Author Topic: Regular No Powers Guy  (Read 5557 times)

Regular No Powers Guy
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:19:08 pm »
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum, having just found it yesterday.  I was looking up some authors of books I own to see what the low down was on them as far as being quality sources of information.  Fortunately (for my personal library), I only found one exposed as a phony on here.  Those books will be getting tossed now.  Thank you all here for bringing that author's imposter bio-history to light. 

As for this intro about me:  I was born on the Massachusetts coast until I was twenty and bounced around the world for some years until settling (for now) in the western part of the U.S.  My ethnic background on my Father's side is Basque, Mother's side is Breton/Quebecois Metis).  It’s rather irrelevant here, for I'm not Basque, Breton or Metis; even though my DNA is of those cultures.  I was raised in middle-class U.S.A.  I Grew up watching cartoons and silly 80's ninja movies, playing in the woods and chasing the ice cream truck.  Back then, I truly believed “only a ninja could stop a ninja”.

I’m glad this website is available for a regular guy like me because I have no desire to be a Medicine Man, Shaman, or any other similar term used to describe a person along those lines.  Being a combat vet though, I’ve been told by some friends that “soul retrieval” may help me get back into balance.  It is something I have considered for quite some time and my biggest hang up is not knowing whether someone is a big, giant, juicy fake or not.

I tend to read a lot of books on the more “medicine ways” because I have no other frame of reference available to me to help sort out the ridiculous from the authentic.  (I’ve met many ridiculous and ‘Hollywood’, none authentic that I’m aware of) I’m not into letting any half-assed wannabe frauds mess with what’s left of my mangled and chewed up soul.  Perhaps with the help of this forum, I can one day find an authentic person to help me back to balance.  Thanks for your time and maybe talk you soon.
--- Vic

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 01:36:22 am »
Tansi and Welcome, Regular guy!

I hope you get some good info and a few chuckles, while you look into some of the things on this site.

Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 05:37:54 am »
Thank you, Ric!  Some of the red flags I've read on here so far are ones I noticed a while ago when encountering many folks in western Massachusetts.  If you haven't been there, you'd be surprised that the concentration of people just DYING to tell you they're "Shamans"  I'm suspect that most of these dudes (they've all been guys during my experiences) have read some books, bought a one-sided drum and rushed out to buy a "mysterious looking" hat and some business cards.  Of course, all the cards say "Reiki Master" as well, because EVERYONE in western MA is a Reiki Master, of course!  :D  I've turned down many offers to "help" me from a handful of those who are essentially still just kids.  I'm beyond being pissed and annoyed anymore.  I actually feel kind of sad for these folks who are so pathalogical that they're beyond being pulled out of the "deep end" of delusion.  =Huge egos, lack of self esteem and no self-identity is what fuels them, I suppose. --- V.

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Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 10:08:01 am »
Not everyone in western MA is a reiki master lol. I'm a regular no power girl  ;D I do agree that we do have more than our share of purveyors of woo woo nonsense but there are a few people who do our best to educate  :)

Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 03:47:48 pm »
Haha, Sky! 

You know exactly what I mean then!  Haha!  Obviously, I used exaggeration to get a chuckle, glad you got it! 

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Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 05:44:02 pm »
Got it?  Oh yeah, I got it.  I have to deal with the woo woo weirdos when ever I have to head into Northampton or Amherst, which is thankfully not very often!


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Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2012, 12:51:30 am »
‘Regular’. It’s good to be regular, eh?

If you are looking for anything other than ‘officially recognized’ info here, you’re not going to find it.

The French/Massachusetts  link is real and relevant.

I don’t know anything about what you’re calling ‘soul retrieval’, but there is a lot to be gained by looking around and asking questions.  If your biggest hangup is watching out for fakes… you might miss some truth.  Dive into it all.  Read it all and then make your mind up later.  It is all there waiting for you to wake up to it.

If you think this site, or any other website owns the ‘Truth’, you’re on the wrong path brother, but I’d think you already know that.

Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2012, 12:59:23 am »
Heya Regular, my opinion is not to read it all or dive into "it" all.. providing the "it" is the
millions of books written by new agers. My opinion is that what you appear to be looking
for isn't in any books, and that simple reconstruction of your own life, one day at a time,
will help you a great deal. Keep it simple, it being life. And yeh, watch out for the fakes
because they can trip you up a great deal, but of course, sounds like you're already onto them. :)

This is a great site to help sort out the frauds, wannabes, and sneaky perverts. It's also a
great place to come for some good ol common sense. Good folk here. :) Welcome.
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Re: Regular No Powers Guy
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2012, 01:36:45 pm »
welcome regular
In Spirit