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… Loren Zephier:
Seems Loren Zephier is ill, in hospital in Sioux Falls. …

His Facebook profile now reads: "Remembering Loren Zephier".

He passed away July 19, 2021. Here is an obituary:

I suggest moving this thread to Archive No. 1 as 'NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN'.
Frauds / Re: Mel Minitor Jr AKA Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on January 30, 2025, 12:03:42 am »
Mel Standing Eagle PC at Star Knowledge
On 11-11-23 Mel Standing Eagle PC giving a short talk at Star Knowledge Conference at the Yankton Sioux Tribe in Pickstown, S.D.

Title of talk: "Walking In Magic - The Creators Sense of Humor.  This is an event of Indigenous Elders, Wisdom Keepers and Visionaries sharing ancient knowledge and for the future of Mother Earth.

Earlier thread on Star Knowledge Conference

I watched the video. Mel is at heart a Christian minister, he's not very good at it, but that is his foundation. His go to references include "burning bush". He shoehorns in some new age and pretendian b.s.

He is incredibly, casually disrespectful.

We have tribes that will be extinct in the next 20 years. The kids are too busy with that cell phone that they don't pay attention to those things around them. They're not conscious. It's not like days gone by when Elders saw a broken twig or some branch broken and was able now the Creator has got a sense of humor in that he allows us to see things if we pay attention to them ....

Mel also claims that youth don't show up at tribal gatherings. He is willfully ignorant.

Mel suggests that events could be held for tribal teens. As if this is his unique brilliant idea. And apparently there is only one tribe in the country, or they are all somehow diffusely the same.

Mel is enamored of his own rambling dumb stories. He lazily doesn't even try to learn about the varied cultures all around him.

I know pretendians like Mel are a dime a dozen. But I find him particularly irritating.

Research Needed / Re: Leah Yellowbird - Minnesota Artist
« Last post by ojib22 on January 29, 2025, 07:32:19 pm »
I too chased her ancestry back to about the early-mid 1800's (which sounds like you went back even further) paying a little more attention to her mother's Canadian side since there is the claim of Metis.  I got back to a Teresa/Thereza Hough who would be Leah's great-great-grandmother born in the late 1860's and the only item of interest I found was on the 1891 Canadian census, Teresa's family lived near some Anishinaabe people.  The family is listed as Catholic while the Indigenous folks are listed as "Pagan" but they are not in the same household or appear to live immediately next to each other.  I don't think this helps much but any art board should be demanding proof of her lineage.  I tried to pick out which aunt she is referring to but none of the aunts make sense with what she is claiming, her mother's sister is still alive from what I can tell but she refers to the aunt who taught her beadwork as having passed.
....He's a white boy.


Minitor did the sound last month for Strom Thurmond's huge Christmas part near Columbia and has a long connection with the senator.

 Most people reading this outside the US or who are younger might not know that Thurmond was a notorious lifelong white supremacist and segregationist. One of the worst and most infamous in all of America.

Strom Thurmond was a prominent South Carolina politician and vocal segregationist. While governor of South Carolina, he led the Dixiecrat ticket in 1948 as the pro-segregationist presidential candidate; he won significant support in the South but lost the election. In 1954, Thurmond was elected to the Senate, where he grew in national influence as a leading opponent of civil rights. In 1956, he was a primary drafter of the Southern Manifesto, which denounced the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education and encouraged Southern states to prevent public school integration. A staunch opponent of civil rights legislation, Thurmond famously staged a 24 hour filibuster to prevent passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957. He also opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and its reauthorization in 1975. Thurmond served 48 years in the Senate and died in 2003 at the age of 100. He never publicly renounced his segregationist views.

On top of that, a serial petty criminal, check forger and batterer. Not sure what to make of handing out porn to minors. And some of his crimes came decades after he became an ordained Christian minister. In some nondenominational churches, becoming a pastor is incredibly easy, a couple months of Bible college.
Frauds / Re: Mel Minitor Jr AKA Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on January 29, 2025, 04:20:34 am »
He wears a dead badger on his head, along with turkey feathers.

Frauds / Re: Mel Minitor Jr AKA Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on January 29, 2025, 03:52:17 am »
I'm accessing the Aiken Standard newspaper of Aiken N.C. through Newspaper Archive via my public library online. So I don't have a way to provide links.

In 1989 police log he is listed as arrested for forged check. Then in 1993 under Police Bookings for "Melvin Martin Minitor, 40 - fraudulent check, distributing obscene material to minors, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute". This in Aiken Standard February 20, 1993 Page 9.

The public records I've accessed to add to this thread include Family Search, Find a Grave, SC court records, Aiken Standard newspaper via Newspaper Archive, general googling, and the Wayback Machine/Internet Archive.
Frauds / Re: Mel Minitor Jr AKA Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on January 29, 2025, 03:13:21 am »
Bookings for Sept. 17
Sep 17, 2009
Aiken Standard

Melvin Martin Minitor Jr., 56 -- assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature

This matches our Mel Minitor's name, age/birthdate, location.

In court records he is listed as white, born 1952. (search Aiken county records here )

Name Minitor, Melvin M Jr
Charge Code - Charge Description   
   0013-Assault / Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature (ABHAN)

                                                                                                            Begin date               Completion date
Minitor, Melvin M Jr   Remanded to Burnettown PD   Filing      03/22/2011-11:05   03/22/2011-11:05   
Minitor, Melvin M Jr   Preliminary Hearing Disposition   Filing      04/09/2010-14:01   03/22/2011-14:01   
Minitor, Melvin M Jr   Filing/GS Case File   Filing      09/21/2009-14:49   03/22/2011-14:49   
Minitor, Melvin M Jr   Letter pre appt pd   Filing      09/21/2009-14:48   03/22/2011-14:48   
Minitor, Melvin M Jr   Notice/Notice Initial Appearance   Filing      09/21/2009-14:48   03/22/2011-14:48   
Minitor, Melvin M Jr   Bond/Bond Paperwork   Filing      09/21/2009-14:47   03/22/2011-14:47

Case Number:   M040299   
Court Agency:   General Sessions   
Filed Date:   09/21/2009
Case Type:   Criminal-Clerk            
Status:   Remanded To Mag/Muni Court/Sent to Family
Assigned Judge:   Edmonds, Rodger Emerson   Disposition Judge:   Solicitor
Disposition:   Remand to Mag/Muni Ct/Sent to Family Ct            
Disposition Date:   03/22/2011   Date Received:   09/21/2009   Arrest Date:   09/17/2009
Law Enf. Case:   BT 09-01505

$10,000.00   Cash bond

In the Police Log Aiken Standard  October 22, 1989 Page 8 Melvin Martin Minitor is listed as being arrested for a fraudulent check.


Of course always verify what we post here.

I'll be writing up another police booking listed in Aiken Standard. Innocent until proven guilty and I might not be able to find the disposition.

Frauds / Re: Mel Minitor Jr AKA Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on January 29, 2025, 02:26:47 am »
Mel Minitor Jr is an ordained minister through the church his father founded. Cavalry Road Ministries in Langley, SC.

The Executive Director of Calvary Road Ministries, Brother Melvin Minitor Sr. has over 50 years of experience as a Pastor and Field Evangelist, God's blessings can be seen with visible evidence of over 34,000 souls saved since June of 1988 to July 2007. What is the goal of Calvary Road Ministries? To have Calvary Road Team Members in Migrant Camps, working with Ethnic Groups in Jails, Shut Ins, Nursing Homes, Military Establishments, Street Meetings, Housing Projects, Missions and Churches, to reach specific people groups through: Home Bible Studies, Preaching, Public Meetings, Witnessing, Tracts and New Testaments and Bible Distributions, and Door to Door Visitation.

They worked to convert farm-workers and incarcerated people.

Example in archives of Mel Minitor Jr. involvement

I scrolled through several decades worth mentions of this family in Aiken Standard Newspaper archives. Absolutely nothing backs up or even hints at Mel's heritage claims.

Article on Mel Minitor Jr's recording studio business endeavors in Aiken County Register, January 11, 1984 identifies him as a "son of Baptist minister". He was 31 years old at the time. The article is extensive. He's a white boy.


Minitor did the sound last month for Strom Thurmond's huge Christmas part near Columbia and has a long connection with the senator.
Frauds / Re: Mel Minitor Jr AKA Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on January 28, 2025, 07:09:00 pm »
"Rev. Mel is a Licensed ordained minister that will do Christian and Non-Christian weddings."

"Mel Minitor aka Rev Mel, is the go-to person for couples looking to work with us."

His current business
Frauds / Re: Chief Mel Standing Eagle AKA Chief Male Standing Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on January 28, 2025, 06:45:45 pm »
His mother Edna E. Minitor. Her parents Henry Lamar Eubanks and  Ida Dicks Eubanks .

This is the side our Mel claims heritage. "Our heritage being of Creek/PeeDee, who intermarried with Powhatan and trace back to Chief Japasaw. If our family historian is correct, we would be the 12th great-grandchildren of Chief Japasaw."

"My grandparents were dark skinned", Mel says he asked them about Native American heritage, and that they replied "we don't talk about that".

These families all white in vital records. Obits of his parents do not mention anything native/tribal involvement.

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