Author Topic: Kikiallus Indian Nation, Nat Am Justice Project, Pilchuk Nation, TMI Ministries  (Read 27645 times)

Offline educatedindian

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"Lead Counsel Kikiallus Indian Tribe" Luis Ewing]

....So yeah, nut job patriot militia sovereign citizen types.


(The Northwest Crime Families (Weyeraeuser-Boeing-Microsoft you know the only ones who are allowed to have wealth here and who run the Northwest's gigantic Satanic Covens and mass disappearances for human sacrifice here) that apparently also includes the Gambino-Bonanno (Jesuit P1 P2 NSA FBI Division Five CIA Masonic Orders assassinations operations) Crime Families (owners of all of the States Strip Bars and Casinos) who have been (Allegedly?) mass murdering and stealing most of the Washington States Family Estates for more then a century) - While the sheep are sleeping, the predators move in....

And that's not even the looniest things Ewing has done or said. There's a long list of people ripped off by him talking online, including many who received longer prison sentences or fines because they made the mistake of listening to him.

Even other anti govt types denounce him as a scammer.

Ewing's attempt to scam actor Wesley Snipes.

On Ewing's own website and in the letters to both the courts and to clients he ripped off he goes into long childish four rants filled with both cursing and quoting the Bible in all caps. And his rants are filled with bigotry.

One of the more despicable things is who he makes his appeals to. He brags he can keep wife beaters from getting convicted.

The WA State Bar has a detailed complaint vs him for practicing without a license.

Ewing claims here to be Apache, but I see no sign of that. He also describes himself as a Kialkus tribal member. This case he filed on behalf of a Navajo woman losing custody of her child.
Even for the sovereign nutcases, this is one confused legal brief. Basically he just listed any NDN sovereignty case he could find.

The Quatloos forum has several threads on him. Apparently his web sites keep getting taken down and he's reduced to looking for victims using Craigslist.

There's even an entire website dedicated to exposing Ewing's ripoffs.

Probably the looniest was Ewing and Riggins alleging a govt plot to murder them in 2003 and begging for donations on a militia board.


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Luis Anthony Ewing claims in a Facebook conversation "... I'm 1/4 Apache Indian and my law partner Kurt Riggin is Blackfoot Indian from Montana.".

Luis's father, Gary Ewing, was a respected labor leader


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A memorial and obit for Kurt Riggin's brother

Their father Ronald Gordon Riggin
Ronald G Riggin was listed white in 1930 & 1940 census, as were his parents Ronald and Mabel. Mabel was born in Canada, her heritage is listed on census as Canada English.

Their mother Elsie Jeanette Zetter is white in 1940 census, both of her parents from Sweden, Swedish immigrants to North Dakota

Offline educatedindian

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I notice the Riggins brothers actually were born in Minneapolis. The obit did mention them living later in Montana. But it's striking that Kurt Riggins lived mostly in WA state until he fled the state after charges of practicing law without a license. He fled to CO, not MT where if he had family there it seems would be a likelier place to go.

Mark Pidgeon, the Kikiallus lobbyist, worked in product support for Nintendo for 20 years. For the past six years he's been working with a lot of hunter or conservation lobbyists. He seems out of place with this militia and I wonder if he's just unaware.

Lus Maria appears to me to be a Latina of all or mostly Spanish ancestry, like her name. At least once she used the claim of being Kikiallus to market her jewelry as NDN made on Ebay.

Luis Ewing's father Gary doesn't appear at all NDN in those photos and is lighter than his son. It seems likely obits from the union would mention his ancestry. Perhaps the Apache claim is from the mother's side. Ewing is not a common Apache name. Gary Ewing was a proud idealistic leftist. How did his son become a militia nut, bigot, and serial con man?


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Luis Ewing was born in El Paso, his mother's birth name is Violet Jovina Martinez.

Violet Jovina Martinez's parents are Emma Rangel and Juan Martinez.

Luis's mother attended high school in El Paso, then the UW in Seattle.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 05:11:50 pm by Piff »


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Gary Ewing was a proud idealistic leftist. How did his son become a militia nut, bigot, and serial con man?

I think this would be an excellent story for a journalist to work on.

I wonder why Luis went off the deep end, when he was first exposed to patriot conspiracy nonsense, and if hard drugs are part of his story.

Staff at the WA State Library often get asked for the "secret, real" state constitution. People asking for this are never satisfied by the actual true answers.

Luis himself in 2001 filed a 210 page lawsuit claiming that the WA state constitution is a fraud. (Do a name search on Luis Ewing here at the state digital archives , click Auditor section, choose the 2001 Kitsap Notice choice that has existing images).

Excessive lawsuits and other filings like these are called "paper terrorism" .