Author Topic: "Native American Indian healing "  (Read 10608 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
"Native American Indian healing "
« on: August 11, 2006, 08:14:19 pm »
Do Indians consider this a form of exploitation? ? I would imagine so but then I guess this can get to be a sticky situation with some people being legit healers with tribal affiliations working to make what they do available to the masses via mass market strategy.

""To Book a consultation & healing session and/or Workshops information - contact Carolyne direct

What does - Native American Indian healing involve?

Native American Indian healing combines spirituality and herbal medicine to treat illness, where massage is introduced to stimulate the oxygen flow into the blood stream. Before massage is initiated, the healer stresses the importance of balance and harmony between the body and spirit in order to maintain good health, including deep breathing and a good positive relationship with the community, which provides for social interaction with the external World.

The Native American Indian belief is that illness results from spiritual imbalances both within the individual and between the individual and the community. Therefore, a strong adherence to and dependence on medicine men and women, or shamanic healers, is practiced in order to fight illness and disease. Constant contact with one's spirit guides and reverence to the Great Spirit for healing and well-being are a fundamental way of life.

Native American Indian tradition focuses on four elements of healing:

1. Symbolic ritual: the use of drums and chanting to enlist the aid of the spiritual world.
2. Shamanic healers: chanting and saging for purification.
3. Restoration of the body and spirit: deep breathing, drinking of teas and fasting to rid the body of impurities and restore a spiritually pure state.
4. Use of herbs with massage: herbs within a fermented rubbing solution are introduced via massage with the placement of stones on the body for the concentration and promotion of healing.

How does Native American Indian methodology treat symptoms of illness or control pain where conventional treatments have failed?

Spiritual communication, meditation and deep breathing may reduce stress and anxiety, bring about peace of mind and produce a sense of wholeness among patients. Native American Indian knowledge of herbs is extensive. Meditation, deep breathing and herbs can relieve pain faster and avoid the side effects caused by prescription drugs or other conventional treatments.

Is the purest form of Native American Indian Methodology of healing.
This method is the only one to be utilised in the UK - And, has qualified teachers that have been taught by a Shaman of the United States.

Native American Indian Massage and healing allows the body to come into balance with itself by helping it heal itself through massage.

This particular type of massage is particularly ideal for sports related injuries. Why?

During a sports activity the body is pushed to its maximum ability. When the body sustains an injury the injured area goes into trauma. The treatment relieves the shock of injury and allows the injured area to come into one with the body. Within 10 minutes of the massage there will be a substantial difference.

Carolyne qualified under Gloria Alkozer of ‘The International Belandu Institute of cultures & Customs’2005""

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
Re: "Native American Indian healing "
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 08:15:14 pm »

""Carolyne Burnett was born in Southern Africa’s Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) in 1975. Being brought up Africa, Carolyne has always had a keen interest in various customs and Cultures and utmost respect for all man kind and mother earth. From a young age Carolyne has had experiences that are ‘unexplainable’. Up till now. With years of experience in her field and a family history that goes back more than 55 years, Carolyne is well equipped to deal with most situations she encounters.

Carolyne studied the Native American culture under Gloria Martinez Alcozer who is a Shaman of her people. Carolyne has since qualified in Native American Healing and massage. Being a talented and gifted healer, she has helped people from all walks of life – with various complaints – whether it is physical, mental or spiritual. She comes highly recommended by all the people that she has helped.

Healing takes many forms; it is not simply the healing of the physical body but healing all round to help balance a person’s life and outlook. The healing reaches the far corners of a person’s existence. From past experiences to the now within a few sessions a person will see dramatic results.

With 4 years of meditation class, experience as well as psychic/mediumistic abilities developed within ‘spiritual groups’, Carolyne’s main gift is healing. Added to the experience of the before mentioned Carolyne has been involved in ceremonial events, learning the knowledge of cleansing of the body, mind and soul. Carolyne is a powerful healer in many ways and to this day she continues to transform lives.

Carolyne also has great abilities in clearing energies that are stagnant within a person’s home, giving a new lease of life and another chance to ‘start again’. These energies may have built up over time or may simply be that of the ‘spirit world’ that refuse to leave. She is a powerful medium and over the years released and freed many ‘trapped’ or ‘unwelcome’ souls.

Carolyne is kind and thoughtful and wants the opportunity to ‘make a difference’.""

United Kingdom
26 Manor Farm Road
Bitterne Park Triangle
SO18 1NP
Tel: 023 8067 8458
UK number: 07738 072008

Massage Healer and Teacher
Carolyne Burnett

Publishings, Events and Marketing Co-ordinator.
Michelle Brazier
Contact tel no is 07989547129
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
Re: "Native American Indian healing "
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 08:24:59 pm »
Belandu Institute

""Spiritual Retreats are an important part of Belandu - especially when studying the philosophy and ideology. ?

Red Rock Canyon, Nevada is an ideal place for such a retreat and it comes strongly recommended.

The Canyon is breath-taking with its contrast of colours. ? There are bushes and branches frosted with aqua and blue hues that flares through the red sunsets. ?  The sun when setting leaves a surreal glow on the desert and if you are standing on top of the canyon ? - you can actually feel you can hear the chanting of the Native American Indians amongst the echos of the wind.

Daniel Noyes is an experienced guide and historian, with a degree from Berkley University. ? He will assist you in your spiritual journey and take you through the canyon while pointing out the most significant sections for chanting, meditation and historical references. For more information on; accomodations, fees, times and dates please go to contact information. (All spiritual retreats will be planned for the second week of October 2006) ?  ? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2005 """

The History of Native American Indian Beliefs and Customs
 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  The origin of Belandu

* ? Defining the tribal nations and their similarities during and after the settlement of the ?  Americas
* ? Why saging, drumming and chanting was practiced during ritual
* ? How community; roles and their ? responsibilities,compare to spiritual belief
* ? Comparing the similarities of spiritual beliefs with those of other cultures and countries
 ?  ?  ?  ?
 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? (optional excursion)
* ? Field Trip into Indian reservations and hiking into the desert

 ?  ? 4 week course ? 30 hours (course fee does not include field trip)
 ?  ?  ? Fee: ? £80
Massage and Healing

* ? Theory
* ? Clinical
* ? Case Studies

2 week course 20 hours

perfect for continuing studies in massage and technique

Fee: ? £225 plus £35 for materials
Power Centering ?

* ? Geomancia and symbols/ how it relates to other cultures
* ? Power Centering & Feng Shui
* ? Comparing Chinese teachings to Belandu
* ? Deciphering harmonious balance/What is reality

3 week course 20 hours

perfect for continuing studies in Feng Shui

Fee: ? £325 plus £25 materials


Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
Re: "Native American Indian healing "
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 08:31:44 pm »
Daniel Noyes:

"" Article: Interactive yoga jewelry and the fire of life - by Daniel Noyes ?  
 ? The life force, fire of life, or chi that is the source of our being on this physical plane comes to us through a window or portal of energy. The art of practicing yoga is one modality that allows us to focus and tap into that source, to energize, and find balance and joyful calm. Finding that quiet place inside of us and a sense of physical and energetic balance can be a lot harder outside the confines of the yoga studio. What if we could access the fire of life on a regular basis in our daily lives, and on a deeper basis during yoga sessions? We would move closer to a state of ‘perfect balance’, where our chakras and acupuncture meridians would maintain vibrancy and balance, and daily life would have less stress and be more joyful. Practicing yoga is a great way to release stress as well as develop a mindful presence to our place in the universe. The breathing and various poses release stored up blockages and promote a flow of energy through our bodies. Unfortunately, we can not practice yoga 24 hours a day. Further, we are surrounded by things that can really stress us and put us out of balance. There are the environmental stresses of air, food and water pollution. Emotional and mental stresses from work and relationships can also have a dramatic effect on our natural balanced state. So what to do?

There is a new product that has been developed and tested in a clinical setting that can enhance the yoga experience: the Sunphire interactive yoga pendant. It is specially enhanced so that when worn it will open the portal to your fire of life. This naturally supports and enhances your chakra energies and acupuncture meridians so as to assist you in finding the perfect balance. It is especially effective during yoga, but also during your daily life. This dynamic yoga pendant brings light, energy, and well-being to all holistic lifestyles. So it also benefits practices of reiki,bodywork, meditation and personal growth. More information on the Sunphire can be found at Here are some other helpful suggestions for maintaining a mindful focus and reducing stress: Remember to take deep slow breaths when you feel stressed. Drink plenty of water. Avoid doing things in excess. Maintain a healthy and nutritious diet. Take a break from your daily or weekly routines and do something completely different. Spend some time alone every day. Get out in nature whenever time permits. Try not to take things personally. Practice yoga at least 4-5 times a week. Disclaimer: Statements made herein are provided for informational purposes and the products should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure a health condition or disease, or to replace the care of a qualified medical professional. ?  

Daniel Noyes has a M.S. in Botany & Biochemistry, and has been recognized by Marquis' Who's Who in Science & Engineering. He has been a student and teacher of holistic practices for over 20 years.""


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: "Native American Indian healing "
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2006, 07:25:38 pm »

From a young age Carolyne has had experiences that are ‘unexplainable’.

Haven't we all? When I was five I once caught a sparrow in my bare hands by sneaking up on a flock of them. If I was of a certain frame of mind I could claim that this means I'm some kind of "bird shaman" with super-dooper special powers. And I bet there's some hippie reading this and pitying me for not realising that I could develop my super-dooper special powers and become a shaman if only I was more "spiritual".

Carolyne studied the Native American culture under Gloria Martinez Alcozer who is a Shaman of her people. Carolyne has since qualified in Native American Healing and massage.

gaaaaahhhhh *chews chunk out of desk, hurls monitor across room*

Has anyone heard of this Alcozer character? There's not much on the web. This press release says nothing about her being Native:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Native American Indian healing "
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2006, 05:41:22 pm »
I know more than a little bit about Latino activists, being also Mexican myself and with a Cuban wife, and this is the first I've ever heard of her. I did find a few articles about her doing a walk for peace, that's about it.

If you go to the Belandu site, her own bio doesn't even mention her alleged ancestry. The only place to find it is in "Origins of Beldandu".

"Caddo Indians were a small group that inhabited the eastern and northeastern parts of Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana...Texas is the one state of the union where the Native American Indian had "completely" assimilated with the new settlers...
Alcozer Clan's Spiritual and cultural Belief:
My ancestors were from the northeastern part of Texas and after assimiliation, observing the photo above of my ancestors one can see that they did not continue the tradition of wearing deer skin and moccasins (many Natives did not). They also were not strong agriculturist instead they were horsemen, which led to speculation that they were more Comanche than Caddo but it wasn't true - And, just as our dress and customs were different so were our spiritual beliefs.
Within tribal nations there are clans that extend into extended families and within that extended family their spiritual beliefs and customs become strong in one particular belief and custom. My family's clan hold the belief of Belandu. Belandu, is the philosophy of complete balance and understanding within its environment.
The definition of "Belandu"  is 'Freedom'  a term to honour Ogua (the Great Spirit) and within that honour we honour each other and the beauty of the earth without restriction of ones humaness and fragility."

OK, why is a woman from Texas using the English spelling of honour, no tthe American one, honor?

The only English language sites I could find mentioning Belandu are from her and her franchisees. And here's something interesting. This history site says their word for Great Spirit is not Ogua, it's Ayanat Caddi, or as Ayo-Caddi-Aymay.

Caddo traditions don't look a thing like her claims, and they don't seem in danger of dying out from assimilation.