Odds and Ends > Comedy Channel

Native Thief

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Four NDN women, an Apache, a Lakota, a Seneca, and a Navajo, are riding in a car when there's an accident and they all die instantly.

They wake up and see clouds and pearly gates. They see the giant figure of God sitting on his throne, and at his right hand they see St Peter with a book of names.

They start muttering among themselves,"Oh damn, were those freakin white Christians right all along?"

St Peter comes up to them and says "Don't worry. Since none of you are Christian, you won't be judged by Christian beliefs. Instead you'll be judged by how well you lived by the principles and traditions you were taught."

The Apache woman says, "I followed the teaching of Yusen."

St Peter says, "You may pass into Heaven."

The Lakota woman says, "I followed the ways of the sacred pipe as given to us by White Buffalo Calf Woman."

St Peter say, "You too may pass into Heaven."

The Seneca woman says, "I followed the teachings of the Longhouse and Handsome Lake."

St Peter says, "Pass."

The Navajo woman comes up to St Peter, takes a long look at God and says:

"Tell him to get the hell out of MY CHAIR!"


A bit of an inside joke, for anyone who hasn't known Navajo women. They're not really as bad as that, and one look at their beauty and you say "No wonder they think so highly of themselves."

Happy holidays. That's for any of our visitors who might be Bill OReilly fans too.

As long as we are telling jokes.  Do you know how to identify a "cybertech" Indian?        Fry Bread grease on the key board.   frederica

Keep in mind folks, I am Cherokee.

Q - What do you get when you put 64 Cherokees in a tipi?

A - A full blooded Cherokee


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