Author Topic: Bogomudr, Bes Beloyar, and others of their ilk  (Read 14032 times)

Offline Sagaanmergen

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Bogomudr, Bes Beloyar, and others of their ilk
« on: February 07, 2006, 05:44:47 pm »
Hello all,

I know you have heard from me before but I am more angry than ever that these guys mentioned in the title and their disciples are still operating in the United States and nothing seems to be done about it.  
As a Native Siberian it is as enraging to our people as it is to Native Americans to see our traditions exploited to enrich some greedy Europeans.
Why have the immigration authorities not picked up on this and sent them back to Russia or are they held back by the fact that these guys will probably go to jail as soon as their boots hit the ground?  While innocent folks are hassled at the airport for having nail clippers in their carry-on?
I hate posting fraud alerts but I have found out that the fake Siberian shaman formerly known as Biven Mamonta is now going by the name Bes Beloyar.  This is even more offensive as the historical Bes Beloyar was a killer of the Huns, ancestors to Native Siberians today.  To exploit our traditions is insult enough, but to name yourself after an oppressor of our ancestors and then sell yourself as a Siberian shaman really sticks in my craw.  How about a New Age "medicine man" calling himself Hernando Cortes or George Armstrong Custer?  
So if you are living in California or Sedona you might see him doing workshops under one of these two names.  The people in this cult keep changing the name of their group and the names of their gurus, maybe in part because Native Siberian shamans keep denouncing them.
It is a difficult choice whether to name them all here and their websites, as they need no more attention than they have gotten already.
But if anyone tells you that their spiritual leader is called Bogomudr Altai Kagan RUN LIKE HELL!  He is a criminal, fraud, and an insult to Native Siberian spirituality.  This is not libel, it is pretty well documented in other places already.  
It appears that the new teacher from this group is a Elena Loboda, who while not openly mentioning her alliance to Konstantin Rudnev (aka Bogomudr Altai Kagan) and his cult, is giving the same mish-mash of Russian mysticism, Hinduism, Sufism, Tibetan Buddhism, and whatever else could be gleaned out of the Dumpster of spirituality that Biven Mamonta, or whatever he is called, has offered already and claiming it is Siberian shamanism.
If Loboda is not a Rudnev disciple she is almost certainly a Rudnev knock-off.
How much more do Siberian native peoples have to take of this crass exploitation?  Has a single kopeck of Rudnev's money or of his other
followers ever benefited the cause of native rights or cultural preservation?  Of course they have not!
Furthermore I am very offended by the new emphasis on "Hyperborea" as the motherland of Siberian shamanism.  First of all that is a Greek
word and a concept of Hellenistic science which has nothing to do with Native Siberians at all except that the land mass described may be the same.  Ancient Greek scholars depicted the land as a place of cannibals and headless monsters, a place of ultimate backwardness.
Their beliefs were just as racist as what came next.
The idea of Hyperborea as a source of esoteric knowledge comes from the Aryan ideologies of a century ago and is as fake now as when Hitler sponsored the expeditions to Central Asia.  This new Hyperborea stuff is just a re-hashing of that long discredited garbage.  Native Siberian people are no more the bearers of some ancient Aryan
knowledge than Native Americans are the Lost Tribes of Israel.
Anyone who believes that tripe is welcome to e-mail me as I can give you a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge!
Thank you for your patience in reading this.
It is hard to be practically the only voice for one's people in the English speaking world.

Sarangerel Odigon

p. s. please see if you would like to read about our authentic native traditions.  No workshops planned in Sedona anytime soon...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Bogomudr, Bes Beloyar, and others of their ilk
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2006, 05:46:40 pm »
Sarangerel, where are you located? Would you consider making a complaint against these frauds to DAs in CA or Sedona or anywhere else they show up? Or some kind of sworn statement?

Have Siberian elders thought about some kind of Declaration of War statement similar to what Lakota elders issued? Or specific warnings against Mamonta/"Beloyar" much like several Native tribes have issued against specific exploiters. These kinds of statements could be sent to groups that might reach people who might be tricked into going to these exploiters' workshops. For example, Shaman's Drum has published pieces critical of Castaneda's cult. Not to mention all kinds of Native papers and online sites would be pretty sympathetic and probably publish it too.

Jim Tree

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Re: Bogomudr, Bes Beloyar, and others of their ilk
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2006, 06:13:36 pm »
Hello Sarangerel Odigon,
May I have your permission to post this on another site? We have been having a lively discussion about Native American "Shamans" and I think this would help.
Thank you,
Jim Tree