Author Topic: Jay of Jah  (Read 16590 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
Jay of Jah
« on: November 05, 2005, 03:16:27 am »
Hi all,

Was kinda busy here with Hurricane Wilma and work... ? I was online tonight and located this page while following some other links.


? Introduction:

""My search led me to Leonard J. Mountain Chief, and then to a connection with White Buffalo Speaks. ? The result is that I am now available to help YOU connect with the Great Spirit and allow healing to come into your life. ""?

Scroll down for the book

"""Open Spaces: My Life with Leonard J. Mountain Chief, Blackfeet Elder from Northwestern Montana
Come Into Sacred Ceremony With Jay and Leonard; learn ancient rituals, ceremonies, traditions and cultures of the Blackfeet Indians offer insight for Western civilization today… and tomorrow. ? Come Into Sacred Ceremony with Jay and Leonard. ? Open Spaces is being sold as a fund raiser for the Blackfeet Community Food Bank"""

This is about Jay of jah

Jay offers sweat lodges. ? I did see a posting about the book by Jay on Native Voice (archives) but no replies on the book posting.

Found Leonard J. Mountain Chief's obituary here:

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
Jay of Jah Book Press Release
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2005, 03:22:57 am »

Further information contact Marketing International
C/O Jay North
402West Ojai Ave pmb 146
Ojai, CA 93023

September 17, 2005
For Immediate Release

Jay's Popular Column Now Available in Book

As an eight-year-old boy, Jay North read about the native people in Montana and always believed his dreams would lead him there one day. But it was not until 1990 that Jay and his late wife Pamela were able to retire from the organic farming business and make the life-changing move to the Big Sky country of Jay's dreams.

Jay met Leonard J. Mountain Chief in Kalispell one day in 1990, and from their first meeting a strong bond was made, which continued until Leonard's passing in 1999 and beyond.

Open Spaces: My Life with Leonard J. Mountain Chief, Blackfeet Elder from Northwestern Montana has been a popular column, in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet, for over a year. Now the most popular articles have been published in book format.

Open Spaces: My Life with Leonard J. Mountain Chief, Blackfeet Elder from Northwestern Montana is 174 pages of wisdom from a great Native American who was charged with passing his heritage, both orally and in traditions of times many believe are long gone, to the younger members of the tribe. The book is complete with over 60 wonderful photographs of northwest Montana.

This story is now told by one of the few white men adopted into the tribe. Learn the ancient rituals, ceremonies, traditions and cultures of a real tribe that is still in existence today and offers exciting insight for the people of the future, through Jay's spirit talk with Leonard.

For information on purchasing the book, visit Jay's website , see Jay's books page to learn about this fascinating story- and how a culture that we consider long gone manages to survive the Western civilization of today. Beyond the smoking of the pipe, sweat lodges and real tee pees, you will learn the true way of life of this culture in a way you never dreamed possible.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Open Spaces is donated to the Blackfeet Indian Food Bank, please visit today.

Offline snail

  • Posts: 6
Re: Jay of Jah
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 08:26:48 pm »
Leonard J. Mountain Chief is apparently the same Leonard Mountain Chief who was an actor in The Patriot and War Party.

A post commemorating Leonard Mountain Chief as a tribal elder and performer:

JAY NORTH, the man now hijacking Mountain Chief's name, has been posting on Craigslist as of late.

Spirit Healing Activity
Native Shaman- healing the natural way, in spirit, in energy and in substance
 Your journey into healing starts here with J. Mountain Chief
 I have been performing healing work for over forty years-yes I have reference, but what is important is what I can do for you
 When you come into sacred ceremony come in silence, reverences and willingness or please don't come at all
I work by donations and offer suggestions, which are explained when you reply.
Contact me with your questions and requirements; find more information at &
JaizHere (at)
 Calls welcome eight 0 five-794-nine 126
J. Mountain Chief is best known as a Native Shamanic healer (or psychic healer). He is a spiritual practitioner, teacher and published author- not a Doctor. He holds several certifications in Specialized Therapeutic Healing. Jay demonstrates many abilities, including telepathy, remote clearing, prediction, and prophecy, he is one of a select few able to demonstrate all of these abilities, and even fewer who are considered a reliable healing source. J is a healer with over 40 years of experience.
How a spiritual guide does their job varies from individual to individual. Most accomplished healers have the ability to see the blocks that are causing the problems in the lives of their clients. The blocks can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Through a combination of talking to provide awareness and energy clearing the client is brought from a state of dis-ease to one of more balance-to live a life of love and peace and joy.
While work is considered esoteric it produces rather dramatic shifts (improvements) in people's lives. Jay has helped of people with his work worldwide.
 Come into sacred ceremony; come out transformed.

Published author of 20 books relating to metaphysics.

J has helped 1000's of clients in person-while traveling the USA for over 40 years. He is here now to assist you with your personal request to achieve total fulfillment in your life. Native Shaman work may not be for everybody-although "I believe you will be amazed and want to send many friends."
 Ask about special healing waters. Magical water formulated for exactly what your body requires. No matter what the complaint or need may be for your body. Magical healing water will assist you quickly in your recovery.

I found Jay by chance and thought I'd try him out as I was doing other energy healings but was looking for something that might go a bit deeper and heal me on a deeper level. All I can say is: be careful what you wish for! Since I started working with Jay a few weeks ago, I've already noticed and felt the immediate effects of his energy healing on my body, spirit and soul.
I believe Jay combines different modalities in order to hone in on exactly what you need and release what you no longer need or have use for. Through his healings I have been freed of lifetime's worth of baggage and karmic connection and am already beginning to see how I can live in my own true light without any fear. Jay also told me that he can only do as much as I am willing to allow.

 Based on this, I set my intention to finally "let go" of the junk that I had been holding onto (in this lifetime and others) and which were holding me down. I took risks and was very open about my issues with Jay and allowed my body and spirit to open up to him as I allowed him complete access to me energetically. Working in this way with Jay is allowing me to finally come into the light and let go of the darkness which had hold of me.
The only thing I can say to people is, if you want to live in the new world as a being of light, please go to someone like Jay who can assist you greatly in moving into that state.

I also believe that Jay has exceptional integrity as a healer. He will only do what is good for you and he cares deeply about fellow humans and of the planet. Thank you to Jay! May he continue to live in light and help all of us move into the light and never, ever leave again!
 Saggie, SF, CA.
 Peace in your house, J. Mountain Chief
Contact J with your questions and requirements; find more information at & , yes plenty of references
 JaizHere (at)

Offline snail

  • Posts: 6
Re: Jay of Jah
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 02:22:44 am »
Some of his "services":

Polarity & Energy Balancing
Jay works on very specific and rather esoteric areas and blockages in his healing work. For this reason it is very important to read Jays Books on health and healing. “You must read and understand the work-it provides over 50% the results one is after”.

Native Sweat Purification
In today’s world we are bombarded by pollutants- in the air, water and our foods. Occasionally it is vitally important to cleanse the body and purify the system and create a clean inner environment. Jay is a traditionalist when it comes to sweats and purification ceremony.
Always consult with a competent MD before doing any rigorous sweats

Native Shamanic Soul Retrieval
When one feels lost and confused there is always a way home.
Ceremony is always done out in nature, barefooted. Herbs and white sage are used in combination with drumming, chanting, spirit talk and provided while Jay is in trance. When you choose to come into sacred ceremony, come only in deep respect and reverence. Please see book Open Spaces: My life With Leonard J. Mountain Chief for more information.

Native Herbal Therapy
Nature provides what the creator intended and healing often occurs in rapid form when nature and its herbs are respected and consumed with reverence.
Jay does not claim to be a doctor and merely suggests certain herbs he has found to be helpful in facilitating health and well being. Jay has studied herbal remedies with four world leading authorities and shamans of two North American Native Tribes.

Core Belief Processing and Cellular Memory Processing
Essential in healing is finding and alleviating stress centers.
Jay is a trained past life regression spiritual consultant and intuitively will help spot and assist in debasing the control that past issues can have on one’s life and set new positive patterns that will last well into the future.

His pricing policy:

How much do you charge?
While I do have set fees for various services I also work by donation and accept what spirit offers. What people should understand in this physical universe paradigm is that everything has a price. What is usually free is worth exactly what it is- nothing and I am sure today everyone is aware of cost of living and fair exchange. What would you pay to change your life? Finally, sliding scale fees are available and some trade work considered.

His training:

Where did you get your training?
I have received training from many teachers, some philosophical, some religious, some shaman, herbalist, food and vitamin consultants, massage teachers in many areas, and the man in the street, none of which is important. I now Spirit Talk my work, and allow what needs to be done to come to me and benefit you and your needs, to assist in an overall increase of well being, happiness, joy and prosperity, if that is what you have come for. I look forward to being a deep benefit in your life.

What especially pisses me off is that he is now promoting this junk under a name he ripped off from a deceased Blackfeet elder -- I can't help but wonder what Leonard's family thinks of all this!  >:(
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 02:26:53 am by snail »

Re: Jay of Jah
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2013, 08:13:34 am »
He's advertising on Craigslist..

Take time for your activity in healing
Why put off what you need most--a healing. . .
Nice to start with a healing facilitator that can help you achieve the healing you need and want;
Spirit Healing Activity
Native Shaman- healing the natural way, in spirit, in energy and in substance
Your journey into healing starts here with J. Mountain Chief
I have been performing healing work for over forty years-yes I have reference, but what is important is what I can do for you
When you come into sacred ceremony come in silence, reverences and willingness or please don't come at all
I work by donations and offer suggestions, which are explained when you reply.
Contact me with your questions and requirements; find more information at &
JaizHere (at)
Calls welcome eight 0 five-794-nine 126

Jay is a nationally recognized author-natural healer and clairvoyant J. Mountain Chief right here now for you. J works magic in the native way and invites you for a remote healing that you need. He has been performing healings and readings since 1968 he is one of the few to demonstrate miraculous healing for over 40 years. He is a spiritual practitioner, healer, teacher and published author-we welcome you into sacred ceremony. J has been performing healings and readings since 1968 he is one of the few to demonstrate miraculous healing for over 40 years. He is a spiritual practitioner, healer, teacher and published author- not a Doctor.
Ask about special healing waters. Magical water formulated for exactly what your body requires. No matter what the complaint or need may be for your body. Magical healing water will assist you quickly in your recovery.

Please feel free to contact J 24/7 and you will receive a reply with-in 24 hours
Jaizhere(at) ; find more information at &
Calls welcome 8am-8pm PST eight 0 five --seven 9 four-9126
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet