Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 4786 times)

Offline moonchild

  • Posts: 8
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:04:23 am »
Greetings everyone,

I stumbled on this website as I was looking for updated  information about a particular individual.  I typed her name into the search bar, and voila ~ up pops her name as a fraud!
Of course, I had to click on the link, and the posts I read were not exactly a shock. The person in question has apparently blazed a wide trail of offended people,  including many in the "New Age" community.  I put in my 2 cents worth on the thread, and have spent the past couple of hours lurking.

I am a 57 year-old female,  raised as a white Anglo-Saxon protestant. My interest in what is now called "New Age" was crystallized  in the '70s, when I started reading the Jane Roberts books, though at the time, I don't recall anyone referring to this as "New Age."  The information in these books was, to me, not new as much as a great verbalization of what I had always intuited. It was nice to see it in words.  These beliefs were always simply a part of my life. I would occasionally run into like-minded individuals, but it never became anything organized. 

As the "New Age Movement" exploded, I found it becoming more and more dogmatic, organized, and even  commercialized.
There is now almost a tacit censorship, and what is left is nearly unrecognizable. I no longer bother talking to many of these people.

The first words I saw when I clicked on the is site were, "New Age Fraud," and it wasn't until I started reading more that I realized that this site deals primarily with Plastic Shamans.  I know very little about this,  though I think I have run into several of these people, (plastic shamans), in my travels through the metaphysical community.
As upsetting as I find it that the material of Jane Roberts and others has been hijacked , I can imagine how much more upsetting  it would be to have ones traditional spirituality  faked and misrepresented.

Offline earthw7

  • Posts: 1415
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Re: Hello!
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 01:51:02 pm »
just think about how it feels to us  :o Native people as we watch our culture and tradition being turned upside down and people making up things about what we believe in How these people tend to make it sound like they are saving my belief system, it hurt my heart
In Spirit

Offline moonchild

  • Posts: 8
Re: Hello!
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 07:16:09 pm »

I'm sorry this has happened.
I have never had the experience of being marginalized due to my ethnicity.  I HAVE noticed in life that as soon as any religion or belief system  becomes popularized, the message of the original teacher is lost in the trappings, and many of those allegedly "practicing," have forgotten the original meaning of even the trappings.

When money is thrown into the equation, it is degraded even further, as the promoters are then scrambling to fit their "product" to best appeal to their "consumer."   It makes me sick. As they say, "Big money ruins everything."

Offline earthw7

  • Posts: 1415
    • Standing Rock Tourism
Re: Hello!
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2016, 01:51:33 pm »
stealing other people cultures makes me sick....
not one of these thief come to help my people
not one defend my people from the united states, not one
we are the people of this nation and non native take and take and take
what is wrong with them. i find so much mental illness in those who want
to play with our culture
In Spirit

Offline moonchild

  • Posts: 8
Re: Hello!
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2016, 07:04:17 pm »

I think you might be right about the mental instability. 
I'm certainly not qualified to diagnose anyone, but there does seem to be an instability in the self- identities of people who do this, as reflected in the frequency with which they legally change their names.  I've seen several who have done this three or four times.