things without buying them. When I get given something I'm not sure what to do with, I just see myself as one link in the chain of it going to where it is needed.  So it isn't just an object that is received, it is a whole chain of caring relationships. I wouldn't be surprised if some sweet grass braids travel with 10 or 20 people before someone decides it is time to use it.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 04:32:42 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline earthw7

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Re: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2008, 02:13:40 pm »
yes that is true, the process of gathering the sweet grasses is long and hard. one must pick each strand one at a time.  there are prayers done before picking and you can take one in a group. I have spend all day and then the next day braiding the sweet grass.

There is a story that goes with the use of it. One can use it as tea or a smudge it depends what is needed.

sage is pick the same way with a story, we use it as a tea, poutice, or smudge and the reason are totally different.

Cedar is also a tea or smudge and poutice this is only the flat red cedar they have a reason why the are used with the story.

tobacco is also used in the same way, but the uses is a little different we don't make a tea but we use it as a poutice and smudge.

In Spirit

Offline Freija

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Re: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2008, 07:36:57 pm »
I find that many Natives coming over here - not talking about the exploiters now - leave some medicine behind as a "thank you". Usually it´s given without any "instructions", sometimes we are told to use it for smudging and protection.

I personally felt uncomfortable saying "No thanks" to people who are respected and/or are Elders/elders.  But a friend thought that would be the correct thing to that´s why I asked.

Maybe take it and wait for an opportunity to pass it along?

Thanks for your inputs, Earth and Moma! 
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 10:37:54 pm by Freija »

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2008, 10:21:03 pm »
[Barnaby's note:
this user has posted from an IP belonging to a cable company in Massillon, Ohio, home of the fantasist Eric Macuski aka Red Hawk.]

 No connection there. They hate each other. This user's spouse is Nanticoke and a relative of mine.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2008, 04:14:01 am »
Stuff from this thread here came up in the thread on Tsisqua below

Instead of going off topic over there , about something that happened over here I am answering here ...

Reply #92
Ravencrow now posting as gogv
My name was not of a public record and there is only one way she could get it and it was to buy it. I can see if I had other sites and public things with my name on it, but I did not.

I posted a link to this thread and said

gogv ... sorry but that isn't true and was already discussed here once

See reply #1

When I saw you removed this information I edited my post and removed your name which was in my report about how easy your real name was to find with a simple google search on your user name. Maybe you forgot about this... ?

Tsisqua did enough stuff that is wrong without any of us blurring the issues by accusing her of stuff she didn't do.

As i just said I am intolerant of people not telling the truth and yeah I know this can be annoying. No offence is meant but i have to tell the truth and I can only support people who do the same.

I agree with your other points and yes Tsisqua was good at creating unnecessary conflict, and bad feelings.

And gogv who was raven crow replied

Reply #94
Okay I don't see where I posted my Sonja name anywhere and that is what I am talking about. She also posted my IP and I know that too was not public information. When people have social sites those people are expected to hold some respect for people's privacy. In Freewebs they have a program that tracks IP's and that is where Tsisqua got mine. But it is not her right to post it here, there, or everywhere like she did.

Now I do admit I made a mistake with RNS and I did apologize here openly for anything mean I may have said. Now I also know none of my Nicnames show me as Sonja. Now IP's fine it does not take you directly to my house but hey, anyone wants to come and visit I will now map quest it for you. That is what I am talking about. I don't feel I wrongfully accused her of anything because she did do that. She also had a few variations of my name and not all of them was mine. The only way she could of gotten that was in a credit check. I got one myself and I saw some things there that was not even mine so I had that cleared up.

I just googled knightcrowwatching and these are what came up

and for Ravencrow this came up

Still nothing with my IP or Sonja name.

But that is okay. I am not all twisted up on that nor does it rule my life. I also don't make a habit of blaming people for something they did not do. I know she did what she did to me and that is not a lie

So here is my response to all that

Ravencrow / gogv first off i don't think the difficulties you had with Tsisqua are because you are lying. Without a doubt she was lying and getting along with a liar is next to impossible.

As for what I am saying about your real name being on line alongside of your internet identity . It was. It isn't any longer. Of course it doesn't come up in a google search anymore . It isn't there anymore .

If you didn't realize this could easily be found on line , I can see why you would be upset when Tsisqua and The Reble began posting this information. But it is not true that this information was not in the public relm and easy to find and I did save screen shots.

When I saw you had removed your real name from the webpage where it appeared alongside your internet user name , ( and you must have realized it was there to remove it ) I edited my post and removed your name . Maybe you just forgot this?

Generally speaking , I agree that posting information like someones real name or IP could lead to someone getting hurt in a way people might not have imagined or intended , and I don't think it's OK to post this information unless there is a very good reason to do so - such as a real concern for pubic safety - or it is easily available and was posted publicly by the person it belongs to. As yours appears to have been .
Maybe i just am not using the search right but I don't see where Tsisqua ever posted your IP at least not in NAFPS . But I do see where you and a couple other people posted hers as being in Ireland.

first post in this thread

Now I have done an IP check on NAU and her and it goes to Dubblin Ireland

 As this didn't make a likely fit with what she was claiming I can see that there may be a reason for posting this - especially when it was clear tsisqua was lying about pretty much everything -  But if you want to talk about things tsisqua did that were wrong , ( and there is MANY ) this is probably one of the weaker arguments you could make , as you have done the same thing to her yourself !

 Speaking of wrongdoing...

Rereading this I see some of my comments to you were unkind and unnecesarily rude and I apologize for that. I was feeling frustrated because I honestly did not understand what you were trying to say. On top of that, from what i could understand , some of what you were saying- like that by Tsisqua putting your real name on line in association with your internet ID had endangered you , was just not true , because you had clearly done this yourself .

Ravencrow / gogv I really sympathize with what you went through with this person posting as tsisqua and i know from my own experience that she could be really nasty , but doing battle with someone like this it's really important to present what you are trying to communicate in a way that people can understand what you are saying. If you get the real problems all mixed up with stuff that is more just your own perceptions or you blame someone else for something you did yourself , you just set yourself up to be misunderstood. People like tsisqua will use this to play the victim and make it all your problem. Even when it's not.

I don't mean to be unkind but accusing people of stuff that isn't really true when they have done a lot of things that are truly very wrong , all that does is confuses things. And then you are hurting yourself just as much as someone else has hurt you.

I hope this helps you understand how some of these misunderstandings came about. Maybe i have had  a part in that too- and reading my own rude comments i can see this is the case . For that I sincerely apologize. But I need you to be true to the facts if i am going to be able to be supportive towards you , and it was you that put your name * in the public relm together with your internet name *- and not Tsisqua

I think the title of this thread kind of sums up all the silly accusations that confused the main issues ...

"The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first".....

Does that really matter?

I'm tired ....

( edited to replace the 1/2 sentence in between the two *  * which accidently got deleted before I posted this )
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 12:54:03 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline gogv

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Re: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2008, 12:28:04 am »
I still don't see where I called anyone twinkie city first or last. Nor do I see where I posted my name first. When Tsisqua was her in the past and all the crap was flying she did post my ip. It was withing 24 hours of me first being here. Now if that original post was deleted and it appears it was, what can I say but what I know?

Also you and others that were here then, are fully aware that she did that. Just because some are denying it, does not mean it did not happen. Just because that post was deleted does not mean it was not said. I don't pull things from the air to just have something to complain about.

Of all the things she did that is the one thing I was most pissed about. Recently, the one who brought my name up again was, Zoi. I suspect she did that because she also saw the same post I am talking about and thought she might get a rise out of me. She assumed wrong of course.

I am saying I don't care anymore and I will map quest my house for anyone who wants to visit. This really is all I have to say on this matter. I know the truth of what happened and what was said and really that is all that matters.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: The question about who said Twinkie City and who attacked first
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2008, 05:00:31 am »

I pmed you the link to the thread in NAFPS and reply number and quote where Tsisqua reposted your real name. Yes Tsisqua did repost what you posted elsewhere on the internet. 

I can't see where she posted your IP here and i don't remember seeing that.
I don't remember everything and I could be wrong.

Tsisqua called RSN Twinkie city first. My point was i don't see how petty stuff like that is all that important.

Beyond that it seems crazy to argue about this. We obviously have different priorities in how we communicate.  Lets drop it.