Author Topic: George Bertelstein & Medicine Path NAC  (Read 48885 times)

Offline huerfana

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Re: George Bertelstein & Medicine Path NAC
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2014, 09:34:09 pm »
Recently came across this:

Medicine Path Native American Church website:, and Manta profile:

This group of individuals are offering "sacred pipe ceremonies" and "healing medicine ceremonies." They have registered as a 501c3 non-profit corporation. They actively seek donations.

The principals are George Bertelstein, Counseling (claims to have been adopted by Norbert Running); Jeff Wright, "Red Road Counseling;" Jill Visor, Prinicipal. Their spiritual teacher is George Grey Eagle.

There is a link to their Blog which presents explanations and photos.

I feel these people are misguided, but don't feel it's my place to ask them to cease what they're doing. There's so much going on here in California...

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: George Bertelstein & Medicine Path NAC
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2014, 10:23:02 pm »
There is a thread on this group located here with a lot more information

Offline educatedindian

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Re: George Bertelstein & Medicine Path NAC
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2018, 01:54:37 am »
Received this account of how Bertelstein runs his fraudulent ceremony.


- Medicine Path holds their Sacred Pipe Ceremony and Healing Ceremony in an upper middle-class home at 3009 Deakin Street, Berkeley, CA 94705. The structure used for the ceremonies is a a geometric dome/building in the backyard.

- Prior to entering the geo-dome, each person is smudged however, the burning of sage is never used to smudge. Palo Santo essential oil is sprayed on the hands. The person claps three times and a smudging feather is used once on the front and once on the back of the person.

- For those of us new to this group, we were told that George Bertelstein is waiting inside and to approach him, shake his hand, and tell him our name. All this was done while George remained seated.

- There was no fire. Instead, many tea candles were lit that provided the only source of light. In the center of the floor was a buffalo skull and other animal skulls. The room was decorated with many things involving what appeared to be Lakota, Catholic, and Peruvian/Amazonian decorations. motifs, and artifacts. A Jar Candle Sagrado Corazon De Jesus and a Jar Candle Virgin Of Guadalupe were lit.

- . Some people began their prayers with "Great Spirit" and others began their prayer with "God" and others began with "Tunkasila." At the end of the prayer, we were told to say "Mitakuye Oyasin."

- The c'anupa was then lit and was passed around the circle for everyone to smoke. George Bertelstein was the last person to smoke the pipe. He then left the ceremony. Jeff Wright then instructed the first person in the circle to go around hugging the next person and the next person, and for the next person standing in the circle to do the same. I never did see George again that night,

- Afterwards, inside the home in the kitchen I asked Jeff my questions about the Healing Ceremony. Jeff told me that San Pedro is used and showed me the cacti growing in potted plants right on the deck of the backyard. He told me that people got well into a paper bag. He told me that hape is used in the ceremony and that George administers it through a tepi. He told me the ceremony begins in the morning and ends at night.

- An email was sent in regard to the Healing Ceremony that read, "The financial contribution for this Ceremony is $250. If you are unable to offer the full amount, you may offer a reduced contribution of $200".

Offline Sparks

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Re: George Bertelstein & Medicine Path NAC & Jeff Wright
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2018, 02:27:06 pm »
Bertelstein is described in another link here.

Also mentioned here, also written by member "cosmic jellyfish":

Also, I found more about Jeff Wright and "Medicine Path NAC" when investigating another fraud:

The site is run by one Jeff Wright, who has been mentioned about four times in this forum. Maybe he deserves his own thread in here?

Who Am I ?
Jeff Wright  is an expert counselor & teacher of the transformative technology of self-healing. He is a husband, former psychotherapist, leader, business owner and mentor. Past experience as a laborer, school teacher, expert bartender/mixologist, mental health practitioner, athlete and devotee of the martial arts also informs his work. Jeff has dedicated his life to offering whatever help he can to individuals & couples who share his burning desire to envision, create and realize a better, happier life for their own enjoyment and for the benefit of all their relations.

Life Purpose
His life’s purpose is to do his part to offer the healing medicine of love to as many people as he can in this lifetime.

For over 18yrs Jeff has been helping people transform their lives, their relationships and their careers in his San Francisco based counseling practice.

Medicine Path
For over 14 years he has been helping people in his role as co-founder, president and member of Medicine Path Native American Church in Berkeley, CA.

My bolding of that last paragraph. I found that "NAC" and/or Jeff Wright mentioned ihere: