Author Topic: Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)  (Read 14378 times)

Offline oneforall

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Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« on: March 11, 2011, 03:43:40 am »
Greetings to All!

I came across this video on Vimeo which amongst other things has a brief shot of KC-LG in a line up with others of her kind.  Beyond this i think that the theme of this movie ties in quite well with the theme of new age fraud, delusional people, and philosophy's. There is mention of true Native American spirituality as being one of the valid sources.  I hope that others will enjoy this video on all levels, as beside showing KC-LG briefly it points to the entire new age industry and beyond quite well.

Additionally and it is probably old news but i have connected with the same folks who went to Palm Springs and protested KC-LG.  Now if only we could reach the Europeans who are entirely too trusting and gullible. It seems they refuse to see that their "heroine" is nothing but a clown in a circus act who charges money to speak of love and plant crystals into the ground.  It will catch up to her, but when is the question.  In the meantime she defrauds more and more folks out of their money and truly gives nothing but lies, bad drama queen antics,  and  poison laced sweet talk back.  Worse yet instead of encouraging people to go within to find the only truth that is relevant, she leads down down a path that further dis-empowers them from their birthrights of freedom of mind, body and spirit.  KC-LG gives love a bad name as do the others in this network of fraud and yes it is quite international, they do all know each other and are a menace to the true age of solar light which our spaceship earth is entering.

Keep up the good work everyone.     


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Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 08:40:21 pm »
Greetings to All!

I came across this video on Vimeo which amongst other things has a brief shot of KC-LG in a line up with others of her kind.  Beyond this i think that the theme of this movie ties in quite well with the theme of new age fraud, delusional people, and philosophy's. There is mention of true Native American spirituality as being one of the valid sources.  I hope that others will enjoy this video on all levels, as beside showing KC-LG briefly it points to the entire new age industry and beyond quite well.

Additionally and it is probably old news but i have connected with the same folks who went to Palm Springs and protested KC-LG.  Now if only we could reach the Europeans who are entirely too trusting and gullible. It seems they refuse to see that their "heroine" is nothing but a clown in a circus act who charges money to speak of love and plant crystals into the ground.  It will catch up to her, but when is the question.  In the meantime she defrauds more and more folks out of their money and truly gives nothing but lies, bad drama queen antics,  and  poison laced sweet talk back.  Worse yet instead of encouraging people to go within to find the only truth that is relevant, she leads down down a path that further dis-empowers them from their birthrights of freedom of mind, body and spirit.  KC-LG gives love a bad name as do the others in this network of fraud and yes it is quite international, they do all know each other and are a menace to the true age of solar light which our spaceship earth is entering.

Keep up the good work everyone.     

Thank you for the link to this amazing video.  I intend to pass the link around as much as possible.  The day will come (soon I hope) when we will no longer need to post anything to this blog about LG/KC.  LG/KC is not gaining in strength, she is losing.  I feel that she will eventually just "fade away".  After all, on her Facebook page, she has already dropped the crystal.  Don't you need to keep those on you to "protect" you? (she could say she is wearing it underneath her blue tee shirt, but I don't think so!

You have all done an amazing job on this site to wake people up to people like her.


Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 09:07:26 am »
Greetings to All!

I came across this video on Vimeo which amongst other things has a brief shot of KC-LG in a line up with others of her kind.  Beyond this i think that the theme of this movie ties in quite well with the theme of new age fraud, delusional people, and philosophy's. There is mention of true Native American spirituality as being one of the valid sources.  I hope that others will enjoy this video on all levels, as beside showing KC-LG briefly it points to the entire new age industry and beyond quite well.

Additionally and it is probably old news but i have connected with the same folks who went to Palm Springs and protested KC-LG.  Now if only we could reach the Europeans who are entirely too trusting and gullible. It seems they refuse to see that their "heroine" is nothing but a clown in a circus act who charges money to speak of love and plant crystals into the ground.  It will catch up to her, but when is the question.  In the meantime she defrauds more and more folks out of their money and truly gives nothing but lies, bad drama queen antics,  and  poison laced sweet talk back.  Worse yet instead of encouraging people to go within to find the only truth that is relevant, she leads down down a path that further dis-empowers them from their birthrights of freedom of mind, body and spirit.  KC-LG gives love a bad name as do the others in this network of fraud and yes it is quite international, they do all know each other and are a menace to the true age of solar light which our spaceship earth is entering.

Keep up the good work everyone.      

I think I must be missing something here

I watched the first 15 minutes of the 45 minute video you linked to and it rang lots of alarm bells for me

Lots of newage platitudes about undefined imminent changes to the planet delivered as if scientific fact, all kinds of newage cliches.  

I checked out the website associated with the video and it is unclear who is running the website and what exactly they want to do, apart  from vague and ill defined claims to be preparing the world for awakening, oh and of course you can donate to them.

A whois search of the website reveals
  Maroti, Sebastian
  Maroti, Sebastian
  #6, 8125 104 st
  Domain name:

  Administrative Contact:
    Maroti, Sebastian          
    Maroti, Sebastian
    #6, 8125 104 st
    17807107176  Fax: 1231231234

  Technical Contact:
    Maroti, Sebastian          
    Maroti, Sebastian
    #6, 8125 104 st
    17807107176  Fax: 1231231234

  Registrar of Record: Netfirms Inc.
  Record expires on 2012-02-25.
  Record created on 2010-02-18.
  Database last updated on 2011-03-13 03:01:02.

his email is and a google search for  Sebastian Maroti turns a post by a user called Solcreator on this website

post as follows:
//Action Hero//

Super Powers//
> Can reshape physical reality with his Imagination and Intent.
> Immortality.
> A multidimensional gatekeeper able of jumping in and out of regular time-space and into higher dimensional reality.
> Channels the "Triple Flame of Awakening" of the mighty Seraphim, the highest order of Angels of the Great Central Sun.
> Channels the "Lapis Blue Light" that casts out demons and has miraculous healing power.

...And the more time he spends on Earth during "The End of Time", the more magical abilities and power he Awakens within...

//Story & Character Sketch//
See below image, also see

It appears to be a website for web artists, animators and graphic designers and the SOLcreator user posted a response to a challenge to create action heroes.

I think it very likely that SOLcreator is also Sebastian Maroti (the nosword / knoweapon link) plus the email link

Apologies for the detour from LG, I was just curious as to why you posted a link to this video when all it seems to be is yet another newage anodyne message about changes and awakening.

What is fascinating to me is that the video and the site associated with it appear to have been created by an artist who is skilled at developing internet fantasy role playing games but who has decided that there is probably more $$$$$ to be made in creating an alternative fantasy world and marketing it to the newage demographic.

I spent a bit of time on this detour simply because, IME, good artist and animators are much in demand by cults and newage criminals.  People will buy into all kinds of nonsense if it is accompanied by an animated video showing charkras lighting up, unicorns frolicking and 3rd eyes opening.  It was only a matter of time before a talented artist decided to cut out the middle man and set up in business himself and it looks as though this might be what has happened here.

edited to add

he has also created characters representing the spirit of Ayahuasca (whoda thunk it eh?)

Oneforall, if there is a specific part of the video that addresses LG's fraudulent activities could you please let me know exactly where it is?  I would like to see it but cannot bear watching too much of that video.

I would also be interested to understand just whay you felt the need to promote this newage video here, on a website devoted to exposing newage frauds?  Thanks

« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 09:18:16 am by nemesis »

Offline czech

  • Posts: 76
Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 09:11:23 am »

I watched the first 15 minutes of the 45 minute video you linked to and it rang lots of alarm bells for me

Lots of newage platitudes about undefined imminent changes to the planet delivered as if scientific fact, all kinds of newage cliches.  


What is fascinating to me is that the video and the site associated with it appear to have been created by an artist who is skilled at developing internet fantasy role playing games but who has decided that there is probably more $$$$$ to be made in creating an alternative fantasy world and marketing it to the newage demographic.

I spent a bit of time on this detour simply because, IME, good artist and animators are much in demand by cults and newage criminals.  People will buy into all kinds of nonsense if it is accompanied by an animated video showing charkras lighting up, unicorns frolicking and 3rd eyes opening.  It was only a matter of time before a talented artist decided to cut out the middle man and set up in business himself and it looks as though this might be what has happened here.

Thank you, nemesis! I had exactly the same questions about this video. Thanks for the interesting insight...


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Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2011, 02:57:40 pm »
Thank you, Nemesis, for all your hard sleuthing work.

I have watched the entire video and certainly LG/KC, along with other "leaders" are discussed in the video.

I am just wondering who Keith Wyatt is.  He is the person whose name is on the video and who answers all the blog entries.  This is just one of his replies:

keith wyatt plus 10 days ago
greetings "beyond awareness",

and much gratitude for you comment.
as expressed numerous times in the video, it has been our intention with "Revelations" to inspire people to "Seek an Understanding of Truth for themselves".

for people may "believe" what is said in the video, but in doing so the will never "know", or realize the understanding that comes with "experiencing the truth" for themselves.

Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2011, 04:11:03 pm »
Who's truth?

I put no trust in people who talk of truth like that. Truth is very subjective and
what the mind thinks can often easily be manipulated or swayed as an experience of truth.
I've met many people who believe things to be true, some people I'm sure experienced
KC and believed it to be truth. ... for example..

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2011, 04:38:49 pm »
Thank you, Nemesis, for all your hard sleuthing work.

I have watched the entire video and certainly LG/KC, along with other "leaders" are discussed in the video.

I am just wondering who Keith Wyatt is.  He is the person whose name is on the video and who answers all the blog entries.  This is just one of his replies:

keith wyatt plus 10 days ago
greetings "beyond awareness",

and much gratitude for you comment.
as expressed numerous times in the video, it has been our intention with "Revelations" to inspire people to "Seek an Understanding of Truth for themselves".

for people may "believe" what is said in the video, but in doing so the will never "know", or realize the understanding that comes with "experiencing the truth" for themselves.

That last sentence is a pretty good one.  The video it seems is a criticism of people who tell you they can lead you to "the truth".  I think the videographer's sentiment is that if you simply believe what you hear then you are selling yourself short.  As critter said, truth is subjective and what may be true for one person is not true for another.  If you don't get out in life and experience life's pitfalls and triumphs you'll never really learn anything about it.  Believing what you hear is the same as substituting someone else's judgment for your own.  Useful sometimes to learn, but ultimately you must trust your own.

Haven't watched the whole vid, but that's the sense I get out of it.


Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2011, 05:44:28 pm »

That last sentence is a pretty good one.  The video it seems is a criticism of people who tell you they can lead you to "the truth".  I think the videographer's sentiment is that if you simply believe what you hear then you are selling yourself short.  As critter said, truth is subjective and what may be true for one person is not true for another.  If you don't get out in life and experience life's pitfalls and triumphs you'll never really learn anything about it.  Believing what you hear is the same as substituting someone else's judgment for your own.  Useful sometimes to learn, but ultimately you must trust your own.

Haven't watched the whole vid, but that's the sense I get out of it.


well, what i was trying to say is that even what you experience may not be
truth, except to your self.

to bring it around to ndn issues, let's say a person says they experienced a
vision and were given instructions and told how to run a sweat lodge.. for them
it's truth, and so they go do it. while the culture to which that ceremony belongs
states that that cannot be.

so.. what is the truth? 

this is what i mean. just because you experience something, and think it's truth,
doesn't make it truth. or does it? truth is so very subjective.

i myself have trusted 'truths' only to find they are not. i just see problems
with statements like this. it's way too open ended and to me, doesn't speak

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline RunsWithScissorz

  • Posts: 22
Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2011, 08:19:43 pm »
... to bring it around to ndn issues, let's say a person says they experienced a
vision and were given instructions and told how to run a sweat lodge.. for them
it's truth, and so they go do it. while the culture to which that ceremony belongs
states that that cannot be.

so.. what is the truth? 

this is what i mean. just because you experience something, and think it's truth,
doesn't make it truth. or does it? truth is so very subjective. 

One reference point might be to think about this from the tribal point of view.  I tend to suspect that when tribal spiritual leaders had visions that directed them to conduct a ceremony, the vision was specific to a certain situation.  In other words, perhaps the vision directed a purification ceremony to ensure the buffalo would return in season.  Some ceremonies are regular annual or semi-annual events for purposes like that.  My understanding generally about sweat lodges is that mostly they were conducted for particular reasons, rather than some “broad swath” to assist each participant in seeing “the truth”.  Further, the participants were members of the tribe to which the lodge ceremony had been given – not a bunch of random people from just anywhere. 

Within the tribe, any “truth” that might emerge from a sweat lodge ceremony would likely be some truth that was intended to apply to the whole tribe, or to a specific group of tribal members (the council, or the war chiefs, etc.), or to an individual (such as for a healing, resolution of an important conflict, etc.).  Again, there would not have been something like 20 participants in the lodge who emerged, each with his/her own new “truth”.  Truths, in tribal context, were in relation to the tribe, not just for individuals.

With respect.

Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2011, 08:40:05 pm »
Well, perhaps I am not clear, and my example not a good one.

When you have loads of people who are apparently lost, and have no set cultural
guidelines/beliefs and no checks and balances and no others to go to for consulting
on experiences except the same lost people within the same type groups.. 

Then, what is it they are going to say is truth of what they experienced? If I go to
someone who teaches sitting inside of large copper pyramids helps and boosts the
meditation experience, and I go in there and "experience" it, I will think that is truth
because I experienced it.

Truth is way too subjective to give it away in experience. Experience is always
assimilated by what we think and believe. So.. to tell someone to find truth in
experience is the same as saying, find truth in what you think is truth from what
you have experienced or what you have not but think you have experienced.

How is that helpful?

Look at KC or James Ray, people "experienced" things .. and they believed because
of that that these people were "truth".. 

I don't know how else to state it, so I will leave it be.. it's just my opinion on it.. no matter.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2011, 02:34:21 am »
Respectfully, does any of this relate directly to Crowther? Maybe this should be tangented off.

One reference point might be to think about this from the tribal point of view.  I tend to suspect that when tribal spiritual leaders had visions that directed them to conduct a ceremony, the vision was specific to a certain situation.  In other words, perhaps the vision directed a purification ceremony to ensure the buffalo would return in season.  Some ceremonies are regular annual or semi-annual events for purposes like that.  My understanding generally about sweat lodges is that mostly they were conducted for particular reasons, rather than some “broad swath” to assist each participant in seeing “the truth”.  Further, the participants were members of the tribe to which the lodge ceremony had been given – not a bunch of random people from just anywhere.

Within the tribe, any “truth” that might emerge from a sweat lodge ceremony would likely be some truth that was intended to apply to the whole tribe, or to a specific group of tribal members (the council, or the war chiefs, etc.), or to an individual (such as for a healing, resolution of an important conflict, etc.).  Again, there would not have been something like 20 participants in the lodge who emerged, each with his/her own new “truth”.  Truths, in tribal context, were in relation to the tribe, not just for individuals.

With respect.

4Bears, I agree with you that the newage prioritizes individual fulfillment over the well-being of any traditional community, and is oriented toward selling individuals these decontextualized experiences rather than working for the communal good. However I'd appreciate it if you please don't speculate about what you think Indigenous people's ceremonies mean. You wrote about NDN people in the past tense. These are living cultures and communities you're talking about.  We have plenty of NDN people here who know what their ceremonies mean, and they don't generally discuss them on the Internet.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:20:42 am by Kathryn »

Offline RunsWithScissorz

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Re: Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2011, 05:27:04 am »
With respect, Kathryn ... I don't believe I was referring to NDN people in the past tense; rather, I was making reference to the types of visions received in the historical past which led to the creation of types of ceremonies in that time and that then have come forward in the tribal traditions. 

My further comments were generalized as my understanding and/or my opinion, based on things I have been told by NDN friends or what I have learned from individuals like Vine Deloria, Jr. who set forth quite a bit of information about how tribes function generally in his books.  I'm quite willing to be corrected if I have misunderstood something, mis-stated it, etc.

Offline Lodro

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Re: Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2011, 12:44:44 am »
That video teaches advaita, non-duality, tied to some "essene" beliefs, the "divine" spirit, who is equated with Buddha, the Dao and "the bodhisattva Isa".

I don't like this mixing and matching, but the advaita core is also found in buddhism. Here it is popularized. If I were KC I wouldn't be flattered to be in this video.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2011, 09:05:37 am »
The video narrator talks about an imminent "great sifting", a time during which the people of Earth will be able to follow a path based on the relinquishment of materialism and following a path of spiritual devotion, or to remain tied to the material world.

This concerns me for a number of reasons.

I am not terribly familiar with this "great sifting" concept but google shows over 10,000 hits to both biblical and newage sites.

I don't think there is anything especially revolutionary about the idea of relinquishing materialism and following a simple, spiritual life, it is a path I follow myself.  However this concept has been perverted by many serious criminals and used as a way to persuade naive and gullible people to hand over all their money and possessions to said criminals. 

I also feel that this message of an inevitable and imminent "great shifting" is contrary to the message in the video that people should look inwards towards themselves for enlightenment and not to others. 

It is like the video message is something like " don't listen to what everyone else says, follow your heart - but by the way of you want real enlightenment you have to give away all your stuff because some big changes are happening sometime soon".   

The Keith Wyatt name came up for me too, but I have no idea if he is an AKA of Sebastian Maroti, or vice versa, or if they are 2 people working together.

Offline Hair lady

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Re: Newage Video Tangent (split from Kiesha Crowther thread)
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2011, 03:22:01 pm »
The video is talking about the Dao which is itself a religion. These thoughts are nothing new at all.

I think that we are all guilty of trying to change the world to fit our picture of what is right and wrong. Anyopne who says they don´t do that must live in a box somewhere and never come out.

We all want things to change and get better or worse depending on who you are.