Author Topic: Who ISN'T a fraud?  (Read 33500 times)

Offline Tzununa

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2013, 12:59:51 am »

Ms. Muschinski is referring to fraud Erick Gonzalez of the Earth Peoples United cult.

Ms., contrary to what you think he is NOT Native. He is a Guatemalan of entirely European ancestry doing a fraudulent knock off of Mayan ways mangled together with faux Lakota ceremony.

And that you take a faux Native name yourself is a further illustration of the harm imposters like Gonzalez do.

You do realize MacGyver is fiction right?  :)
Haphazard and invented on the spot is not what anyone wants or should get when it comes to healing, counseling, or spiritual tradition.

You ask what else could you do? Almost literally anything would be better than play acting Native with an imposter, esp one leading a cult whose harmed huge numbers of people.

Start off with simply being a decent human being for a change. Get involved with human rights or environmental or other just causes. I have a hard time thinking of a worser course of action you could have taken.

Try doing what is right instead what makes you feel good and tells you lies you wish were true.

Wow, this is so grossly inaccurate. First of all, I have not taken a native name, I have the name my mama gave me. I am also curious about the satisfaction you seem to get from posting my name all over in different areas, especially, quite inaccurately linked with some other post about whether or not Erick Gonzalez is a white person. (???)

As for Erick Gonzalez, while I know him, I was actually not referring to him but to someone else entirely. Erick does not live in a city, have an NAC or offer medicine ceremonies like the person I was talking about. And cult? Really?

I'm not sure where you got your information or how you connected me to him, but this is terribly inaccurate. If you are an administrator, I would think this is an extremely important point. What you have done here is create petty gossip, and distorted my words without my permission.

I didn't mention his name and you were mistaken, so what you have done is slander to both of us.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Who's way?
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2013, 01:00:33 am »
Aren't we all respected persons?

It's like in real life: some are, some are not.

Shouldn't we all be spoken to with care and respect?

Respect does not grow on trees, it's earned. Some do, some don't.

I was hoping that someone could put my heart at ease to let me know that this forum is actually seeking peace and understanding more than anything else, but I see that it is just like all of life, a mix of the good and the bad.

It's not our duty to put your heart or whatever at ease. The understanding we seek to create is that people like you understand what and who is a fraud, and to how to avoid frauds. Again: some do, some don't. Some begin to think, some refuse. Some are able to accept the things they can learn here, some prefer to continue the exploitation of ndn cultures and religions cause to them it "feels good". Some of the persons registering for an account here even insist on believing a white, bald-headed drug peddler too lazy to get a decent job to earn his living was a ndn shame-on. Some come in to learn, some insist on remaining wasicu.

You happen to be in an environment with a different set of behaviour than your usual one, so please stop going on and on and on, posting umpteen times. Ten posts in a row will not make you look important, it will make you look a wasicu idiot who cannot pick up things work differently here and act out their white priviledge.

And please don't give us this "you don't know me" BS - *you* don't know *us* either, and you come across as quite happy to jump to assumptions about us. Your attitude isn't news to us, we've seen all this entitlement and demanding attitude and white priviledge before, far more often than we'd care for. You got a head, start using it to do some reading and then do some thinking for a change - instead of only making use of your head when you get a new hairdo.

Offline Tzununa

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2013, 01:00:56 am »

There is one person I know listed here, for example, who I would prefer not to mention. I have personally witnessed many of hundreds of people come through his ceremonies. He is a white person who shares a community chanupa in a weekly ceremony and offers huachuma healing ceremonies on some weekends. He has been doing this for many years and has been trained by native healers, who I have noticed are also listed here. He doesn't do things in a strictly traditional way because he is not working with native people. I know that his mission is to get as much medicine in as many white people as possible to affect change in the world in a collective way. Although he has a decent house and everything he needs materially, he is not a rich man and lives a humble life of constant service. Many other close-to-70 year olds are sitting around watching TV and taking naps, or traveling on their pensions, not sitting up all night with their aching bodies doctoring people, counseling them and cleaning up vomit.

Ms. Muschinski is referring to fraud Erick Gonzalez of the Earth Peoples United cult.

Ms., contrary to what you think he is NOT Native. He is a Guatemalan of entirely European ancestry doing a fraudulent knock off of Mayan ways mangled together with faux Lakota ceremony.
Emphasis mine

Actually, Ms M is confirming our suspicion and, at the same time, ruining her guru's scheme: I've emphasised the sentence above in which she clearly says Gonzalez is a white person!

So that says everything about his claims to be Maya and to have been taught Maya spirituality be "his elders". In other words: this is no more than a legend Gonzalez is using to promote his business. Of course 'legend' is just another word for 'bunch of lies'.

And if Gonzalez is "sitting up all night ... doctoring people, counseling them and cleaning up vomit", then perhaps he should hand out less Ayahuasca to his customers, and of course also other less of drugs like the above mentioned wachuma/ huachuma.

I'm going to copy this post to our thread on Gonzalez to make the info on him being a white person available there, too.
The thread is to be found here:

I was NOT referring to Erick Gonzalez. Please remove that post.

Offline Diana

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2013, 02:54:53 am »
It does actually feel like a lot of projected hate and negativity in many of the criticisms I read here and makes me wonder if this is the dark side working in some clever disguise to confuse people.

Wow, that's insulting! Because you don't like what actual native people say, you insult us?

Not only is it insulting Debbie, it's RACIST! I'm so sick and tired of these white whiners coming here sniveling and boo hooing about how mean and selfish Indians are. As if we owe this tzununa person anything. @ tzununa, you are the epitome of the racist oppressor. It is not up to us to educate your ignorant white ass. You and people like you are the reason we have to a forum like this.

I hope this tzununa person reads this and really reflects on her words and the hurt she has caused.

Lim lemtsh,


Wow!!! You just called me a racist oppressor.  ????????????????????

Who is causing hurt here? There are ACTUAL racist oppressors in the world. There are people who discriminate and kill others for their race.

I am so sorry for whatever pain you have felt in your life because of racism. You don't know me and I don't know you from a few typed words on the internet so be very careful with such dangerous accusations before you take the time to have a peaceful discussion with someone.

I have devoted my life to healing racial conflict and know first hand what it is to live with racism on a daily basis. I married my husband, a North African man just before 9/11 and saw what racism did to him to me and to our family, every day of our lives. DON'T TELL ME WHO I AM from a fucking internet post.

Your pain requires responsibility. Just because I have been raped, I don't get to walk up to every man on the street and rip him a new one. You don't get to generalize either. Did you read the plea I was making for peace? Take off your racism-colored glasses, sister, and SEE ME and how I actually am trying to Love you here. In whatever way I am mistaken or ignorant of what it is like for other people, my inquiry was made in love and you just shit all over it.

1. Who is causing hurt here? There are ACTUAL racist oppressors in the world. There are people who discriminate and kill others for their race.
Heavy sigh.....YOU! actually several people on here have said so. And yes I'm calling YOU an actual racist oppressor, also stop with straw man argument.

2. I am so sorry for whatever pain you have felt in your life because of racism. You don't know me and I don't know you from a few typed words on the internet so be very careful with such dangerous accusations before you take the time to have a peaceful discussion with someone.
I don't believe you're sorry, not one little bit. As for knowing YOU....actually I do, I know your ilk very well. We get your kind here everyday, day in and day out. I don't have to meet you face to face to know that you're a racist and a entitled whiner. "Dangerous accusations" please stop with the hyperbole you sound ridiculous.
3. I have devoted my life to healing racial conflict and know first hand what it is to live with racism on a daily basis. I married my husband, a North African man just before 9/11 and saw what racism did to him to me and to our family, every day of our lives. DON'T TELL ME WHO I AM from a fucking internet post.
This is a pathetic response. It's the typical racist saying "I have black friends"

4. Your pain requires responsibility. Just because I have been raped, I don't get to walk up to every man on the street and rip him a new one. You don't get to generalize either. Did you read the plea I was making for peace? Take off your racism-colored glasses, sister, and SEE ME and how I actually am trying to Love you here. In whatever way I am mistaken or ignorant of what it is like for other people, my inquiry was made in love and you just shit all over it.
How is your rape relevant to this discussion?....I'm not going to play your one-upmanship game. Again, stop with the sniveling and boo hooing and put your big girl pants on and really take a good look at your self. One more time with feeling...It's not up us to educate YOUR ignorant white ass.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline earthw7

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2013, 04:33:31 am »
wow I am sorry but everyday i run into those kind of people
Who think we should teach them how to live just look around you,
you can find that peace with in you.  You don't have to steal another persons
culture to find peace in your life,  nor do we have to take the time to teach u.
My people are warrior not this peace hippy type people we stand for what is right
and what is wrong and i have had to deal with people like you all the time who think
you have some right to my way of life but are you on my reservation helping NO!
I am sorry your life is messed up but that does not mean you need to follow frauds to fit yourself
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 02:41:31 pm by earthw7 »
In Spirit


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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2013, 06:11:50 am »
Tzununa, what I can't understand about all this is why you do not mention the people you are here trying to defend (you admit you know Erick Gonzalez and other people who are listed as frauds here), and then you get upset since you say that he is not the person you were referring to in your original post.

You say you are looking for understanding (and I guess, explanations) from the members of this forum, yet you wait for around two weeks in order to reply to the posts here, and then you show that you are not willing to learn or understand anything.  There is no point to this -- none at all.

Offline Laurel

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2013, 10:54:48 am »
My question was not intended to be a lecture, but a sincere inquiry for the sake of peace and understanding. I was hoping that someone could put my heart at ease to let me know that this forum is actually seeking peace and understanding more than anything else

How could anyone who read word one of this forum get the idea it's about "seeking peace and understanding more than anything else"? It isn't. The forum exists to uncover frauds who exploit Native American ways for profit. That's all.

...but I see that it is just like all of life, a mix of the good and the bad.

Of course it is. Again, why would you have expected anything different? Did you have an idea that Native Americans are super-spiritual, special, one hundred per cent good people? That's a stereotype, and it's racist, even though it might sound pleasant to you.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #37 on: November 24, 2013, 02:28:22 pm »
Ms. Muschinski sent several emails saying we need her permission to mention her name or Gonzalez's and that what we are saying is libelous, then huffily saying she won't return here. I suspect her last set of emails were intended to be hit and run, spout off and leave and she hasn't seen the responses.

But in answer to one of her questions, Muschinski's name shows up several times on EPU sites promoting Gonzalez, as a local organizer or sponsor.

Another person on this thread who called himself Bishadi or Biesiada sent an email with some ramblings, claiming to be appointed by Hopi elders and on a mission, claims he's handed out information to tribes all across the lower 48 states. (Even states that don't have tribes, like PA?)

I urged him to seek professional help. I only mention his claims in case we see them showing up elsewhere later.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2013, 07:20:01 pm »
thank you for the great job you do EI
In Spirit

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Who ISN'T a fraud?
« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2014, 06:49:22 pm »

I have noticed that a number of the people I know doing good ceremonial and spiritual work who help a lot of people are listed here as "frauds."

I have watched so many people come through his NAC and get healed of addictions, clean up their lives, repair broken relationships, wake up their families, recreate community and heal the lost sense of tribe that so many of us feel, graduate beyond the self-focused healing and into stewardship with the people and the earth and peel away layers of cultural conditioning having been born into white American culture but with good hearts and good intentions to go on and support the causes of the indigenous people.

I feel sad that these few people who are doing such powerful and important work in the world at this time to help people are so criticized and pulled down for their efforts and imperfections. Many of the native elders I have met and worked with are they same way, but they are not criticized because they are native. This is not a glamorous or lucrative path. I can't imagine who could be doing this for any kind of glory. Healing work is a dirty and often thankless job.

Warum glauben einige Menschen, dass es möglich ist, einen Menschen von Außen zu heilen?
Heilung beginnt in einem selbst und das bedeuted, dass du dich selber konfrontieren musst, dein Inneres, da sind gute Lebenserfahrungen und da ist auch schlechte in deinem Leben. Bei einer Konfrontation musst du dadurch und nachvollziehen, warum das passierte. Das ist harte Arbeit und sie fühlt sich nicht immer gut an, manchmal tut sie verdammt weh.
Heilen Frauds  mit ihren Zeremonien wirklich, oder helfen sie nicht eher, dass die Menschen dissoziieren, sich von ihrem Inneren und von der Realität abspalten? Es gibt Menschen, die haben eine Leere in sich, die keine Substanz hat, sie sind unerreichbar. Du versuchst, hoffst, dass sie dich wirklich verstehen, was du ihnen mitteilen möchtest, aber sie verstehen dich nicht.

Why do some people believe, to heal a person is possible from the outside?
Healing begins in your self and it means you need to confrontate yourself, your inner, there are good life-events and also there are some bad exist(ed) in your life. In a confrontation you need to walk through it and comprehend why it happened. This is hard work and sometimes it does not feel good to you, sometimes it hurts very much.
Do these frauds in their ceremonies really heal or do they help the people dissociate, to split their inner from reality? There are people who got an inner emptiness without substance, you cannot reach them. You try, hope they will understand what you want to say by your words, but they cannot comprehend what you mean.